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Did you guys miss the part where they'd been skyping and talking on the phone regularly for months? There's no need for conspiracy theories. It wasn't their first glimpse of each other (even if they hadn't met in person) and they never tried to suggest otherwise. Why would they? They also never implied that it was just a crush at that point. They made it abundantly clear that the relationship was getting serious and Jill thought he might be 'the one'. Isn't there enough to criticize about these people without having to make stuff up? It's getting to the point where you're not even attacking the Duggars, you're attacking strawmen of your own creation.

Her wedding page on The Knot talked about how they "met before but forgot." He and his church did a caroling thing at the Duggar's house before he left for his mission trip.

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Even before that JB, Michelle, and Cathy were on the same charity. There was a picture of the 3 of them posted here in one of Duggar threads (too lazy to search for it). Clearly, Jill and Derrick knew Jill before he left to Nepal. These are not conspiracy theories. They are facts. When are people going wake up and realize this show is heavily edited, scripted, and staged. It couldn't be more clear.

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I have to say that Jill is on trend with that sweater. Over sized funky printed sweaters are in style now.

Yeah, my younger sisters love sweaters like that, especially ones from charity shops or the bowels of my mum's closet :lol:

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591.38 € for a sweater? Are you kidding me? :pink-shock:

You just reminded me of the other day when I saw my sports team had an "ugly sweater" with its colors and logo on it. It was deliberately ugly for ugly sweater parties.

It was $70 freaking dollars. I wouldn't pay that much for the cute merchandise!

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Another one of those weird flipped situations where looking poor is haute. While the pageant people go for every bit of fake bling and satin. I guess that's why they call wealthy people well-heeled, because you can't fake high-quality shoes. :shrug:

i still think that sweater Jill has is from the men's section of Goodwill and she just noticed it had a chevron pattern. :D She does look beautiful with her hair up though.

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The more I see of them, the more I enjoy their family. Moving to DC has done wonders for them. I hope they complete their family with a manageable number of kids. Let's face it, if this show has shown anything it's that no 2 people can effectively, lovingly and successfully manage and parent 19 children.

I disagree. I think they can effectively, lovingly, and successfully manage a family that size. "Parent" them? Not so much (there isn't enough free time in one day to effectively parent/interact with each individual child enough to accomplish much in true parenting of them.) Effective, as in "the norm"? Not so much. But they are all fed, clothed, mannered (to their way of training, anyway), and (thus far) without criminal record.

We treat them as "so unusual", and yet my mil came from a family of 14 children, and a schoolmate from a family of 12. It's not THAT unusual, meaning it has been done, to at least some level of "success", in many other large families. It comes down to the standard by which they are being compared and measured.

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I don't follow the logic of how JB&M being involved with the same charity as Cathy means Jill and Derick knew each other before Derick went to Nepal. Derick was out of the state at OSU. The parties might not even knpow anything more than the most superficial information about each other, which might not have even included having children of the same age. With the Duggars I guess that is a given, ha ha.

Have you ever met someone in person that you first knew online? Being online gives you a measure of distance and safety - you can always pull the plug if a conversation gets weird, put the laptop down and walk away, or just ignore emails if you don't want to read them. Real life isn't like that.

There's also the element of airplane stranger conversation. It's something to the effect that you are only going to be next to this person for the next few hours, and your conversation with this person is more personal than you would normally allow it to be.

I have met people online first, got to know them, and then met in person. There is a transition time when the relationship goes from sort of a fantasy to flesh-and-blood real. This is where you startlingly realize this person has a funny body smell, or whatever it is you realize, it could be bad or good.

I've also known other people to meet people they first met online, dating services, etc. This is one thing that all had in common was essentially you are starting the relationship over, despite whatever emotional closeness you experienced when the relationship was only online. There isn't rushing forward, there's pause, you realize this person knows a hell of a lot about you, that you are vulnerable, yet you feel like you don't know this person at all, because being together in person is just a lot different than skype conversations.

I know reality shows are heavily scripted and edited. I get that. What bothers me in particular about the Duggars is their schtick is being a good Christian family, yet if Jill and Derick actually had a different relationship than the one portrayed on TV, that's is so deceptive that you get to the point of are the Duggars themselves having stumbling blocks as Christians by being on TV and allowing and condoning this behavior. Then, are they stumbling blocks to everyone else due to the level of deception and outright lies.

The Duggars first responsibility, before the TLC paycheck, is supposed to be to God. Pretty sure God would not be cool with deliberate lying and deceiving just to be on TV.

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My experience with meeting someone I only knew online and had a crush on was the same as Jill meeting Derick. The only difference that she lived in the next town over, not in Nepal. And we didn't get married as she is into men.

