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They stayed a night in the inner city of Sydney I think, so it's entirely possible they went past the casino and if they asked a cab driver or someone for a recommendation for somewhere to eat it's possible that he would have recommended somewhere in or near the Cross.

I'd love to see David and Priscilla in Kings Cross on a Friday night. Between the drunken hens nights and the drag queens and the sprukers trying to tempt them to check out a strip club, and the legal brothels......

The "wickedest city" thing was from a family attending the conference, as part of their testimony. David and Priscilla were just there to talk about how awesome their SOTDRT experience was. I wouldn't call Priscilla a "success story", though. Eek.

It's so bizarre to me that they mention the financial hardships of those attending in EVERY. FUCKING. ARTICLE. about these conferences. A good friend of mine's family went ATI when she was 20, and away from home, and she was always amazed at the fact that these people would sacrifice necessities just to make it to Big Sandy for a conference. From what I understand, once you're in, they're mandatory.

This is so obviously a cult.

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I just choked on my pretzel.

99% of statistics are complete bullshit because the only kids you interviewed are the ones who would say what you wanted. And Jim Bob UNDERSTANDS his kids? I call bullshit.


I would be suprised if Jimbob could name all of his kids out of order, remember how old they are and when their birthday is, let alone know their individual personality outside of a few insignificant traits and gender stereotypes "This one likes pickles" "That ones a girl, so she likes babies and wearing dresses"

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Which Duggar was it who commented that "some of them like pickles & some don't"? Besides wouldn't NOT liking pickles be violating their pre-ordained role as a Duggar?

This kills me that they had to go to the other side of the globe to find wickedness. They're mere miles from Chicago, where hundreds of people & children are killed by bullets every year, and they go to Australia to find strip clubs & get freaked out? Frankly all of that sounds like what can be found in this area already.

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"As for Anna Duggar preaching at women in a prison about her miscarriage, she needs to just shut her mouth. I'm sorry, there's a time and a place, and that ain't it. If she wanted to minister, she could have listened. She might have exercised the good sense and good grace to lend a sympathetic ear to women for whom it would provide a rare comfort. Maybe she would've widened her all to narrow worldview, if only a tiny bit."

This. When I saw the episode in which she "ministered" to women in prison by talking about her own miscarriage, and how that made her for a few (what? moments? days? I forget") unwilling to express gratitude I wanted to slam her against the wall. She had a literally captive audience, and one of women who probably went to the talk for relief from the tedium of prison life, not to learn from her. And what does she do? Talk about herself, herself, herself. Did she have the slightest knowledge of why any of those women were there, who they are as people or what they feel for want? Were they all serial killers? Or bounced too many checks? Bought drugs and gotten caught? Became prostitutes because they supported their own drug habit and that of a man? Were there because they had finally killed a man who had been abusing them forever (I use these examples because a matron of a women's prison told me that these, aside from"serial killer," are the reasons most women are in prison. Did she ask them if they had children? Did they have aging parents and were they afraid that they would never see those parents again? Did they have any plans for what they would do when they get out, and if so, how could the Annas of this world help them realize those plans?

No, it was all about Anna.

I actually can stomach Smuggar (understanding delayed adolescence, not justifying him) more than I can this self-satisfied bitch.

my mom worked at a women's prison and the inmates will participate in anything to get out of their cells for a few minutes. there are a lot of women who go to literacy clases even though they can read, attend aa meetings even though they don't drink and go to bible study even though they don't believe in god. i guess anything beats looking at their cell walls.

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Which Duggar was it who commented that "some of them like pickles & some don't"? Besides wouldn't NOT liking pickles be violating their pre-ordained role as a Duggar?

This kills me that they had to go to the other side of the globe to find wickedness. They're mere miles from Chicago, where hundreds of people & children are killed by bullets every year, and they go to Australia to find strip clubs & get freaked out? Frankly all of that sounds like what can be found in this area already.

I believe that was Mr. Smuggar himself, Josh, that said that.

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I just choked on my pretzel.

99% of statistics are complete bullshit because the only kids you interviewed are the ones who would say what you wanted. And Jim Bob UNDERSTANDS his kids? I call bullshit.


There is an interesting saying about statistics: Statistics are like bikinis. What you see in intriguing. What you don't see is vital. I always take statistics with a huge grain of salt.

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I believe that was Mr. Smuggar himself, Josh, that said that.

I think it was actually John David who said it, but it was on the heels of Josh ranting about how he gets angry when people claim the J'kids have no individuality. Then they proved the point when no one in the family could come up with any differences between them except the fact that they like different foods :roll:

IIRC it was during one of their specials before the show, possibly Duggar Big Family Album? That special was meant to launch the show, because it mostly featured footage from their old specials, a bunch of Q&A segments, and the birth of Jennifer at the end.

