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Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota


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#CovidKristi is trying to out awful her fellow useless idiot Governor #CovidKim of Iowa.

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...and Corey Lewandowski just got dumped as chair of Trump's super PAC, and they wish him the best as he pursues other interests. 

A few days ago at a Republican Las Vegas charity event, Corey made crude sexual comments as he groped and stalked a woman there.  The woman and her husband, who were just dipping their toes into donating, demanded that Corey had to go, or they wanted their $100,000 back. Oh, and I almost forgot.  Kristi Noem was at that same event

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4 hours ago, Howl said:

The woman and her husband, who were just dipping their toes into donating, demanded that Corey had to go, or they wanted their $100,000 back.

They should have demanded he go AND the $100K back. Also way to foul your own bed there Corey.

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Talked to my friend that lives in SD.  This story about Kristi and Corey has been around for a while especially in Pierre and her hometown but this is the first time it's been in the news.

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18 minutes ago, SPHASH said:

This story about Kristi and Corey has been around for a while especially in Pierre and her hometown

Ahhhhhh, very interesting.  But how crazy do you have to be to burn everything down when you're the face of your state, and your life is so exposed?   You're bound to know you'd be found out...unless it's not actually true and a plot to bring her VP ambitions down.  Or it actually IS true and there's a plot to leverage that to torpedo her VP ambitions.  

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4 hours ago, Howl said:

Ahhhhhh, very interesting.  But how crazy do you have to be to burn everything down when you're the face of your state, and your life is so exposed?   You're bound to know you'd be found out...unless it's not actually true and a plot to bring her VP ambitions down.  Or it actually IS true and there's a plot to leverage that to torpedo her VP ambitions.  

Since Kristi is it Republican I don't think it will really matter. It would only matter if she happened to be a Democrat and Republicans happen to get a hold of that information. After all they're the family values party who spouts them but doesn't follow them.

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Hmmm, how can this story get buried? Let's create a kerfuffle about her daughter Kassidy being denied an provider's license and Noem forcing the retirement of the head of the appraiser certification program. Of course this happened more than a year ago, but at least people won't be talking (as much) about Lewandowski, not that anyone ever wants to talk about Lewandowski.

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CovidKristi really fucked up her state. 


Rigidly opposed to mask mandates recommended by experts, Noem has talked as if she were managing to defeat the pandemic without taking much action, claiming in February that South Dakota, "got through it better than virtually any other state." This wasn't even remotely true, as South Dakota ended 2020 with the second highest rate of infection in the country. 

In the latest rankings published by The New York Times, South Dakota has the seventh worst record on Covid-19, with 241 deaths per 100,000 citizens and only 52% percent of its eligible residents fully vaccinated. In two states with comparably small populations, Maine and Vermont, the data show a much different picture. Vermont's death rate is just 51 per 100,000 and its vaccination rate is 69%. Maine has nearly the same record on vaccinations, 68% percent, and a death rate of 71 per 100,000.


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I'm intrigued by the language used in the news to describe Lewandowski's actions: unwanted advances, unwanted sexual advances, which include sexual comments and unwanted touching and groping.  Does the touching and groping part rise to the level of criminality if Trashelle wanted to press charges? 


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Two sources, both very well-connected, tell me when he was in Pierre, Lewandowski stayed at the Governor’s Residence. I am not suggesting inappropriate behavior, since I was told her daughter Kennedy also spent time there, as did a staffer whom Noem hired from out of state — of course.

It’s Noem’s home in Pierre. Of course, she can have any guests she wants. But it is telling that Fury twice declined to respond to a question if Lewandowski was one of them.

The two are very close, or at least were. When Lewandowski accompanied President Trump to the Black Hills on July 3, 2020, for the political rally and fireworks show at Mount Rushmore, video shows everyone keeping their distance, with the Covid-19 pandemic at its peak.

All except for Lewandowski and Noem. When he came down the stairs of Air Force One, he made a beeline for Noem for an embrace and a kiss.

That doesn’t mean they were more than close friends, but it does reveal they had been close enough to each other to feel safe in such contact even during a pandemic.

Lewandowski has always just been a volunteer, Fury told me. I asked if he had volunteered for both the state of South Dakota and for Noem’s political campaigns — she reported spending $185,353.15 on consultants in just the final quarter of 2020 — and Fury insisted that not a dime went to Lewandowski.

“As I said last week, Corey was always a volunteer, never paid a dime (campaign or official),” he said. “He will not be advising the Governor in regard to the campaign or official office.”

