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Josiah Duggar Courting - Part 2

Coconut Flan

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By the time TLC opens the fall/winter S11 of 19+C Josiah and Marj. will be well on their way to planning the wedding. Then Anna gives birth, Jessa gives Birth and by this time another Duggar will probably announce their courtship. Josiah and Marg will have a kid by end of 2016 if God opens her womb.

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I really haven't been following much of the Josiah/Marjorie stuff. Am I correct in remembering that she wears pants sometimes? Or did I imagine that?

I noticed her sister (the other girl in the video at the end?) is wearing pants and she's not. On the other hand she doesn't have the Gothard hair here and instead it's straight as it was in other photos. Maybe her hair's naturally straight.

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I was also shocked that we have another teenager, like Ben, who is going the way of a very very early marriage and likely a very early parenthood. Josiah is just a kid. At first I thought his girlfriend Marjorie was a dog, but when I saw their first video it made me smile. Cute couple.. and she is very un-Duggar-like and accomplished in her own right. The only troubling thing was how damned hard she was trying to mug at the camera. She looked forced and stagey. I wonder if she is hiding a huge ego and part of her attraction to Josiah is really his family and fame. If he were just any old 18 year old kid without a job or education, do you think she'd give him the time of day? Doubtful! Now she's all excited by getting on track to be a reality star in 19 Kids.

I'd like to see Josiah get himself established in some sort of career or job (not a Boob-appointment like Ben). Getting engaged and married is such a distraction from that. I'm sure little Marjorie is going to fall right in line as a new Dugger in-law and pop out those puppies. How on earth will he support a family, unless it's through the TV show salaries?

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I was also shocked that we have another teenager, like Ben, who is going the way of a very very early marriage and likely a very early parenthood. Josiah is just a kid. At first I thought his girlfriend Marjorie was a dog, but when I saw their first video it made me smile. Cute couple.. and she is very un-Duggar-like and accomplished in her own right. The only troubling thing was how damned hard she was trying to mug at the camera. She looked forced and stagey. I wonder if she is hiding a huge ego and part of her attraction to Josiah is really his family and fame. If he were just any old 18 year old kid without a job or education, do you think she'd give him the time of day? Doubtful! Now she's all excited by getting on track to be a reality star in 19 Kids.

I'd like to see Josiah get himself established in some sort of career or job (not a Boob-appointment like Ben). Getting engaged and married is such a distraction from that. I'm sure little Marjorie is going to fall right in line as a new Dugger in-law and pop out those puppies. How on earth will he support a family, unless it's through the TV show salaries?

Calling women dogs isn't something you should do here.

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Calling women dogs isn't something you should do here.

You're right, I should have said "unattractive." Sorry.

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I was also shocked that we have another teenager, like Ben, who is going the way of a very very early marriage and likely a very early parenthood. Josiah is just a kid. At first I thought his girlfriend Marjorie was a dog, but when I saw their first video it made me smile. Cute couple.. and she is very un-Duggar-like and accomplished in her own right. The only troubling thing was how damned hard she was trying to mug at the camera. She looked forced and stagey. I wonder if she is hiding a huge ego and part of her attraction to Josiah is really his family and fame. If he were just any old 18 year old kid without a job or education, do you think she'd give him the time of day? Doubtful! Now she's all excited by getting on track to be a reality star in 19 Kids.

I'd like to see Josiah get himself established in some sort of career or job (not a Boob-appointment like Ben). Getting engaged and married is such a distraction from that. I'm sure little Marjorie is going to fall right in line as a new Dugger in-law and pop out those puppies. How on earth will he support a family, unless it's through the TV show salaries?

Somewhere I read that Siah had interned with Marjorie's Dad who is a graphic designer and that he is now working in that field--don't know if he works WITH her Dad or on his own. Perhaps he will take over her Dad's business? At least that's creative. And, I know! I know! people go to college to do that, but the bottom line is if clients pay then he has a business. He could just be knocking out campaign signs but maybe, just maybe he HAS learned a thing or two. I'm sure he and Marjorie will live in one of the family houses soon enough, but I thought it was great that he had worked with/for someone other than "Daddy."

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Perhaps he will take over her Dad's business?

Her dad's about 40. Not exactly ready for retirement. Perhaps he could work with her dad. Also, he's apparently learning to fly planes with John. (Not that this makes it Ok for 17 & 18 yr old uneducated, unemployed teenagers to get married, but whatever.)