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I would be suprised if Jimbob could name all of his kids out of order, remember how old they are and when their birthday is, let alone know their individual personality outside of a few insignificant traits and gender stereotypes "This one likes pickles" "That ones a girl, so she likes babies and wearing dresses"


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Each daughter brings her own unique blessing to the family, whether it's her God-given cooking skills or laundry sorting talents or toddler-wrangling savvy.

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I would be suprised if Jimbob could name all of his kids out of order, remember how old they are and when their birthday is, let alone know their individual personality outside of a few insignificant traits and gender stereotypes "This one likes pickles" "That ones a girl, so she likes babies and wearing dresses"

Now that you mention it, I don't think we've ever seen a Duggar girl playing with dolls or having tea parties or doing other quiet, stereotypical girlie things. Granted, we've only really seen the ones from Joy on down growing up, but the ones we have seen howl just as loudly as the boys and always seem to be running, jumping, pushing and generally causing mayhem. The Duggars are such neglectful parents they even fail at forcing their daughters to be ladylike.

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Now that you mention it, I don't think we've ever seen a Duggar girl playing with dolls or having tea parties or doing other quiet, stereotypical girlie things. Granted, we've only really seen the ones from Joy on down growing up, but the ones we have seen howl just as loudly as the boys and always seem to be running, jumping, pushing and generally causing mayhem.

I suspect the older girls have been kept too busy for fun and the younger ones will be fulfilling their gender roles before long. If the older girls eventually leave then who besides the younger girls will do most the household chores, tending to the needs of the Howlers, etc? Joy used to be a tomboy but is now put in TH's with her older sisters vs. Josiah.

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I just choked on my pretzel.

99% of statistics are complete bullshit because the only kids you interviewed are the ones who would say what you wanted. And Jim Bob UNDERSTANDS his kids? I call bullshit.


Translation: They're not ALLOWED to keep their thoughts or emotions private, especially from Boob and Milk Dud.

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Each daughter brings her own unique blessing to the family, whether it's her God-given cooking skills or laundry sorting talents or toddler-wrangling savvy.

Some girls, especially some Duggar girls, are blessed with a real gift from the Lord for packing Rubbermaid totes for long-range bus travel. They're just really good at it, and they love to serve their family with their God-given clothing and tote-packing skills.

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Priscilla takes the cake when it comes to weird husbands. Sorry, Anna. You used to have it, but she's definitely got you beat. David is such a weirdo! He's not shy about supressing his gay tendancies. It's so obvious that he's a homosexual. Does Pris not know what that is?

What does David do for work? Does he actually work, or does he pretend to, like his brother-in-law Smugger? These two are not ready to be parents. I can't wait to see the post baby blogs, and how crazy they're going to be.

It's entirely possible that Priscilla has no idea. I was clueless even into college (fundie-lite). The thinking goes like this:

Homosexuality is bad.

Gay people are bad.

My husband is not bad.

Therefore my husband is not gay.

She's not smart enough to reject what she's been taught her whole life. Hell, I AM smart (Mensa-level) and I didn't question until college. In my senior year, my geology professor basically came out and said there's scientific support for evolution, but not for creationism. Blew me the fuck away. I believed lots of stupid shit (demons will get you if you listen to rock music or play with a ouija board; backmasking will make you worship the devil; you can get pregnant without having intercourse) because I knew my parents loved me, and my teachers cared about me, so they wouldn't lie to me.

Thank God for college. Even my fundie-lite college emphasized critical thinking. Of course, your thinking was supposed to bring you around to the party line. But still.

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David might not realize how effeminate he sounds. Have any of you heard his friend Robert Staddon speak? Very similar. Not quite as effeminate, but close. They probably mirror each other and neither may be aware at how they sound to outsiders.

If you're feeling masochistic, have a listen to this Journey to the Heart Interview he hosts (includes some Duggar girls as well as Anna & Priscilla):


Edited for spelling. And to add linkage.

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I wonder if some of what appears effeminate could just be fundie cultural mannerisms. Don't these guys grow up behaving subserviently to all older (authority) males? They also seem to be at least publicly gentle with women and children. I don't have a fundie background and haven't spent time much time around them - intentionally - so perhaps someone who has can shed some light on this.

Also, aren't they just focused on behavior with regard to sexual orientation? By that I mean would they really mind if someone was gay as long as the person never acted upon it?

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David might not realize how effeminate he sounds. Have any of you heard his friend Robert Staddon speak? Very similar. Not quite as effeminate, but close. They probably mirror each other and neither may be aware at how they sound to outsiders.

If you're feeling masochistic, have a listen to this Journey to the Heart Interview he hosts (includes some Duggar girls as well as Anna & Priscilla):


Edited for spelling. And to add linkage.

Priscilla sounds like a 5 year old (and I'm being generous). She had trouble with words longer than two syllables. Pretty alarming to think she's supposed to home school...