We have to take his word for it, at least so far, since state laws are absurdly lax. A lump sum report is all that is required, not listing who was paid what.

But we are left wondering why Noem, the South Dakota gal who loves to hang out with regular folks, spent so much time with Lewandowski, who has long had a very disreputable image.

We posted about it on April 14, 2020, after a longtime GOP insider called me to let me know what a major role Lewandowski was playing in the Noem administration.

She was at a Sept. 26 Las Vegas dinner with Lewandowski when he got out of control, drinking heavily and aggressively pursuing a woman.

Noem was among the guests at the Sunday dinner at Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino’s Benihana restaurant. It was part of a four-day conference held by Victoria’s Voice Foundation, dedicated to battling substance abuse.

That made especially ironic that Lewandowski drank constantly as he grabbed at Trashelle Odom, the wife of Idaho construction executive John Odom, a major Republican donor. Odom told Politico that “Lewandowski repeatedly touched her, including on her leg and buttocks, and spoke to her in sexually graphic terms. Odom said that Lewandowski ‘stalked’ her throughout the evening.”

Noem’s name was mentioned in a police report Odom filed. She said our governor saw what was happening and told Odom she texted Lewandowski and told him to stop. Will Noem get further involved in this? Will she be questioned by police?

Odom said Lewandowski acted bizarrely, pursuing her no matter how many times she told him to leave her alone. He also said he was a dangerous man who had killed two people.

Had he made similar “boasts” to Noem? I asked Fury, and received this response:

“I’m unable to comment on an ongoing investigation,” he said.

Noem has finally parted ways from Lewandowski. She said he is no longer an adviser, which means no more puppy-purchasing trips, no more political bull sessions in Pierre and no more trips around the country.

For the second time, Donald Trump also severed ties with Lewandowski — he fired him in 2016, later welcoming him back into his viper’s den — and this time, the former guy scoffed at a request for a large payment on his way out the door.

Lewandowski is at a low ebb, and now he doesn’t have a South Dakota pal to drink and commiserate with him.

Noem might be cooling her heels. On Thursday, she announced she was staying home and passing on a trip to Texas that other Republican governors were making.

That is so remarkable, it made news. Guess what, South Dakota? Gov. Kristi Noem is NOT leaving the state!

Well, you can’t get into too much trouble in Pierre or Castlewood, can you? Especially when good-time Corey’s not around.





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  • 2 years later...

This should be the end of Kristi's career


South Dakota governor and Republican vice presidential contender Kristi Noem on Friday responded to a news report about a section of her forthcoming book where she describes killing her 14-month-old dog.

“We love animals, but tough decisions like this happen all the time on a farm,” she said in a post to X above a headline from The Guardian, which obtained a copy of Noem's upcoming book, “No Going Back.”

The Guardian's article describes a section of Noem's book, set for release next month, in which she recounted shooting her dog after deciding it was “less than worthless” and “untrainable.”


In her account, Noem grabbed her gun and led the dog, named Cricket, to a gravel pit.


“It was not a pleasant job, but it had to be done. And after it was over, I realized another unpleasant job needed to be done,” Noem wrote.


She then went on to kill a family goat, which she called “nasty and mean.” Noem also led the goat to a gravel pit, where she said her first shot wounded but did not kill the animal. She got another shell for her gun and killed the goat, according to the book.



Noem wrote that her daughter seemed confused when she came home from school, asking, “Hey, where's Cricket?”

Tennessee governor plans to sign bill that would let teachers carry guns in schools

NBC News has not obtained Noem's book or independently verified the section reported by The Guardian.

Noem was lambasted Friday on social media; some said they were “horrified,” while others posted pictures of their dogs.

The Biden campaign posted photos of the president walking with the family dog Commander, who has had numerous biting incidents, and Vice President Kamala Harris cuddling a dog.

Noem is widely viewed as a top contender to be Trump's running mate. She is in her second term as South Dakota governor, and she previously served as the state's lone representative in the U.S. House.

In memory of Cricket Noem I am going to post a pic of Senator Amy Klobuchars granddog Bluey






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#CovidKristi disgusts me.  She really does.  Noem's behavior shows that she has no heart and she's a cruel, murdering bitch.  (I'm sorry, but anyone who would murder an innocent healthy animal is one in my fucking book).   

