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Sparkling Adventures Pt 10 - David Pleads Guilty - Merge

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It is not nearly as gross as it seams, the pills look exactly like a vitamin. My BFF had hers encapsulated and she thinks it helped her (she has a history of mental Illness). A lady I saw on TV made a smoothie with her raw plecenta  (kept in a Tupperware in the fridge) blended with some frozen raspberries was much much worse. 

I am undecided if I will try this. My research says yes, my mind say no wayyyyyyy. 

It does sound pretty gross, but I've done it and did notice a meaningful difference in mental and physical recovery. The first time I did it (after experiencing baby blues-ish feeling with #1 and #2), I encapsulated my placenta for baby #3. It did help, but unfortunately, I am the person who always forgets to take pills, so I wasn't as consistent. With my youngest (baby #4, almost 3 months old), one of my midwives made me a smoothie immediately following the birth and while I was initially so grossed out by the idea, it actually really made me feel better. I had her prep several chunks for smoothies and leave the rest for encapsulation. I ended up making a tincture instead of encapsulating. My recovery this time was much easier and mentally I feel amazing...and honestly, if you make a tasty smoothie with things like strawberries and bananas (I used strawberries, mango, banana, pineapple juice and coconut milk), you would never know there's placenta in there. There are still a couple chunks of it in my freezer. ;)

Plus...placentas are actually really beautiful. If you look at the fetal side, the veins look like the tree of life. (I'm a total weirdo I know)

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Gross, just gross.  I can't even look at rare meat. 

Breast milk/resin "pearls."   I guess the sky's the limit when it comes to new ways to utilize body parts, secretions, and even excretions.  Some people wear fossilized dinosaur poop in jewelry settings.  How about "Spurge sample" body adornments?

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fair enough, but that happens to the best of us and we don't go off in a bus with our children. Her need for external validation is insane.
Did anyone watch the trailer? As the Gold Star Gays receive Daniel Valur, she turns around, stretches her hand out and coos "I love you guys so much" - and they ignore her. She's so desperate to be part of that moment of the parents first meeting the baby and being enveloped in love (which is normal, she birthed the boy and she can stamp her foot about it as much as she wants, he's her child, too), but is once again completely left out. It would be heartbreaking if she wasn't so crazy.

When I watched the trailer, as she is reaching out and saying "I love you guys so much," the guy in the tub rubs her knee in a sweet way. I didn't see it as them shutting her out, just being mostly focused on the baby (as would be expected).

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And then again, I could be totally talking out my ass, since I don't know her, nor does anyone else here. There was a thread visited by someone who DID know her—Quik-Lives—and she (I think it was a woman; I never saw the photos that were mentioned so I can't be sure) had some insight into Lauren and her girls. It was an interesting read.


It was interesting going back and re-reading quik_lives impressions of Lauren and the girls. I think in her assessment of Lauren she was quite fair and reasonable, and at least gave us a glimpse of what the "real" Lauren was like, at that moment in time, anyway. I suspect the "real" Lauren changes a great deal depending upon who she is trying to belong to at any given moment. quik_lives was spot on with this semi-prediction:

I don't know if she'll stop traveling altogether but I think she'll do like a lot of the others have done and park somewhere at least half-time, as their kids get older. I suspect it'll be Tasmania as she seems to really be drawn there and talks about it a lot.

That's exactly what appears to be happening now - though I will bet even quik_lives wouldn't have foreseen Lauren's supposed Aboriginal heritage :confused:. Maybe the girls will be able to put down some roots in the local community and make some friends. 

I wonder, if one of the girls wanted to attend school, whether Lauren would allow it. Would she let her try school? Or just put her foot down and declare it unauthentic and a place where children's imaginations die?

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It was interesting going back and re-reading quik_lives impressions of Lauren and the girls. I think in her assessment of Lauren she was quite fair and reasonable, and at least gave us a glimpse of what the "real" Lauren was like, at that moment in time, anyway. I suspect the "real" Lauren changes a great deal depending upon who she is trying to belong to at any given moment. quik_lives was spot on with this semi-prediction:That's exactly what appears to be happening now - though I will bet even quik_lives wouldn't have foreseen Lauren's supposed Aboriginal heritage :confused:. Maybe the girls will be able to put down some roots in the local community and make some friends. 

I wonder, if one of the girls wanted to attend school, whether Lauren would allow it. Would she let her try school? Or just put her foot down and declare it unauthentic and a place where children's imaginations die?

The last one for the first few years, before finally giving in?

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She would teach her children to fear school and how horrid it would be. She uses schooled children as object lessons to show her girls how awful school is.

While the kids might want to attend school, they would be too scared to defy her until teen years at the earliest.

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I wonder, if one of the girls wanted to attend school, whether Lauren would allow it. Would she let her try school? Or just put her foot down and declare it unauthentic and a place where children's imaginations die?

I think that Lauren knows that if the children were in school it would be very hard for her to continue to fly under the radar with sparkling eye prickles and the like.

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I think that Lauren knows that if the children were in school it would be very hard for her to continue to fly under the radar with sparkling eye prickles and the like.

