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Lori Alexander 58: A Family Holiday on the Toilet


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We had a three cheese pizza from the Wal-Mart deli; the kind you take and bake.  Vanilla bean ice cream for dessert.  Kids were happy.

1 hour ago, fluffy said:

Lori believes that church is only for believers, not "the lost." If unbelievers come, she thinks they need to made uncomfortable because then they will leave or "repent." She does not have a clue how to relate to others. I also don't think she is capable of empathy. 

Yes.  And Lori seems to have believed that church is a PLACE - a building, with four walls.  True, some church members meet in a building and call it "church".  But this is not THE Church.  People are the Body; the church, the eklesia.  PEOPLE.  No matter where they are.   Whether in a four-walled place called "church" or online in a chat room, or on a blog, or on the Ellen Degeneres Show...the Body of Christ is comprised of PEOPLE who represent Christ.

When the world comes to one of these people who represent Christ, they are supposed to encounter THE EXACT REPRESENTATION of Jesus Christ on the earth today, just as if they had encountered Him face to face in the days when He bodily walked the earth.  I am pretty sure that Jesus would love on Ellen Degeneres and have relationship with her.  

Lori needs to encounter the REAL Jesus Christ.  As does Ken.  Empathy (compassion) and healthy relationships with others can be had without belief in Jesus Christ as LORD.  However, the lack thereof in the Alexanders is a strong indicator that they do not understand the relationship with God through Christ, outside of what religion has taught them.


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I do go to a church building on Sunday, but the Bible says "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them". Matthew 18:20

That's church, Lori (not the building).

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7 hours ago, ladyicantxplain said:

When the world comes to one of these people who represent Christ, they are supposed to encounter THE EXACT REPRESENTATION of Jesus Christ on the earth today, just as if they had encountered Him face to face in the days when He bodily walked the earth. 

Wow, that's a huge expectation of us mere mortals. Jesus was perfect, I'm very much not. I actually practice the opposite, to look at people and see Jesus.

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Today Lori is bitching yet again about women going to college. She says 'Finally, college hasn’t made women better in any way that really matters: kinder, more loving, more gentle, more giving, more meek and quiet spirited, more wise, more feminine, more modest, more chaste, better mothers, better wives, or better human beings.' In this case I actually have to agree with her, at least in one very limited case. College obviously didn't make her any better. Kind, loving, gentle, giving? Lori is certainly not meek, and she doesn't have a quiet spirit. She has about as much wisdom as a doorknob, and her definition of feminine is garbage. How can she claim to be modest and chaste when she is obviously obsessed with sex, and loves to talk about it with random men on the internet? She doesn't seem to be at all a good mother or wife, and comes across as a terrible human being. So no, college did not benefit Lori at all. 

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3 hours ago, delphinium65 said:

'Finally, college hasn’t made women better in any way that really matters: kinder, more loving, more gentle, more giving, more meek and quiet spirited, more wise, more feminine, more modest, more chaste, better mothers, better wives, or better human beings.'

I am so sick of her constant repeat. And her twisted logic.

And of course college (on face value) doesn't make one "kinder, more loving, more gently...etc"  That is not the purpose of college.  College is to provide an education on a specific field of study or studies and teach critical thinking skills.   Learning to be kinder, more gentle, giving,,etc... can and should be taught/learned in other different arenas.  Now if "college" advertised itself as a place to gain these personality traits, then  you could compare the outcomes against the stated purposes to see if "college" achieved it's objective. 

It's like picking any random object, thing or institution and saying its bad for women for the same reasons.  For example: Eating grapefruits didn't make women more modest, kind, wise..etc therefore eating grapefruit isn't good for women.  Or:  Wearing blue clothing didn't make women kinder, more gentle, nurturing, a better mother etc....therefore wearing blue clothes isn't good for women.  Or: Going to the supermarket fives days a week didn't make women more modest, more meek, etc. therefore going to the supermarket is not good for women. 

She's measuring unlike things against each other.  You can't even argue against that logic because it defies logic all together. 

Speculation bus here, but I think all this women/college thing has to do with DIL Emily...who was (according to Lori's old blog) in grad school when she met Steven.  I think she has some debt and it eats at Lori along with other things Emily says/does that are contrary to Lori's narrow legalistic beliefs.   I feel like Lori is always making subtle and non-so subtle digs at her. (after all isn't Steven the favorite son?) 



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Totally agree that it's directed at Emily.

Emily's FB page has a public post about Lauren Daigle's "STUNNING" performance on the Ellen Show.

