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Exactly, a privilaged, sheltered woman having a miscarriage is sad, but nothing compared to the things those women have been through. I didn't feel like those women related at all to her.

Some of the women were in tears. I guess it was wrong of me to assume that meant that Anna's story touched them...? Jeez. Sometimes it seems that saying anything in support of the people we generally snark on is a no-no.

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It's little things I noticed. His jaw is clenched and his eyebrows have lot of tension. He seems to be flustered because his face is getting red. He seems completely over his relationship with Priscilla based on verbal clues. :)

I watched the clip again and it appears (to me) that David does seem on edge. I say this because at one point he looks like he is mouthing the words he hopes Priscilla will say. The entire thing is very scripted I felt like I was watching bad Christian kabuki theatre. I hope that in private they have a normal relationship where they can both speak freely.

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pris comes across to me as someone with the mental capabilities of someone who has had a stroke, a traumatic brain injury or been deprived of oxygen for a length of time (maybe a birth injury?). her speech is slow and halting, as if she is unsure of the correct words to use. i don't mean this to be snarky, but she seems to have the capacity of an 8 year-old. i'm not trying to be funny, this is just how it seems to me.

david probably has to work with her and coach her on what to say. that may be why he is mouthing the words along with her.

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you know if that boy they have is completely normal and being raised as a first born son in their culture he could very well grow up having little to no respect or really patience for his delayed mother and her childlike ways :(

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Guest Anonymous
pris comes across to me as someone with the mental capabilities of someone who has had a stroke, a traumatic brain injury or been deprived of oxygen for a length of time (maybe a birth injury?). her speech is slow and halting, as if she is unsure of the correct words to use. i don't mean this to be snarky, but she seems to have the capacity of an 8 year-old. i'm not trying to be funny, this is just how it seems to me.

david probably has to work with her and coach her on what to say. that may be why he is mouthing the words along with her.

Or he could just let her be and stop using her as a prop for his work.

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pris comes across to me as someone with the mental capabilities of someone who has had a stroke, a traumatic brain injury or been deprived of oxygen for a length of time (maybe a birth injury?). her speech is slow and halting, as if she is unsure of the correct words to use. i don't mean this to be snarky, but she seems to have the capacity of an 8 year-old. i'm not trying to be funny, this is just how it seems to me.

david probably has to work with her and coach her on what to say. that may be why he is mouthing the words along with her.

Priscilla's dad act the similar. Read David's blog on how mr. keller when on and on in a conversation before inquiring about what David wanted. Who does that? maybe they suffer from the same disability (genetic). :?:

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...david probably has to work with her and coach her on what to say. that may be why he is mouthing the words along with her.

I disagree.

I think it's a control thing, pure and simple.

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Some of the women were in tears. I guess it was wrong of me to assume that meant that Anna's story touched them...? Jeez. Sometimes it seems that saying anything in support of the people we generally snark on is a no-no.

The whole thing reminds me of after my second daughter was born(due to complications during pregnancy/delivery she suffered brain damage) I had this lady that I sort of knew but not really drop by to visit(which is a huge no-no in my world anyway) and she starts into how she knows what I am going through because of something that happened to her child. I'm all teary eyed because I'm thinking about what I am going through and I keep waiting for her story to even be slightly close to what I'm going through and it never does. But since I have basic good manners I smile nicely, give her a hug and thank her for coming even though in my mind I'm thinking "WTF are you going on about, you have no idea what I'm going through". But I know she walked away thinking we had this huge bond and that I found her story touching.

So that is the vibe I got from those women, but I think the Duggars are extremely self-absorbed so I have a tendency to dislike everything they do and I'll admit to that.

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I understand what you mean, formergothardite. I largely agree! But I try to give credit where credit is do. I swear I'm not going soft. :^)

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I didn't realize that Pris was probably affected by the consequences of her premature birth and probable lack of intervention later. That makes her less snarkworthy to me, but the incredable gall of the supposedly adult family members who matched these 2 is. It seems a recipe for ruined lives for this family instead of the "perfect solution" dreamed up by the parents. Prayer is not a magical fix but a way to cope with what you got (in my opinion). I hope Pris gets lots of help with the baby.

