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Let's celebrate Jill's wedding!/Jill Married MERGE


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Found this on FB the smuggars and pris and Dave at the reception

Anna looks better than she has in years. David and Priscilla look like they could be brother and sister.

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It could be that Jill kept her hair plain because that's just her style and she no reason to change it for the wedding. That was the one thing I was adamant when I got married: I wanted to look like my usual tomboy self, not a dolled-up, air-brushed version of my self. As morbidly corny as it sounds, I even have explicit instructions for my funeral that I want to be dressed in my usual jeans and flip flops (or Crocs if it's winter) and my trademark ponytail. And one eye open, just to mess with people.

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I agree with the others that say Jill's hair is a little underwhelming and doesn't fit her overall look.

I guess I'll be the lone wolf and say I don't find her dress to be spectacular or particularly gorgeous.

Alyssa Bates Webster still has had the best look of recent fundie brides hands down in my opinion.

Jill and Derick do look very happy and I hope they had a good time and will be able to have a relaxing honeymoon without cameras and busybody relatives.

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It could be that Jill kept her hair plain because that's just her style and she no reason to change it for the wedding. That was the one thing I was adamant when I got married: I wanted to look like my usual tomboy self, not a dolled-up, air-brushed version of my self. As morbidly corny as it sounds, I even have explicit instructions for my funeral that I want to be dressed in my usual jeans and flip flops (or Crocs if it's winter) and my trademark ponytail. And one eye open, just to mess with people.

:lol: :worship: :clap: That's awesome. I wish i knew you in real life!

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Heh heh heh

Comparing apples and oranges.

Jill is a fundie princess. Anna was not. I'm fairly certain rides father's foot the bill. Jill is also TLCs and the Duggars new darling I She had access to all the styling , professional make up etc that Anna didn't/

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I hope we get a glimpse of the bridal party. My guess is mint dresses and peach flowers.

i think mint dresses too, though she had both on her pinterest. I'm guessing mint with Jana (maid of honor) in peach :D



(not sure why one of the pins came up blank white)

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People.com posted more photos, with Derick carrying Jill out of the chapel and Jill has a "WOOHOO!" face on. Too cute!


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That's an adorable picture of them.

My heart is broken about Derick' mother she came to the wedding straight from the hospital. That' can't be a good sign.

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I can't get over how much mainstream attention this is getting.

I'm more shocked that in the main articles there is never any mention of the Duggars beliefs. Zero. That information is out there now at the very least you'd think there would be a mention that they are anti-marriage equality given it's a wedding and that's a pretty big issue in the states right now.

Duggars must have some high end connections or writers aren't doing their research.

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I can't get over how much mainstream attention this is getting.

I'm more shocked that in the main articles there is never any mention of the Duggars beliefs. Zero. That information is out there now at the very least you'd think there would be a mention that they are anti-marriage equality given it's a wedding and that's a pretty big issue in the states right now.

Duggars must have some high end connections or writers aren't doing their research.

Well we know the people magazine writers aren't doing their research XD Plus they always tiptoe around celebrities so I don't expect any hard truths from them.

I don't know as much about other gossip sites...

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Did one figure out yet what role Josh played in the wedding?

Because all of Jill's other sibs including Anna, and her niece and nephews are mentioned as being maid of honor, bridesmaids, flower girls, groomsmen, ring bearers and ushers.

Did Amy get to do anything?

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Well I guess we saw how J'chelle got her spotlight of attention. Showcasing her wedding dress? Really? For what purpose? I can understand having one of Derick's dad's uniforms hanging up, but why J'chelle's wedding dress? It really takes away from the whole idea of honouring him. Obnoxious.

Coming from the hospital is most definitely not a good sign. My grandmother made the decision to come to my graduation from the hospital. The plan was for her to come shortly before the walking part since that's all that really matters. She never left bed after that and died a few months later. I really hope Derick doesn't have to bury his mom so soon after his wedding. In the very least though, I'm glad she was able to attend.

(Just a thought, if she doesn't beat this, J'chelle won't have to "share" her grandchildren.)

As far as the picture of Anna and Pris, they all look miserable in that picture. Josh almost always looks miserable though. Anna's smile feel forced as does Pris'. And I agree that the girls both look the same as far as body size. I wouldn't be surprised if they're both due around the same time.