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Josiah seems like a genuinely nice guy, without the obnoxiousness of Josh or the homeboy awkwardness of John David.

I really hope he has the time to develop himself as a man and find a career he likes before he's forced to support a wife and baby.

Was he wearing those dorky wedding shoes from Ben and Jessa's wedding on his first date with Marjorie? They look like clown shoes.. hardly what you'd want to wear on a date!

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If Siah once designed something (like a wedding invite), in the Duggars mind, that makes him a "graphic designer working in the field" even if he's never made a dime.

Learning to fly is an incredible expensive hobby. Even if John David is sometimes now getting paid to fly people around, I bet if you factor in all the $$ spent on flying lessons, gasoline & plane purchase (& I guess there are landing fees & taxes?), he's probably years from actually turning a profit.

I find it interesting that Siah is allowed to pursue very expensive flying lessons instead of focusing on setting up some sort of business. I find it so interesting that Josh was set up in his car lot before he even got engaged--yet now JB has one teen husband solely on the household/TLC payroll, and another teen husband soon to be (Josiah) probably headed for that payroll as well.

The Duggars apparently have not read Steve Maxwell's "Preparing Sons to Provide for a Single-Income Family"

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If Siah once designed something (like a wedding invite), in the Duggars mind, that makes him a "graphic designer working in the field" even if he's never made a dime.

Learning to fly is an incredible expensive hobby. Even if John David is sometimes now getting paid to fly people around, I bet if you factor in all the $$ spent on flying lessons, gasoline & plane purchase (& I guess there are landing fees & taxes?), he's probably years from actually turning a profit.

I find it interesting that Siah is allowed to pursue very expensive flying lessons instead of focusing on setting up some sort of business. I find it so interesting that Josh was set up in his car lot before he even got engaged--yet now JB has one teen husband solely on the household/TLC payroll, and another teen husband soon to be (Josiah) probably headed for that payroll as well.

The Duggars apparently have not read Steve Maxwell's "Preparing Sons to Provide for a Single-Income Family"

I've been tracking Duggar flight records in another thread, and have done a little googling. I don't know much about private pilots, so anyone who does should please correct me.

JD has a private pilot's license, which is distinctly different than a commercial pilot's license. He flies a lot, but I don't think he can fly and get paid for it, since he's not rated commercial yet. I wonder if he's aiming for the commercial license. In any case, flying is indeed an expensive hobby, and I think JB&M are using these pilot sons to shuttle them to and from speaking engagements and the like. It could be that Josiah is learning in order to take over for JD once JD leaves and cleaves. No, nevermind; Josiah is closer to leaving and cleaving than JD is!

I can see flying the parental units around the country being a full time job, and maybe the Duggars want mutiple pilots available to stay within faa limits on flight hours or something. Or maybe these two are ambitious enough and dedicated enough to work up to commercial status and start a business.


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John David is such a feckless Bubba. Sort of a nice guy, but no personality. I'm really glad he's got the chance to work his way up to a pilot's license and maybe commercial. It will give him a decent income and career.

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I think it will take a publically failed courtship for that to happen. I don't think that the Gil and Kelly would have been as relaxed with the rules if they had not had to deal with Zach's failed courtship.

Zach's failed courtship gave them reason to actually use their brains.

The whole point of the courtship model is to "protect pieces of your heart" by not giving them to anyone except the one god has for you. (Dating = giving aways pieces of one's heart). But this idea is rediculous because the kids are always very emotionally involved in their courtship (I'd argue even more so than us heathen daters) because they are visualizing the other person as a spouse. So if the courtship gets called off they are heartbroken. The Bates seem to realize that no physical contact =/= no broken hearts. So telling couples who are in love not to hug is cruel not protective.

I'm convinced the Duggars only hold to the courtship model so strongly so they can feel like superior Christians. You waited to have sex until marriage, well I waited to kiss until marriage!

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Zach's failed courtship gave them reason to actually use their brains.

The whole point of the courtship model is to "protect pieces of your heart" by not giving them to anyone except the one god has for you. (Dating = giving aways pieces of one's heart). But this idea is rediculous because the kids are always very emotionally involved in their courtship (I'd argue even more so than us heathen daters) because they are visualizing the other person as a spouse. So if the courtship gets called off they are heartbroken. The Bates seem to realize that no physical contact =/= no broken hearts. So telling couples who are in love not to hug is cruel not protective.