The Girls themselves could realize what a wanker she is if she sent them off to school. I would never dream of stifling my kids education over my own personal needs, but it is a theme with fundies that I despise. 

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I don't think that the girls will be allowed to want to go to school. Lauren keeps their thoughts and feelings under strict control - for example, she is still completely confident of their reactions to the loss of their second baby brother. As a classic narcissist, she sees them as extensions of herself, objects to be used to build her sense of self.

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I kind of felt bad for her after the cupcake incident. She seemed to be trying so hard to be accepted and she worked so hard on the cupcakes that I can understand why she was hurt when they were completely ignored. Of course, we only know her side of it. There may well have been something about her that was off-putting or uncomfortable for the other women but in the end, she still felt like an outcast. That incident was probably one of many perceived slights that pushed her to do a 180 and follow David without hesitation. I would guess that in many ways she still sees herself as an outsider, desperate for acceptance, just from a radically different crowd.


So, I'm the sort of person who'll make something involved, like hand sewn halloween costumes, or royal icing sugar cookies or elaborate cupcakes. If I come for a playdate at your house I'll usually bring something home baked (usually just muffins or cookies or something simple, I'm don't have infinite time for this stuff!). But I do it because it's fun for me, AND because doing things for people is my love language. It makes me exceedingly uncomfortable to think someone might think I'm doing it to show off or feel inadequate or embarrassed that they don't do the same sort of thing. So probably for me, someone doing that expressly to show off is triply cringe-worthy and just so gross that I would ignore them on purpose. All my friends know me and what I like to do, and they're all used to and comfortable saying "wow, cool, I love the design on those" and then opening their clamshell of something from the supermarket. Thank goodness! Ugh, I can't imagine dealing with that sort of competitive bullshit on a recurring basis (I do deal with it from time to time, but you can count on never being invited back to something I'm organising if you're competitive like that).

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oh, I am super-involved like that too, but for the same reason! It's fun for *me*.

Her dad looks very frail - has he always looked like that? I don't recall seeing him in older pictures. He looks happy though :)


ETA: is it weird that I had a total fangirl moment when I saw that August had liked a post of mine? OMG FJ royalty! :)

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I love baking, cooking, crocheting, gardening, blah blah blah. Doing for others is my love language, but I am a bit of a recluse. I would rather bake something for you and spend 20 minuets with you, then show up empty handed and stay an hour. Either way the peoples reaction is just a tiny portion of why I do what I do.

 I would be the perfect fundie wife if is wasn’t for the fact that I am also a Feminist Agnostic bikini wearing, pot smoking Jew who lives in sin with my headship. 

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Placenta is the one meat that is produced without killing anything, so I'd say it is vegan.

Vegans don't eat eggs. And a hen lays an egg every day or so even if there are no roosters around to fertilize said egg.

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I love baking, cooking, crocheting, gardening, blah blah blah. Doing for others is my love language, but I am a bit of a recluse. I would rather bake something for you and spend 20 minuets with you, then show up empty handed and stay an hour. Either way the peoples reaction is just a tiny portion of why I do what I do.

 I would be the perfect fundie wife if is wasn’t for the fact that I am also a Feminist Agnostic bikini wearing, pot smoking Jew who lives in sin with my headship. 

So close and yet so far...  :my_biggrin:

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Vegans don't eat eggs. And a hen lays an egg every day or so even if there are no roosters around to fertilize said egg.

They don't eat milk or honey, either.

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Placenta is the farthest thing from being Vegan. they do no animal by products at all, even honey. no leather or wool either. 

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oh, I am super-involved like that too, but for the same reason! It's fun for *me*.

Her dad looks very frail - has he always looked like that? I don't recall seeing him in older pictures. He looks happy though :)


ETA: is it weird that I had a total fangirl moment when I saw that August had liked a post of mine? OMG FJ royalty! :)


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That child is STILL wearing a hood all the time!

I don't think that the girls will be allowed to want to go to school. Lauren keeps their thoughts and feelings under strict control - for example, she is still completely confident of their reactions to the loss of their second baby brother. As a classic narcissist, she sees them as extensions of herself, objects to be used to build her sense of self.

But at some point they won't be feeding her narcissism any more and she will dramatically push them away. Of course it will be about setting them free.

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lauren annoys me so much but it's the unschooling that pisses me off. it just SCREAMS privilege to me. there are so many children who would love to have an education out there but can't because they had to work to support their families while she just doesn't send her kids to school (or properly homeschools them) because ~such spiritual, much  sparkle!  :soapbox:

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lauren annoys me so much but it's the unschooling that pisses me off. it just SCREAMS privilege to me. there are so many children who would love to have an education out there but can't because they had to work to support their families while she just doesn't send her kids to school (or properly homeschools them) because ~such spiritual, much  sparkle!  :soapbox:

Lauren is incredibly privileged and incredibly blithe about throwing off the benefits of her privilege for her daughters. She is reaping all the benefits of being a middle class white woman in the first world - does anyone for a moment think that her neglect of her daughters and her sparkling lifestyle would he not just tolerated but lauded by leg humpers if she was a poor woman of colour who didn't know all the right shibboleths to justify it?

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