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What bothers me in particular about the Duggars is their schtick is being a good Christian family, yet if Jill and Derick actually had a different relationship than the one portrayed on TV, that's is so deceptive that you get to the point of are the Duggars themselves having stumbling blocks as Christians by being on TV and allowing and condoning this behavior. Then, are they stumbling blocks to everyone else due to the level of deception and outright lies.

And that's exactly my point. The Duggars and TLC are guilty of outright lying, lying by omission, and staging/scripting/editing scenes. As I said these are not conspiracy theories, they are facts. And yeah, they are stumbling blocks to everyone else, because a lot of other fundies and conservative Christians look up to them.

Anybody who believes any reality show is "real" needs their head examined. I'm talking to you leghumpers who lurk here! Get a fucking clue! If these are the people you consider role models for a good conservative Christian family, I feel sorry for you and your kids.

NOTE: Last paragraph not aimed at you BrownieMomma.

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Truthfully, I had an experience similar to Jill's. I met a guy online, and we talked for months. He was my first boyfriend, and I pretty much ran into his arms when we met for the first time in person. Sometimes, people who meet online -- especially people who have never been in a relationship before -- feel comfortable enough with the other person that you don't feel that weird transition.

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idk... if I flew all the way to Nepal to meet a dude I met online, I'd run for a hug too. That's the most believable reaction in that whole scene.

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When I first met my now-husband, it was nothing like Jill and Derick. We had met online 9 months earlier, and spoke on the phone every night for several hours. We were both still teenagers, and we lived in different states, but we called each other boyfriend and girlfriend. This was pre-Skype btw.

The first time I met him I was nervous as hell. I very tentatively went up to him and tapped him on the shoulder, and we said hi and gave each other a very stilted, awkward hug. I couldn't make eye contact with him, and I couldn't eat in front of him. And this is a guy that I had been wanting to meet for 9 months. Don't get me wrong, I was so excited to finally meet him, but there was no running up to each other.

Obviously it's all turned out fine now, 11 years later. We just returned from our honeymoon! But it was definitely awkward to begin with

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Truthfully, I had an experience similar to Jill's. I met a guy online, and we talked for months. He was my first boyfriend, and I pretty much ran into his arms when we met for the first time in person. Sometimes, people who meet online -- especially people who have never been in a relationship before -- feel comfortable enough with the other person that you don't feel that weird transition.
Now factor in that Jill grew up in a world where physical contact with other people is discouraged and strictly limited (they only side-hug their parents, for crying out loud) and I'm still calling shenanigans.
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anyone else find it strange that her brothers are spending the night

No. I would find that strange if they didn't.

Jill is their sistermom.

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I wouldn't find it strange if it was once in awhile. I think it is wonderful when families are close and can do things like this. With Jill it's different because there really is nothing else for her. She isn't setting aside a day or night for her siblings from her busy schedule. I am sure most stay at home wives, who don't have kids yet, have lots of activities or things they do to fill their time. Jill doesn't gobble up books from the library or have regular friends to call up and hang out with. She literally has nothing going on.

Since Jill instagram's frequently, if she was doing something alone or without Derrick or her siblings we would know. For someone who has never been alone before marriage and who seems to have no outside interests since the midwife studying appears to be on hold, all she has left is what she knows how to do. Take care of her siblings, which I am sure she loves doing. She doesn't know how to live any other way. It makes me wonder if Derrick ever goes out with friends without her and, if so, she is ok with that.

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I think it's really nice ("sweet" even...) that Jill is doing things to include them. She's close to her siblings and had such a big part in raising them - it would be weirder if she "abandoned" them suddenly IMO, especially when she lives so close.

I know several people with siblings more than 10 years younger than them, and I think the older siblings in those relationships definitely tend to have a lot of protective, parent-like tendencies. It's common even in non-fundie families.

Obviously she's not obligated to raise them anymore, but it's not like she's too busy, and she clearly enjoys being with them - so why not? James is one of my favorites of the smaller kids lately and he seems utterly miserable with his parents around, so I am really glad he gets to escape to Jill's.

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I know a lot of people who do similar things with nieces/nephews. I suppose Jill's relationship with her siblings now would be similar to an aunt since she's out of the house but still involved in their lives and more of an authority figure then a peer.

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Her wedding page on The Knot talked about how they "met before but forgot." He and his church did a caroling thing at the Duggar's house before he left for his mission trip.

Where does it say that? Every page I see is password protected. :(

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Where does it say that? Every page I see is password protected. :(

I haven't been on it since before she password protected everything, but it was under "our story." There were two stories, the one written by him, which was the one that everyone talks about on the show, and the one written by her about how they met each other at the caroling thing and didn't remember it.

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