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Let's celebrate Jill's wedding!/Jill Married MERGE


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I have totally lost any shred of respect for Michelle when I saw that she had her wedding dress on display at the reception.

The etiquette rule about "only the bride gets to wear white" is to keep attention on the bride where it should be. There should be no way for people to look at Jill's dress and immediately compare it in any way to her mother's.

What a fucking attention whore. Narcissist personality is what you are Michelle.

Every situation has to be about you. Can't even let your daughter have her wedding without trying to upstage her.

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From that People article:

"I think we should have done more pranks at the wedding," Jill's younger brother, Jeremiah, 15, tells PEOPLE with a laugh. "But, they did a good job. Derick is my brother-in-law. He's a good guy. I'm stuck with him now, so good thing."

I hope this means they didn't pull any of their usual crap, especially with Derick's mother being ill. And while I hope Boob and J'chelle had the sense to be the ones to lay down the law on that, I also kind of hope Jill and Derick were able to stand up to the family and say it themselves.

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Maybe an emcee has more responsibilities? Pointing the way to the cake doesn't sound like the total job description. Would Josh be the guy announcing every part of the ceremony taking place and keeping things moving along? Or wouldn't he have to be some kind of a religious figure to assume that role?

So much mystery. I'd just think that as the oldest sib he'd have to be given more prestige. Unless there's been a serious falling out with Jill and Derick that we haven't been privy to and they're slighting him.

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Haha did you see Joshies latest IG post??? Smugs, u so funny!!!

Oh no, you're not.

Oh, it made me laugh...just most likely not in the way that he intended.

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The fact that Cathy had to be in a wheelchair for the wedding when not even three months ago (the engagement episode was filmed on March 29th) she looked healthy and was mobile is not a good sign at all. So sad and unfair.

My guess.. and hope, I think.. is that she's currently undergoing chemo and just had a treatment a couple of days ago and was too low on energy to attend the rehearsal dinner but has a good prognosis. She could quite well have something like stage 2 breast cancer with unclear margins after a lumpectomy and have to do 6 weeks of chemo and then all is good after. Still sucks in the short term, but long-term is fine.

Just a thought. Needing a wheelchair for the ceremony doesn't necessarily mean she's at death's door. I sincerely hope it's the case (that she's not).

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Michelle displaying her wedding gown (or pressuring Jill to do it) is actually sad. I mean, Derick's father is dead, so displaying his uniform is a way of remembering him and saying that he is still relevant.

Michelle needing her dress on display says that although still alive, she feels forgotten and irrelevant already.

Or it's a comment on Jill choosing to pass up the opportunity to wear it, like, what a shame, she could have honored me by slightly altering my beautiful choice of thirty years ago. Which kind of says a lot about her attitude in general.

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A few things...

1) Displaying the police officer uniform of Derick's father was an wonderful way to honor him, but Michelle's wedding dress being there was entirely inappropriate. One more time, Michelle. NOT. ABOUT. YOU.

2) Why does every fundie wedding have some kind of a grift attached to the proceedings? 4 wedding showers, countless gifts, a house, and untold amounts of time and resources devoted to making this day perfect, and the new couple STILL felt the need to approve of putting a sign up telling guests to throw money into their truck. Unbelievably tacky. Whose bright idea was this, and why do I feel like Gil Bates had a role in it?

3) I don't know Cathy's prognosis, or where she is in her cancer treatment protocol, but I can say that when my son was getting chemotherapy, he was sometimes given very strong chemo drugs that left him weak and dizzy for up to several days after they were given. We borrowed a wheelchair from a friend so that we could push him around until he was feeling well enough to walk. It may be that her prognosis isn't as dire as we might think, but that the timing of her latest chemo treatment happened to correspond with her son's wedding day, and that she needed the chair because she was so run down.

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Found this on FB the smuggars and pris and Dave at the reception

Her face looks so thin here. I'm still not convinced she's preggers, and she's definitely not due in September.

