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Jill, Derick, Israel and the Shower Rack- Part 21


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I'm not sure if I've ever really seen Michelle hold/snuggle a baby in a motherly way. But I didn't watch that many of the older episodes so I might be wrong.

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In their circles babies are trained to be soldiers for God, not to be snuggled or held. Blanket training and other abusive means are used to quickly beat them into submission

Sorry, I need to throw up now.

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On 12/9/2016 at 4:23 PM, Dugg@rTime said:

Vending machine? Fits the context too.

Yup. I guess I been typing gender more than vending. Plus I didn't pay to close of attention since I was wandering around the Magic Kingdom. 

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9 hours ago, ClaraOswin said:

I don't care where women decide to breastfeed. But I always hated seeing Michelle walking around with the kid held up on one of those pillows. Because I am pretty sure there's a warning that says you should NOT do that.

What bothers me is the hypocrisy about modesty. Can't show cleavage because men thinking about breast gets them all hot and bothered. But go ahead and breast feed that baby anywhere you please because apparently this is a time when men will not think about your breasts. 

I'm in total support of public breast feeding and increasing access for women in the workplace. But ironically this is an issue where people might want to consider "modesty" (although I prefer etiquette, as it's about respecting others boundaries). I had a grad school supervisor nurse in front of me during a meeting. I told her I could come back at a later time. It was....weird to be talking with your supervisor while they are nursing. It's SUPER uncomfortable. Like I get that you are busy with a new baby but there was no reason for me to meet while nursing. I suspect she did it for attention like Michelle. 

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13 hours ago, twinmama said:

I can't recall what age kids Michelle nursed in front of, but they must have been older if Jill was talking about that Prince Charming book. Honestly, anything to make people lose their stupid hangups about breastfeeding is fine with me.

If Michelle were breastfeeding anywhere and everywhere just to promote a 'breast is best' agenda, I'd be annoyed because I think how you feed your baby should be determined by what is best for the mother and the baby.  A woman who can't breastfeed for any reason could be left feeling like they're inferior, and I can't believe that's a good or a kind way to support a new mother.

But in Michelle's case, I don't think she was promoting breastfeeding so much as she was treating feeding time as a stunt.  With her, I saw shades of "Look at me, I'm feeding in the best way!", and "Look at me, I'm feeding in the best way and I'm being modest, too!"  There might even have been a component of "Look at me, I'm feeding in the best way, and I'm being modest, and I'm able to do it while multi tasking, like a busy mother with a ton of God-given children must be able to do!"  

But in the end, I've always felt like Michelle was actually saying all of the above, especially the "LOOK AT ME!" part, with the added benefit of being able to ignore her infant because the baby was hidden under her stupid tent.

I'm impressed with Michelle's ability to breast feed all those kids, but I question the reason for doing it the way she did.

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9 hours ago, PennySycamore said:

You're right about the MyBrestFriend having a warning that they are not to be used unless mother is sitting down, @ClaraOswin.  it appeared that Michelle was nursing with as little body contact with the baby as possible.  Which baby was it anyway?  

Jordyn the forgotten. 

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When a nursing mother comes to my home, fuck that modesty shit. She can nurse anywhere she wants. Feeding a baby trumps modesty.

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When a nursing mother comes to my home, fuck that modesty shit. She can nurse anywhere she wants. Feeding a baby trumps modesty.

Love it! I'm currently nursing my third child, with the first two I made a huge effort to cover up while feeding and found it really difficult to feed in public #wellendowedladiesproblems! This time around I don't particularly care about covering up because I'm more concerned with nourishing my baby than about offending people with a perfectly natural and normal part of life.
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I didn't breastfeed my son. If I had, I don't think I would have done it in front of many people just because of my own comfort level. But I really don't feel uncomfortable if others breastfeed around me. It's not like I'm sitting there staring at their breasts or anything.

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I've seen several mothers breastfeed at church during a sermon, no "modesty" covering necessary. Actually I see quite a few women publicly breastfeed and it's never been an issue. Nobody freaked out or gawked. If your baby's hungry you gotta feed it. 

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50 minutes ago, Jinder Roles said:

I've seen several mothers breastfeed at church during a sermon, no "modesty" covering necessary. Actually I see quite a few women publicly breastfeed and it's never been an issue. Nobody freaked out or gawked. If your baby's hungry you gotta feed it. 

This I don't mind. It's fine when you are doing it in public and occuring as needed. My mother did this often. It's another thing when you are holding a one on one conversation with someone in an office when this person is your direct supervisor. It changed the nature of the relationship. It's kind of difficult to keep eye contact while holding a conversation when your supervisor has an infant feeding on her breast. I don't want to start mommy wars because I know how hard it is for women in the work force and this is an important right but I do understand the other side of it. I feel that as a student I should not necessarily be forced to converse with a teacher who is breastfeeding. I would have happily discussed issues over Skype or over the phone or found an alternative if time was a factor. I don't know maybe I have PTSD about that experience and it's my version of the shower rod. 

