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Jill, Derick, Israel and the Shower Rack- Part 21


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On 12/5/2016 at 5:56 PM, sansan said:

As an old mother of two, eating is a good thing. Try to introduce new things, aka vegetables or fruit, a little at a time. There were certain things my kids would not try until they were almost adults. Now they are getting the same treatment from my adorbs grandchildren. What goes around comes around I always say.

Ain't that the truth!? I was the world's pickiest eater as a child, as was my husband. When my boys were babies and young toddlers they ate anything I gave them. Any fruit, any vegetable. I was so damn smug.

Then they turned 2.5 years old and wouldn't eat broccoli anymore, then no more carrots, then no spinach and sweet potatoes and it just kept going, dropping fruits and veggies from their diet.

They are 5 now and eat apples and bananas pretty reliably, and one will eat carrots or green pepper strips, both with hummus. The other won't eat a single veggie that I can think of. I'm just getting the payback for my own childhood now :) I just tell myself that it's a phase, even if it's a long one, because I eat all kinds of veggies now. lol

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I'm glad Cathy isn't having a relapse. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. 

What I do wish is she be a little more sensitive when talking about how God  cured her cancer when there are thousands of good people each year that die from it. If you're in a "public" spotlight like Cathy, you're basically disrespecting everyone who ever lost someone to cancer by saying God chose to cure you and not them. 

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7 minutes ago, SuchABlessing said:

What I do wish is she be a little more sensitive when talking about how God  cured her cancer when there are thousands of good people each year that die from it.

This kind of talk drives me nuts. I just drove by a church with a sign saying "Don't worry, god has a wonderful plan for your life" and all I could think was "unless he decides you should get cancer and die at 25" and it just made me SO angry. Like do they think those kinds of events ARE part of a great plan? Really???

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17 minutes ago, SuchABlessing said:

I'm glad Cathy isn't having a relapse. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. 

What I do wish is she be a little more sensitive when talking about how God  cured her cancer when there are thousands of good people each year that die from it. If you're in a "public" spotlight like Cathy, you're basically disrespecting everyone who ever lost someone to cancer by saying God chose to cure you and not them. 

As a doctor my mom gets so pissed when people credit a higher power for saving their life, instead of you know - doctors and advanced medicine. 

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Derrick is in SFO? Will keep my eyes peeled for a Real Live Fundie Sighting. Not many round here, the best I can hope for normally is to run into a Dauer. 

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My pet peeve is people fighting illness especially cancer.  If they die, does that mean they didn't fight hard enough?  If they realise that things are incurable and go for palliation is that failing to fight?

I get that its meant to be uplifting but to me it just makes people who die seem like they didn't fight hard enough :(

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53 minutes ago, imokit said:

My pet peeve is people fighting illness especially cancer.  If they die, does that mean they didn't fight hard enough?  If they realise that things are incurable and go for palliation is that failing to fight?

I get that its meant to be uplifting but to me it just makes people who die seem like they didn't fight hard enough :(

Agree. I lost my mom to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma about 11 years ago, and she was first diagnosed in 1991. Doctors told her that she wouldn't live to see me graduate high school -- she said, "Oh yeah?" She had four relapses, two bone marrow transplants, a stem cell transplant and about every chemo and radiation possible. So, ain't no one gonna tell me that she didn 't fight hard enough. No one.
Must have been because she was a good little Catholic girl. They're just ebil, you know?

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3 hours ago, socalrules said:

He might not be going to San Francisco. It's possible he is going to change planes there or just has a layover. I am sure Arkansas doesn't have as many direct flights as other places. For all we know it's for a trip being filmed for the show. I am sure he isn't going to a vacation. 

He doesn't need to go on vacation. His whole life is a vacation.

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Obviously California's citizens are in desperate need of saving - consider how the state voted in the recent election, refusing to follow the fundy herd and vote for that paragon of virtue they backed.

I'm calling it now - Derick, Jill and Izzy's next mission will be in SF where they will convert the residents of Silicon Valley, and the Castro :)


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I hate hosptial photos, it always seems like a desperate cry for attention.
I saw the Dullards supetsized their donate button on their website too lol.

To me they feel... Exploitive almost. Unless Cathy posted this herself, in which case, I take it back.

When I was in the hospital I was horrified at the idea of mom taking pictures. I finally let her take one to send to dad (who I guess needed proof that I was alive.) as long as both of them promised to keep that private.

I was also very very high on pain meds and didn't really feel like protesting too much.
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I also hate the "God saved so and so" or "everything happens for a reason" type of rationalizing. If you have been to a hospital in a region facing absolute poverty in the developing world, for example, you just can't believe God is making people suffer on that scale for a reason. It's something we say to give weight to the positive things that happen, while tragedies are accidents or coincidences. Whatever you believe about a creator, God(s), or lack thereof, I have to believe that suffering either comes out of our own human making or really is just a tragic accident, without a higher purpose behind it. That's my two cents in the whole God saved Miss Cathy narrative...

Just a quick note about hospital photos. If you live with a chronic illness, you might spend every week in and out of hospitals. One of the ways people raise awareness about what it's like to live with a chronic illness is through posting photos documenting their daily challenges. You may see hashtags like #chroniclife or #hospitalglam attached. It's also about shared experiences and support between people living with chronic illness. So try not to judge photos taken in that context as a cry for attention or somehow tacky/inappropriate. 

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3 hours ago, sndral said:

Obviously California's citizens are in desperate need of saving - consider how the state voted in the recent election, refusing to follow the fundy herd and vote for that paragon of virtue they backed.