Does Josh tweeze his eyebrows or are they just naturally like that?

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Michelle displaying her wedding gown (or pressuring Jill to do it) is actually sad. I mean, Derick's father is dead, so displaying his uniform is a way of remembering him and saying that he is still relevant.

Michelle needing her dress on display says that although still alive, she feels forgotten and irrelevant already.

Or it's a comment on Jill choosing to pass up the opportunity to wear it, like, what a shame, she could have honored me by slightly altering my beautiful choice of thirty years ago. Which kind of says a lot about her attitude in general.

Yes, i totally agree, that made me feel sad for Michelle. Also thought it was kind of tacky lol. Even if Jill suggested it, Michelle still should have turned that down. Especially because it seemed to be in kind of ratty shape.

The display with Derick's dad could have included a photo of him and Derick and a hat if he'd worn one, and a display of Derick's mom's favorite flowers or something. Just hanging on a barn door made it seem last minute... almost like Michelle was behind it all like, oh Jill your dress is kind of like mine! Wouldn't it be cute to have mine hanging somewhere? And... one of Derick's dads' uniforms as a way to honor him?

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I noticed the 600 cupcakes for 1000 guests as well. That is incredibly rude. I realize they had other food but since it seems they only had snacks, they should at least be offering cupcakes to everyone. If you have 1000 guests, you plan for 1500 cupcakes. People will want seconds, especially the children. And these are people bringing you gifts and traveling to come see you on your wedding day. You fucking feed them.

I'm guess there were about 100 families there. Most of their "friends" families have 10+ children, making them families of 12+, but since Derick's friends and family are not like that, I'm guessing it all evened out to about 100 families, so about 100 gifts, which is still insane. I agree the "throw a buck in the truck" deal is tacky - and so incredibly pintresty lame - but I don't see it being any different than the dollar dance at other weddings. Since the Duggars can't dance due to it opening the doorway for satan, they're left with the "throw a buck in the truck (so we can afford to fuck)" deal. I still find the dollar dance tacky; I just equate the two since their wedding had no dancing.

Really though, there's no need for the truck thing. As others have pointed out, they have had SEVERAL showers. They had that stupid pounding thing in addition to their multiple insane registries that strangers will buy them just for the sake of buying them. They have TLC and People money. OH! And they have a FUCKING HOUSE. Seriously, what more could they possibly need? They both have jobs and she won't quit for at least six months to a year. the only thing I can think of, would be to do it for guests who maybe couldn't afford to give anything so they could feel like they gave something. :shrug:

Maybe Josh didn't have a big role bc Anna's pregnant. If she's been having a rough pregnancy with morning sickness and such, he may have needed a small role so he could go and take care of the kids at a moments notice due to Anna not feeling well?? Just a thought.

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So who thinks Jill is already pregnant? I'm placing bets on her being in a family way within a month, three max.

Not to be crass but the thought has crossed my mine that they may have known each other biblically before the wedding.

That being said they have some time just to be a couple and enjoy just the 2 of them before welcoming a baby or 2 .

Can you imagine if Jill ends up pregnant with twins. Anna will be green with envy.

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Anna is (as always) so pretty, she's out of Smugs league

All the Keller girls are so good looking but what bugs me is the matchy stuff with David, they still almost always match

I guess I disagree on this... they aren't bad-looking girls, but 'so good-looking' is pushing it for me.

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Maybe an emcee has more responsibilities? Pointing the way to the cake doesn't sound like the total job description. Would Josh be the guy announcing every part of the ceremony taking place and keeping things moving along? Or wouldn't he have to be some kind of a religious figure to assume that role?

So much mystery. I'd just think that as the oldest sib he'd have to be given more prestige. Unless there's been a serious falling out with Jill and Derick that we haven't been privy to and they're slighting him.

The emcee usually introduces the members of the bridal party at the reception and anyone giving a toast to the bride and groom, when they are going to cut the cake, toss the bouquet etc.

