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Sparkling Adventures Pt 10 - David Pleads Guilty - Merge

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On November 7, 2015 at 7:42 PM, chaotic life said:

David Fisher with solid mental health services and a job living with his mother, the most consistent and stable caregiver those girls ever had, could be a powerful force to bring safety and stability to those girls.


That man had a mental illness. He used drugs to sedate it. Drugs that caused psychosis and made his mental illness far worse.


So...a woman investigated and cleared by social services as being mentally stable herself stood by while her husband sunk into mental illness and took psychotropic drugs that made his condition worse. Mere months before he killed their son, she took off in NZ and left him completely alone with those girls in a broken vehicle and no support system. And somehow he managed to procure those drugs.


It's all chillingly consistent if she is a Narcissist which her behaviors certainly look like one.


David Fisher may not be safe for those girls. What he has been through may have broken him completely. But with the support of his family and his mother and with ongoing mental health care and returning back to normal society, the life he can offer them is a hell of a lot better than what their mother has done over the last three years in his absence.


I have no clue about Australia laws but in the US upon release he would have full legal rights to his children same as their mother. While ordinarily becoming primary custodian would be unlikely in this case Lauren hasn't made a life or given stability in the years he's been gone and has instead cut off their community and family entirely and behaved irresponsibly as if no one in the world can touch her authority as their parent.


I honestly hope this may be the start of healing for those girls now that there is about to be something beyond Lauren's whims controlling their entire world. At the very least she will have to have his consent and justify her continued behavior to their father in ways she appears to have cut off both of their families for questioning.

If Iceland and Australia are anything like the US, the divorce would have been absolutely necessary to prevent David bring the presumed legal father of Daniel, a fact easily corrected by filing with the courts where surrogacy is legal and certain to bring attention to your illegal activity when functioning where surrogacy is illegal.

I am replying to something old, but no, in the US upon release he would not have full legal rights to his children,  I have person experience in this from my childhood.

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What they need to do is get rid of the lice, and then use that tea tree in their hair (and maybe brush their teeth with it if it's just tea tree and not anything else) and start washing their hands with some Castille soap. FFS there are ways to hippie without being gross and bug ridden.

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Well if the people Lauren hung out with weren't such nomadic vagabonds, maybe she and the girls could avoid the lice. But when beggars can't be choosers on what bed is slept on or where the bedding came from and if it was washed and disinfected, I see a recipe for lice and bed bugs.  Ugh! It makes me itchy to think about it.

Hopefully she is just over-simplifying the disinfectant recipe to be "sparklier". There is a recipe that includes tea-tree oil on wiki-how, but there are other ingredients (like vinegar and borax) mixed in.

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One time while walking down from the carpark where I check for bushfire updates, I had to pause and let a long black tiger snake cross the car-tracks in front of me. It made a soft zipping sound as it slithered unhurriedly across the road, and I felt awed to be such a close witness.

Yeah, never mind that they are venomous. Then again, it may be that I'm a bit snake sensitive at the moment. We have had a visitor in our back yard a few times this summer and this is it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_brown_snake. 2nd most venomous land snake in the world, and notorious for their speed and aggression. Awesome.

Still, Lauren shouldn't be too blasé about tiger snakes, either. Although I guess when one crosses your path, stopping and standing still is possibly the best thing to do. When our snake has been around, I can't say I have felt "awed to be such a close witness", though. It's more like "Fuck!!" And run into the house and shut the door.

I also have a different attitude to lice than her. My kids had it once at school, and I think we were pretty lucky with once. That was bad enough, with all the combing, hair washing, more combing, washing of bedding etc etc. Son #1 had long, curly hair that naturally spiralled, so that was great fun. 

Lauren can minimise anything to suit her narrative though, we've all seen it a million times.