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David might not realize how effeminate he sounds. Have any of you heard his friend Robert Staddon speak? Very similar. Not quite as effeminate, but close. They probably mirror each other and neither may be aware at how they sound to outsiders.

If you're feeling masochistic, have a listen to this Journey to the Heart Interview he hosts (includes some Duggar girls as well as Anna & Priscilla):


Edited for spelling. And to add linkage.

Everyone being interviewed as well as the interviewer sound like they are parrots--dutifully repeating the phrases, down to the sins they need to overcome, that they have learned.

They thanked god for the flies..... because the flies pointed them toward god.

I'm thinking youj may be right-- it may be that the baby voice the girls use translates to the effiminate voice in the men....

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Priscilla sounds like a 5 year old (and I'm being generous). She had trouble with words longer than two syllables. Pretty alarming to think she's supposed to home school...

Its like a bad game of "telephone." Ma Keller learned maths and grammarz in school and she taught her daughters. Now her daughters will teach their children with the aid of some religiously skewed isolationist bullshit packets. By the time those children get around to homeskooling their children 2+3 will be 6. Its truly a sad state of affairs.

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Also, aren't they just focused on behavior with regard to sexual orientation? By that I mean would they really mind if someone was gay as long as the person never acted upon it?

I don't think they would recognize it, but no, I don't think they would be okay with it. They don't think that gay is real, so they would not be accepting of it. I mean, they insist that you choose your orientation, nit just your behavior. And they (along with Jesus, I might add) insist that even thinking impure thoughts is sinful, so gay thoughts would also be verboten.

I'm not sure if anybody's "noticed" that David is gay, because they're soo socially isolated that they don't have any sort of gaydar, but I have my suspicions. Pa Keller's warning to David about The Internet seems like he may be refering to porn. He wouldn't put Priscilla in that kind of disastrous situation if he'd realized exactly what it meant.

I just don’t know. I sincerely hope they're just naive and that they haven't set up David with a beard on purpose.

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I think David's parents had a strong hunch, and that's why they pushed him pretty strongly to get married NOW. Because if he's married, he's not gay anymore!

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Its like a bad game of "telephone." Ma Keller learned maths and grammarz in school and she taught her daughters. Now her daughters will teach their children with the aid of some religiously skewed isolationist bullshit packets. By the time those children get around to homeskooling their children 2+3 will be 6. Its truly a sad state of affairs.

I have definitely noticed somethong interesting in the dialect,as well as the voice modulation,when any of the younger generation of Gothardites speak.I noticed it first in the Duggar girls(Jill, in particular),&then I really took notice when Anna was introduced on 17 kids..I thought-"wow,she had the same way of pitching her voice,almost a breathless-maiden sort of thing."I also noticed that,even though she came from Fl. she had the same stilted way of speaking as the as Jgirls(Michelle obviously had the mommyfied version).When Pricilla was introduced,I wasnt as suprised as I was interested that she also spike this way,but with an iver-dose if helpless little girl thrown in,diluting the breathless maiden,more than a little.It took awhile to realize she might not be as bright as the others-I first assumed she was just more brainwashed.I did listen to some of the interviews with Journey participants,&noticed the same trend,to varying degrees.When I hear David speak,its definitely reminiscent of the Gothard females.IMO

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I don't think they would recognize it, but no, I don't think they would be okay with it. They don't think that gay is real, so they would not be accepting of it. I mean, they insist that you choose your orientation, nit just your behavior. And they (along with Jesus, I might add) insist that even thinking impure thoughts is sinful, so gay thoughts would also be verboten.

I'm not sure if anybody's "noticed" that David is gay, because they're soo socially isolated that they don't have any sort of gaydar, but I have my suspicions. Pa Keller's warning to David about The Internet seems like he may be refering to porn. He wouldn't put Priscilla in that kind of disastrous situation if he'd realized exactly what it meant.

I just don’t know. I sincerely hope they're just naive and that they haven't set up David with a beard on purpose.

Jesus says that thinking about someone else's wife (or husband) is sinful, because it's wanting to commit adultery. Nowhere does He say that gay thoughts or 'impure thoughts' in general are.

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I agree with Talitha Cumi, who wrote:

"It's entirely possible that Priscilla has no idea. I was clueless even into college (fundie-lite). The thinking goes like this:

Homosexuality is bad.

Gay people are bad.

My husband is not bad.

Therefore my husband is not gay."

I have a close friend. a conservative Christian (I wouldn't say fundy-lite, though) who used to work for Senator Craig (of airport restroom fame) of Idaho. Her thought process is very similar:

Senator Craig is a nice man.

Senator Craig is good to his wife.

Gays cannot be nice people.

Therefore, Senator Craig can't be gay (or bi).

I really believe that she will believe this until her dying day--unless Larry Craig personally comes out to her.

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