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Wow. Just wow.

After watching the 19kac David and Priscilla wedding episode, I remember thinking that there was something just not quite right with Priscilla. This Valentines video just confirms that. I can't figure out if she's acting that way because she thinks she's being a good helpmeet, or if there's something intellectually delayed with her. I don't know which is worse, honestly. If she's been brainwashed, or has drunk so much of the koolaid that she actually thinks that this is being a good Christian, or if she's developmentally delayed and therefore being taken advantage of by the funndies around her.

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Get to see what his flesh looks like? Sweet baby Jesus....David is Buffalo Bill!! :shock:

Yes, I too want to see what the flesh is like. Let's pray that it is white because Priscilla will have some explaining to do. :mrgreen:

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Wow. Just wow.

After watching the 19kac David and Priscilla wedding episode, I remember thinking that there was something just not quite right with Priscilla. This Valentines video just confirms that. I can't figure out if she's acting that way because she thinks she's being a good helpmeet, or if there's something intellectually delayed with her. I don't know which is worse, honestly. If she's been brainwashed, or has drunk so much of the koolaid that she actually thinks that this is being a good Christian, or if she's developmentally delayed and therefore being taken advantage of by the funndies around her.

I feel the same way. I just can't figure her out. I feel so bad for her. And I cannot believe they are going to be parents!! :shock: I get such a bad feeling about David losing his patience with Prissy and her not even realizing that she can and should stand up for herself and their baby.

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Everything those two say is so affected. It's like they're acting -- badly. They've memorized lines and they're trying to say them in a way that's believable and it's not just. not. working.

I agree that David is going to become so bored with her -- if he's not already.

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Pris has some learning/mental disabilities....which will leave her even less able to deal with her husband's eventual coming out. Holy Crow...David Waller is, well, GAY, and Pris is in now way equipped to deal with this, especially if they have a few kids before it explodes.

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Out of all the fundies talked about here, Priscilla is the one I feel the most sorry for, even more than the Maxwell kids. Even single mama Suzanna Keller is better off than her.

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I wonder if she's just trying to imitate Michelle Duggar's baby voice and manners, but she's really bad at it?? All the nodding and yessing and this is fun!!

There's another video of her on youtube explaining to girls how to keep their hearts pure for their husbands. She actually makes a heart with her fingers. She gets mixed up throughout the video and is trying to tick off her points on her fingers but she seems to forget them.

Does her mom use the baby voice like Michelle? If so, maybe that's where she got it. Anna does a little, doesn't she?

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Wow. I just watched the Valentine's Day video.

Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. There is something wrong with that girl. I cannot, just cannot, believe that nobody in her world knows this. It had to have been deliberate. What have they done to her? This will be a disaster. I think David already realizes it. He already looked annoyed at her.

What the hell, TLC? I don't even... jeez. I guess I had more faith that even TLC would not film/ promote something so obviously abusive and wrong. I wonder if America realized that the Duggars had participated in marrying off a slow girl to be a beard* for a Gothard political minion that that would finally stop the leghumping? It's SO wrong! I can't even snark on these two anymore because it's not funny.

*Like the rest of you, I'm okay calling David gay because gay is not an insult. I am so pro-gay everything. But not being open about who you are is not okay. I've already seen one religious family implode from secret gayness, and I just think it's the worst way I've seen a family blown apart. The man was pushed out of his kids lives; the wife, understandably, had to go into therapy to resolve issues about her own sexuality. Both sets of parents are not speaking to either of them. It was just BAD. Poor David is a victim, too. He isn't allowed to be who is, but dragging an innocent girl into his own abuse just isn't fair.

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That actually REALLY scared me because, if he's "tired and worn out" married at a year with no baby... he's in for a seriously rude awakening. Priss keeps doing the good helpmeet thing "giving" but David is already reaching nap time. Thats not good...

I think this is really sad. Based on what they've shown to the world, they've had no real issues in their marriage (pecan thievery aside). So what is going to happen when they have a baby (or more children)...is his love for them going to wear out?

Out of the two sisters, I feel more sorry for Pris. While Josh is a super-asshole, I think that he does love Anna and the kids, in his own way. But David...I just get a really negative vibe from him that has nothing to do with him being possibly gay. I just feel that he has a wife because he is supposed to and that it wouldn't have mattered if it is Pris or some other woman. And that makes him a worse husband than Josh, imo.