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29 minutes ago, LovelyLuna said:

I would 100% stop hugging people if I knew there was lice. Icky icky 

Well obviously you are just not sparkling and authentic then. Not enlightened and a free thinker like Lauren. Tsk, tsk.:my_tongue:

1 minute ago, DarkAnts said:

Are there road runners in Austrilla? I have seen a few eat rattle snakes that are twice their size, 

You mean like "Meep!" "Meep!"?? Like in the cartoon? Because no, we don't have them. I'm not sure I even knew they are real lol.

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13 hours ago, QuittersTry said:

I'm sure she uses the consensus to her advantage... like when the girls get sick of camping (for a month) she can always say that they all agreed to do the seed project. Also, did they all agree not to repair the van when it was breaking down near civilization? Ugh, sometimes Lauren needs to step up and be more responsible!

Sometimes? :roll:

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11 minutes ago, DaffyDill said:

Well obviously you are just not sparkling and authentic then. Not enlightened and a free thinker like Lauren. Tsk, tsk.:my_tongue:

You mean like "Meep!" "Meep!"?? Like in the cartoon? Because no, we don't have them. I'm not sure I even knew they are real lol.

They are real. They don't go meep meep but they are badass birds. 


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This may be an unpopular thought, but is anyone else besides me kind of drawn to the Rainbow lifestyle? Not as a way to raise my children, but maybe like it might be kind of fun to go to one of these gatherings for a few weeks or even a month. I read her blog and googled Rainbow gatherings and.. whatta you know... the sleeping hippie in me woke up. It looked kind of fun. I was just a youngster in the 60s, but the pictures reminded me of some gatherings I went to in the 80s - peace, love, clothing optional kinds of things.

Am I the only one?

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5 minutes ago, livinginthelight said:

This may be an unpopular thought, but is anyone else besides me kind of drawn to the Rainbow lifestyle? Not as a way to raise my children, but maybe like it might be kind of fun to go to one of these gatherings for a few weeks or even a month. I read her blog and googled Rainbow gatherings and.. whatta you know... the sleeping hippie in me woke up. It looked kind of fun. I was just a youngster in the 60s, but the pictures reminded me of some gatherings I went to in the 80s - peace, love, clothing optional kinds of things.

Am I the only one?

I think it would be fun in some aspects, I even look the part most days; I have a Penelope Garcia esq style that can involve brightly colored skirts, multi colored scarves, a rainbow bennie and costume jewelry. I would have to have some boundaries and own lice free sleeping area. 

I would also love, in theory, to go to Burning Man and the Electric Daisy festival.  

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Not an unpopular thought at all.  I've never been but they share things in common with Burning Man culture, which I do actively participate in... I think it sounds pretty cool. Communal living is a very rewarding experience. Lauren's not wrong about that. And you do not need to behave as she does to participate. 

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12 minutes ago, LovelyLuna said:

I think it would be fun in some aspects, I even look the part most days; I have a Penelope Garcia esq style that can involve brightly colored skirts, multi colored scarves, a rainbow bennie and costume jewelry. I would have to have some boundaries and own lice free sleeping area. 

I would also love, in theory, to go to Burning Man and the Electric Daisy festival.  

Yeah, exactly. In my younger days I, like you, looked the part. I do miss it.

Lauren is a terrible, horrible, narcissistic mom who doesn't even enough to think about what her children might need in terms of structure and shaping and education and nurture. But she really does do some pretty cool things.

I hurt for her kids though. For all the illusion of "freedom" they are very trapped by their circumstances. And they aren't being equipped for any kind of responsible adulthood.

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Here in Australia we have very few natural predators to take care of snakes, and as all the world knows, we have a lot of highly venomous ones.

Being that close to a tiger snake would make me nope the fuck out and I actually like reptiles. I count myself as incredibly lucky that in my entire life I have never personally encountered a venomous snake. If I were living in the suburbs that would be one thing, but I've spent the last 10 years living on the edge of a conservation park where koalas, kangaroos and echidnas make regular appearances in my yard, so not seeing a snake is pretty great to me. I know we definitely have brown snakes in our area (and we've had them in the yard - I've just never witnessed one personally). I'm praying I never do encounter any.

