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Let's celebrate Jill's wedding!/Jill Married MERGE


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Is this that blog we thought was fake??? Seems it's not and she went to Jill's wedding....

http://zedicy542.blogspot.com.au/2014/0 ... d.html?m=1

Can somebody pls translate that garbage?? What is this!?

"I went to the wedding, Lori said I'm a fraud, I wanted to be a singer, now I'm a housewife."

What kind of post is that!?

And "What do I know besides babies and housekeeping?" oh wow lol

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It just seems like such a slap in the face to many of their guests to invite so many people and then only a select few get to attend the festivities at the Duggar home. Why not throw a tent in the backyard of the home and cater some BBQ? Heck, why not try to negotiate with TLC and make them pick up the tab on a buffet? I see no reason why some of the money they will be getting from this could not be used to feed the bazillion people you expect to throw a dollar in your truck. And they will be getting money from this. Jill and Derick are adults, and I can guarantee they will be paid separately for this. I cannot see how JB would be the only one being compensated for this.

That would have been awesome. 8-)

Maybe further down the line, maybe with Jessa's. That would be romantic, with lanterns and strings of lights, maybe a few basic fireworks... and then sparklers for all the kids while the couple drives off to their honeymoon.

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Read the comments on Loris blog here:


I have no idea wtf is going on!

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I am totally confused, you all get perturbed that they don't act like normal people but when they do you still gripe. The money thing has been around for decades especially Italian weddings that I have been to (NORMAL), her dress was very pretty and she didn't show her boobs (NORMAL) who says you have to look trashy just because you are getting married? 600 cupcakes, did it say anywhere that there was nothing else? Cupcakes generally would keep the little kids happy. I am almost sure no one held a gun to the people to throw a buck in the truck and again no one said here is my registry and you BETTER buy us something!

Michelle, on the other hand, SERIOUSLY?????

Regardless of how widespread and how "normal" the practice of shilling for cash at one's own wedding may be, this does not make it any less tacky and offensive. Shaking down guests for cash is, per se, tacky.

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Can somebody pls translate that garbage?? What is this!?

"I went to the wedding, Lori said I'm a fraud, I wanted to be a singer, now I'm a housewife."

What kind of post is that!?

And "What do I know besides babies and housekeeping?" oh wow lol

Pretty sure this is a fake blog, mocking fundies

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I am totally confused, you all get perturbed that they don't act like normal people but when they do you still gripe. The money thing has been around for decades especially Italian weddings that I have been to (NORMAL), her dress was very pretty and she didn't show her boobs (NORMAL) who says you have to look trashy just because you are getting married? 600 cupcakes, did it say anywhere that there was nothing else? Cupcakes generally would keep the little kids happy. I am almost sure no one held a gun to the people to throw a buck in the truck and again no one said here is my registry and you BETTER buy us something!

Michelle, on the other hand, SERIOUSLY?????

I think people are looking at the totality of the situation. When you expect so much from your guests and give so little back to make sure your invited guests are taken care of, it really does not look all that great. The Italians are known for their awesome weddings. This was not an awesome wedding. This was a gift/money grab with a little bit of wedding thrown in. I will not apologize for saying that because that is what it appears to look like.

If The Duggars live by the sword, you know, making a buck off being public figures, expect people to say something when they prove what many of us have been saying all along. They are greedy guts people. And no matter how much smile they flash or how many verses they read in the bible, their true character shows in situations like this. They have been wanting bucks off people for years now. Now they are using a truck to carry it around.

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Loris bullshit funny stuff is giving me a headache.

I think that particular blog is fake. Too much bs

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Can somebody pls translate that garbage?? What is this!?

"I went to the wedding, Lori said I'm a fraud, I wanted to be a singer, now I'm a housewife."

What kind of post is that!?

And "What do I know besides babies and housekeeping?" oh wow lol

I'm thinking it's a fake. She tries way too hard toward the end, especially that bit about courting and marriage at 13. Then there's the fact that it's the only blog post.

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Maybe the "throw a buck in the truck" thing was a decoy to keep the boys from trashing the getaway vehicle. :lol:

Also - was Pistol Pete at the wedding or reception? Maybe the groomsman with the nice behind was one of Derick's Pistol Pete buddies. :ymca:

*hard to believe our only cowboy smiley is in the village people* (wicked laugh)

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I want to see a better picture of the front of Jill's dress. I'm just not seeing where it's been badly altered, and I make clothing and do alterations for people.

