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Jill and Jessa Counting on--part 3


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1 minute ago, Chelio93 said:

I am not arguing with you at all but how the fuck?  I thought they were paid $40 grand per episode, as a family.  I think I might be too tired for common sense to kick me in the face.  If I were to sleep with Bin, I'd be a millionaire?  Self esteem is priceless 

i read it somewhere - they could be wrong :D 


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I also think that someone's "worth" isn't just based in how much they get paid, but how much relative fame they have, which is quantified in all kinds of subjective ways.

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Adoption is just a story line. JB and M have been talking about God laying it on their hearts for a long time. So far God has kept quiet.

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3 minutes ago, choralcrusader8613 said:

I also think that someone's "worth" isn't just based in how much they get paid, but how much relative fame they have, which is quantified in all kinds of subjective ways.

I understand what you are saying.  I'm trying to do the math in my head, that would make Jessa worth that much money.  She could have earned it from People, but from her cut of a TLC, I don't think that is possible.

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33 minutes ago, Bad Wolf said:

Jessa said something about never going through this again, then she laughed it off later. Baby Wolf was an emergency c section, and Mr. Wolf was not allowed in the room. I was the one who didn't want him near me for a while. He was in the room when Baby Wolf 2 was born, and it didn't bother him as he did not relate to having a c section. This is the guy who can have teeth pulled or drilled without anesthetic, but faints at the idea of broken bones. Oh well, we're all different.

A dear (male) friend of mine attended childbirth classes with his wife.  When they got to the episiotomy topic he fainted dead away. ;)

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8 hours ago, SassyPants said:

I think JB was afraid of what Jessa might do and that is why is ultimately approved the marriage. No sane parent would OK such a union. No educations, no jobs, nada...it's like approving the marriage of 2 12 YO kids.

You are right. No sane parent did.  The Duggars, for all their clever grifting and self-promotion are a few marbles short of a full set.  As for Ben's parents, they may not have the same talent for grifting and they did send their son to community college, but they swig their own kind of kool-aid, and it may have hallucinogenic properties if they thought their teen age son had any future as a preacher.  

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6 hours ago, Larry said:

Just watched one of those webisodes online... Jana was asking the kids what ideas they might have for the treehouse. Poor Jenni wanted the treehouse to have a kitchen and a bedroom. That girl is already looking for any way to escape TTH.

I'd love to agree with you, but I have to say that when I was a little kid I wanted a play house with a kitchen and a bedroom. And I was very happy in my family, where I was valued and occasionally indulged.  

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1 hour ago, Kittikatz said:

This is a frequent myth of adoptions - that they are expensive and hard to arrange.

Government agencies typically have fewer restrictions on single and/or LGBTQ applicants than international or private agencies. If younare adopting from a state agency in your Country, costs are generally minimal. In Canada, there are quite a few people adopting African American babies from state agencies (the ones I know of were from Florida), and they are perfectly lovely little ones. It costs us more than it would Americans, and there was a bit of a wait, but nowhere like here because - apparently - there are very few families in the US who are willing to adopt African American babies, and many birth mothers/families (who often get to choose which family their baby goes to) seemed to favour Canada as a destination for their babies.

I have heard that adopting older children or sibling groups or children who are designated special needs (often these children have very little medically wrong with them) have an even shorter wait time/less cost through government agencies.

I was looking at the possibility of adopting an older child from the government here (no cost, and frequently come with adaptation assistance), but there are very few available, and the government can afford to be selective, so they are mostly looking for two parent families, which is fair enough, but i dont see which I don't see happening in my world. If I do decide to adopt, I would seriously consider an international adoption of an older sibling group from the US government, although I would need to figure out how I could keep them in contact with their culture before I would go ahead. I would worry about ripping an older child away from one way of life and dumping them into my culture.

Thank you so much for your message! Unfournatly I now have health issues that would keep me from being able to raise a child! When I looked into adoption I didn't have these issues when I was looking into adoption. I only mentioned the money situation because I was wondering how they would afford it!

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They could have 400K in assets. They have no big expenses like housing. I think a big chunk of money came from magazines and media from the wedding and the baby. Those 5-10K magazine stories and photo shoots add up when TLC is paying for your travel and your daddy (or grandma) paid for your house. I would hope that Jessa got all of the money from her birth special which could be 50K+.

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8 hours ago, Mothership said:

Jill is barely keeping it together, but maybe having been thrown into a situation removed from her family and having to make it work, will actually pull her head out of her ass (or JB's ass or wherever it is) and she'll end up better off for it. 

