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Jinger 32: Light into the Darkness According to Jeremy

Coconut Flan

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16 hours ago, erunerune said:

You need to get to the pharmacy STAT and ask for Plan P. 

You might need to get a pup smear too.

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Ashley Salyer just posted an Instagram story featuring Jinger on piano. It sounds like they’re practicing the wedding march. Anyone know where they all are? Who’s getting hitched now?  




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On 11/1/2017 at 5:01 PM, SapphireSlytherin said:


I held my neighbor's baby yesterday during Trick-or-Treat. And now I'm pregnant??? Shit shit shit.

I saw two babies in a double stroller tonight coming home from dinner. I'm long past menopause!!!! What am I going to tell my husband?

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56 minutes ago, onekidanddone said:

I saw two babies in a double stroller tonight coming home from dinner. I'm long past menopause!!!! What am I going to tell my husband?

Tell him Jesus saw it fit to open your womb again and you’ll be blessed with quadruplets in 7 months or so, depending upon the numerous due dates given to you by your Midwife/Doula/Birth Coach. 

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On 2017-11-02 at 5:03 PM, Bad Wolf said:

There's a good chance that she'll be pregnant one day, then the leg humpers can say they were right. All they have to do is keep predicting.

Exactly, and then they are gonna be like "I knew that picture of a rusty car/glass of water/anything normal people would not connect to pregnancy was a sign she's pregnant!" :P 

Btw, on the Mormon and Twilight discussiuon (I know, I know, I'm a bit late to that, I'm always late for everything except for every meal  just like Maria in Sound of Music :my_angel:). Stephanie Meyer, the author of the Twilight series, is a Mormon and her books are heavily influenced by her Mormon view on things like sex, pregnancy and abortion. *Spoiler ahead* The fetus is almost killing Bella but she endures, for example. I read the books when I was 15 because I had a friend who was crazy about Twilight and I wanted to see if they were as bad as I thought they'd be.

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26 minutes ago, Queen said:

Exactly, and then they are gonna be like "I knew that picture of a rusty car/glass of water/anything normal people would not connect to pregnancy was a sign she's pregnant!" :P 

Btw, on the Mormon and Twilight discussiuon (I know, I know, I'm a bit late to that, I'm always late for everything except for every meal  just like Maria in Sound of Music :my_angel:). Stephanie Meyer, the author of the Twilight series, is a Mormon and her books are heavily influenced by her Mormon view on things like sex, pregnancy and abortion. *Spoiler ahead* The fetus is almost killing Bella but she endures, for example. I read the books when I was 15 because I had a friend who was crazy about Twilight and I wanted to see if they were as bad as I thought they'd be.

So that explains why Bella's dress had a mormon modest look. Back then I thought it was to mature looking for a 18 year old bride. But then again, it had a sheer opening in the back.

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I actually kind of enjoyed the Twilight books - the first 2 1/2 or so, anyway. Yeah, the writing sucked, and it was absolutely ridiculous, but that was just part of the charm. That said, I first picked them up when I was about 19. So I wasn't lusting over Edward or Jacob, but I was also past that age when I was going to hate something just because it was popular. I thought Stephenie Meyer was a pretty bad writer, but actually a pretty decent storyteller - up until the last book, anyway. No idea what happened there.

The relationship dynamics in Twilight are absolutely effed up, and it's unfortunate that young women would aspire to be stalked by a 100-year-old undead teenager who can't decide whether he wants to screw them or murder them and drain their blood from one moment to the next. But the relationship dynamics in Twilight never seemed uniquely awful to me. They seemed pretty par for the course, sadly enough. I'd seen the same or similar sentiments over and over again in other media, often media consumed and praised to high heaven by the very people who ripped Twilight to shreds. So that was interesting.

I feel weird that I'm semi defending Twilight here, because I honestly think it sucks and totally agree that it glorifies abusive relationships. That first movie was comedy gold, though. F---ing hilarious!

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27 minutes ago, singsingsing said:

I actually kind of enjoyed the Twilight books - the first 2 1/2 or so, anyway. Yeah, the writing sucked, and it was absolutely ridiculous, but that was just part of the charm. That said, I first picked them up when I was about 19. So I wasn't lusting over Edward or Jacob, but I was also past that age when I was going to hate something just because it was popular. I thought Stephenie Meyer was a pretty bad writer, but actually a pretty decent storyteller - up until the last book, anyway. No idea what happened there.

The relationship dynamics in Twilight are absolutely effed up, and it's unfortunate that young women would aspire to be stalked by a 100-year-old undead teenager who can't decide whether he wants to screw them or murder them and drain their blood from one moment to the next. But the relationship dynamics in Twilight never seemed uniquely awful to me. They seemed pretty par for the course, sadly enough. I'd seen the same or similar sentiments over and over again in other media, often media consumed and praised to high heaven by the very people who ripped Twilight to shreds. So that was interesting.

I feel weird that I'm semi defending Twilight here, because I honestly think it sucks and totally agree that it glorifies abusive relationships. That first movie was comedy gold, though. F---ing hilarious!

