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Lori Alexander 30: Bad Speller, Worse Teacher, the Worst Mentor


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And what about women who choose not to have all the baybeez because of medical conditions affecting her or her husband and the possibility of passing them on?(Hi, Lori! :greetings-wavingyellow:)

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You all will love this! Touches on the "Women aren't made in God's image" topic. 




Men were created in the image of and to be the glory of God. In following our instruction to be in dominion over the earth, men have many choices of what to do with their lives that would fall into Gods “will” and “calling” for us (as men).

Women on the other hand were created for a different purpose. They were created to be the companion and helper of a man. (Genesis 2:18) Women were created “for the man” and to be the “glory of the man” (1 Corinthians 11:7-8). This is what God PLAINLY tells you that your purpose and calling is.

Ladies, how can you help and be the glory of a man if you do not marry one? How can you be a crown to your husbands head if you don’t have one? (Proverbs 12:4) How can you claim to be a Christian (follower of Christ) if you do not obey the commands he has given SPECIFICALLY to you in His word?

The simple truth is…. you can’t.



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She has such black and white, either or thinking. If a woman says she was made for more than being a wife and mother then she must actually hate her children. Or this feminist woman must look down at SAHMs. Noooo they just want to be able to do multiple things if they want. People can be BOTH and not hate SAHMs.

  I've met plenty of parents/ mothers who probably should not have had children. Is the child any less important? No. But many live this life of misery cause they don't have fit parents. And it's sad. 

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1 hour ago, usmcmom said:

Just wondering...has anybody seen one of these viral posts come across their own Facebook page? Other social media?  


I've seen some of her crap come up in feminist groups on FB, in a 'can you BELIEVE this crap?' way. Every time I see them I post the infamous Dave screenshot in a comment. 

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So I noticed that Lori often features pictures of women to go along with her posts. I wonder how these women feel about having their picture attached to these posts. Where does Lori find them? Google? Then she better be careful because these women might be professional models. Also I'd like to have a few kind words with Trey. If he'd even talk to me. After all I'm a young, unmarried female who happens to not only work but attend a seminary where I'm pursuing a Master's degree in clinical mental health counseling. According to him I'm probably not a Christian. 

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Speaking of bizarre comments (looking at you, Trey), I have noticed that Jeff has been leaving these bitter, incoherent babblings about women who think they are too good to marry certain men.

I thought that was weird enough, but Ken's response to him :pb_eek:  He suggests "marriage camps", which sounds a lot like The Bachelor.  The whole thing sounds so crazy, I don't know which parts to highlight...


Unfortunately what you are illustrating is all too true, Jeff. The higher up the education ladder parents push their daughters the less “educational” matches they can find in godly guys. The guy they should have married who would have made them very happy is now an auto mechanic lamenting the fact that the selection of godly girls is slim pickins, at least the ones who want to date him or feel they can marry and “respect him.” He will often go on to find a good match, and retire with plenty in his 401K from hard work, where the girl he had a crush on in youth group goes on to finally marry at 32, continue her career in biotech or medicine, with only 1-2 children raised just like the rest of the world,, except they go to church each Sunday, if she is not divorced by 36.

Don’t misunderstand, readers, I too felt no guy was really good enough for my daughters, and that college was and career was a natural path until the right one came along. But going too deep down that route does risk rising expectations for who one marries, and if outside of God’s will, risks never marrying, or never having kids, or worst of all, marrying the wrong guy feeling the window of marriage is closing fast.

I do wonder what Christian marriages would look like if at 22 there were marriage camps where the guys and girls spent a week getting to know each of the opposite sex, then matching up for a a week alone with one person, then marrying the 3/4’s of the couples that thought they had found their match. Such an approach places far more trust in God and in commitment, than in the dating approach used today to find a spouse. You would only find out what college the person had or had not attended and what career path they were on after the second two weeks when you were already in love. It would make a great TV reality show :). Assuming those attending the camp were godly, these marriages should always remain strong.

Are these people just bats?  I mean, what the everlasting hell?  Ken's carrying on about reality tv, and "camps" where people marry after 2 weeks.  Where the hell can I find that in the Bible? 

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2 hours ago, usmcmom said:

Just wondering...has anybody seen one of these viral posts come across their own Facebook page? Other social media?  Has it been emailed to you from other writers you follow?  

For me the answers are no, no and no. With these VIRAL posts, it seems we'd have at least seen it once or twice outside of Lori Land. 