I'm calling it now - Derick, Jill and Izzy's next mission will be in SF where they will convert the residents of Silicon Valley, and the Castro :)


The weather has sucked today, as it did when his in-laws toured the Haight and Castro on Halloween before Jordyn was born in 2009. My favorite scene in the entire series is Boob picking up pipes in a head shop and looking...well...confused. They bought a "hippie" skirt on salefor Joy, not Jill, the "hippie." 

Maybe the Duggars should visit more often. They bring shitty weather: maybe they're the cure for our drought! LOL

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Not this month please! No visiting fundie Duggars in SF, I mean. I'm taking GrandGirl and I have no idea how I would answer, "Mimere, who are those weirdos and why are cameras following them?"

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13 hours ago, twinmama said:

Ain't that the truth!? I was the world's pickiest eater as a child, as was my husband. When my boys were babies and young toddlers they ate anything I gave them. Any fruit, any vegetable. I was so damn smug.

Then they turned 2.5 years old and wouldn't eat broccoli anymore, then no more carrots, then no spinach and sweet potatoes and it just kept going, dropping fruits and veggies from their diet.

They are 5 now and eat apples and bananas pretty reliably, and one will eat carrots or green pepper strips, both with hummus. The other won't eat a single veggie that I can think of. I'm just getting the payback for my own childhood now :) I just tell myself that it's a phase, even if it's a long one, because I eat all kinds of veggies now. lol

My (15 yr old with food issues) daughter ate a bacon cheeseburger a couple of months back. I nearly cried :D

It had CHEESE ON IT! I can't remember the last time she ate cheese....... but she was probably under 2 

(and yes, I too was a fussy eater ;) )

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I'm south of SF along the Monterey Bay and it is raining cats and dogs over here. Can't imagine it's much better in SF today. Yesterday was freezing cold. It was in the 30s until noon, which is very unusual for here.

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4 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

I'm south of SF along the Monterey Bay and it is raining cats and dogs over here. Can't imagine it's much better in SF today. Yesterday was freezing cold. It was in the 30s until noon, which is very unusual for here.

well we are getting a snow storm tonight so batter down :)


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5 minutes ago, nst said:

well we are getting a snow storm tonight so batter down :)


I don't know what has happened to me. In 2008-2010 we lived in Chicago, but I can no longer handle either hot or cold weather. I am a CA coast girl all the way!

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14 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

I don't know what has happened to me. In 2008-2010 we lived in Chicago, but I can no longer handle either hot or cold weather. I am a CA coast girl all the way!

I normally don't mind winter and snow but it's already under 20 degrees here! It's too much too soon! 

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We had snow and freezing rain last night. School delayed one hour. I'm having a cup of tea before I venture out to shovel. Mr. Wolf in bed last 3 days with a mega cold.

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16 hours ago, SuchABlessing said:

I'm glad Cathy isn't having a relapse. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. 

What I do wish is she be a little more sensitive when talking about how God  cured her cancer when there are thousands of good people each year that die from it. If you're in a "public" spotlight like Cathy, you're basically disrespecting everyone who ever lost someone to cancer by saying God chose to cure you and not them. 

When Elizabeth Smart was found, her father said (paraphrased) 'God heard our prayers'. 

Why did God hear those prayers while the prayers said for other missing/murdered/ abused children went 'unheard'? 

Plus, really, why would an all powerful supreme being look to humans for direction, or is God an abusive parent who insists we toe the line all the while using  praise and flattery if we want the favor of being made safe?


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23 minutes ago, Lizzybet said:

When Elizabeth Smart was found, her father said (paraphrased) 'God heard our prayers'. 

Why did God hear those prayers while the prayers said for other missing/murdered/ abused children went 'unheard'? 

Plus, really, why would an all powerful supreme being look to humans for direction, or is God an abusive parent who insists we toe the line all the while using  praise and flattery if we want the favor of being made safe?


Exactly. As a person that believes in science and logic I am always perplexed by these statements. I am open to listening to others in regards to their beliefs, but when asked why some prayers are answered and others are not it's almost always the same, tired cliche, "Only He knows, his plan and his timing." Or something like that. 

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My mom's response to why God does what he does and doesn't do is faith. My question to her is that if someone doesn't have faith, then her God is a vengeful God and doesn't bestow his healing/kindness/whatever on the unfaithful? She has no answer to that. But then again, her answer to everything religious is faith. Prove to me there is a God.....faith. Why God allows death/destruction/meanness/etc......faith.

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I think saying "God answers prayers" is kinda cruel. There are plenty of deserving people who pass away and I am sure that they are good people. A lot of the time, you are just lucky. And I don't mean lucky as in the medical team didn't do anything, no I mean lucky that it all worked the way it was supposed to. 

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As a Christian I usually always say something like "God Bless these doctors who did xyz" because to me God made Doctors to do the very best that they could do. I never like when people just say God only because Doctors really did the handy work.

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I went to the Dillard blog looking for any clues as to why Derick might fly into SFO. I didn't get any insight because I was distracted by the riguas recipe. I'm salvadoran by ex-marriage (not really a thing, I know :pb_lol:) and was unfamiliar with the dish, so I googled it. Now I'm annoyed because the Dillards used a stolen picture to illustrate their recipe, which is basically the recipe whose photo they used, uncredited, translated into English. Double theft! Is it really so hard to say recipe and photo credit courtesy of _______.com? No, it isn't.

Back to the flight. Could it have been a layover on the way to an international destination? Perhaps Nepal? :think: Tell us more, Dillards. 

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