I pretty much agree that the two first books are OK storywise. She writes worse than some of my students when it comes to language (second language learners out of which many don't give a fuck beyond passing the course so that they can forget what they learned and move on with their lives) but I still thought that it was OK. The third one was expectedly a book that was relatively boring so that it would lead up to a good final book but that one was just mostly WTF. I hated Edward throughout the story but I am not in the camp that says that all books must feature healthy relationships and characters that people should strive to become like so that bothered me less than the poor writing. 

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Twilight isn't very good, but I'm kind of fascinated with it as a LDS Fantasy (like how The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe is Christian Fantasy.) The glamorization of the big happy family who does #familyfun activities together, the happy ending of being together with your true love literally forever, whatever was going on with the Native werewolves... it's so LDS.

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The sketchiest part of the entire Twilight series for me was that imprinting stuff with the werewolves. SERIOUSLY messed up. Grown men 'imprinting' on children or even infants, and that means that they are destined to be together. Romantically. Sexually. At some point in the future. Sure, they're not pursuing this 'destiny' while the children are children, but hollllly crap. Looking at a 3-year-old and knowing you're going to be married to her one day? The kid having absolutely no agency in their choice of future partner, and just knowing from the time they can form thoughts that they're going to marry this significantly older man? Does the guy just sit around waiting for them to grow up, or is he allowed to date other people in the mean time? At what point is the child he imprinted on 'ready' to enter into an actual relationship with him? Right at 18? 16? Puberty?

I mean, what the actual fuck, Stephenie Meyer. What. The. Fuck.

(Also, the ending was complete bullshit. Bella just gets everything she wants, and everything is perfect. She has a hot vampire husband with whom she gets to have lots of hot vampire sex. She has this beautiful magical accelerated child, so becoming a vampire didn't rob her of the experience of being a mother after all. She has a perfect, rich, beautiful vampire family. She gets to keep her bff Jacob around. And guess what, Jacob 'imprinted' on her infant daughter, so they're going to be family 4ever!! Oh, and her dad is totally cool with everything. He just pretends nothing weird is happening and sticks around. Haha!

Bella did not have to sacrifice anything. The main conflict in the entire series was the agony of choosing to become a vampire so she can be with Edward but lose all hope of ever having a normal life and walking away from everyone else she loves, or to stay mortal and lose Edward. Then in the end she just gets to have the best of both worlds. The entire conflict was pointless, a mirage. I don't care about the dumb descriptions and stilted dialogue, THAT right there is bad writing!)

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7 minutes ago, singsingsing said:

The sketchiest part of the entire Twilight series for me was that imprinting stuff with the werewolves. SERIOUSLY messed up. Grown men 'imprinting' on children or even infants, and that means that they are destined to be together. Romantically. Sexually. At some point in the future. Sure, they're not pursuing this 'destiny' while the children are children, but hollllly crap. Looking at a 3-year-old and knowing you're going to be married to her one day? The kid having absolutely no agency in their choice of future partner, and just knowing from the time they can form thoughts that they're going to marry this significantly older man? Does the guy just sit around waiting for them to grow up, or is he allowed to date other people in the mean time? At what point is the child he imprinted on 'ready' to enter into an actual relationship with him? Right at 18? 16? Puberty?

I mean, what the actual fuck, Stephenie Meyer. What. The. Fuck.

That was also the thing I wtf'd over the hardest while skimming the Twilight books (they were in the breakroom at a job I had at the time, so I'd read through them out of curiosity) It's creepy enough on its own that Jacob would be all "Welp, I can't have Bella so I'm just going to eventually bang her daughter. Good runner up" but damn, she's a child. 

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12 hours ago, Oh_Dear! said:

Ashley Salyer just posted an Instagram story featuring Jinger on piano. It sounds like they’re practicing the wedding march. Anyone know where they all are? Who’s getting hitched now?

Amber Diaz-Perez and Levi Schadt (son of Mike Schadt, who's involved in SOS Ministries)

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That’s the same idea that weirded me out in The Time Traveler’s Wife. When the adult male lead would visit his future wife when she was a child. Just kinda weird dynamics there. 

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1 hour ago, HarleyQuinn said:

That was also the thing I wtf'd over the hardest while skimming the Twilight books (they were in the breakroom at a job I had at the time, so I'd read through them out of curiosity) It's creepy enough on its own that Jacob would be all "Welp, I can't have Bella so I'm just going to eventually bang her daughter. Good runner up" but damn, she's a child. 

No no no, you see Jacob was never actually in love with Bella, he was actually in love with the egg hanging out in her left ovary that would eventually be fertilized by Edward and become Renesme. SO IT IS FINE. TOTES NOT WEIRD TO MARRY THE DAUGHTER OF THE GIRL YOU KISSED IN HIGH SCHOOL. Nope. Nothing to see there. 

Not to mention that Bella and Edward are mentally frozen at age 17/18 for eternity. The fact that Stephenie Meyer thinks that is a good thing, says a lot about her inner mental state. Oh and it is totally a wonderful thing that Renesme's entire childhood lasts 7 years. That's all she gets before she's a full grown adult (teen probably, because SM apparently thinks being a teen forever is the best case scenario) and presumably marrying Jacob, her first and only romantic partner from the time she was BORN. Nope, not weird at all. Sounds like a perfect mormon romance to me!

