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How long until all the fundy blogs are aflame over Obama?


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This is an extremely racist comment.

Moreover, it's not even accurate. For a while, Herman Cain was stealing Perry's support from evangelical voters. Heck, even Vision Forum found him to be the more apt candidate.

And judging by the large multi-racial support pastors like Voddie Baucham seem to garner, racial prejudice is NOT the reason why many voters will not be voting or renewing their Obama votes in 2012.They don't like his policies: pure and simple.

Yet his race has come up how many times as a reason to say he's not American and so can't be president? Born in Hawaii with a father from Kenya, and so not American, while the white McCain, who was born in Panama, is American and so can be?

May I also point out, that in particular state, the Proposition 8 to eliminate gay marriage was largely supported by BOTH the evangelical community and African-American voters.

It was a major shock that the black community in California favored revoking rights from gays considering now 50 years before they were still fighting for equal rights. No surprise evangelicals favored the prob h8 ban, but it was a big surprise that a group of people still facing discrimination were more than willing to discriminate themselves.

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You're entitled to your opinions but they don't erase the myriad of website & blog entries, comments & diatribes by fundies and fellow travellers I've seen during the past four years, nearly all of which come down to the fact they don't like having a non-white president, and it's really that obvious & simple. Oh sure, they use code words like "socialist" or "radical" or even talk about the "Muslim" or the "anti-Christ" if they're really wacked out, but it really does come down to race most of the time.

For one example, go look at Barbara Curtis's website, Mommy Life. Here's a selection of her posts on Obama: mommylife.net/archives/obamas_radicali/. Need more? Check out the website that she endorses that focuses on Michelle Obama: michellesmirror.com/

You can believe & say what you like about the fundie/right wing vote in the US, but when it comes to Obama they just plain don't like him, and that dislike is centered on his race.

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Yet his race has come up how many times as a reason to say he's not American and so can't be president? Born in Hawaii with a father from Kenya, and so not American, while the white McCain, who was born in Panama, is American and so can be?

I want quotes from any news site where Obama is described as "not American" because he is half African-American. I want an actual citation where any large body of journalism, or heck, even a strong voice from the freaking TEA PARTY concerning this level of racism.

No, I don't want citations from some crazy random blogger, but a real piece of representative evidence.

Obama is often described as not American because his schooling was largely non-American. Because his upbringing occurred in various countries and then he later returned to America.

There is no question that he is born in America. "Birthers" are just following a crazy conspiracy line.

However, if a person is born in America, but spends most if not ALL of his formative years being indoctrinated by other countries who are strongly anti-American, or whose parents are radically against the American agenda of yore, then its understandable why some people consider him to be non-American. We've never had a President with his educational background.

And I say this as someone who voted for Obama in 2008. It is reasonable for people to ask if it is not enough for someone merely BORN in the US to quality as a valid representative of American values.

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However, if a person is born in America, but spends most if not ALL of his formative years being indoctrinated by other countries who are strongly anti-American, or whose parents are radically against the American agenda of yore, then its understandable why some people consider him to be non-American. We've never had a President with his educational background.

Some people would call that well traveled and diversely educated. Also the parts about his parents hating America and never having a president w/foreign education are bullshit.

I don't believe you voted Obama.

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I do not understand why the black community is thought to be rabidly against marriage equality. Can someone please expalin that to me? Is it not thought to be a civil rights issue? Thank you!

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You can believe & say what you like about the fundie/right wing vote in the US, but when it comes to Obama they just plain don't like him, and that dislike is centered on his race

No, you're wrong.

Sure there are some people just like this. And there also voters who simply won't vote for a female president. And there are also many who can't stand the idea of a gay man or woman in office. But these do not represent the LARGER BODY of voters.

But Representative Allen West sure doesn't feel that evangelical voters don't give him enough support. Neither did Herman Cain. Why don't you write in to either one of these guys and ask them what kind of vibe they receive from evangelicals.

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I don't believe you voted Obama.

Really? Why I am not surprised?

Let me educate you in some more fun facts about myself.

I also voted no on Prop 8 because I do believe marriage is a civil right that should be afforded to any citizen, particularly those who pay taxes. They should be awarded the full benefits enjoyed by heterosexual tax payers.

This made me really popular in my community, even though several people silently agree.

And so be it.

Another fun fact? My children are bi-racial. Just like President Obama! Bi-racial. Omg! Amazing!!! Credibility! And they take great offense to being labeled as fully one ethnic category. Instead, they describe themselves as half, and because of it they have to deal with petty racial misunderstandings on a weekly basis, mostly from their minority side. And it sucks for kids who get teased because they aren't "brown" enough to be Mexican or "black" enough to be African-American. But you should ask these kids where the majority of the racial comments come from, their minority or "majority" side.

So if you don't think I might find certain comments about race just a LITTLE inflammatory, think again. Or think at all for that matter.

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I'm sorry, but people going to the lengths of making up crap about Obama - he's not a citizen, he is muslim, he is marxist - are not simply disagreeing with his policies, they're pulling out the crazy because maybe they can't even face their own racism.