Lauren did do exactly the right thing, though. You stand still, don't make eye contact, and wait for it to move on. Growing up in Aus and Africa, there's no way you wouldn't know snake protocol.

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Just to put some of Lauren's stuff into Australian context. Snakes and spiders are normal everywhere and most of them are deadly. It's just how things are. We learn as kids the lessons like tapping shoes before putting them  on in case of spiders, being still when you see a snake and don't set up your tent under a gum tree. (It's not the drop bears - they drop enormous branches with little warning.) Tiger snakes, Blacks, Browns and Copperheads are common in my yard. I call the ranger if they come in the house but otherwise, we just ignore them. Lauren's reaction to the snake is what I or any of my kids would have done. As for the tea tree oil, that stuff is magic. It's a great steriliser. I use it to clean my hands when camping and at picnics. I rub it on my skin to repel flies & mozzies. Tea tree shampoo kills lice far more efficiently than anything the chemist offers. I hate to defend Lauren but in this case, she's doing the right thing.

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4 hours ago, DaffyDill said:

Well obviously you are just not sparkling and authentic then. Not enlightened and a free thinker like Lauren. Tsk, tsk.:my_tongue:

You mean like "Meep!" "Meep!"?? Like in the cartoon? Because no, we don't have them. I'm not sure I even knew they are real lol.

They are very real, very cool birds. They are the bird of my home state.

4 hours ago, livinginthelight said:

This may be an unpopular thought, but is anyone else besides me kind of drawn to the Rainbow lifestyle? Not as a way to raise my children, but maybe like it might be kind of fun to go to one of these gatherings for a few weeks or even a month. I read her blog and googled Rainbow gatherings and.. whatta you know... the sleeping hippie in me woke up. It looked kind of fun. I was just a youngster in the 60s, but the pictures reminded me of some gatherings I went to in the 80s - peace, love, clothing optional kinds of things.

Am I the only one?

You are definitely not the only one. I'd still like to go to a gathering one day. I did go to a barter fair once which was sort of a mini gathering. It was really cool. 

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5 hours ago, livinginthelight said:

This may be an unpopular thought, but is anyone else besides me kind of drawn to the Rainbow lifestyle? Not as a way to raise my children, but maybe like it might be kind of fun to go to one of these gatherings for a few weeks or even a month. I read her blog and googled Rainbow gatherings and.. whatta you know... the sleeping hippie in me woke up. It looked kind of fun. I was just a youngster in the 60s, but the pictures reminded me of some gatherings I went to in the 80s - peace, love, clothing optional kinds of things.

Am I the only one?

No, absolutely not. I´m in a sufi-circle and we have a kind of spiritual gathering every year in Turkey. There are lots of rainbow people coming and most of them are wonderful, loving and open people who love to chat, to play music and sing. I always feel kind of sad that I´m too old for this lifestyle (except in winter)....


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There are a lot of hippie things I like, but giving birth in the woods with no one there but your rainbow pals, only one of whom had a kid, seems like a big pile of craaaaazy. Totally something Lauren would do, but what about the other people? Who would do that? Rainbow Jill Duggar?

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See, as someone who has lived her whole life in temperate Northern Europe with zilch dangerous animals, seeing that picture of the (gorgeous) rainforest valley and then considering camping in it freaks me the fuck out. Just - nope!

Sure, tea tree oil works reasonably well, but not as the single thing you do to try and keep yourself clean! I'm sorry, cleaning your hands wiping your butt after taking a dump requires more than just some tea tree oil.

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On 1/10/2016 at 5:32 AM, ladyaudley said:


"  The girls have had to adjust to not being able to draw on personal food supplies " oh good. You mean they don't have their primary food source and rely on you being in the mood to make something? I'm glad there are other people there. 