What worries me is JB's ass is still close at hand. How many trips have they made back, or family members made there, since they moved?  She won't grow as long as her head is anywhere near aforementioned ass.

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8 hours ago, ClaraOswin said:

Jessa, on the other hand, seems quite taken with Spurge. So that's the only good thing I've seen from this new, crappy show.

Could be partly because he was her ticket to the limelight - finally getting a chance to outshine older sisters, getting her her own special, giving her a ticket to the leisure life ( Duggar stay at home motherhood ). I could be wrong (I hope) but something still irritates me about how she keeps flaunting motherhood in front of her trapped childless sisters. That has to be hard on Jana, she admitted she would like a husband and children. Jessa wouldn't be the smug queen bee without spurge.

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6 hours ago, allthegoodnamesrgone said:

I think 19 year old Ben is realizing getting married just so he could have sex was a really REALLY bad idea.  He's to young, to sheltered, too stupid to have a child. He should be out chasing girls, partying, being a jack ass, screwing up, working, hanging out with friends. Now, he trapped in a marriage to a woman he probably doesn't really love, with a child, that he wasn't ready to have, and the possibility of endless more children to come.  He's not the headship of his family, his father in law is. He's married into a family that is dysfunctional 19 kids who are or will be totally incapable of functioning normally in society, a FIL who is so controlling he boarders on megalomania. He is for all intents and purposes fucked! 

Well, he has a father of his own.  He could move himself and Jessa near his parents and get a job with his dad doing windshields or whatever.  He could accept poverty and be the man of his own house.  He could figure out Jessa's cycle and practice self-control at certain times so as to keep from fathering too many more kids. (Heck, I bet Jessa would go along with NFP or even some barrier method. She can justify it to herself that her "headship" is requiring it, but secretly be relieved.)

Ben got himself inside the Duggar fun house, but unlike Anna, he has options.

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I only watched the last quarter of the most recent episode and I agree with what everyone already said about Jinger's pretend car flipping.

I found the TH with JD and Jana about potential courtships to be enlightening though. JD paid lip service to the idea that guys know guys better and girls know girls better, but then he basically said that he has rejected every girl his sisters have pointed out to him. The way he said it seemed almost patronizing, like he feels his sisters are incapable of even helping him to find the right girl.

It also seemed to me as though JD and Jana are both holding out for perfection, but idk, maybe I'm reading too much into a short little TH.

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I know the piece of land they're using to flip the cars. I drove by it a ton of times when we lived in Arkansas. Its just an empty field with a farm/cattle gate. I don't know if, because its just private land near a main road (the kidults said JB bought it) , it has licensing requirements or not. No different than if they put it out in the lawn in front of the TTH I would think.

I had a fairly easy birth with my youngest, and hubby was still pretty traumatized even like 2-3 months after he was born. Between seeing a giant needle going into my back and my son shooting out like a cannonball, I was kinda shocked he stayed on his feet.  Sex took awhile to come back, both from his mind and mine.  Very possible Ben just can't get past it.

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8 hours ago, DuggarWatch said:

You probably played outside with friends because you were a normal kid brought up by normal parents.  I remember one 19 Kids Episode where Grandma Mary was babysitting the kids and she had them play the Four Square Game with a ball inside the house!  One of the little boys said that they didn't like to play outside because it was too hot.  One of their problems is that they don't live in a normal neighborhood and, even if they did, they wouldn't be allowed to play with the (heathen) neighborhood kids.  It's just another example of the abnormal childhood the Duggar kids have. 

They don't need neighbor kids. We played baseball with all the kids in our neighborhood. A whopping total of 4. There's enough kids in that house that they could have a pickup baseball/basketball/kickball/red Rover/red light green light/tag/capture the flag game I only dreamed of as a kid.

Then we moved out to the country and it was just my brother and I. Sure we played our fair share of video games and watched TV, but the best time of the year was when my mom would get a truckload of mulch from the garden center and we would ramp our bikes off it :dance:


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I feel that these shows are so boring that it would be impossible to keep any kind of audience.

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8 hours ago, Carol said:

We used to have a sign at the top of our property as you were driving down onto the driveway that read, "Slow.  Watch For Children".  Wasn't all that long that someone(probably our gardener) changed it to "Watch For Slow Children".  Seems kind of applicable here.

My family used to own a fish and chip shop (proper British seaside stuff) and it was called 'Friar Tuck'. Anyway someone once swapped the F and T around...........