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Smuggar looks like he hasn't pooped in days

He's spewed so much shit out of his mouth lately that there's nothing left to come out his ass.

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Her face looks so thin here. I'm still not convinced she's preggers, and she's definitely not due in September.

Does Josh tweeze his eyebrows or are they just naturally like that?

Wowza! Dave and Pris look like siblings!

Not sure about Anna she's had 3 kids in a short period of time and her youngest just turned 1 that itself can keep you looking pregnant. Having a baby changes your body never mind 3 back to back pregnancies. Could just be residual.

On the other hand her hair looks thin and her face looks sickly like she has in the past early in her pregnancies. Her kids thus far are about 2 years apart now that Marcus is one I'm sure baby number 4 is not far around the corner for them.

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I noticed the 600 cupcakes for 1000 guests as well. That is incredibly rude. I realize they had other food but since it seems they only had snacks, they should at least be offering cupcakes to everyone. If you have 1000 guests, you plan for 1500 cupcakes. People will want seconds, especially the children. And these are people bringing you gifts and traveling to come see you on your wedding day. You fucking feed them.

I'm guess there were about 100 families there. Most of their "friends" families have 10+ children, making them families of 12+, but since Derick's friends and family are not like that, I'm guessing it all evened out to about 100 families, so about 100 gifts, which is still insane. I agree the "throw a buck in the truck" deal is tacky - and so incredibly pintresty lame - but I don't see it being any different than the dollar dance at other weddings. Since the Duggars can't dance due to it opening the doorway for satan, they're left with the "throw a buck in the truck (so we can afford to fuck)" deal. I still find the dollar dance tacky; I just equate the two since their wedding had no dancing.

Really though, there's no need for the truck thing. As others have pointed out, they have had SEVERAL showers. They had that stupid pounding thing in addition to their multiple insane registries that strangers will buy them just for the sake of buying them. They have TLC and People money. OH! And they have a FUCKING HOUSE. Seriously, what more could they possibly need? They both have jobs and she won't quit for at least six months to a year. the only thing I can think of, would be to do it for guests who maybe couldn't afford to give anything so they could feel like they gave something. :shrug:

Maybe Josh didn't have a big role bc Anna's pregnant. If she's been having a rough pregnancy with morning sickness and such, he may have needed a small role so he could go and take care of the kids at a moments notice due to Anna not feeling well?? Just a thought.

OH MY GOD. That is my new favorite quote.

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People.com posted more photos, with Derick carrying Jill out of the chapel and Jill has a "WOOHOO!" face on. Too cute!


Here's a link to the People article. I can't be the only one who noticed that Jill's dress is IVORY, not white.

I wore an ivory dress because it looked better against my skin tone, but isn't a white dress a fundie requirements?

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Why does every fundie wedding have some kind of a grift attached to the proceedings? 4 wedding showers, countless gifts, a house, and untold amounts of time and resources devoted to making this day perfect, and the new couple STILL felt the need to approve of putting a sign up telling guests to throw money into their truck. Unbelievably tacky.

Definitely. The Duggars have never been desperately poor. Even though they married young, JB and Michelle were both licensed real estate agents. They waited 4 years to have children. They've paid for a house in cash somewhere along the way. They obviously have jedi skillz on the financial front... the cell towers on their property, negotiating TV shows that pay for trips and weddings... JB has the ability to repair and resell vehicles.They're probably millionaires, and no doubt they snatched up cheap real estate in the crash. We should all be so lucky. Realizing all this totally takes away any guilt i felt as a struggling newlywed fundie who just COULD NOT afford more kids. JB and Michelle have never had those hard choices and i doubt their children will, either. So their kids have never been a true burden, really. Pumping out the kids has never meant that the rest of them will suffer much. Crowded, yes. Overworked, definitely. Hand-me-downs, yeah. But they've never had to live paycheck to paycheck. The fact that they 1) used disposable diapers 2) don't garden 3) use a lot of convenience foods (like all those Aldi burritos) proves that they can shell out the bucks when necessary.

