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Doug Phillips is a Tool and Vision Forum is Dead - Part 6

happy atheist

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Nolan may be "right" about Peter, and about Nathaniel, and about everyone else in VF Land, but he's still an infuriating d-bag.

Nolan may indeed be right. But if he is selling his "expose" (albeit for a mere 99 cents ) - then he is worse than an infuriating d-bag. He's approaching pimp-land.

WTF, Nolan? Whistle-blowing shouldn't be done for $$$. It should be done for principles (biblical or not) and the protection of the vulnerable. #lost credibility.

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Nolan may indeed be right. But if he is selling his "expose" (albeit for a mere 99 cents ) - then he is worse than an infuriating d-bag. He's approaching pimp-land.

WTF, Nolan? Whistle-blowing shouldn't be done for $$$. It should be done for principles (biblical or not) and the protection of the vulnerable. #lost credibility.

No, it's called irony. He's kind of mocking the fact that everyone has been "selling" the not-so-accurate gospel.

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No, it's called irony. He's kind of mocking the fact that everyone has been "selling" the not-so-accurate gospel.

Hmmm. Want to say exactly who you are and how you have this inside knowledge? KISA redux? Nolan himself?

Nolan is rather (nauseatingly) cute in his own little biblically muddled and home-schooled (BCA or VF) clarity of communication challenged way so I'd like to believe that he was trying for ironic. But this little effort was an epic fail.

Nolan doesn't seem to have been a VF Intern. He is at an actual bricks and mortar accredited college and does appear to use his brain. He does have connections though. He knows the Sergeants and the Gradys and is in the San Antonio area.

Spit it out Nolan! If you have knowledge have the courage to say it out loud. Loud and clear. In court. Stop teasing on the internet and playing silly "ironic" games.

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I would vote "bottom feeding move trying to make money off someone else's misconduct or crime" before I vote for irony. Just another tool from that system fleecing the fellow sheep.


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How is Nolan Manteufel selling his "inside" information any different than Doug Phillips Is A Tool selling his VF shite?

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Hmmm. Want to say exactly who you are and how you have this inside knowledge? KISA redux? Nolan himself?

Why would I want to do that?

it's what you do that defines you...

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Why would I want to do that?

it's what you do that defines you...

Well, what you are doing right now on FJ ... defines you as doing nothing at all of value!

Have the courage of your convictions. If you want to claim insider knowledge then out yourself.

Why should we believe anything you say? :cray-cray:

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I'd have more respect for Nolan and his message if he'd stop it with all the riddles and the vague statements. He wants to be seen as some grand communicator of truth, but I can hardly make out what he's trying to say. I'd have a lot more respect for him if he'd just lay it all on the table. He just seems to be stirring everyone up and getting everyone pissed at him, while accomplishing nothing.

If you're thinking about dropping .99 for these tender morsels, let me help you save some money. Don't. It's just more of the same internet ramblings, and it clarifies nothing. The only interesting parts were that the "woman" agreed to its release, and it seems as if Bradrick may have had a hand in keeping the whole thing quiet, if not outright coercing the girl to go along with the relationship. Still, that's a very vague insinuation and no real evidence is given, not even anecdata.

I do look forward to this court case, but I feel bad for the Tool's children that they may lose their father to prison if the case is of a criminal nature.

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Those are all men with real military records.

Interesting. I was under the impression that Doug was not supportive of modern military service. I have lots of ties to the army and air force. Not only did my father die in Vietnam but my husband retired from the military, my sister is in the military and my brother served for awhile. I am a tiny bit sensitive to Vision Forum's pimping of the modern military for money when their members weren't willing to actually serve.

Do you know which branch of the military that these men are in? Did they serve overseas? I wonder how they felt serving under women? Are these people Christian Reconstructionists or are they a different denomination than Doug Phillips? Why would they use Scott Brown as their officiant?

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I'd have more respect for Nolan and his message if he'd stop it with all the riddles and the vague statements. He wants to be seen as some grand communicator of truth, but I can hardly make out what he's trying to say. I'd have a lot more respect for him if he'd just lay it all on the table. He just seems to be stirring everyone up and getting everyone pissed at him, while accomplishing nothing.

If you're thinking about dropping .99 for these tender morsels, let me help you save some money. Don't. It's just more of the same internet ramblings, and it clarifies nothing. The only interesting parts were that the "woman" agreed to its release, and it seems as if Bradrick may have had a hand in keeping the whole thing quiet, if not outright coercing the girl to go along with the relationship. Still, that's a very vague insinuation and no real evidence is given, not even anecdata.