Alyssa and Emily both comment that they are playing it on repeat.

Lori's response?  To write a scathing post about Lauren Daigle on FB, and declare that she had "failed the test" (because Lori is TOTALLY the judge of that). 

How did she "fail the test", you might ask?  By directing people to the Bible.  That's right, she told people to study the Bible for themselves.  

Several weeks back, Emily posted something positive about Beth Moore, which Lori immediately met with a post of her own, essentially saying she was Satan incarnate.

Lori is glued to Emily's FB, and pretty much anything Emily posts, is countered by Lori.  All of Lori's pearl clutching over Beauty and the Beast?  Yeah, that started immediately after Emily shared to Instagram that she and Cassie were going to see the movie.


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21 minutes ago, Koala said:

Lori is glued to Emily's FB, and pretty much anything Emily posts, is countered by Lori. 

Yep! You nailed it. And it's funny how the tide has turned. When Emily first came on the scene, Lori described her as "dugger-esque" http://lorialexander.blogspot.com/2014/04/steven-found-his-texas-duggar-gal.html

But Emily has proven to be her own woman more or less: smart, educated, and with her own opinions even within her belief system as an evangelical Christian, she watches secular movies, talks about girls' night out, etc. She probably wears nail polish and underwire bras. Not to mention she has all the wrong kitchenware.  

Yep....Emily is a huge threat to Lori. 


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3 hours ago, delphinium65 said:

Today Lori is bitching yet again about women going to college. She says 'Finally, college hasn’t made women better in any way that really matters: kinder, more loving, more gentle, more giving, more meek and quiet spirited, more wise, more feminine, more modest, more chaste, better mothers, better wives, or better human beings.' In this case I actually have to agree with her, at least in one very limited case. College obviously didn't make her any better. Kind, loving, gentle, giving? Lori is certainly not meek, and she doesn't have a quiet spirit. She has about as much wisdom as a doorknob, and her definition of feminine is garbage. How can she claim to be modest and chaste when she is obviously obsessed with sex, and loves to talk about it with random men on the internet? She doesn't seem to be at all a good mother or wife, and comes across as a terrible human being. So no, college did not benefit Lori at all. 

Yet another way I disagree with Lori. Going to college DID begin the process of making me a better human being. It gave me the tools to get away from my mother's (emotional, mental, verbal and physical) abuse and being the scapegoat child. I met the two women who became sisters of my heart and my husband, who provides the calm my soul needs.

Meeting them helped me realize I *was* worth something and let me know that people indeed did (and could) love me for me. It gave me the tools to figure out who the hell I am--and it's not the narrow, closed-minded way I was raised. Hell, it helped me channel my anger.

Did it make me a better wife? Beats the hell out of me but probably. From the beginning of our relationship, my husband and I figured it out together and it damn sure wasn't the preaching in which Lori engages. After nearly 39 years together, neither of us is ready to give up on the other.

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I think the thing that bothers me most about Lori's hatred of college (second to its total stupidity, of course) is that it is such a slap in the face to her father. 

She recently wrote about how hard her father worked to provide for their family. In his mind, a college education for his daughters was an important part of that provision. Regardless of his profession, tuition for three girls was probably quite a financial responsibility.  It is so disgustingly ungrateful and petty for Lori to spend so much time complaining about something her father gave to her. If she really practices what she preaches she would spend time looking for the good things that came out of that education, if for no other reason than to honor her father, who was the head of her household. 

If her kids/grandkids spent so much time whining about something; wouldn't Lori threaten them with snakes and all sorts of other punishments?  

My daughter did not love every single thing about her college experience, but she recognozed that education as the gift it was and has always been grateful for our efforts to get her through. She has been a good steward of our investment. I am sorry for Lori's father that he can't say the same about his daughter. 

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Spoiled. Ass. Brat.  This young woman was just trying to get the old bat to think a little and she just blows that right out of the water.  



Also:  I believe Lori is Cartman.



And just because I'm feeling fabulous on this fine Monday:  


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@SongRed7 What's Lori's problem with underwired bras? If your boobs are more than a handfull, you need a proper bra able to carry the weight. And beyond a certain weight, that's an underwired bra. Or did she prefer that larger breasted women have her boobies hanging down or bouncing up and down with every step. That's hardly modest.