I'm convinced the Duggars only hold to the courtship model so strongly so they can feel like superior Christians. You waited to have sex until marriage, well I waited to kiss until marriage!

I think another reason is that they're just so much more self-conscious than the Bates. Michaela just said, "I hug everyone, I'm not going to not hug the guy I'm courting," no muss, no fuss. I can't picture a Duggar saying something like that on camera. They'd feel the need to go into a long explanation to justify it, because they're part of a brand and they feel like they have to publicly stick to the rules they've publicly stated they believe in. I think it's definitely possible the Duggar kids actually do some bit of negotiating their own courtship rules, but that's for one the cameras are off.

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How many does it say live together without marriage? I can name plenty. I think given that they have grown up knowing that as soon as you are married you are an adult and not until then, I'm sure they see it as a very acceptable age.

I wouldn't compare living w someone at 18 to marrying someone at 18. Living w someone you can back out fast, & for sure people aren't encouraging you to get pregnant. No govt intervention needed if you want to end it. However, a marriage at that age is a legal commitment at the very least you need government intervention to dissolve it. Further when you end a simple co-habitation it's not exactly on your record so to speak whereas a divorce is. Even on forms when you have to choose between single, married, divorce etc...

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I'm half-watching Jessa's wedding episode right now (I'm looking for that scene where Jinger calls herself undeserving that I keep seeing mentioned round here), and I'm certain I saw Marjorie. I can't get a screencap because it's a poor-quality YouTube video, so any time I pause it it's too fuzzy to make out, but at around 6:40 there's a couple shots of volunteers milling about and chatting and she's in the middle of one of them. Maybe she's just there because her mother's a friend of the family and so she volunteered, but I wonder if maybe she and Josiah were already "special friends" at this point?

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I'm half-watching Jessa's wedding episode right now (I'm looking for that scene where Jinger calls herself undeserving that I keep seeing mentioned round here), and I'm certain I saw Marjorie. I can't get a screencap because it's a poor-quality YouTube video, so any time I pause it it's too fuzzy to make out, but at around 6:40 there's a couple shots of volunteers milling about and chatting and she's in the middle of one of them. Maybe she's just there because her mother's a friend of the family and so she volunteered, but I wonder if maybe she and Josiah were already "special friends" at this point?

I remember seeing a pic around here somewhere that looks like what you describe, but I can't find it now. Who else was in that scene?

The wedding was November 1 and Josiah claims he "noticed her" on the El Salvador trip in December, iirc. I suspect he noticed her before that, but that's none of my business. :character-kermit: :soda: <-- this is a feeble attempt to recreate Kermit the frog sipping tea, by using FJ smilies :lol:

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Sierra was there, organising people, but other than that there wasn't anyone I recognised.

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Sierra was there, organising people, but other than that there wasn't anyone I recognised.

Gah I saw this picture on FJ somewhere. I searched both Josiah's Courting threads for kewords Sierra, Jessa, wedding, volunteer, etc and no dice. I give up.

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Okay, but seriously how long has Marjorie really been around? I mean, I know she was in one of the earlier episodes, so I guess the family has been getting to know her for a while, but how long has she been close enough to be attending family functions? Someone posted a video in the Jill, Derrick, and Izzie thread and it covers part of Derrick's birthday, and she's there, boisterous and cheesing to the camera as always. But anyway, I didn't realize that she was close enough to be attending in-law's birthday parties, though...Especially since she would've just been a "special friend" around then. I've been in the same relationship for a few years and I still wouldn't feel comfortable attending the birthday party of an in-law. I guess the Duggars just move fast. :shrug:

Edit- Actually, I just realized, I don't even know what she looks like because her sister is there too and they both look almost exactly alike (I think...). Are the Duggars just close with their family or something?

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Yes, it was. It was right before Sierra started bossing people around in the wedding episode. I had it on the DVR and just took a look.

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This is the picture I'm remembering, thank you! I guess it wasn't taken at Jessa's wedding after all.

It's not the wedding itself, but the preparation of the church the day before. This is the screenshot I didn't bother with before, because it's low-quality, but this was definitely filmed the same time that picture was taken:


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Yeah, Josh & Anna, and Ben & Jessa.....they don't seem to have that connection IMO. And Josh from what I see does not seem to be a very hands on dad. He seems to adore his children (especially Michael) but the Duggar kids are raised that the woman handle all the household stuff and kids.......they are so effed up.

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