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Another fun fact? My children are bi-racial. Just like President Obama! Bi-racial. Omg! Amazing!!! Credibility! (I'm not sure what you mean by this) And they take great offense to being labeled as fully one ethnic category. (Why? Do people assume they are fully black (or whichever minority) or fully white?) Instead, they describe themselves as half, and because of it they have to deal with petty racial misunderstandings on a weekly basis, mostly from their minority side. (What kinds of misunderstandings?) And it sucks for kids who get teased because they aren't "brown" enough to be Mexican or "black" enough to be African-American. But you should ask these kids where the majority of the racial comments come from, their minority or "majority" side. (Being fully black (as much as I can account for anyway) I know painfully and from first hand experience that it comes from both sides)

Bolded mine.

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It smells troll-ish in here. I might have to get out some Glade Plug-Ins.

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Please look at the title of this topic: "How long until all the fundy blogs are aflame over Obama" [emphasis added]

If you want to discuss journalism, or what passes for journalism in the US, maybe you should start another thread.

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Another fun fact? My children are bi-racial. Just like President Obama! Bi-racial. Omg! Amazing!!! Credibility! (I'm not sure what you mean by this) And they take great offense to being labeled as fully one ethnic category. (Why? Do people assume they are fully black (or whichever minority) or fully white?) Instead, they describe themselves as half, and because of it they have to deal with petty racial misunderstandings on a weekly basis, mostly from their minority side. (What kinds of misunderstandings?) And it sucks for kids who get teased because they aren't "brown" enough to be Mexican or "black" enough to be African-American. But you should ask these kids where the majority of the racial comments come from, their minority or "majority" side. (Being fully black (as much as I can account for anyway) I know painfully and from first hand experience that it comes from both sides)

The "credibility" statement was in full sarcasm. I was just profiled by someone who believed I never voted for Obama.

(Why? Do people assume they are fully black (or whichever minority) or fully white?)

They are often mistaken for being some strange breed of white. The kids get a lot of stares. My oldest son has coloring like most people have never seen. Fotunately, one his best friends in Sunday school is a half-white half-black girl with platinum blonde curls and perfect blue eyes. She gets the same "WTF" looks as my son.

(What kinds of misunderstandings?)

Without giving too much detail about our life. Their father is a small bit of an icon in his world, richly identifying with his cultural history. But the kids don't at all relate to this life because they don't look enough like him, nor did they grow up with his experience within an impoverished ethnic minority. People from their father's side expect that the children should somehow identify and embrace certain types of struggles, but the kids are growing up "American" and, moreover, in their church community, bi-racial and ethnic backgrounds are common (especially through adoptions), so they mostly experience the racial profiling from one side.

My brother's children are also bi-racial. Half Indian and half Caucasian. They are often mistaken for being Pakistani or Arabic. It keeps things interesting.

I won't deny that racism does come from both sides. I can only speak for what I've seen from within my own family and heard from other families with mixed-race children. It's always the same feeling of not being "enough of one skin color or culture" and inlaws can be very cruel if they don't feel their cultural battles are being fought hard enough. Every individual needs to feel some sort of cultural acceptance, and many bi-racial children will end up identifying with one side of their ethnicity more than the other. There can be a lot of prejudice regarding such things.

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Just watched it on CNN. I'll give Zsu about 2hours.. do you guys think that this statement might cost him his re-election?

I'm really worried about that

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I'm really worried about that

I think it's brilliant. I think his original supporters have been alienated by his attempts at compromise, and the people he was trying to compromise with only seemed to get more entrenched in not wanting to cooperate. So fuck compromise.

I think this will just get his previous supporters locked in to re-elect.

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Guest Anonymous

Romney has a successful business background and was a successful governor of Massachusetts. He has shown himself to be an apt and capable leader and someone who is able to access situations and know what the best course of action is. Despite what people say about his wealth, as a member of the LDS church (as I am) he has probably experienced and seen the worst of the human condition serving in the church (he brought it up briefly when talking about being a Bishop) and will do everything he can to help the citizens of the United States.

As for the gay marriage debacle- I agree that the GOP always brings it up and they need to stop it. I wanted to smack my head against the wall when the BC was brought up a while back.

Oh, the Mormon apologist is voting for Romney. That's a shocker. Didn't Romney tell a single mother to give up her baby for adoption or she would be excommunicated when he was a bishop? Oh yeah. He did. How the fuck does that recommend him, again? He will sure as hell not do everything he can to help the citizens of the United States - not the women or the non-straight people or those who need the social welfare safety net.

You need a clue in the worst way, because you are spewing utter crap.

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Please look at the title of this topic: "How long until all the fundy blogs are aflame over Obama" [emphasis added]

If you want to discuss journalism, or what passes for journalism in the US, maybe you should start another thread.

A blog title does not excuse people from making claims without citations, especially claims that are so inflammatory. Racism is a BIG deal.

This thread departed from fundie blogs within the first page.

As Austin said:

However, this is a forum where we share our opinions and back them up, so don't get all riled if someone asks you to do that.
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The "credibility" statement was in full sarcasm. I was just profiled by someone who believed I never voted for Obama.

