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Maxwells conference fall 2011


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OMG -" We continue to see the Lord’s Hand on every aspect of this transmission replacement."

These people are just so frickin' special, aren't they? The Lord is watching over their transmission replacement. Man, God must be super busy up there, watching over the Maxwell's every minute of every day.

I have never blogged because I couldn't imagine what I'd write about; my life is pretty boring. But, jeepers crow, these people take the cake for boring. I've never read so much boring crap about broken down buses and people coming out of the woodwork to help them with this, that, and the other. :x

(sort of in a pissy mood tonight)

I guess that must be why there are so many kids starving to death in the world right now. God is busy mending Uriah's transmission for the Maxwell's.

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I agree so much with you guys. It pisses me off how they think they're such BFFs with Jesus that he plans weddings for them, fixes cars and busses, plans tours, provides them with free food.... and yet, they never think to use this special 'in' with Jesus to pray for others, especially people they don't know like the victims of natural disasters, epidemics, violence and so forth.

Zcccrv was spot-on. They've made their religion into the biggest idol of all.

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I'm really curious about whether they know how to swim (or if they ever go swimming). Someone should ask them on their blog.

Could you imagine treading water in those long skirts? I shutter to think what would happen to those girls if they tipped over.

They said they are in the gulf, so I don't think there would be gaters. I think they stick to fresh water. BUT, there could be sharks.....

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Yes, they know the basics of swimming. Someone asked them years ago and they responded in either a Corners or one of their books (I have them all I think).

Although they feel swimming is very immodest, they felt it important for their children to know the basics because you never know where life will take you. So they asked a friend (acquaintance?) if they could use their swimming pool. Teri brought the girls over on a few occasions and gave them basic swim lessons, then Steve did the same with the boys...so the siblings never had to see each other. I can't remember what they wore. I'll try to find the book. I"m thinking this was at least ten years ago.

Unfortunately, swimming, like most life skills, takes a lot of practice to master. So having a handful of lessons when you're a child and then never swimming again probably won't help in an emergency.

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So I'm just flipping sick and tired of Maxwell's and there self centered bullshit. Therefore, I posted this comment on their most recent blog. I highly doubt it will make it past moderation, but I just couldn't help myself

"Please explain to me how God can have his hand in your car troubles, but can’t step in and solve world hunger, women in abusive relationships, children dying of incurable diseases and multitude of other things. I know your answer is going to be “if they prayed for it, they would see action†but how do you know these people aren’t praying for these exact things every single day and see no response? I find it incredibly self centered that you continue to post about your car troubles when there are people you could be out helping. Have you and your family ever visited a homeless shelter and helped serve food? Learned about the problems facing your fellow human-beings and tried to make this world a better place? Instead it is clear you are stuck in a cult of your own making, where your car troubles trump even the birth of your grandchild!"

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So I'm just flipping sick and tired of Maxwell's and there self centered bullshit. Therefore, I posted this comment on their most recent blog. I highly doubt it will make it past moderation, but I just couldn't help myself

"Please explain to me how God can have his hand in your car troubles, but can’t step in and solve world hunger, women in abusive relationships, children dying of incurable diseases and multitude of other things. I know your answer is going to be “if they prayed for it, they would see action†but how do you know these people aren’t praying for these exact things every single day and see no response? I find it incredibly self centered that you continue to post about your car troubles when there are people you could be out helping. Have you and your family ever visited a homeless shelter and helped serve food? Learned about the problems facing your fellow human-beings and tried to make this world a better place? Instead it is clear you are stuck in a cult of your own making, where your car troubles trump even the birth of your grandchild!"

That CERTAINLY WON'T make it through moderation-but do let us know if you get a response from O Holy Steve

I think Nathan goes to a homeless shelter and I think Steve goes along too....not often, once a month or something I believe....it has been mentioned but I really cannot remember where-likely a corner, and Steve has admitted he would rather not go as it is outside his comfort zone. I also believe I read that any "child" who acccompanies him is still kept very much in the dark and kept from talking to most people so that they are not presented with worldliness and evilness. I think they are generally told that all homeless people are homeless for the same reason.....unsaved being the big one.

I totally agree with your comment btw. I once got most of a comment through asking them to please remember everyone around the world, like Libya and the Japanese in the Earthquake...and that our prayer should not be so self focused. They cut the self focused part out

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I guess that must be why there are so many kids starving to death in the world right now. God is busy mending Uriah's transmission for the Maxwell's.

Yes, I think this is why the van full of developmentally disabled adults on their way to work was in a terrible fiery accident in our area yesterday and two of the ladies were killed. God was too busy changing the transmission into the new style transmission and protecting his special charges, the Maxwells, as they kayaked and ate Chick-Fil-A.

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Assuming none of them know how to swim, since swimming attire would be immodest, it would seem to be pretty scary to go out into the Gulf in a kayak, even with a life jacket.

Well, yes, that's always been something I've wondered about and have posted here about, too (although no one seems to respond). Do those kids know how to swim? And have they taken life-saving courses in the water so they will be able to swim in their frumpers and jeans? It is NOT safe to rely on a life jacket in the water -- it's only one line of defense. Swimming is a life skill.

ETA: Oh, sorry, I just reread the thread and realized someone said the kids have basic swimming skills. Which is good! I wonder what they wore to go to swim lessons?