I'd to know of any of you have seen them elsewhere. 

Jilly shared one or two on FB which is how I discovered the Lordly Lori.

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From Trey.

"Ladies, how can you help and be the glory of a man if you do not marry one? How can you be a crown to your husbands head if you don’t have one? (Proverbs 12:4) How can you claim to be a Christian (follower of Christ) if you do not obey the commands he has given SPECIFICALLY to you in His word?  The simple truth is…. you can’t".

I quit giving head years ago.

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Just wondering...has anybody seen one of these viral posts come across their own Facebook page? Other social media?  Has it been emailed to you from other writers you follow?  
For me the answers are no, no and no. With these VIRAL posts, it seems we'd have at least seen it once or twice outside of Lori Land. 
I'd to know of any of you have seen them elsewhere. 

A couple of relatives (evangelicals) shared the husbands shouldn’t help at home doodle around the time it went viral. One got a ton of pushback for it which amused me.
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Ken’s “marriage camp” sounds an awful lot like that vile “Let Them Marry” conference.(Except, hopefully, the participants would be a little older.)

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Apparently women are called by God to be doctors if its only a small amount but if a large amount, they can't possibly be called by God. 


jessica westendorf.PNG

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39 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

I'd like to see how Lori's Uterus doodle goes over with nuns.

Someone just asked about this, but the comment was deleted so fast my head spun a little. I'm surprised Lori didn't use it as an opportunity to say that most nuns are Catholic and don't count because they aren't Christians anyway. :pb_rollseyes:

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She just deleted someone who asked a simple few word question. Forget what it was though it all happened so quickly. I think she is really frustrated with having to answer the same things over and over again as new people show up. I can hear her thinking in a huff" not this again, can't they just read my blog, I've said this a million times". Of course we know though this is the price you pay for being a public figure. So instead of taking time to answer the question, she just deletes and pretends the person never existed. What a helpful teacher. 

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1 minute ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

 I can hear her thinking in a huff" not this again, can't they just read my blog, I've said this a million times".

Maybe teaching isn't for you, LoriKen.

I really hate her. She's, like, a representation of all the dumb people who are anti-intellectual and cling to their ignorance as a good thing. She's like that kid in my grade school who made fun of people with good grades and got others to join in. Or the kid who wants to make sure that everyone knows that actually liking anything is just dumb and uncool. 

She's a bully and a bitch and completely ignorant and she wants to be ignorant which is something I just can't understand. 

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34 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Apparently women are called by God to be doctors if its only a small amount but if a large amount, they can't possibly be called by God. 

As I understand it, the assertion is that there can be specific callings between God and the individual, but most working Christian women probably don't have that calling. Wouldn't that, uh, be between the woman and God to determine? :pb_rollseyes:

50 minutes ago, smittykins said:

Ken’s “marriage camp” sounds an awful lot like that vile “Let Them Marry” conference.

Yeah, I thought of that, too. No need to point out that it sounds like a terrible reality show premise, cause it's already in there. 

Not sure what's supposed to scare us about the woman who has an education and STEM career, marries in her early 30's and has 1-2 kids. Finding personal fulfillment in life, settling down with a partner and welcoming children into a socially and financially stable household? The horrors! I think someone already pointed out the stat about marriages with college educated women being more likely to last long-term.

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So with Trey's comments and just sheer numbers where women outnumber men in churches the line of argument is heading full speed ahead towards polygamy.

I love how the fertility cult heresies emerge so swiftly  and to such a degree on the heals of yesterday's token attempt at twisting the words of Jesus in the gospel of Mark; revealing what Lori is really about - and it's not about people knowing Jesus.  It's about her position as queen her cult.

What I would say to Lori:  I am fearfully and wonderfully made, a joint heir with Christ.  The same Spirit of the Living God dwells in me as every male believer, and gifts and equips me with the same spiritual gifts as any other.  There is no slave nor free, no Jew nor Gentile, no male nor female with regard to the Holy Spirit in us.  

My life is in no way less than.  I am not sinful for being infertile.  I am not grieving anything - I have been given everything I need for life and godliness.  Some of what God has given me includes a husband, a home, an education, and a career.  

The Word of the Lord, which I have read completely in the original Hebrew and Greek, (just to be sure) never tells women that they cannot work.  It never says women MUST have children.  There are a lot of things which the Bible never says that Lori insists it means.  Someday she will be held accountable for the apostasy of adding to the Word of God.  If I were her, I would be trembling before God with the thought that He might judge her in the manner she judges others.