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I think this is really sad. Based on what they've shown to the world, they've had no real issues in their marriage (pecan thievery aside). So what is going to happen when they have a baby (or more children)...is his love for them going to wear out?

Out of the two sisters, I feel more sorry for Pris. While Josh is a super-asshole, I think that he does love Anna and the kids, in his own way. But David...I just get a really negative vibe from him that has nothing to do with him being possibly gay. I just feel that he has a wife because he is supposed to and that it wouldn't have mattered if it is Pris or some other woman. And that makes him a worse husband than Josh, imo.


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Isn't Prissy a preemie survivor? That could explain cognative issues, and she certainly has them. David comes across as her pastor and possibly a father figure rather than her husband. That attitude won't help her to grow either. She comes across as slightly more verbose, in a parrot fashion albeit, than my 11 year old daughter, who is delayed herself. Prissy may have the body of a woman but she has the mind of a child.

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Out of the two sisters, I feel more sorry for Pris. While Josh is a super-asshole, I think that he does love Anna and the kids, in his own way. But David...I just get a really negative vibe from him that has nothing to do with him being possibly gay. I just feel that he has a wife because he is supposed to and that it wouldn't have mattered if it is Pris or some other woman. And that makes him a worse husband than Josh, imo.

Agreed. I have to wonder if Priscilla is so sheltered/innocent/simple-minded that she considers the way he speaks to her as being nice to her. She doesn't seem to mind (or be aware that she should), whereas most women wouldn't put up with that kind of treatment.

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Isn't Prissy a preemie survivor? That could explain cognative issues, and she certainly has them. David comes across as her pastor and possibly a father figure rather than her husband. That attitude won't help her to grow either. She comes across as slightly more verbose, in a parrot fashion albeit, than my 11 year old daughter, who is delayed herself. Prissy may have the body of a woman but she has the mind of a child.

I seem to recall that being mentioned somewhere. I can't remember where though.

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Really sorry for threadjacking, but what's your avatar, Sola? I've seen him somewhere....

It's Dr Lector from Silence of the Lambs. Fsk fsk fsk!

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It's Dr Lector from Silence of the Lambs. Fsk fsk fsk!

:doh: Thanks! I knew it was some serial killer from the movies. Just didn't know which one- at some point all their masks look the same.

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That actually REALLY scared me because, if he's "tired and worn out" married at a year with no baby... he's in for a seriously rude awakening. Priss keeps doing the good helpmeet thing "giving" but David is already reaching nap time. Thats not good...

I didn't watch the video, but that is so sad. :( Both my parents and inlaws have been married over 50 years. Both couples are still very in-love.

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Maybe David was trying to be relatable. Given how phony he often seems, it just came off as creepy instead. I hope for Priscilla and baby pecan that he's patient and truly kind. I know all too well what it's like to be in a relationship with someone who shows a Christian face at church but acts like the devil at home. Misery.

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I seem to recall that being mentioned somewhere. I can't remember where though.

It's brought up as a teaching point in their video where they announce their upcoming blessing. We're taught that all life is precious, and that Priscilla's start in life was difficult as a xx week old preemie (sorry, I just can't watch it again!!) but that God brought her and her family through her early days just as he will protect her now in bearing her first child. :roll: Unlikely that she had early intervention, since that's typically done through the medical and school system, so here we are, nodding and repeating after the headship.

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It's brought up as a teaching point in their video where they announce their upcoming blessing. We're taught that all life is precious, and that Priscilla's start in life was difficult as a xx week old preemie (sorry, I just can't watch it again!!) but that God brought her and her family through her early days just as he will protect her now in bearing her first child. :roll: Unlikely that she had early intervention, since that's typically done through the medical and school system, so here we are, nodding and repeating after the headship.

If those first generation Quiverfull parents had the collective self awareness that God normally bestows on a patch of radishes, they would realize that they have effectively set up their descendents as this country's permanent underclass. Priscilla and her children will pay for the collective sin, and it really is a sin in every sense of the word, of a culture that rejects education, medicine, and critical thought. Tragic on just the individual level of Priscilla and her kids. When you multiply that by all the Priscilla Wallers, Anna Duggars, and their children involved in this movement, the consequences can be unbearable to contemplate.

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