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The reason that I was bothered by the display of Michelle's wedding dress is the fact that it really was Mary's dress that Michelle borrowed for their wedding. If they wanted to display it, they should have mentioned that it was also Mary's.

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1. I really don't think it's weird at all that josh wasn't a part of the wedding party. Derick obviously knows & is closer to john & joe. It's just that simple. This isn't ALL about the duggar family, after all.

2. I've always thought dollar dances/pass the hat/whatever is very tacky. No matter who does it.

3. Hanging Michelle's dress is just plain disgusting.

4. I don't get the 3 week waiting period for pics. I mean, what is different between now & 3 weeks from now?

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1. I really don't think it's weird at all that josh wasn't a part of the wedding party. Derick obviously knows & is closer to john & joe. It's just that simple. This isn't ALL about the duggar family, after all.

2. I've always thought dollar dances/pass the hat/whatever is very tacky. No matter who does it.

3. Hanging Michelle's dress is just plain disgusting.

4. I don't get the 3 week waiting period for pics. I mean, what is different between now & 3 weeks from now?

2. I have been to weddings with dollar dances and my husband and I have never participated, we are not dancers and it is a money grab. We just went to a lovely wedding that had one, I just ignored it. (This wedding had a lot of out of town guests, us included. All out of town guests were invited to the rehearsal dinner and a lunch was served at the reception. The wedding was at 11.)

3. Honoring Derek's father was appropriate, though I thought it looked like an afterthought and not well thought out. I have seen people display pictures, have a candle. Someone mentioned perhaps his father's hat. The uniform shirt hanging there was eh- But, they probably had to make it work with Michelle's dress, which, what the hell? Why is that even a thing to do? Who cares what her dress looked like, that is something you share with your daughters while you are reminiscing and doing wedding planning. But, Michelle had to be a part of it somehow, besides just the mother of the bride, which can be a lot of work, unless you are Michelle, I doubt she actually did much.

4. 3 weeks - that would be after People magazine publishes the pictures.

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Probably they are releasing something in three weeks and they don't want anyone blowing their cover. But where did that come from to begin with?

I bet Lily and Elle were there, so they probably have pics too. I wonder how Mr. lily feels about the whole Duggar thing. I suspect its all Elle but since she lives at home Mommy is her accountability partner.

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There's actually a picture of them kissing! It's definitely not one of the press release photos, so I wonder where they got it.


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The people article said there were 600 cupcake and 3000 cookies and 3000 root beer floats sweet and salty snacks. they probably had a brides cake and maybe a grooms cake. Just because not every one got a cupcake means they were starved.

I have been to more weddings were the were not given a sit down dinner than to those who have given me a sit down dinner. No one forced the out of town guests to come. They rented out Fort Rock for guests, their website says they can feed 200 at once.

Next year I am going to my nephews wedding. It is eight hours away, I will drive that with my mom and DH, We will rent a hotel room for the weekend. I will see him get married. I will be happy for him, I will go to the reception. If all I get is cake then I will be happy because I was able to see my nephew get married. I don't feel he "owes" me a big dinner because I came from out of town. The day will be about the couple and no one else.

Jill and Derricks day was about them, let them have it.

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I noticed the 600 cupcakes for 1000 guests as well.

According to the articles, they also had two flavors of cake in addition to the cupcakes as well as the wedding cake. That's a ton of cake.

I'm joining in on the Michelle leave that tatty old wedding gown in the bag in the closet or better yet get rid of it. There was zero reason to display it at Jill's wedding. Maybe one of the girls will lose it soon so it can't be displayed at any more weddings. It was really Mary's dress also?

Jill doesn't have a job yet in answer to saying she had a paying job. She's an apprentice still.

I find the buck in the truck tacky, but then I've never been to a wedding with a money grab not even Italian weddings. I would choose not to participate. To me a money request of any kind is never appropriate, but match if with a cake and punch reception and it's way beyond grabby.

The three weeks for pictures is probably so People can get their article out.

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You can tell that picture of them kissing was not supposed to be released. Its a paparazzi (or fan) pic of them posing for their pictures and was sold to Radar online.

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Her face looks so thin here. I'm still not convinced she's preggers, and she's definitely not due in September.

Does Josh tweeze his eyebrows or are they just naturally like that?

Josh need a man bra.

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