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moreorlessnu, i remember that episode with Anna discussing her miscarriage. It was actually pretty touhing and i could tell it meant a lot to the women she was ministering to.

There's no way to predict how David and Priscilla would handle a miscarriage (and of course i hope they never face that), but based on what i've seen from them, i imagine they'd handle it very differently. Almost blithely. God's will/God is great no matter what!!, etc.

Kind of like how David's family was with the death of their son in Mongolia? I agree.

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I just watched a bunch of Davy's YouTube videos and I am convinced that Priscilla needs glasses. Between the squinting, lack of focus and rolling of her eyes, I'm convinced she has some vision problems. I hope David the pecan thief (since he reads here) makes an ophthalmologist appointment for her since I doubt she realizes. If it isn't her vision, I hope they at least invest in sunglasses. Light eyes folks like prissy and Davy shouldn't be out in the sun without protecting their eyes.

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Ive noticed that Priscilla is always squinting. She should get her eyes tested.

I don't mean to be unkind, but it's possible that she squints out of habit when she's trying to think really, really hard. She does the same thing indoors and outdoors, and regardless of whether she's looking at something very close or far away. As someone with both bad eyesight and extreme photosensitivity, this doesn't make much sense to me.

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I just watched a bunch of Davy's YouTube videos and I am convinced that Priscilla needs glasses. Between the squinting, lack of focus and rolling of her eyes, I'm convinced she has some vision problems. I hope David the pecan thief (since he reads here) makes an ophthalmologist appointment for her since I doubt she realizes. If it isn't her vision, I hope they at least invest in sunglasses. Light eyes folks like prissy and Davy shouldn't be out in the sun without protecting their eyes.

:shock: How do we know he reads here? Just out of curiousity. I'm slightly amused by this. If he does read here, then I'm sure he's aware of our *speculation* about his preferences. I wonder what he thinks?

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IIRC, one of Priscilla's brother's in law wrote a post on DWOP about Josh and Anna's wedding, and he said something along the lines of Priscilla and Anna's father having some sort of degenerative health condition that contributed to his general affect.

The other day, while reading this thread, I stumbled across the Valentine's Day video, and I watched it. After, I had both my husband and my mother watch it and asked them to come up with a one word description for both David and Priscilla. I had written my answer down. They don't find these people as endlessly fascinating as I do, so they don't have the background but we came up with the same answers nonetheless. As my mom so euphemistically put it, "He's what we used to call a 'confirmed bachelor' and she's 'touched'. Why are they talking about being married?" My husband added, "When he says she baked cookies for his office, I take that to mean some people went to their house to facilitate the baking so that she didn't harm herself and then drove her here." It was quite funny.

The situation is a sad and twisted one. Priscilla's situation breaks my heart. I don't think she has the capacity to digest what's most assuredly to come. Either he is going to burst forth from the closet, catastrophic in their circle, or he's going to resent her more with every passing day, which is equally destructive for both her and their children. Looking at her, she didn't know any better, and the folks that arranged this mess should be ashamed of themselves.

As for David, he's an asshole, both for marrying someone with a limited intellect to, as I see it, further this whole charade, and for treating her so fucking poorly. She may not be the brightest porch light on tonight, but she doesn't deserve to be treated like shit because he's repressing his sexuality to further his involvement in a cult. He knew she wasn't a Rhode's Scholar when they met, and he knew she didn't possess a penis, and he married her anyway, so as far as I'm concerned he can pound sand if he's not up to the challenge of treating her like a human being. I've no sympathy.

As for Anna Duggar preaching at women in a prison about her miscarriage, she needs to just shut her mouth. I'm sorry, there's a time and a place, and that ain't it. If she wanted to minister, she could have listened. She might have exercised the good sense and good grace to lend a sympathetic ear to women for whom it would provide a rare comfort. Maybe she would've widened her all to narrow worldview, if only a tiny bit.