ETA: @nickelodeon, have you read LDS Sparkledammerung? It is just this girl's amazing LJ post from 2008 but she gets in deep with all of the Mormon symbolism and easter eggs in the Twilight series. Like the fact that Edward's physical description is exactly like Joseph Smith's??? "HI THERE CREEPY AUTHOR WANTING TO BONE YOUR PROPHET," is the best thing anyone has ever written in response to Twilight. 

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That’s the same idea that weirded me out in The Time Traveler’s Wife. When the adult male lead would visit his future wife when she was a child. Just kinda weird dynamics there. 

Yes. This. That book totally creeped me out and I’ve never understood all the love for it. He was grooming her.
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On 11/2/2017 at 10:44 AM, Knight of Ni said:

Posters on Instagram seem to think that every one of her pictures is supposed to be hiding a secret message that she’s pregnant. The picture of the yeast rolls she posted was supposed to mean that she has a bun in the oven. They are getting more ridiculous as time goes on. 

Maybe it means she has a yeast infection?

3 hours ago, singsingsing said:

I feel weird that I'm semi defending Twilight here, because I honestly think it sucks and totally agree that it glorifies abusive relationships. That first movie was comedy gold, though. F---ing hilarious!

I saw the first movie with a friend, and the entire audience was laughing constantly. One girl stood up at one point and shouted, "stop laughing, it's not funny!!" So everyone laughed at her instead...

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Ok I loved Twilight as a teenager. But the werewolf, imprinting thing was hella creepy. 

Everybody talks about Bella and Edward being insufferable, but I found Jacob to be more irritating than the two combined.

Looking back, the first movie was a hot mess. In the cafeteria scene, there was literally a crew member ducking and running across the screen. They didn't edit it out. New Moon was the worst movie though. 

I'm also so glad they made Edward stop sparkling in the last couple movies. 

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I admit I read and enjoyed the first book when I was about 15...the whole chaste yet fucked-up romance thing was entertaining and right up my alley as an awkward pubescent teen. Then I read the rest of them to see what would happen. The last book was entirely WTF. Didn't even try to see the movies. Glad to know that wasn't a bad idea.

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Speaking of WTF last books have any of you ever read Allegiant? It's the last book of the Divergent trilogy, and ruins the entire series with its ending. It's a shame, as the first book was actually pretty good and set up an interesting plot

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Wasn't Renesmee basically a Taltos from the Anne Rice mythos?  "Renesmee" :2wankers:

Count me in the ones who think being perpetually 17 would be terrible!

And we "broke" the Time Traveller's Wife for the friend who recommended it for book group.  I know some people love it, but holy shit, the grooming!  A modern Daddy Long Legs, except future-husband absolutely should have known better.

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I read part of the Twilight series on plane rides since my roommate loved them so much. Couldn't really get into it and did school work instead. It's nice to know how it ends though that sounds quite, um, off the train.

We were into the Vampire Diaries books because someone's older sister had them, way different from the series I hear. Though we totally did a dumb supper to see our future husbands and I remember them being chaste, sort of cute, then the tv series came along and the author wrote more that were just downright weird.

@Knight of Ni The Time Traveler's Wife had a ton of weird stuff in it, I was more weirded out when his dad walks in on him post sweet fellowship with his future self and the bizarre long explanation about how everyone would do it if they could. Where was the editor on that one? It was really unnecessary to the book and really the book is a lot more about him than her. 

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9 minutes ago, cascarones said:

his dad walks in on him post sweet fellowship with his future self 

WAIT WHAT? I thought that was just a boring soft-sci-fi romance for moms! What the hell!? He has sex with himself??? I mean, good for him I guess. Does that make him bisexual? Or does it count as masturbation?

That seriously sounds like something stolen straight out of an explicit Dr. Who fanfic. 

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I read Twilight and liked it for the most part.  It is very Mormon and not my usial read but well within my fav genre. I read them mostly on vacation due to the fact I could put it down and enjoy vaca, lol.  I wonder if the imprinting is the author sneaking in the sealing rituals temple Mormons do?  Bella should've boned Jacob.  I would've.   :D

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1 hour ago, Jinder Roles said:

Ok I loved Twilight as a teenager. But the werewolf, imprinting thing was hella creepy. 

I liked it too when I was 18 and read the first couple. The pacing was bad but I was along for what I could tell was a twisted ride. It wasn't until I got to the end that I realized, what was obviously twisted to me was obviously not twisted to Stephenie Meyer. When I got to the "and everyone lived happily forever after at age 17 for eternity and Jacob married his child bride and there's totally nothing wrong with any of this the end." I was like, holy shit this woman is nuts.

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I watched the first Twilight movie with my roommates in university, in the kitchen during finals. We were hysterical laughing. Take a drink everytime Edward looks constipated!*

* Don't do it! You'll die! :P 

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