Frugal living with a fat bank account waiting to rescue you is worlds away from 'can't buy milk this week because we have to make rent'. Their ministry of telling us all how to live falls flat when you realize they have had a relatively easy ride to their lifestyle.

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I think if Anna weren't pregnant, she would have been wearing one of those more modern dresses she now fancies. She is wearing a very frumpy, plain black shirt with a skirt. I vote preggo. But her face does look thin.

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Definitely. The Duggars have never been desperately poor. Even though they married young, JB and Michelle were both licensed real estate agents. They waited 4 years to have children. They've paid for a house in cash somewhere along the way. They obviously have jedi skillz on the financial front... the cell towers on their property, negotiating TV shows that pay for trips and weddings... JB has the ability to repair and resell vehicles.They're probably millionaires, and no doubt they snatched up cheap real estate in the crash. We should all be so lucky. Realizing all this totally takes away any guilt i felt as a struggling newlywed fundie who just COULD NOT afford more kids. JB and Michelle have never had those hard choices and i doubt their children will, either. So their kids have never been a true burden, really. Pumping out the kids has never meant that the rest of them will suffer much. They've never had to live paycheck to paycheck. The fact that they 1) used disposable diapers 2) don't garden 3) use a lot of convenience foods (like all those Aldi burritos) proves that they can shell out the bucks when necessary.

Frugal living with a fat bank account waiting to rescue you is worlds away from 'can't buy milk this week because we have to make rent'. Their ministry of telling us all how to live falls flat when you realize they have had a relatively easy ride to their lifestyle.

This is all so true, and it's made even worse when you factor in that Jim Bob used something like $250,000 of his own money to break into politics. He had 10 people living in a 3-bedroom house, his family was living on handouts and making their own laundry detergent, I've been hearing rumors for years about how at one point Michelle was serving nothing but rice for meals, and he claims "the lord told him" to enter the political arena. Jim Bob has always disgusted me, and the fact that he was willing to neglect his own family in order to service his ego in the political arena is just one of many reasons why.

Boob couldn't even debate the facts, either. I read one article where he was given 3 minutes to talk about his position on the topic that was up for debate, and instead, he trotted out his children to play their violins. :violin:

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From that article, I think its lovely that they had one of Derrick's dad's uniforms hanging up... but next to MICHELLE'S dress!? WTF, she is not ill or dead why on earth would they be showcasing her wedding dress?

The photo of J&D leaving is adorable, they look incredibly happy and comfortable together.

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I'm no more offended by the "buck in the truck" thing as I am with normal dollar dances or stupid things where you pin/clip money onto the couple's clothes, give money, whatever. I think all of it is tacky, but some people see this stuff as wedding tradition that they've waited a long time to do. Goodness knows my brother and sister in law had a dollar dance money grab, plus FOUR showers, plus not paying for their wedding (parents did), plus, plus, plus. A fundie-lite doctor I used to work for had a collection plate passed at the wedding. A doctor. Collection plate. At the wedding! (It was announced that the money would go to them, as they certainly had a great ministry looming. No ministry ever materialized, naturally.)

I think all the blatant, give cash, money grabs are just horrible, but I can't single out Dill for this. It happens everywhere. And, her parents are rich, they're not.

As for the gift registries, I assume that she was going to get gifts from fans and this was a way to keep it all at an arms reach. Fewer (or, hopefully, no) fan showing up at the TTH to give unsolicited packages.

FWIW, Mr Womb and I got married later in life and had everything we needed, twice over. We has a small wedding (30 guests) and sent announcements to most of the Christmas card list instead of invites. Even specifically asking for no gifts, we were pressured into doing a small Amazon registry by his sister. We told no one, but of course word got around, and we got almost everything on it. People want to give gifts. If Jill is finally getting something tangible for being her parents slave and having her childhood broadcast on TV, good on her.

Michelle, however, can jump in the nearest lake.

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