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Jill, Derick, Israel and the Shower Rack- Part 21


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One year I, and my two younger siblings, woke up at an insanely early hour on Christmas morning.  I don't think it was even 5 yet.  We knew we couldn't open presents yet, but we turned on the lights to the Christmas tree and the lights to the other decorations and did some early recon of the new presents under the tree.  Then we sat on the couch and waited.  And waited.  And fell asleep.

I awoke some time later to amused hushed voices.  I uncurled myself (I always slept in the fetal position back then), rolled over, and saw my mom standing across the room with her camera.  She told me to get back into position so she could get the shot.  My mom has a picture of three sleeping kids curled up on a couch with a lit Christmas tree, a ton of presents, and stockings hung over the fireplace.  No one who sees that photo has to have it explained to them.

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As soon as my three learned how to use the coffee maker, they figured out how to get, at least Mama up early on Christmas + there's coffee so I wouldn't be mad. If Daddy worked the night before, they had to wait til he got home.  If he was working on the day of,  presents (except mine from him and vice versus) were opened before he left for work.

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Derick is such a goddamn grinch. Can you imagine how poorly he would react if someone tried tell Izzy that Santa was real. 

Hey Derick doesn't the Bible say "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"?? Why don't you try acting like a christian for once in your life. :pb_mad:

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For the past 4 years, my gr dgts go to NY the day after school lets out for Christmas break and come home the day before school starts again in January. They are currently 10 and 12. We have had to get creative in the past about Santa. We assured them he would come to both their mom's (I am sticking to my promise in case anyone remembers that conversation about my name calling of their mom) and to our house or their dad's house. There would be stockings filled and waiting for them. S____ being real has never been explicitly talked about, but I suspect neither one would be surprised to find out S______ is not real. But in our house, there are still presents for everyone from Santa. And he uses a wrapping paper that is not on any presents that we wrap for the kids. That is the quickest way to get busted by an observant kid. So our Christmas this year is on January 4th.

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I feel like these people are never actually happy. They seem to do what they believe is expected, and what they have been told is to make them happy, but they never actually seem happy. Everything is planned and you just go along with the plan. I can't see any of the couples spontaneously deciding to go out to dinner, see a G-rated Christian movie or just do something out of the ordinary. I wouldn't doubt that they spend time determining what can they do that is acceptable and yet they can brag about its as good Christian behavior. 

I can see the Duggars not believing in Santa or even acknowledging him but I would bet good money Derrick grew up with Santa. I think he is just regressing into the Duggar way of life. It seems he no longer partakes in anything pre-Duggar. It's one of the reasons I doubt Izzy will be allowed to go to college or get a quality education. 

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My kids were allowed to open their stockings and the one gift from Santa whenever they woke up. Usually 2 a.m. The rest waited until mom and dad staggered downstairs and had a cup of tea firmly clutched in hand.

I never had the heart to  tell Wolf 2 that there was no Santa. Finally I decided I couldn't put it off any longer. He  cried. He was 22 at the time. I think he'd figured it out.

I have really enjoyed reading about everyone's traditions. What a lot of joy and fun you've shared.

Go away Derick.

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It's honestly so sad that Derrick would try doing this to little children, and it irritates me to no end because I never really got have the Christmas experience. 

Barring one sister and a brother who got a room to thier own, I slept on the floor in the living room and my luckier little sister got a chair close to me to sleep in. 

Obviously, the 'santa' thing never worked out for us- we watched as our mom and dad placed the presents beneath the tree. 

And even at six I was kind enough not to ruin it for the other kids. 

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2 hours ago, Chickenbutt said:

For the past 4 years, my gr dgts go to NY the day after school lets out for Christmas break and come home the day before school starts again in January. They are currently 10 and 12. We have had to get creative in the past about Santa. We assured them he would come to both their mom's (I am sticking to my promise in case anyone remembers that conversation about my name calling of their mom) and to our house or their dad's house. There would be stockings filled and waiting for them. S____ being real has never been explicitly talked about, but I suspect neither one would be surprised to find out S______ is not real. But in our house, there are still presents for everyone from Santa. And he uses a wrapping paper that is not on any presents that we wrap for the kids. That is the quickest way to get busted by an observant kid. So our Christmas this year is on January 4th.