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One of her followers commented a while back about infertility- Lori deleted it but I have a screenshot somewhere . It’s an untrue and hurtful comment that I don’t believe should be posted. 

And I went scrolling through that Mykal’s page (I think it was his)- he or one of his friends had a post loosely advocating polygyny- if a man has a wife with a sister and the sister’s husband dies, the man should then marry the wife’s sister and some other nonsense. 

I thought this was interesting today. I haven’t listened to the podcast- the meme caught my attention. 


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Lori says in comments at her blog


If a woman wants to dedicate herself in the service of the Lord, this is great, but most women will marry and God created marriage so it is good. He instructs young women to marry, bear children, and guide the home. If a woman decides she wants to be a doctor, she shouldn’t have children since the children will be neglected. Every single female doctor that I have known personally and talked with admits to neglecting their children and husband. It’s not a life for a mother and maybe not even a wife because most careers takes them away from home for hours every day.

Come on, can you imagine that conversation? I don't believe for one second a woman who admit to neglecting husband and children. How many female doctor friends does she possibly have? Then again she is a wealthy and probably hangs in those circles.  I doubt they  know about her blog. 

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1 hour ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

@Frog99I wonder if that is what motivated Lori's doodle. Lori hates Jen Hatmaker.

I don’t know- the meme was dated today and I just listened to the podcast and don’t remember the topic being addressed so head on- but I was multi tasking and could have missed it.  The podcast did reference loving yourself and taking care of yourself- that has to be coincidence, right? The podcast I think came out Sunday or Monday. Amena Brown’s spoken word poem was awesome! 

Edited for clarification. 

I came across her page when a friend shared the doodle about men not helping with housework (or a similar one). He was posting for he hilarity of it and said he must have it all wrong. His wife works full time (out of the home) and goes to school. He stays home with their 4 children and homeschools their two oldest. It wasn’t always that way but they have both commented that the roles they have now are a better fit for them. 

I then googled Lori and ended up here. 

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49 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Lori says in comments at her blog

Come on, can you imagine that conversation? I don't believe for one second a woman who admit to neglecting husband and children. How many female doctor friends does she possibly have? Then again she is a wealthy and probably hangs in those circles.  I doubt they  know about her blog. 

Here's that conversation.

Lori:  "Do you neglect your husband and your children?  Of course you do"!

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4 hours ago, Carol said:

From Trey.

"Ladies, how can you help and be the glory of a man if you do not marry one? How can you be a crown to your husbands head if you don’t have one? (Proverbs 12:4) How can you claim to be a Christian (follower of Christ) if you do not obey the commands he has given SPECIFICALLY to you in His word?  The simple truth is…. you can’t".

I quit giving head years ago.


I think Trey is pissed that he can't find a woman to marry him, and then obey him constantly, particularly when he is in the mood for the joyless physical release he knows as "sex." So he rushes to his Bible to find proof that women are supposed to marry. It's their fault he's an incel! Even Lori doesn't agree with him.

Interesting to me that on a Wednesday morning, when most people are busy at work--Trey has the time to read Lori's post and respond to it.  I guess living in your mother's basement has it's advantages.

I think Lori's conversation with her doctor goes like this:

Lori's female doctor is looking in Lori's wrinkled, sun-damaged ear.

Lori: So many patients in your waiting room! You must be busy.

Doctor: Yes, our practice is pretty busy nowadays.

Lori: It must be hard to find time for your family. . . with your career and all.

Doctor: [politely] Yes, it can get tricky sometimes, but we. . . 

Lori: [thinks, "Yes! She actually admits she neglects her family."!]


Perhaps Lori doesn't even stop there. . .

Doctor: Can you turn your head to the left, please. . 

Lori: I hope you don't mind my saying this, but I am an older woman and God commands me to teach you. . . 

Doctor: [pauses, looks politely at Lori]

Lori: Even if your practice is busy and you come home very tired, your husband needs regular sex. He has ten times the testosterone you do.

Doctor:  Excuse me, I. . . 

Lori: Men are very visual. You don't want him to turn to porn. Also, who watches your children during the day? Whoever it is, they aren't good enough. Children want and need their mother.

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Typical unsympathetic, bitchy response...

Next time Lori bitches about negative book reviews someone has to say that to her. 

rachael graham.PNG

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