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@klein_roeschen   Underwire bras is how I originally got banned from Lori's IG.  She posted some non-scientific nonsense about how underwire bras cause cancer.   I respectfully linked numerous scientific articles that stated they don't (or there was not evidence to support that).  In the past she had (incorrectly however) quoted the American Cancer Society that said (according to Lori) that "eating vegetables prevents cancer."  I had also respectfully said that wasn't true. The ACS said that eating vegetables was part of a healthy lifestyle, veggies contained nutrients that also promoted health which in turn, lessens your RISK for cancer.  But they do not PREVENT cancer.  It's not like "eat a carrot= never get cancer"   Try telling that to people who have eaten vegetables all their lives and still get cancer.  It's not a one for one. 

Anyway, since she quoted the ACS, I shared an article with her also from the ACS  which said that there is no scientific proof that underwires cause cancer.    I also encouraged others who had concerns about underwires (or any health issue) to do their own research and look at the body of evidence available from mainstream, vetted sources. Not just internet "myth"   Got myself banned. That was before I knew the true depth of Lori's craziness. 


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2 minutes ago, SongRed7 said:

Anyway, since she quoted the ACS, I shared an article with her also from the ACS  which said that there is no scientific proof that underwires cause cancer.    I also encouraged others who had concerns about underwires (or any health issue) to do their own research and look at the body of evidence available from mainstream, vetted sources. Not just internet "myth"   Got myself banned. That was before I knew the true depth of Lori's craziness. 


Lori knows what she knows, don't confuse her with the facts!  

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1 minute ago, SongRed7 said:

@klein_roeschen   Underwire bras is how I originally got banned from Lori's IG.  She posted some non-scientific nonsense about how underwire bras cause cancer.   I respectfully linked numerous scientific articles that that that they don't.  In the past she had (incorrectly however) quoted the American Cancer Society that said (according to Lori) that "eating vegetables prevents cancer."  I had also respectfully said that wasn't true. The ACS said that eating vegetables was part of a healthy lifestyle, veggies contained nutrients that also promoted health which in turn, lessens your RISK for cancer.  But they do not PREVENT cancer.  It's not like "eat a carrot= never get cancer"   Try telling that to people who have eaten vegetables all their lives and still get cancer.  It's not a one for one. 

Anyway, since she quoted the ACS, I shared and article with her also from the ACS that said that their is no scientific proof that underwires cause cancer.    I also encouraged others who had concerns about underwires (or any health issue) to do their own research and look at the body of evidence available from mainstream, vetted sources. Not just internet "myth"   Got myself banned. That was before I knew the true depth of Lori's craziness. 


Thank you and of course she believes in that stupid myth. She seems to believe in allmost every medical myth and woo crap out there. In that department she reminds me of some of my costumers I had since I work at a pharmacy *shudder*.

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What the ever loving fuck does this even mean. Good grief she is bat shit crazy. 

There has been fornication since the beginning of time. Pretty sure it didn't start because of women. 

Her hatred and jealousy of women has no bounds. 


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My thought, @Momto2Princesses, from what you posted along with the “men” posting comments on Lori’s media, is that the fornication Lori is foaming at the mouth about has more to do with men who won’t control themselves.

After all, how many underage trafficking victims went to college?

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2 hours ago, usmcmom said:

I think the thing that bothers me most about Lori's hatred of college (second to its total stupidity, of course) is that it is such a slap in the face to her father. 

She recently wrote about how hard her father worked to provide for their family. In his mind, a college education for his daughters was an important part of that provision. Regardless of his profession, tuition for three girls was probably quite a financial responsibility.  It is so disgustingly ungrateful and petty for Lori to spend so much time complaining about something her father gave to her. If she really practices what she preaches she would spend time looking for the good things that came out of that education, if for no other reason than to honor her father, who was the head of her household. 

If her kids/grandkids spent so much time whining about something; wouldn't Lori threaten them with snakes and all sorts of other punishments?  

My daughter did not love every single thing about her college experience, but she recognozed that education as the gift it was and has always been grateful for our efforts to get her through. She has been a good steward of our investment. I am sorry for Lori's father that he can't say the same about his daughter. 

My dad paid for my first year of college with the winnings from a craps game. I was fortunate enough to accompany him to his 50th high school reunion. One of the things he said was that I was the first person in the family to graduate from college, let alone earn a professional degree. The last gift I gave him was a copy of my diploma from law school. He died before I took the Bar.

I have it on pretty good authority that he thought I made good on that craps investment.

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I found bras that support w/o underwires. They're like a sports bra and comfortable as hell. Kohl's. 38 bucks. They had them on BoGo. I bought 4.