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"As for Anna Duggar preaching at women in a prison about her miscarriage, she needs to just shut her mouth. I'm sorry, there's a time and a place, and that ain't it. If she wanted to minister, she could have listened. She might have exercised the good sense and good grace to lend a sympathetic ear to women for whom it would provide a rare comfort. Maybe she would've widened her all to narrow worldview, if only a tiny bit."

This. When I saw the episode in which she "ministered" to women in prison by talking about her own miscarriage, and how that made her for a few (what? moments? days? I forget") unwilling to express gratitude I wanted to slam her against the wall. She had a literally captive audience, and one of women who probably went to the talk for relief from the tedium of prison life, not to learn from her. And what does she do? Talk about herself, herself, herself. Did she have the slightest knowledge of why any of those women were there, who they are as people or what they feel for want? Were they all serial killers? Or bounced too many checks? Bought drugs and gotten caught? Became prostitutes because they supported their own drug habit and that of a man? Were there because they had finally killed a man who had been abusing them forever (I use these examples because a matron of a women's prison told me that these, aside from"serial killer," are the reasons most women are in prison. Did she ask them if they had children? Did they have aging parents and were they afraid that they would never see those parents again? Did they have any plans for what they would do when they get out, and if so, how could the Annas of this world help them realize those plans?

No, it was all about Anna.

I actually can stomach Smuggar (understanding delayed adolescence, not justifying him) more than I can this self-satisfied bitch.

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The situation is a sad and twisted one. Priscilla's situation breaks my heart. I don't think she has the capacity to digest what's most assuredly to come. Either he is going to burst forth from the closet, catastrophic in their circle, or he's going to resent her more with every passing day, which is equally destructive for both her and their children. Looking at her, she didn't know any better, and the folks that arranged this mess should be ashamed of themselves.

I'm puzzled by these two. I remember him saying 'I married my best friend' after the wedding. Now he just seems tense but trying not to show it. If he's having to explain everything to her it could be getting old fast. On the other hand I'm sure they want to make things work, they have friends nearby, having a wife and kids should help his career, and I prefer to think she's better off than living in her parents' trailer. It'll be interesting to watch their interactions after the baby comes.

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Was checking out the iblp website & saw a mention of Davilla & their trip to Australia. It's complete with a pic of David in a suit & tie which matches Priscilla's outfit. And link to their page.


What the heck do they mean about "one the most wicked cities in Australia"?

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I just choked on my pretzel.

Five Critical Relationships in a Teenager’s Life

Ninety-five percent of the thousands of teenagers we have interviewed have stated that they do not believe that their fathers understand them. That is certainly not the case with Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar. In order to enjoy the harmony and fellowship they have in their home, it has been essential for them to understand the thoughts and emotions of each one of their nineteen children.

99% of statistics are complete bullshit because the only kids you interviewed are the ones who would say what you wanted. And Jim Bob UNDERSTANDS his kids? I call bullshit.


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Was checking out the iblp website & saw a mention of Davilla & their trip to Australia. It's complete with a pic of David in a suit & tie which matches Priscilla's outfit. And link to their page.


What the heck do they mean about "one the most wicked cities in Australia"?

Could mean Sydney? Huge gay population. Kings Cross (full of strip joints & drugs...but only 1 block!)

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Could mean Sydney? Huge gay population. Kings Cross (full of strip joints & drugs...but only 1 block!)

I wouldn't be surprised if they mean Darwin, Alice Springs or Townsville...... :x

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Could mean Sydney? Huge gay population. Kings Cross (full of strip joints & drugs...but only 1 block!)

They stayed a night in the inner city of Sydney I think, so it's entirely possible they went past the casino and if they asked a cab driver or someone for a recommendation for somewhere to eat it's possible that he would have recommended somewhere in or near the Cross.

I'd love to see David and Priscilla in Kings Cross on a Friday night. Between the drunken hens nights and the drag queens and the sprukers trying to tempt them to check out a strip club, and the legal brothels......

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