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Fave Movies and Movies You Don't Get


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Such a movie hound. What are your faves, and what are the movies you don't get?


Fave: "The Lion in Winter. Fave quote: "Do I have a knife? Of *course* I have a knife. It's 1183 -- we're all barbarians."


Movies I don't get: The Twilight movies, because I didn't like the books. And "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind." Don't get that one.

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I don't get any of the "great comedy" movies of the last 8/9 years. I'm talking 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Superbad, Zac And Mary Make a Porno The Hangover etc. I'm not prude, but I didn't find these very funny. Knocked Up was especially humorless for me. They just seemed very low bar to me.

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Vanilla Sky was all kinds of WTF to me. It still bothers me and it's been well over ten years since I watched it. I don't have a favorite movie. I do like to put on the movie WALL-E when I take naps because there's not much talking for the first 20 minutes. I guess Sixteen Candles is a favorite. Never gets old to me.

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My favorite is Babette's Feast. The movie I absolutely don't get (don't hate me) is Fannie and Alexander. I used to have a boyfriend that would cry at the birthday scene at the end. The editing throughout the whole thing gives me whiplash. I can follow the story, but what the fuck is so great about it? Seriously. ELI5.

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Such a movie hound. What are your faves, and what are the movies you don't get?

Fave: "The Lion in Winter. Fave quote: "Do I have a knife? Of *course* I have a knife. It's 1183 -- we're all barbarians."

Movies I don't get: The Twilight movies, because I didn't like the books. And "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind." Don't get that one.



I don't get Eternal Sunshine. It makes me feel like a dick because everyone loves it and I'm just like, blehhh. Not moved. And then it's weird because people act as if I'm just saying I dislike it to be ornery, and I'm really really not. It just doesn't do anything for me.

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Mine, too!!!eleventy! :D We need a Lion In Winter thread all on its own. :)

"Simon pure and Simon simple...good, good, Louis. If I had managed sons for him instead of all those little girls, I'd still be stuck with being queen of France, and we should not have known each other. Such, my angels, is the role of sex in history."

Or... "I even made poor Louis take me on Crusade. How's that for blasphemy?"

I don't get the current crop of comedy movies, either. Bridesmaids. Did not get it. Knocked Up. Nope. Just give me Katherine Hepburn delivering some of the crispest, sharpest lines in cinema history. That I get. ;)

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I love Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Vanilla Sky. I definitely don't mind a good dose of WTF in my movies. I also enjoyed Lion in Winter.

I also do not get a lot of the Knocked Up or Bridesmaids type comedy. They seem to rely on lazy stereotypes and aren't truly funny to me. Possibly my all time favorite movie is Dr. Strangelove. I can quote half the funny lines from that one. It's funny, but also thought-provoking, and the characters are unique and memorable rather than cardboard cutouts like a lot of new comedy characters.

The best movie I've seen recently is Moon. It's pretty derivative of older sci-fi classics, honestly, but it was well done so I didn't mind.

The one movie that everyone seems to love that I just don't get the appeal of is Harold and Maude. I know a lot of people love it. It's just always seemed cheesy and forced to me.

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I don't really have a favourite film but I have just had a WTF film moment, I watched a French film called "Love Like Poison", which didn't have much of a plot and a lot of inappropriate nudity/sexual content involving a 14 year old (I assume the actress was over 16...I hope she was!)

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I am the exact opposite of the poster above - I LOVE Judd Apatow movies. There have only been a couple that were meh to me, and most I can watch over and over again. I also adore Little Miss Sunshine and Ruby Sparks.

I hate movies that don't have a resolution of some kind. I also prefer happy movies over sad ones - movies are my escape from real life and I want to laugh and feel good. There are exceptions of course, but that is my general rule ;) I also love documentaries, just watched 5 Broken Cameras and I can't reccomend it enough.

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I like some Judd Apatow movies. I loved 40 Year Old Virgin. And Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Knocked Up I hated. Did like Bridesmaids. What are the other ones? Superbad? I remember liking in theaters but I haven't seen it since.

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I am the exact opposite of the poster above - I LOVE Judd Apatow movies. There have only been a couple that were meh to me, and most I can watch over and over again. I also adore Little Miss Sunshine and Ruby Sparks.

I hate movies that don't have a resolution of some kind. I also prefer happy movies over sad ones - movies are my escape from real life and I want to laugh and feel good. There are exceptions of course, but that is my general rule ;) I also love documentaries, just watched 5 Broken Cameras and I can't reccomend it enough.

Then don't watch Tree of Life. :D

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I don't like almost any modern comedy for the reasons mentioned (lame stereotypes, etc.) I don't like "classic" chick flicks.

Love older musicals, or most anything from the Hollywood golden age.

Never got: Pan's Labyrinth. Can't get into foreign films at all really.

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The best movie I've seen recently is Moon. It's pretty derivative of older sci-fi classics, honestly, but it was well done so I didn't mind.


Really? You like Moon? I'm in love with that movie, and my husband just doesn't understand it. I watch it whenever it's on the movie channels. AE1bjOqKr28

I'm pretty open about movies. I like almost everything. Seriously, I love crappy sci-fi, and romcoms, made for TV movies, etc. I'm not hugely into "thinker" movies, but mindless entertainment is my thing. I'm shallow like that.

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I like a lot of different movies - hard to decide on a favorite. My current movie I dont get is Season of the Witch because I don't get how it was even made.

I don't like modern rom-coms or romantic movies in general. I like superhero movies to an embaressing extent. I like documentaries a lot and foriegn films. My kids say to me "why did you put this on the netflix queue?" a lot.

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Recent movie I totally didn't get: Silver Linings Playbook. I didn't find it funny or charming or romantic at all. Boring, forced-quirky, and upsetting. Upsetting wasn't the fault of the movie, though, just that some scenes were too close to home and brought up weird feelings for me. But yeah, not understanding the accolades/glowing reviews at all.

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I don't get most Wes Anderson movies. We tried to watch Moonrise Kingdom recently, which has gotten lots of acclaim for its screenplay, and both MrDrPusey and I hated it. The kids do not talk like real kids. They're so goddamn precociously self-aware that I kept rolling my eyes for the entire 30 minutes that we tried to watch before giving up.

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I liked Moon. Sam Rockwell is a chameleon.

Did you know it was directed by David Bowie's son?

I did not know that, but that's really awesome! All I really know about him is that I read once about him being dragged along on David Bowie's tours as a small child in the 70s.

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Favorite is Shawshank Redemption, although Little Miss Sunshine and Twelve Angry Men are up there. I don't get Citizen Kane...I know what it's supposed to be, and I know that it's in a bunch of top 100 whatever lists, but I still spent the whole movie going "Damn it, would somebody do something!" And Brazil just makes me cringe.

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I did not know that, but that's really awesome! All I really know about him is that I read once about him being dragged along on David Bowie's tours as a small child in the 70s.

I loved Moon! And I looooooooove Sam Rockwell.

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Favorite movie: EVER: Garden State

Movies I watch over and over: All the Star Wars and all the Harry Potters and Lord of The Rings

Movies I love: Fargo, Splendor in the Grass, Gone With The Wind, Wizard of Oz, Napoleon Dynamite, Dances with Wolves, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Sense and Sensibility

This list could go on and on...

Movie I can't watch without crying and so there fore refuse to watch: Dumbo

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Favorite Movie: Bridesmaids

Movies I Don't Get: Most "chick flicks," though I did like He's Just Not That Into You, mainly because not everyone ended up together in the end. I also didn't get Napoleon Dynamite, it was so boring and not funny to me. I remember that being an unpopular opinion at the time though haha.

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