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Hey, I lived in SoDak for five years.  Noem is vile... however, I do not think I met a farmer who had not done the same .. or worse.  I could never reconcile in my heart how animals were treated there.  That being said, it is not the norm for mainstream America just because it is the "norm" on a farm locally.  At the very least, she could have rehomed the animal.  And shame on her for not keeping her chickens in a protected area.  

Animal cruelty and obs a bit "off" aside, that sort of story is a total deal breaker for a VP job, and she (or her literary agent or her PR person) should have been all over it. 


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9 hours ago, MarblesMom said:

Hey, I lived in SoDak for five years.  Noem is vile... however, I do not think I met a farmer who had not done the same .. or worse.  I could never reconcile in my heart how animals were treated there.  That being said, it is not the norm for mainstream America just because it is the "norm" on a farm locally.  At the very least, she could have rehomed the animal.  And shame on her for not keeping her chickens in a protected area.  

Animal cruelty and obs a bit "off" aside, that sort of story is a total deal breaker for a VP job, and she (or her literary agent or her PR person) should have been all over it. 


I grew up on a farm and we don't treat dogs like this. One time my oldest brother's German Shepard got into the neighbor's hog pen and attacked one of them. We were told he took it to the pound afterwards but looming back on it I wouldn't be surprised if he took it to the vet and had it put down.  That would have been more humane than what Kristi did.  

My dad did have to put a horse down.  It was over 30 years old and actually lived longer than expected it was an Arabian which has a life expectancy of 25.   It collapsed out in the pasture and wasn't going to get up and was having seizures.  It probably would have died by the time the vet got there so Dad shot it.

A lot of hunters found her behavior appalling.  One said she was at fault for not having the dog properly trained.  Not every dog is hunting material and that's OK, keep it as a pet or rehome it.  But that would be too much work.

For Kristi the cruelty is the point.  She,, Sanders, DeSantis, and Abbott are my least favorite Governors.  We really should discuss Kristi more often since she is on Trump's shortlist for VP.




1 minute ago, SPHASH said:






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8 hours ago, SPHASH said:

Forget Kristi the cruelty is the point.  She,, Sanders, DeSantis, and Abbott are my least favorite Governors.  We really should discuss Kristi more often since she is on Trump's shortlist for VP.

Cruelty is also the point with #CovidKim in Iowa. I think she’s another fuck smear short lister too.  Kimmy doesn’t give two shits about people living in Iowa and it’s a reason why I try to avoid giving money to her corrupt corporate supporters like Kim-Vee.  

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I really don't see Trump choosing anyone for his vice presidential candidate who doesn't have a cruel and sadistic streak.

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On 4/28/2024 at 5:51 PM, Audrey2 said:

I really don't see Trump choosing anyone for his vice presidential candidate who doesn't have a cruel and sadistic streak.

IKR.  It seems he only wants whatever pathic-fuck-smears to be his VPs.  Whether it's Noem, Reynolds, or so on.  While fuck face is more than confident he could make it though a second term without a July 20th plot, dementia, stroke, heart attack, or so one he wants someone just as evil to succeed him to ensure that program of destroying Earth and spreading hatred goes through as planned.  Which is what he would get with Noem.  He'd get a crazy bleep nod who would destroy the planet to fulfill MAGA desires even if he's not around anymore.

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When you lose Judge Box O'Whine, you can hang it all up.


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I had only read about the puppy and the goat. The monster also assassinated three horses. Apparently there are pictures, which I refuse to seek.


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On 4/27/2024 at 8:34 PM, MarblesMom said:

Hey, I lived in SoDak for five years.  Noem is vile... however, I do not think I met a farmer who had not done the same .. or worse.  I could never reconcile in my heart how animals were treated there.  That being said, it is not the norm for mainstream America just because it is the "norm" on a farm locally.  At the very least, she could have rehomed the animal.  And shame on her for not keeping her chickens in a protected area.  

Animal cruelty and obs a bit "off" aside, that sort of story is a total deal breaker for a VP job, and she (or her literary agent or her PR person) should have been all over it. 


I grew up in rural areas and it was not unusual for people to shoot an animal who a vet would've done euthanasia on. What stood out to me was her callousness. She reminded me of the ex-veterinarian who shot her neighbor's beloved cat with an arrow and then arrogantly showed off on FB. Kristi seems to be mirdering her animals because she got a bug up her ass and decided to, not because it was a last resort. 

Kristi Noem is an animal abuser and should never be allowed to own any animal again. She should also be investigated for child abuse because if she'll treat animals like that she'll treat vulnerable humans the same way, too. 

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