I do look forward to this court case, but I feel bad for the Tool's children that they may lose their father to prison if the case is of a criminal nature.

I have zero pity for Doug Phillips but I really do feel for his kids. This must seem like it came from out of nowhere. Of course, their father is to blame for their pain but that doesn't mean that I don't have empathy for his family.

If Bradrick had a hand in keeping the young lady quiet, could he get in legal trouble also? Maybe that is why he went silent.

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I have zero pity for Doug Phillips but I really do feel for his kids. This must seem like it came from out of nowhere. Of course, their father is to blame for their pain but that doesn't mean that I don't have empathy for his family.

If Bradrick had a hand in keeping the young lady quiet, could he get in legal trouble also? Maybe that is why he went silent.

His kids are as much a victim of this as the young lady in question. Hearing your father has kept up a decades long affair with your beloved nanny is bad enough. The possibility of him going to prison for this is even worse. Not only are they having to endure all of this, they have to do it in a community that will forever judge them for their father's actions. They were the little princes and princesses of fundiedom. Their fall from grace will prevent them from obtaining employment or a spouse in this insular little community they once ruled. They'll have to essentially start their lives completely over, in a secular world that they have no experience with, thanks to their father. Even though in the long run this will be to their benefit, I can't imagine what they're going through right now.

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His kids are as much a victim of this as the young lady in question. Hearing your father has kept up a decades long affair with your beloved nanny is bad enough. .

What happened? What did I miss? Was it the nanny?

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Who is Peter Kershaw? Has it been established he is TW? Sarah M announces that Kershaw is in fact Eston on Nolan's FB page....

Oh, and Nolan's little friends must be reading here. Nolan does not care, apparently ...

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What happened? What did I miss? Was it the nanny?

General consensus seems to all be pointing to the nanny. I haven't read anything to the contrary as of yet, but who knows with this crowd? My money is still on it being the nanny, just because I've seen almost no evidence to the contrary. It also seems that almost everyone talking right now has taken her side in this story. She appears to be a victim of long term sexual abuse at Doug's hands, and quite likely of an illegal nature, with possible criminal charges on the way. How all the miscellaneous parties figure into this (Scott Brown, Leininger, Bradrick, etc.) remains a matter of speculation and debate.

Unfortunately, the only person really talking right now is Nolan Manteufel, and he's talking a lot, but saying very little. It's all crazy riddles and metaphors that really only seem to make sense to him. He has an axe to grind with Bradrick that seems to go way beyond nanny-gate. Bradrick appears to be the picture of calm, coherent sanity compared to this kid, and that is saying something.

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Why would I want to do that?

it's what you do that defines you...

And you are here, anonymously talking about people you know in real life.....

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Bradrick's silence might be because he is afraid he will be part of the investigation.

I am trying to imagine how I would act if I was a member of Doug's circle and discovered that everything that I told was a lie. My initial reaction would be to feel anger over the betrayal. Actually, my reaction might continue to remain extremely angry especially if my education and life experiences had been hampered by my parent's crazy belief system. What must it be like to be a woman who was married off to someone that you don't know, have baby after baby and suddenly realize that the people who guided you into this life were mistaken? Personally, I would be furious and I would want to talk and talk.

If Nolan's friends read here could I suggest that they ask him to donate a portion of any money that he earns to scholarships aimed at women? True irony would be donating to something Doug hates or stands against like same sex marriage but I don't think that Nolan would keep his readers if he did that.

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I really don't want to watch the wedding so I hopefully you can answer this question. Are the men actually in the military or are they play acting the way that Doug Phillips enjoyed doing?

Many of you are quoting me as making this statement, but it belongs to Debrand. Not sure where those wires got crossed. Please, everyone, learn how to use the "quotes" tool here! Thanks!

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If any of the VF Princes are reading here (and we know you are), read this:

For a subculture that prides itself on "manliness" and holiness, you don't seem to have any idea of how to accomplish either. A woman or possibly multiple women has/have been sexually abused over a period of years, and your responses are to throw hissy fits at each other on Facebook and use the allegations as a money making venture? This is how that twisted, heretical system you have been brought up in has taught you that a MAN should act?

I have known plenty of men in my life. Men who have sacrificed body, soul, and personal comfort not just for the women in their lives, but for all the people in their society. Men who speak truth to power and do not suffer or toady to predators who victimize their mothers, daughters, sisters, wives and friends.

I have known men. You children are not men. You are disgraces to your testicles. Sit down and shut up and stop calling yourselves men if you can't ensure the predators around you are neutralized and punished in a court of law.

