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Steven has his own career, he found his own wife and he is living in a different state. He seems to be a decent guy (judging by the fact that he did a dental mission in Ethiopia), and he realizes that his mother has her limitations, since he was the one who called her during the San Diego fire and made sure that John came over to make sure that she got out of the house even if it meant leaving her makeup behind.

Of the 4 kids, I suspect that he's the least likely to care what Lori has to say about anything. It's possible to love a parent while realizing that they are a bit wacky.

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Lori reminds me of Harriet Oleson from Little House on the Prairie- a bitter little busy body running around like a chicken with her head cut off, trying to make everyone do what she says.

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I would be really shocked if Lori is able to guilt her into not working as a lawyer and being a SAHW. I bet having a happy working DIL with a happy husband and a happy marriage is going to drive Lori insane.

I bet the DIL isn't even submissive enough to sabotage their birth control and get pregnant behind her husband's back.

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Ok, I did some sleuthing and it looks like Lori may get her wish. :cry: I searched her blog for "Steven" and found this entry from July:

Steven and Emily {top right} are preparing to be married VERY soon. Shortly after their marriage, Steven will graduate from orthodontic school, then they will pack up their cars and move way up north where Steven will begin his career as an orthodontist, with his brand new help meet by his side. We are SO excited to have Emily as a part of our family. They can't WAIT to be married!

I also found Emily's LInkedIn profile which indicates that she just completed her first year of law school. Although I hope she will transfer to a law school wherever they end up moving, it wouldn't surprise me if Steven's burgeoning orthodontics practice takes precedent.

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I wonder how much their kids know about Ken and Lori's online life. Lori might be giving them the impression that she "mentors" women at church. It is one thing to have wacky parents but Ken and Lori moved from wacky to down right dangerous a long time ago.

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I wonder how much their kids know about Ken and Lori's online life. Lori might be giving them the impression that she "mentors" women at church. It is one thing to have wacky parents but Ken and Lori moved from wacky to down right dangerous a long time ago.

If they've ever googled her though, she's the first hit.

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If they've ever googled her though, she's the first hit.

It has never occurred to me to google my parents. I just did and thank goodness they do not seem to be writing crazy stuff on the internet. :lol: Or anything on the internet at least using their real names.

I just can't imagine anyone with an iota of sense not being greatly concerned if their parents were giving out advice that could easily result in the death of a woman or child.

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Oh look at that, it's gone.

For the record, it said something to the effect of "Does your DIL intend to continue working? How does she feel about your views?"

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I wonder how much their kids know about Ken and Lori's online life. Lori might be giving them the impression that she "mentors" women at church. It is one thing to have wacky parents but Ken and Lori moved from wacky to down right dangerous a long time ago.

I think a daughter in law posted a reply on her "take your husband's name you hussy" post last week.

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I think a daughter in law posted a reply on her "take your husband's name you hussy" post last week.

I went back and didn't see it. DId she delete her own family's comments?!

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I think that if the new DIL was going to be a SAHW and start popping out babies as soon as possible Lori would be bragging about how her DIL gave up a career as a lawyer to do the right thing. Not being able to answer that questions reveals a great deal.

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Ok, I did some sleuthing and it looks like Lori may get her wish. :cry: I searched her blog for "Steven" and found this entry from July:

Steven and Emily {top right} are preparing to be married VERY soon. Shortly after their marriage, Steven will graduate from orthodontic school, then they will pack up their cars and move way up north where Steven will begin his career as an orthodontist, with his brand new help meet by his side. We are SO excited to have Emily as a part of our family. They can't WAIT to be married!

I also found Emily's LInkedIn profile which indicates that she just completed her first year of law school. Although I hope she will transfer to a law school wherever they end up moving, it wouldn't surprise me if Steven's burgeoning orthodontics practice takes precedent.

Last year, Lori said something on blog FB page that her son was moving to upstate New York. I guess they are still heading that way based on the "way up north" comment. I also hope Emily will transfer to another law school or maybe she will take time off then and return to law school later on. I hope she finishes law school, just so Lori will be irked to no end.

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Hey bitch! Butt the hell out of your son's life. If his wife wants to work, it's none of your business.

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I went back and didn't see it. DId she delete her own family's comments?!

It was on the Always Learning facebook Emily Alexander said she loved her new last name. So, if they are on facebook they have to see the hatred on that always learning blog.

Now, that may or may not mean they agree with it.

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Surprise, surprise. Today's post is stolen from a comment from a reader and is about *gasp* how evil it is for women to work! I really think that you guys are right and this is a passive-aggressive attack on a DIL.