My husband wraps with different wrapping paper from Santa as well. This year our 13 year old (the youngest) sat us down and told us he knew S____ wasn't real and were we okay?  :my_biggrin: I admire how it seems your family has worked things out for the kids. I grew up without traditions in an angry home broken by divorce. We have been able to forge our own traditions that our children love. 

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1 minute ago, hollywood said:

I feel like Derick has been more and more mean and angry-sounding on social media lately. He needs to chill. 

Ugh imagine if he's this mean spirited to the people he's trying to convert. How awful to have someone tell you your traditions don't matter because they're "fake" and then have that same person try to tell you you're going to hell because of reasons they have no factual evidence for. 

You know, there's this phrase about catching more flies with honey...


Also, I wonder if he just really runs with the conservative white dude rhetoric that ALL kids millennial and younger are spoiled brats who want everything handed to them and never want to work. :roll:

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I wonder what's gotten into him to change his attitude. The cynic in me would attribute it solely to soon to be president loudmouth von Cheetos. Now he feels more comfortable shooting people down ....

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22 hours ago, AshSC said:

Well, my elementary school-aged daughter glanced at my phone while we cuddled before bedtime and saw Derick's tweet... I now have to comfort a little girl who is crying so hard that you'd think Santa died. Any tips on how to approach the "Santa is/isn't real" talk? :my_cry:

Tell her not to believe everything she reads on the internet. That's the bigger lesson that's needed there!!! lol 

Edited because I didn't intend for it to sound mean, just that a child should know that they don't need to believe Derrick knows anything about anything! ha!

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My grandmother was the oldest in a large family, and her parents didn't want her telling her younger siblings the truth, so she didn't find out about Santa until she was a teenager. She was very upset. It felt like taking away a religious belief to her, and I can see why some very religious people don't like it when children have a "religious" belief that everyone knows is false. Still, dick move, Derrick.

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20 hours ago, Chickenbutt said:

So very sad that the kids will never know the feeling of anticipation, the running down the stairs on Christmas morning, the chaos that is Christmas morning.

Plenty of people dont' celebrate Christmas and still live happy, fulfilling lives. They'll make it.

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1 minute ago, Mela99 said:

I wonder what's gotten into him to change his attitude. The cynic in me would attribute it solely to soon to be president loudmouth von Cheetos. Now he feels more comfortable shooting people down ....

Well, it's very possible the shine has all but worn off his rushed marriage and that now he realizes he is saddled with a clingy kidult  who is completely unsuited to the missionary life he always wanted to lead.  Perhaps reality has set in, and he finds that having a wife unable to spend 8 hours away from him is less cute and more draining, and that the choice between putting his wife in a situation to fail or the loss of his dream (which his wife professed to share in and lead in no small part to their marriage) is a bitter one.  Maybe he finds the "leadership" that Jill expects of him too much with his recent health issues, and wishes he had a more equal partner who could/would pick up the slack and steer the couple when he needs to take a step back.  

Marriage is, as they say, a LOT of work.  But Jill has made it clear that marriage to her is a 24/7, round the clock job.  It would take A LOT to make something like that worth it for most people, and maybe Derick has found that frankly, it isn't.  

I mean, you couldn't pay me enough to trade lives with Derick Dillard for a single day.  

(And to be clear, I have TONS of sympathy for Jill.  She is the way she is because of how and where she was raised and the piss poor job her parents did of preparing her for adult life.  But she needs, IMO, far more help than any husband could give her.  And I can easily see how she would be incredibly overwhelming for ANYONE, but especially someone dealing with major health issues like recovery from cranio-facial surgery.)

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Can anyone direct me to where I can find Derick/The Dillard's contact information and mailing address (obtained by legal and public means obviously)? I would like to make a donation to planned parenthood in his name. 

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54 minutes ago, hollywood said:

I feel like Derick has been more and more mean and angry-sounding on social media lately. He needs to chill. 

He can't . Jill won't let go of his arm . 

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Can anyone direct me to where I can find Derick/The Dillard's contact information and mailing address (obtained by legal and public means obviously)? I would like to make a donation to planned parenthood in his name. 

It's too late. Cathy already gave birth to him. No hand backs.
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53 minutes ago, Mela99 said:

I wonder what's gotten into him to change his attitude. The cynic in me would attribute it solely to soon to be president loudmouth von Cheetos. Now he feels more comfortable shooting people down ....