Do the girls really have other food supplies, though?  From what I read, it sounded like the kitchen volunteers cook two large meals daily (breakfast and dinner), call out to everyone that the food is on, and people congregate to eat at those times.  I can't imagine that Lauren would have done something sensible like ensure that they have a stash of granola bars, oatmeal, whatever, when she can just lean back and rely on the Rainbow. 
I may have misread, too, but the impression I got was that the girls are now basically eating twice daily, unless kitchen folk take pity on them and sneak them a bit more -- which could absolutely be possible.  While intrigued by Rainbow gatherings and familiar with some Rainbow folk here in the USA, I've not wandered off and joined any circles, so I don't know the protocol.  I assume a bunch of hippies would want the kids to be fed, but I'm also not sure how their communal kitchen works.

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1 hour ago, amandaaries said:

Do the girls really have other food supplies, though?  From what I read, it sounded like the kitchen volunteers cook two large meals daily (breakfast and dinner), call out to everyone that the food is on, and people congregate to eat at those times.  I can't imagine that Lauren would have done something sensible like ensure that they have a stash of granola bars, oatmeal, whatever, when she can just lean back and rely on the Rainbow. 
I may have misread, too, but the impression I got was that the girls are now basically eating twice daily, unless kitchen folk take pity on them and sneak them a bit more -- which could absolutely be possible.  While intrigued by Rainbow gatherings and familiar with some Rainbow folk here in the USA, I've not wandered off and joined any circles, so I don't know the protocol.  I assume a bunch of hippies would want the kids to be fed, but I'm also not sure how their communal kitchen works.

I have read that with the sub par personal hygiene there, it doesn't work well when it comes to the spread of communicable disease. Was it Lauren who wrote about the gastro bug that flattened nearly the whole gathering one time? Or was that magikfaerie?

oops, I've bolded everything. Not sure how to change that.


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18 hours ago, livinginthelight said:

This may be an unpopular thought, but is anyone else besides me kind of drawn to the Rainbow lifestyle? Not as a way to raise my children, but maybe like it might be kind of fun to go to one of these gatherings for a few weeks or even a month. I read her blog and googled Rainbow gatherings and.. whatta you know... the sleeping hippie in me woke up. It looked kind of fun. I was just a youngster in the 60s, but the pictures reminded me of some gatherings I went to in the 80s - peace, love, clothing optional kinds of things.

Am I the only one?

Honestly it would be my idea of hell, but I'll absolutely respect anyone's choice to participate...

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18 hours ago, livinginthelight said:

This may be an unpopular thought, but is anyone else besides me kind of drawn to the Rainbow lifestyle? Not as a way to raise my children, but maybe like it might be kind of fun to go to one of these gatherings for a few weeks or even a month. I read her blog and googled Rainbow gatherings and.. whatta you know... the sleeping hippie in me woke up. It looked kind of fun. I was just a youngster in the 60s, but the pictures reminded me of some gatherings I went to in the 80s - peace, love, clothing optional kinds of things.

Am I the only one?

Well, mileage varies, I guess. Not that I'm opposed to the whole peace-love, outdoorsy, back-to-the-earth thing (I'm a child of the 60s and 70s and I spent months camping throughout the US and Canada, loved every second of roughing it—and I do mean roughing it—and would still rather camp than stay in a hotel) but TBH, every hippie-dippy, Rainbow-y person I ever met (note please that I say I EVER MET and not every hippie-dippy Rainbow-y person) was so far up his/her own ass that I couldn't get away fast enough. The thought of being stuck at a gathering with more than one of them…just, no.

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It's very likely that people other than their mother are feeding them. Unless there's only so much food for a set amount of time and it's tight, they are being fed. Besides the barter fair I also went to some sort of gathering of people in the redwoods that was associated with a protest and there was lots of food (it was all vegan, but there was lots of it).

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