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I think Nathan goes to a homeless shelter and I think Steve goes along too....not often, once a month or something I believe....it has been mentioned but I really cannot remember where-likely a corner, and Steve has admitted he would rather not go as it is outside his comfort zone. I also believe I read that any "child" who acccompanies him is still kept very much in the dark and kept from talking to most people so that they are not presented with worldliness and evilness. I think they are generally told that all homeless people are homeless for the same reason.....unsaved being the big one.

That's very telling. I know lots of people do find it a bit uncomfortable to work somewhere like a homeless shelter, and I can see why--oftentimes, poverty and tragedy right before your eyes can make anyone feel uneasy. I've had to overcome that a few times. But I don't think that's why Steve is uncomfortable. Apparently what makes Steve uncomfortable is being in the midst of all the "unsaved". (That's probably why I never read about them doing their booth at fairs anymore.) Does he even know whether or not that single mother he's serving food to is saved? Does it even matter? Me, even as a Christian, I could care less. My focus would be on making sure their needs are provided for and on comforting them, reassuring that their plight is not their fault. And when I stop to pray for people like that I'm praying that they receive help I may not be able to provide, not that they blindly start believing in my God that even I still occasionally can't fully trust. I'm sure for some of them it really is entirely their fault, but overall I just give all of them the benefit of the doubt. For most people, it's just an unfortunate occurrence. I guess Steve finds it easier to believe that they deserve it for not seeking God for more help and not stopping to think that maybe God intends to work through people like him when he volunteers. I would think genuine charity would win more people to God than the constant proselytizing they do.

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I’ve got a few comments “moderated†by Stevie. It pays to be subtle then get the killer line in. I managed to get “elderly “ three times in one sentence. What a dick!

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The founder of Chick-fil-et is an ATI big shot.

So why am I not surprised that they sermonized on how easy it is to go with the flow, but to live a truly godly life like THEIRS it requires...blah, blah, blah....

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So that's why there is so much tragedy in the world. God is too busy fixing their piece of crap bus every other week to worry about the rest of the world! How very self-centered and arrogant these people are. I guess they skipped over the whole "love thy neighbor," "do unto others," and "be humble" parts of the bible. Just WOW.

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Okay, is it just me, or is there just a million reasons to hate this latest post from Stevie? I can't even articulate why I hate it so much so have to pass it off to the rest of you to snark on:

"Chik-Fil-A is a commendable “fast food†chain of restaurants. They aren’t open on Sundays so their employees can go to church. They don’t serve any beef and have very clever billboards depicting cows encouraging customers to eat more chicken. Consistently, you will find their staff to be incredibly gracious and helpful. An example of the attitude was a promotion we noticed at this store which was called Mom’s valet service. Moms with children can go through the drive-through and place their order. Then they park and by the time they have unloaded the children and gotten inside they will have their food and drinks at a table waiting for them. We really appreciate the company, its goals and ethics.


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Thanks for this Steve, I know to avoid Chik-Fil-A now. :) (Not that I even have one anywhere near me,but I wanted to sound like the newbie who told us FJ made her go back to church. :))

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He's probably just trying to give the chain a shout-out since some local franchisee is giving them free food because they're so godly and everything. When Steve Maxwell speaks. . . everyone listens, right? :roll:

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Notice how they LIKE Chick Fil A because it's founded by a Christian and offers good morals and values along with service. Still it doesn't bother them one bit to shop at WalMart which has none, none, and even less. Such hypocrites!

THAT is the stomach-turning part of these people!

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And I'm a PNW girl -- what the hell does Chik-Fil-A mean, anyway? Boneless chicken? It makes me sick and sad that he thinks (or he implies) that it's okay to eat there because they aren't serving beef. Uh, Steve? It's still all factory farming, mister! Those chickens aren't grass-fed or free-roaming and they're being slaughtered just like the cattle. It just sounds to me like he's trying to make a statement about how it's okay to eat chicken here. Maybe I'm being overly sensitive.

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I can't stand how they ask for prayers for that bus (and themselves) in almost every.single.post. They're so self-centered. When they got backed up on the freeway by an accident, did they ask for prayers for the accident victims? NOPE! Themselves. Blech, these people drive me nuts!

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Do the Maxwells have a thing about not eating beef? The evil heathen ranchers or something?

Maybe Christian beef is okay? Are any FJers ranchers and willing to send the Maxwell's some Christian beef for us?

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I think the no beef thing is supposed to appeal to people who think that eating red meat is bad for you, for whatever reason. I don't think it has to do with the way the animals are treated.

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An example of the attitude was a promotion we noticed at this store which was called Mom’s valet service. Moms with children can go through the drive-through and place their order. Then they park and by the time they have unloaded the children and gotten inside they will have their food and drinks at a table waiting for them. We really appreciate the company, its goals and ethics.


What about dads with children? Do they get to partake in the "valet service", too?

Oh, wait, I forgot that in Steve's world, dads don't take care of the kids on their own. That's for the wimmenfolk.

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I thought it's pork that fundies don't eat. What's wrong with beef? BTW: how does the food of Chick-Fil-A taste? In the mall near the town my sister was exchange student was restaurant from them, but we didn't eat there.

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The level of detail in their blog reminds me of this Christmas newsletter we get from a cousin.

They list all of their unplanned expenses for the year, such as work on a car or a medical test. Their hobbies are their dogs (there were 2, I think there's only 1 now) and model trains. And we hear more about the trains than the dogs. And their big biennial trip is a drive to a cemetery to visit a brother who died in Korea 50+ years ago.

Actually, now that I think about it, I'd like a Maxwell "year in review."

Total count of burritos eaten:

Total count of prayers unanswered:

Total count of fellowships enjoyed:

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