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Well we know the people magazine writers aren't doing their research XD Plus they always tiptoe around celebrities so I don't expect any hard truths from them.

I don't know as much about other gossip sites...

People mag won't mention it because they agree with it. Fully. This is the same magazine that put a Bristol Palin on the cover with her "I didn't have an abortion" baby making a huge deal about how she graduated high school with an almost toddler. They like these kind of people and never trash them. I'm not surprised in the least that People didn't mention it. Had it been another magazine, possibly, but not People.

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Did one figure out yet what role Josh played in the wedding?

Because all of Jill's other sibs including Anna, and her niece and nephews are mentioned as being maid of honor, bridesmaids, flower girls, groomsmen, ring bearers and ushers.

Did Amy get to do anything?

Josh was the Emcee.

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Well I guess we saw how J'chelle got her spotlight of attention. Showcasing her wedding dress? Really? For what purpose? I can understand having one of Derick's dad's uniforms hanging up, but why J'chelle's wedding dress? It really takes away from the whole idea of honouring him. Obnoxious.

This, a thousand times, this!!! :evil:

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I see that now in the People article:

"The eldest in the Duggar clan, Josh, served as emcee of the reception, pointing people to long folding tables filled with chocolate and vanilla cakes, as well as the tables with the wedding cake."

Is emcee even a prestigious job? It seems like making fun of Josh for loving to eat.

And SO defrauding, you can see Jill's entire armpit in the photo where Derick is carrying her. What on earth...? (At least it's a completely smooth armpit.)

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I agree with the others that say Jill's hair is a little underwhelming and doesn't fit her overall look.

I guess I'll be the lone wolf and say I don't find her dress to be spectacular or particularly gorgeous.

Alyssa Bates Webster still has had the best look of recent fundie brides hands down in my opinion.

Jill and Derick do look very happy and I hope they had a good time and will be able to have a relaxing honeymoon without cameras and busybody relatives.

Agree! It looks like a dress I've seen on other fundie brides.

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People mag won't mention it because they agree with it. Fully. This is the same magazine that put a Bristol Palin on the cover with her "I didn't have an abortion" baby making a huge deal about how she graduated high school with an almost toddler. They like these kind of people and never trash them. I'm not surprised in the least that People didn't mention it. Had it been another magazine, possibly, but not People.

Ugh! I did not know this about People.

I don' understand why they couldn't come up with another way to include J &M 30 year marriage. I an understand them wanting to use 30 years of marriage as inspiration, but to me Derick's father's uniform should have been displayed alone.

I'm also intrigued by Josh being the emcee it's almost like an after thought pointing people to desserts could have been done by Jackson or another of the little boys.

I wonder if they didn't think he'd be able to attend.

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I'm also intrigued by Josh being the emcee it's almost like an after thought pointing people to desserts could have been done by Jackson or another of the little boys.

I'm sure he requested this role. That way he could steer certain people to certain tables with certain foods, saving the best for himself :lol:

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So who thinks Jill is already pregnant? I'm placing bets on her being in a family way within a month, three max.

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Anyone else notice that the People article said they had 600 cupcakes? So around 600 cupcakes for 1000 guests? That better have been a gigantic wedding cake because that's just rude.

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I noticed the other day that Ben and Jessa's Instagrams have simmered down with the selfies. Trouble in courtship-land? :doh:

I believe they are long engaged and just waiting until enough after Jill's wedding that they won't steal her spotlight. At this point, even if they started getting along less well, I think they'd go ahead with the wedding anyway. Unfortunately, they are not normal people who can call of a wedding, it would be a bad testimony. They're past that point.

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Here's something to snark about...

The sign by their decorated getaway truck? It says "throw a buck in the truck for the newlyweds". :cry: So there was at least some element of tackiness, despite the lovely pics so far.

On Instagram, you'll see the pic if you go to #jillandderickwedding2014

That's disgusting. Besides the fact that they're on the TLC payroll, she's had multiple bridal showers, a "pounding", a huge *** wedding registry by which leg-humpers who've never met her will buy her gifts, and over 1,000 people at her wedding, which if we ***ume an average family has 5 members, that's 200 families each which will bring a gift, and THEY'RE STILL BEGGING FOR MONEY?! Seriously, that's beyond tacky.

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