People are speculating on pickles that either some jungle illness or drugs are the cause of his recent personality change.  I guess anything is possible after josh but I really don't see him into drugs.  I have seen certain illnesses make people agressive or angry.  One of the new Hep C treatments makes people horribly angry.  However, he could just be an angry grinch douche and no other explanation.  

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I am a nurse with over 30 years of experience.  One of my jobs  about 25 years ago was working with people with eating disorders.  These were young women and men with very serious eating disorders that required hospitalization.    Anyway,  one of the things that was true about these people is that when their weights were very low, and their eating was very limited, that it affected their brain function.  The lead physician of our area referred to it as a type of dementia that was brought on by the chronic metabolic derangement they suffered from being severely malnourished. 

Now, I am not claiming that Derick has an eating disorder, but I have wondered if his, for lack of a better word, radicalization of his extreme fundie world view, has been partially a result of his brain simply not functioning well as a result of his malnourished state.  I don't know the cause of his sudden weight loss, but if he is unable to eat well or  take in adequate calories to sustain a normal body weight,  that impairs how well he can think.


In the acutely malnourished eating disordered patients we treated,  their ability to reason, and to think critically was impaired by their malnutrition.  They already were experiencing emotional issues typically, prior to their weights dropping so low, but you could actually see that as they would begin to gain weight and have better nutrition during their treatment,  that their cognition improved.  They became more mentally 'nimble' and could draw relationships between ideas easier and would gain insight.  When they were at very low weights, or in bad cycles of binging/purging,  their thoughts tended to be very black and white, limited insight and circular logic was evident. 

Again, I am not speculating on the cause of Derick's weightl oss, but I do wonder if some of what we see as a personality change, is a result of his brain simply not being nourished and therefore it can't really process thoughts, ideas, emotions properly. 


With our eating disordered patients, their therapy sessions would sometimes be shortened and or postponed until they were maintaining a certain caloric intake for a period of time, because it was simply noticed that they couldn't fully participate in therapy, and gain insight or discuss emotions when they were severely malnourished. 


It was quite amazing to just see the difference in personality when a person started to approach and maintain a consistent calorie range.  Food itself was healing. 

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I was thinking the same thing-nutrition issues. DD, Kiddo and I have hypoglycemia and our thinking gets disordered with bottom outs. Derrick Dilidiot has been malnourished for months from his pictures and I can't imagine Jillypoo's nonexistent cooking skills have helped.

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50 minutes ago, Incognito22 said:

People are speculating on pickles that either some jungle illness or drugs are the cause of his recent personality change.  I guess anything is possible after josh but I really don't see him into drugs.  I have seen certain illnesses make people agressive or angry.  One of the new Hep C treatments makes people horribly angry.  However, he could just be an angry grinch douche and no other explanation.  

One source of behavior change could be the side effects of malaria prophylaxis. Apparently Lariam is pretty infamous for messing with people's brains dramatically. I wonder if he was taking it in Central America.

Though I also would caution against speculating on people's mental illness/health. He could just be a massive douche.

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Meh, seeing as I can be the pettiest person who ever pettied, I won't sugarcoat it:

Derick is a twat. I wish he hadn't deleted that tweet so I could RT and tell him that common sense in Duggarism isn't real either. 

And my kids are super excited for Santa Claus. It's fun.

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Don't know if this has already been discusses, but Derick has retweeted Life News article saying that Planned Parenthood should be prosecuted for selling aborted baby parts.

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4 hours ago, sophie10130 said:

Ugh imagine if he's this mean spirited to the people he's trying to convert. How awful to have someone tell you your traditions don't matter because they're "fake" and then have that same person try to tell you you're going to hell because of reasons they have no factual evidence for. 

You know, there's this phrase about catching more flies with honey...


Also, I wonder if he just really runs with the conservative white dude rhetoric that ALL kids millennial and younger are spoiled brats who want everything handed to them and never want to work. :roll:

Ugh, I'm just imagining the disrespectful crap he would say to Catholics about Saints, especially the practice of praying to Mary,

36 minutes ago, Bad Wolf said:

Don't know if this has already been discusses, but Derick has retweeted Life News article saying that Planned Parenthood should be prosecuted for selling aborted baby parts.

*closes eyes exasperated* How do people actually believe that garbage? I'm guessing he lost any critical thinking skills he needed to get through college? Though I remember plenty of people in college didn't seem to have spectacular thinking skills, so maybe he never had any.

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