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41 minutes ago, EowynW said:

All I can say is thank god she's getting old & going downhill. 

I'm older than Lori and I'm not going down any hill. Her decline has nothing to do with her age, she isn't even that old!

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6 hours ago, Koala said:

Totally agree that it's directed at Emily.

Emily's FB page has a public post about Lauren Daigle's "STUNNING" performance on the Ellen Show.

Alyssa and Emily both comment that they are playing it on repeat.

Lori's response?  To write a scathing post about Lauren Daigle on FB, and declare that she had "failed the test" (because Lori is TOTALLY the judge of that). 

How did she "fail the test", you might ask?  By directing people to the Bible.  That's right, she told people to study the Bible for themselves.  

Several weeks back, Emily posted something positive about Beth Moore, which Lori immediately met with a post of her own, essentially saying she was Satan incarnate.

Lori is glued to Emily's FB, and pretty much anything Emily posts, is countered by Lori.  All of Lori's pearl clutching over Beauty and the Beast?  Yeah, that started immediately after Emily shared to Instagram that she and Cassie were going to see the movie.


Lori is so insecure and jealous.  I wonder if Emily and Alyssa push back when she posts that crap.  I would bet that she says that kind of stuff in person, although maybe snide comments as opposed to right to their faces.  I hope they both give it right back to her and don't put up with that treatment.

1 hour ago, SilverBeach said:

I'm older than Lori and I'm not going down any hill. Her decline has nothing to do with her age, she isn't even that old!

I agree, it's not age.  Lori is rotting from the inside out.  Bad fruit!

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9 hours ago, delphinium65 said:

Today Lori is bitching yet again about women going to college. She says 'Finally, college hasn’t made women better in any way that really matters: kinder, more loving, more gentle, more giving, more meek and quiet spirited, more wise, more feminine, more modest, more chaste, better mothers, better wives, or better human beings.'

In Lori's case, you're right; it did nothing for her.  In my case, it did make me a better person - certainly kinder, wiser, and more loving (I don't think it helped with meekness and quiet spirit, though).  I grew up pretty privileged and definitely sheltered.  My family was all about tolerance and acceptance in theory, but in practice, I knew very few people who weren't like us (not least because my hometown is small, semi-rural, and like 99.9999% white, so there simply weren't a whole lot of people to know).  Living in larger cities in university and especially in grad school exposed me to much more diversity than I'd ever known.  Some of my classes introduced me to some thought-provoking literature I probably wouldn't have read otherwise; others prompted me to think about and challenge some of the biases and prejudices I didn't even know I had.  

In other words, from Lori's point of view, it made me much worse than the left-leaning abomination I already was in high school.


3 hours ago, SongRed7 said:

She posted some non-scientific nonsense about how underwire bras cause cancer.

Dafuq?  People (well, Lori) actually believe that a bit of metal in your bra will cause cancer?  She does know that underwires aren't made of uranium, right?

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3 hours ago, Momto2Princesses said:

What the ever loving fuck does this even mean. Good grief she is bat shit crazy. 

There has been fornication since the beginning of time. Pretty sure it didn't start because of women. 

Her hatred and jealousy of women has no bounds. 


Of course the "culture of fornication" is women's fault, for "giving themselves" (gross) to men. Because men are totally not a part of the fornication equation. 

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34 minutes ago, ViolaSebastian said:

Of course the "culture of fornication" is women's fault, for "giving themselves" (gross) to men. Because men are totally not a part of the fornication equation. 

Well, if us wimmens didn't tempt those hairy little boys with boobs and form fitting clothing...they'd keep total control of themselves <sarcasm>. 

She's one of those "rape is the woman's fault" types. Fuck her, fuck her blog, fuck her book, fuck her fucking idiocy. I'm totally OUT of words for her...

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Here's a thought - there's nothing wrong with a "culture of fornication." Speaking as a former "slut" who has had (protected) unmarried sex with a number of men - not sharing that number, but it's higher than average - there's nothing wrong with it.. I'm not a person who can just sit around and think about what I like - I had to have the bad sex (and some of it was really bad) to know what "good" sex is. I had to have the terrible experiences to get to the good ones. Good for people who can be happy with someone they met at 18 or 19. If I had married one of those dudes, I'd be ... I don't know. Divorced, most likely. Probably eventually got into hard drugs. I wouldn't have left my homestate; I'd be working in retail like everyone else. (There's nothing wrong with retail! I loved working in retail. I didn't love the pay or the schedule. But helping people is always fun for me.) 

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