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I remember I was at the mall and someone was breastfeeding without a cover and whoever I was with made a comment like "ugh can't she cover that up?" I was like "well do you eat your food with a cover too? cause I know I wouldn't enjoy it! They shut it up :)

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@Snarkle Motion,  your supervisor may not have planned on feeding the baby while she was talking to you, but her baby might have been hungry or fussy.  Babies are a bit unpredictable. 

This is one of my favorite videos:


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3 hours ago, Snarkle Motion said:

This I don't mind. It's fine when you are doing it in public and occuring as needed. My mother did this often. It's another thing when you are holding a one on one conversation with someone in an office when this person is your direct supervisor. It changed the nature of the relationship. It's kind of difficult to keep eye contact while holding a conversation when your supervisor has an infant feeding on her breast. I don't want to start mommy wars because I know how hard it is for women in the work force and this is an important right but I do understand the other side of it. I feel that as a student I should not necessarily be forced to converse with a teacher who is breastfeeding. I would have happily discussed issues over Skype or over the phone or found an alternative if time was a factor. I don't know maybe I have PTSD about that experience and it's my version of the shower rod. 

I think you have every right to feel however you want to feel. If it makes you uncomfortable, that is completely legitimate and no one should judge you for that. I think if I were in that situation and was uncomfortable, I would have just stated that I'd feel more comfortable coming back when she was finished feeding her child. Because yes, it does seem a bit strange to do it in that situations. Even if it was a baby being fed with a bottle...it's just kind of odd to not postpone the meeting or whatever. And I mean...if she, herself, had been chowing down on her own lunch...kind of weird.

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I think with breastfeeding, it is natural and you have a right to feed your child but certain situations...maybe do it somewhere else. My cousin had a baby and she was breastfeeding and she fed the baby wherever. My issue was when she sat down in the living room during a family gathering with my 80+ year old grandparents and started to do it. The whole room went silent and my grandfather was clearly uncomfortable. There were plenty of empty rooms and she could have done it in a more private place. That's a situation where I think that it would have been best to go somewhere else.

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39 minutes ago, Carm_88 said:

I think with breastfeeding, it is natural and you have a right to feed your child but certain situations...maybe do it somewhere else. My cousin had a baby and she was breastfeeding and she fed the baby wherever. My issue was when she sat down in the living room during a family gathering with my 80+ year old grandparents and started to do it. The whole room went silent and my grandfather was clearly uncomfortable. There were plenty of empty rooms and she could have done it in a more private place. That's a situation where I think that it would have been best to go somewhere else.

Agreed. I like the food analogy someone mentioned above. Yes you can eat most places but it's generally consider impolite to whip out food (or a cell phone) in certain situations when you could easily step into another room. Again my mother was a big breast feeding advocate and I think my issues have more to do with my hatred of this professor in general and her holding up my dissertation. 

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To me, Michelle feeding Baby Jordyn on a parade float going down the street just harkens to the "fly by the seat of your pants" attitude they seem to have with regards to parenting. Kids can eat on a float, sleep in their jeans, be late for everything, not learn science, whatever. Yes, it's entirely possible Baby Jordyn was just nursing for comfort on the float, we have no way of knowing. But in that case, a fussy nursing baby has no business in a parade in the first place. It's not like the baby is getting anything out of that experience.

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13 minutes ago, Screamapillar said:

To me, Michelle feeding Baby Jordyn on a parade float going down the street just harkens to the "fly by the seat of your pants" attitude they seem to have with regards to parenting. Kids can eat on a float, sleep in their jeans, be late for everything, not learn science, whatever. Yes, it's entirely possible Baby Jordyn was just nursing for comfort on the float, we have no way of knowing. But in that case, a fussy nursing baby has no business in a parade in the first place. It's not like the baby is getting anything out of that experience.

Oh man I missed that. Is there video or photos to be found of this incident?

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Does this mean he doesn't mind the Mall of America hiring a black Santa? Because he totally seems like the type of adult to have a meltdown screaming, "SANTA IS WHITE!"

But seriously Derick, don't be a dick. But he thinks animal abuse is funny, so there's no hope there for him being a decent human.

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I would like to run Mr Dillard into DD, who loves to argue and would tell him that Christians stole the holiday from the Pagan celebrations of Yule and Solstice- it would be fun! The last time I won an arguement with DD, she was small enough to be shoved into a room and Bigfoot had to hold the door shut. She was shoved into the room because I was about to lose my temper and do something I would regret.

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