I don't know why there is the assumption that a woman working means she has to "do it all." That notion has been dying out for years. It is hard to do it all. That's why many working couples now split the household chores in a way that makes sense for them. The woman isn't working and cooking and cleaning and providing the childcare. The woman is working and cleaning, but the man (who is also working) takes care of the cooking. They take care of the kids together and take turns mowing the lawn because they both hate it. Or something.

I was trying to "do it all" for a while. In grad school, I was teaching classes as well as tutoring 10-15 hours a week and doing ALL the cooking and cleaning in my household (just me and the ex). And it was awful and exhausting. But it wasn't because I was working. It was because my asshole ex wasn't keeping up his end of the bargain and helping me around the house at all. :angry-banghead:

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Doing it all only applies when you're married to an ass who can't possibly be bothered to help with household responsibilities. Like I've said before, Mr. Jerkit and I have a GREAT system. We each have our responsibilities and we get them done and have plenty of time to spend together. And if things come up, we each flex and help the other out. Teamwork. It's like MAGIC!

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Surprise, surprise. Today's post is stolen from a comment from a reader and is about *gasp* how evil it is for women to work! I really think that you guys are right and this is a passive-aggressive attack on a DIL.

I don't know why there is the assumption that a woman working means she has to "do it all." That notion has been dying out for years. It is hard to do it all. That's why many working couples now split the household chores in a way that makes sense for them. The woman isn't working and cooking and cleaning and providing the childcare. The woman is working and cleaning, but the man (who is also working) takes care of the cooking. They take care of the kids together and take turns mowing the lawn because they both hate it. Or something.

I was trying to "do it all" for a while. In grad school, I was teaching classes as well as tutoring 10-15 hours a week and doing ALL the cooking and cleaning in my household (just me and the ex). And it was awful and exhausting. But it wasn't because I was working. It was because my asshole ex wasn't keeping up his end of the bargain and helping me around the house at all. :angry-banghead:

I also don't get that assumption either. But Lori and many of her readers are still stuck with the image of the wife/mother who stays home with the kids and does all of the household chores and the husband is out being the provider. A couple of years back, Lori did a posting where she trashed stay at home dads. Also in other postings, she pretty much states that there are some things that women shouldn't expect men to do. When both of my parents were working, they split chores and I also had to chores. I started doing my laundry when I was 10 and older siblings also did their own laundry. I also rode the bus home from school most of the time, so my parents weren't' always scrambling to pick me up.

Another thing that Lori and her fangirls don't take into consideration is that there isn't one size fits all situation when it comes to two income families. Work schedules vary and not everyone is working 9 to 5 Mondays through Fridays. Also some people work out of their homes or they are self employed. But again, Lori would probably hate on a woman who running a beauty shop business out of her home or a woman who works for a company that allows some employees to work from home.

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I also don't get that assumption either. But Lori and many of her readers are still stuck with the image of the wife/mother who stays home with the kids and does all of the household chores and the husband is out being the provider. A couple of years back, Lori did a posting where she trashed stay at home dads. Also in other postings, she pretty much states that there are some things that women shouldn't expect men to do. When both of my parents were working, they split chores and I also had to chores. I started doing my laundry when I was 10 and older siblings also did their own laundry. I also rode the bus home from school most of the time, so my parents weren't' always scrambling to pick me up.

Another thing that Lori and her fangirls don't take into consideration is that there isn't one size fits all situation when it comes to two income families. Work schedules vary and not everyone is working 9 to 5 Mondays through Fridays. Also some people work out of their homes or they are self employed. But again, Lori would probably hate on a woman who running a beauty shop business out of her home or a woman who works for a company that allows some employees to work from home.

Speaking of at-home employment, I used to briefly read a Christian blog where the emphasis was on running the home. The woman wasn't as obnoxious as Lori when sharing her opinions, however, it was clear that she felt a woman should only be a keeper at home and I detected a judgmental vibe from her (although again, not as bad as Lori). Despite that, this woman was radical. She'd advise her readers never to work even when the husband would become unemployed, ill or injured! She'd actually tell wives to sit and pray for God to intervene and above all, do NOT seek employment in any way. Thing is, this woman and her husband work from home (they sell homemaking videos, etc.). True, she homeschools her children (about 10 of them), however, she still very much works from home. She probably puts in as many hours as someone working PT (at least 20 hours per week) in their home business. That, to me, is being a raging hypocrite because while she technically never leaves the home, she certainly can't devote all of her time and attention to her children, homeschooling, cooking, etc. I asked her once if her eldest daughter (who had recently graduated from high school) raised her younger brothers and sisters because this girl wasn't planning on furthering her education or working outside the home. Instead, she was waiting to marry. Anyway, the girl answered my question herself and told me that while she had seen this sort of thing MANY times in socializing with other such families, her schedule allows her more free time. Now whether that means she's not helping out FT or not, I don't know. It was still pretty clear to me that her mother can't function without her assistance. Again, that's very hypocritical because one of this lady's beefs is working mothers who can't take care of their children on a FT basis while SHE isn't doing that either.