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4 minutes ago, CoveredInBees said:

My family used to own a fish and chip shop (proper British seaside stuff) and it was called 'Friar Tuck'. Anyway someone once swapped the F and T around...........

I may, or may not have snorted coffee onto a very cute rug, after reading that.  :D


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4 hours ago, anotherone said:

Ha ha, it is the lowest in males 18-49 ☺

What does "P" stand for?  It seems that the 50+ crowd really likes watching this crap for sure!

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The thing that I'm finding unbelievable is the fact that JD is making more of an appearance in this series, and his sexism is just so blatantly shining through. There's hardly any attempt to sugarcoat it and it's awful (but of course, unsurprising). As everyone else has said, TLC is failing epically at trying to portray the girls with any ounce of independence or freedom. 

Also, Jinger going on about the girls gaining as many "life skills" as possible again. Eugh. It's all so transparent and gross.  

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48 minutes ago, servants-heart said:

The thing that I'm finding unbelievable is the fact that JD is making more of an appearance in this series, and his sexism is just so blatantly shining through. There's hardly any attempt to sugarcoat it and it's awful (but of course, unsurprising). As everyone else has said, TLC is failing epically at trying to portray the girls with any ounce of independence or freedom. 

Also, Jinger going on about the girls gaining as many "life skills" as possible again. Eugh. It's all so transparent and gross.  

Any hope of JD being better than Josh is gone. He may not be an outright pig like Josh, but he is still needlessly coddled and dependent upon his sisters for the simplest of tasks.

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12 hours ago, VelociRapture said:

Grew up in southern New England - playing outside definitely isn't just a west coast thing. My siblings and I practically lived outside during the spring, summer, and fall as kids. Winters were fun too - lots of playing in the snow. 

Southern Indiana here. In the 'stone age' I grew up in we practically lived outside all year long, as well as playing basketball long after dark. Come winter we would grab shovels and go door to door and offer to shovel snow from sidewalks and driveways...young entrepreneurs we were. *In my best Morgan Freeman narrative voice* 'I often wonder what happened to those days, days when kids still had imaginations and the wherewithal to get out and earn a little spending money. Times were simpler then and so much more fun.' 

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10 hours ago, lascuba said:

That is what kills me. As someone said earlier, there is so much native drama in their lives...why do they always have to make up the most asinine scenarios? Showing Jinger (fake) deciding she wanted to get into the car flipping business, and then learning the ropes, would have been honest, made a lot more sense, and wouldn't have resulted in so many obviously scripted lines. Oh, but that would have made it too obvious that the girls are only now starting to do stuff outside the home other than Christian speaking tours. Can't have that. 

As someone who wants nothing more than to see these people crash and burn on an infinite loop, I enjoy watching the constant flailing. But as someone who thinks that if you're going to make a tv show/move/publish a book you damn well better do a decent job of it, it's just frustrating as hell. I think the best thing for them to do in terms of resuscitating they're show is to be completely honest. Stop trying to appear relatable, or kind, or decent. Stop trying to appeal to the masses. They need to let their fundie freak flag fly. The hate watchers will tune in in droves. The leghumpers will rejoice. Think of the media attention/free advertising...regular thinkpieces on how dangerous this family's beliefs are, because now they'd be stating outright what they believe, in terms that would make instagram Ben proud. I'd froth at the mouth over those vile shit stains being successful again, but at least it would be because they were being honest for once. 

Exactly. It's all in the name of "Fuck you, Internet" not reality,

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My husband can be very squeamish about body functions, and generally won't talk about them.  We agreed before my first birth he could stay up near my head, holding my hand, encouraging me and what not, and the midwives would take care of the baby side of things. However, once they announced crowning he was down there.  They asked if i wanted to touch her head, and i was much too much to much concentrated on pushing and didn't want to.  My husband asked if he could. Even through the fog and haze and pain and lack of sleep I remember how much he lit up, how elated he was (that's really the only word for it) to see our baby.  He kept saying "she's got hair!" and "you're almost there" "I can see her face!"  He was the first to hold her, and obviously enamored with her.  If anything the experience of being with me throughout the birth process gave him MORE respect for my body and what it can do.  Fortunately he was too busy caring for our newborn to pay attention to the aftermath stuff, or at least he never let on that it bothered him.  He was fascinated by the cord and wanted to examine it further.

Maybe my husband is just the exception though.


PS: I've pretty much done all the diapers, because he really can't handle that kind of thing. He would be turned off food for the rest of the day if he had to deal with a bad diaper.

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