They are often mistaken for being some strange breed of white. The kids get a lot of stares.

I'm confused by "strange breed of white". Excuse my stupidity lol. I guess I feel like they either look white, or they look biracial and more white than black, which would garner some stares as it's not as common (of course the staring is not okay). I've other thoughts but as I don't know you at all I won't say them here

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I think it's brilliant. I think his original supporters have been alienated by his attempts at compromise, and the people he was trying to compromise with only seemed to get more entrenched in not wanting to cooperate. So fuck compromise.

I think this will just get his previous supporters locked in to re-elect.

I hope so. I'm just concerned there are a bunch of not necessarily homophobic but sort of middle-way "but marriage is special" types of people who will be disappointed and change their vote when they would have voted for him. I find those people incredibly annoying and ignorant...but it would suck if they change things. I don't really know the stats in America though, seeing as some states have changed things maybe it's not that bad. But yeah I guess being true to himself and fair to everyone is better than trying to get votes. That's actually unusual for a politician.

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Just watched it on CNN. I'll give Zsu about 2hours.. do you guys think that this statement might cost him his re-election?

I don't think so. Maybe I'm just naive but I cannot imagine Romney winning.

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This is an extremely racist comment.

You may disagree with the comment, but how exactly is it "racist", never mind "extremely racist"?

Do you understand what the word "racist" means? And if so, is there a particular reason why you feel the need to alter that meaning?

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I don't think so. Maybe I'm just naive but I cannot imagine Romney winning.

Nah. Won’t hurt him a bit. And it actually helps some with the left wing of the base which has been more than a little disillusioned with his governing from the center. It also pushes the right wing’s buttons on the culture war and as Shep Smith (how is that man still working for Fox?) basically said today, the Republicans are clearly on the wrong side of history on this issue. (not to mention on the wrong side of women's issues as well.)

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What was repealing "don't-ask-don't-tell"?

The DADT repeal didn't do anything towards gay marriage - it only allows gay servicemembers to serve openly, but it does not give them access to any of the benefits that married straight servicemembers have. No benefits or rights for spouses because of DOMA. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a huge thing, but it's not very much in the long run. It just makes me so happy when I see Soldiers I know are gay, when before they would have had to not just be who they are.

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Some people would call that well traveled and diversely educated. Also the parts about his parents hating America and never having a president w/foreign education are bullshit.

I don't believe you voted Obama.

No, you're wrong.

Really? Why I am not surprised?

Let me educate you in some more fun facts about myself.

Please address my first statement, you wise arbiter of race relations.

I still don't believe you voted for Obama.

I don't believe you have biracial children. 'They won't know what they are' is such a common argument used against biracial kids I don't know a good parent that would actually use it in the way you have. If by some coincidence you are not a troll, you're probably the cooky racist relative you multiracial family talks about behind your back.

Good Day. :clap:

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You may disagree with the comment, but how exactly is it "racist", never mind "extremely racist"?

Do you understand what the word "racist" means? And if so, is there a particular reason why you feel the need to alter that meaning?

Ya, I'm pretty sure I do.

Let's dissect this:

Agree with those who've pointed out that this won't affect the fundie/right wing voters; they already hate him because he's African-American. The same-sex-marriage issue will just let them be more open about hating him.

You already have significant racial profiling (with a pejorative connotation) within the first sentence. The silent assumption is that all fundie/right wing voters are white, after all, the writer's conclusion is that they "HATE HIM" because he's African American.

It's the same thing as assuming a category such as "illegal immigrants" are Latino or Chicano based on these keywords.

RACISM: 1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others. 2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination. 3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

If you create a logic map of this statement, the premise is only recognizably true is sentence A classifies "fundie/right wing voter" in a demographic block that would hate African-Americans.

However thinly veiled the racism may be, it is clear from the statement that the author believes these fundie voters are white, thus racial profiling. And then through whatever biased hatred the author has of white fundamentalist voters (even if he or she is white), the author ascribes this same level of prejudice to President Obama.

You mean to tell me that a statement like this isn't intended to reflect and incite racial hatred? And that it's a healthy argument that doesn't use the sourest racial profiling? And that black fundamentalist or conservative voters wouldn't be completely offended? Even Christian GOP moderates like Condoleezza Rice would find this offensive. Any African-American, Chicano, Asian, or ethnic voters might take offense to this kind of profiling and, moreover, the idea that their choice of faith automatically pits them against a racial group.

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The DADT repeal didn't do anything towards gay marriage - it only allows gay servicemembers to serve openly, but it does not give them access to any of the benefits that married straight servicemembers have. No benefits or rights for spouses because of DOMA. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a huge thing, but it's not very much in the long run. It just makes me so happy when I see Soldiers I know are gay, when before they would have had to not just be who they are.

Acknowledgement is the first step towards change. It's not much, but it gets the ball rolling. Obama is a breathe of fresh air after Dubya. I his inagural address, he acknowledged non-believers. Repealing DADT acknowledges we have gay service people who deserve to live openly.

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