Did you all miss the admonition in the Old Testament of " Justice, justice you will seek!"?

I spit on your understanding of manhood.

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And you are here, anonymously talking about people you know in real life.....

Hi Nolan! I like your hat in your Facebook profile pic!! :greetings-wavegreen:

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For a subculture that prides itself on "manliness" and holiness, you don't seem to have any idea of how to accomplish either.

I never thought FJ would be the place for this, but here goes: In response to the above quote, a big hearty AMEN.

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Who is Peter Kershaw? Has it been established he is TW? Sarah M announces that Kershaw is in fact Eston on Nolan's FB page....

Oh, and Nolan's little friends must be reading here. Nolan does not care, apparently ...

We discussed Peter Kershaw in Part 5 about a month ago. SSB has a lot of convincing evidence that TW Eston is Peter Kershaw but I don't think the fact has been established beyond all doubt yet. IIRC, TW's only response has been to say that he is not a kinist -- according to wikipedia's definition of a kinist (paraphrase).

Summary from my not always accurate memory: Peter Kershaw (AKA Frank Vance) is a very nasty misogynistic patriarchal kinist and the author of a book called Hushmoney. As Frank Vance he used to run a horrible racist blog, Little Geneva, with Harry Seabrook. Little Geneva is also famous for attacking Sproul Jr. The blog has since been wiped because Harry Seabrook's employers found out about his hate-mongering and fired him. Allegedly!

Kershaw was a former friend of Howard Phillips but they fell out at some point. He and Jen had known ties in the past and Kershaw's fingerprints are all over TW's writing. In fact the best reason I can think of to doubt that Kershaw and TW Eston are one and the same is that Kershaw apparently complained publically a few years ago that Jen had made an unwanted pass at him. The mind boggles.

More than you wanted to know perhaps!

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If any of the VF Princes are reading here (and we know you are), read this:

For a subculture that prides itself on "manliness" and holiness, you don't seem to have any idea of how to accomplish either. A woman or possibly multiple women has/have been sexually abused over a period of years, and your responses are to throw hissy fits at each other on Facebook and use the allegations as a money making venture? This is how that twisted, heretical system you have been brought up in has taught you that a MAN should act?

I have known plenty of men in my life. Men who have sacrificed body, soul, and personal comfort not just for the women in their lives, but for all the people in their society. Men who speak truth to power and do not suffer or toady to predators who victimize their mothers, daughters, sisters, wives and friends.

I have known men. You children are not men. You are disgraces to your testicles. Sit down and shut up and stop calling yourselves men if you can't ensure the predators around you are neutralized and punished in a court of law.

Did you all miss the admonition in the Old Testament of " Justice, justice you will seek!"?

I spit on your understanding of manhood.

I want to like this comment 10,000 time. Real men don't navel gaze on their manliness.

The cosplay that Vision Forum embraced is really the perfect allegory for this whole belief system. It's all about a pretty, glossy exterior with no substance. I feel sorry these pathetic man children never had role models to show them any differently, but my sympathy stops when they become active participants in covering up the sins of their fathers.

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I'd have more respect for Nolan and his message if he'd stop it with all the riddles and the vague statements. He wants to be seen as some grand communicator of truth, but I can hardly make out what he's trying to say. I'd have a lot more respect for him if he'd just lay it all on the table. He just seems to be stirring everyone up and getting everyone pissed at him, while accomplishing nothing.

If you're thinking about dropping .99 for these tender morsels, let me help you save some money. Don't. It's just more of the same internet ramblings, and it clarifies nothing. The only interesting parts were that the "woman" agreed to its release, and it seems as if Bradrick may have had a hand in keeping the whole thing quiet, if not outright coercing the girl to go along with the relationship. Still, that's a very vague insinuation and no real evidence is given, not even anecdata.

I do look forward to this court case, but I feel bad for the Tool's children that they may lose their father to prison if the case is of a criminal nature.

I gather you contributed .99 to Nolan's beer fund*. Thanks for purchasing the tender morsels so the rest of us aren't tempted. :D

Can you clarify something in your last sentence? What court case? Do we have confirmation that Doug Phillips is being charged and there is a court case in the pipeline? Is that info in Nolan's 11 page ramblings?

I ask because I've been too busy to follow developments recently and may have missed something important. When I skimmed Nolan's FB page yesterday I saw references to Gothard's possible "Church Trial" but nothing about Phillips being charged.

*Eh, Nolan's beer fund comment actually succeeded in making me chuckle but I am losing all patience with his ramblings and innuendo.

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