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Here's the thing with Lori. I don't think she ever had any intention of working. She grew up a princess, and even when she married Ken and moved to the trailer park her parents paid the rent.

She has stated very clearly that she went to college to get a Mrs. degree and got it. According to her, she wasn't even attracted to Ken at first, and to date she has never felt warm fuzzy feelings about anyone.

I think she married Ken because he asked, and she saw earning potential in him, which is why she was shocked when she was not "allowed" to stay home after presenting him with a child. Result? Lori sized tantrum. Also known as: The one where Lori cuts a hole her diaphragm.

Having fixed Ken's little red wagon, Lori proceeded home and employed the use of a nanny willing to spend "hours a day" holding her crying children. She also came to favor the notion that God values quiet, therefore, children must be locked in their room for at least 2 hours a day. She also decided that mama needs rest, therefore, CIO from 3 weeks on is not only acceptable, but preferable.

When the kids started growing up and everyone was in school I am betting Ken wanted her to go back to work. Enter homeschooling.

Now the kids are grown and gone and there is really no reason for Lori to not be doing SOMETHING other than sitting on the net all day, and BOOM! Enter new philosophy that a woman must be home all day because Jesus. To hear Lori tell it, even being involved in ministries down at the church is dangerous because satan!11! might get into the house if she leaves. :roll:

Summary: Lori is spoiled and lazy. She has no intention of working, volunteering, or doing anything that might require she get off her ass and be productive. The end.

***please excuse the typos. eye infection :cry: ***

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Summary: Lori is spoiled and lazy. She has no intention of working, volunteering, or doing anything that might require she get off her ass and be productive. The end.

OMG, you so nailed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do I hear an AMEN? HALLELUJAH!!

Lori is weak; therefore, all women must be weak.

Lori is easily overwhelmed; therefore, all women must be easily overwhelmed.

Lori is an overbearing shrew; therefore, all women must be overbearing shrews and must be ordered to submit to their husbands.

Lori hates her husband and hates sex; therefore, all women must hate their husbands and hate sex and she is their self-appointed minister.

Lori's kids grew up "ok" despite being beaten as toddlers; therefore, all women must beat their toddlers.

Lori does nothing to give back, nothing to pay forward, Lori exists only to satisfy her own needs. And the real crime of it is that she uses the Bible as ammunition.

Comments from her own blog:

"It's easy to generalize a topic such as this, however, the fact is many women have little choice but to work. Not all have an ideal homelife i.e. a working husband able to support a whole family. Single mothers, divorced or widowed, are generallly forced to work while also raising their children. For married couples, some men simply can't swing the full financial responsibility - many people are underemployed today due to job losses beyond their control and the inability to obtain a job that will pay enough, not to mention covering insurance costs, education costs and saving for retirement.

While I fully agree that it is beneficial when a Mom can be at home, it is just not realistic for a great majority of families today who are struggline to pay for even basic necessities."

and another:

"I find myself in this very position - my husband was made redundent and his pension is not enough to cover all the bills. We also have an adult son that still needs our financial support (including medical bills). I work to do my bit to help and it makes a big differences. It isn't for everyone but it works very well for us. I think it is important to stress that the job I have I prayed about for a long time and as a result (and praise to the Lord), it is perfect and fits our family so well. I am also thankful that I have a university qualification that allows me to work in a well paid job with very good conditions. My home is still well maintained, I am still able to play a very active role as keeper of my home and carer of my children and husband. And I am also thankful that the Lord gives me the energy I need."

Lori's compassionate response is to hit ailing people over the head with her Bible:

"This may be so but I am commanded by God to teach young women to be keepers at home, so this is what I do. What God has commanded us to do, He often provides a way for us to obey as we step out in faith. I have seen it over and over again in obedience to Him!"

Yes, in her white bread, upper middle class life, I'm sure she has seen it over and over again. Unfortunately, real life doesn't often work that way.

She really is a monster, isn't she?

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that goofy bitch can't get it through her head that living at poverty level just to be a "keeper at home" is NOT the American dream! Yeah, we could attempt to live on my husband's shitty disability check and score food stamps...OR I can work and keep us VERY comfortable with what I make...

Thank you, I'll take my healthy salary over poverty any day.

Lori Alexander is a monster

Ken Alexander is a monster.

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