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Lori Alexander 58: A Family Holiday on the Toilet


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7 hours ago, Hisey said:

From the Guardian (sorry, I know it's a rag, but I was too lazy to find a better source):


Whoa. The Guardian is a fantastic newspaper. Are you thinking of the Daily Mail, perhaps? Because The Guardian is excellent.

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7 hours ago, Hisey said:

That explains why her recipe calls for 3 "cups" of chicken. Who measures chicken by the cup?

Well, I admit I've used recipes that measure chicken by the cup. The recipes were for ways to use leftover roasted chicken; you cut the meat off the bird and then cut into cubes. Several versions of chicken salad was one of these recipes -- one of those versatile recipes where you take something from column A (choose from several cups of chopped cooked leftover protein such as chicken or beef or ham or canned tuna or salmon or hard-boiled eggs or beans--of course, it's only chicken salad if you use chicken, I just realized...), something from column B (like celery or cooked chopped broccoli or peppers or something), something from column C (dried cranberries or grapes or chopped apples or cooked chopped red potatoes), and chopped red or sweet or yellow onions, and a spice mix from column D (curry powder/dry mustard or rosemary/thyme or dill or a few others I don't remember) and mix together with mayo to get a chicken salad, like a curried chicken salad with celery, onions, and apples, or a chicken salad with celery, onions, and grapes. I had that chart taped to the inside of a kitchen cabinet door for years; it was a great way to use leftovers in the summertime. A version of creamed chicken (served over rice or pasta) was another recipe I remember.

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8 hours ago, louisa05 said:

All of that said, I wish my mother-in-law and sister-in-law would consider two things when they buy/wear them: 1) wear a long shirt and 2) buy leggings that are not a size too small. The wedgie and camel toe that they now constantly display walking around in leggings and short shirts is too much. We don't need to be seeing that all of the time. And Mr. 05 now knows far more about his mother and sister's anatomy than he needs to. Last Christmas, he was sitting on the floor and his sister, with full camel toe on display, walked up to him with her crotch right in his face while talking to him. Poor guy! 


While I would personally not wear leggings with a short shirt/without anything that covers my butt, I don't judge women who do feel comfortable wearing leggings with a short/normal length shirt. If they feel comfortable and happy in it, good for them. 
I agree that a cameltoe might not be very nice to look at, but you don't have to look at it; you can always look away. And while maybe visually unpleasing, it isn't really harmful in any way.

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7 hours ago, Loveday said:

OMG. Christmas has come early for Lori. She's going to eat this up with an organic spoon.

She got what she wanted for Christmas.  Another viral post.  She is pathetic.

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11 hours ago, delphinium65 said:

This is under the leggings discussion on the TW Facebook page. See what John MacGregor II has to say.  Take note of how long it's been there. Why hasn't Lightning Delete Finger Lori removed it?  


Ha, ha fangirl, Prudently at Home even called Lori out for not deleting pervy comments.

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12 hours ago, Hisey said:

I didn't understand the commercial though. Is she saying having toe sox would have prevented her injury? I actually wear a similar thing in the gym ($5 from Amazon), and I don't see how it would prevent injury one way or the other. Perhaps Toesox just wanted her to mention her professional dancing in the commercial.

I can't possibly be the only one who misread this as "toe sex."

Can I?

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2 hours ago, Free Jana Duggar said:

Ha, ha fangirl, Prudently at Home even called Lori out for not deleting pervy comments.

I'm wondering how long it'll be before Lori bans her too. Can't have women correcting men, ya know! 

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7 hours ago, Petronella said:

Whoa. The Guardian is a fantastic newspaper. Are you thinking of the Daily Mail, perhaps? Because The Guardian is excellent.

Yes, sorry, I must have gotten them confused.

7 hours ago, refugee said:

Well, I admit I've used recipes that measure chicken by the cup. The recipes were for ways to use leftover roasted chicken; you cut the meat off the bird and then cut into cubes. Several versions of chicken salad was one of these recipes -- one of those versatile recipes where you take something from column A (choose from several cups of chopped cooked leftover protein such as chicken or beef or ham or canned tuna or salmon or hard-boiled eggs or beans--of course, it's only chicken salad if you use chicken, I just realized...), something from column B (like celery or cooked chopped broccoli or peppers or something), something from column C (dried cranberries or grapes or chopped apples or cooked chopped red potatoes), and chopped red or sweet or yellow onions, and a spice mix from column D (curry powder/dry mustard or rosemary/thyme or dill or a few others I don't remember) and mix together with mayo to get a chicken salad, like a curried chicken salad with celery, onions, and apples, or a chicken salad with celery, onions, and grapes. I had that chart taped to the inside of a kitchen cabinet door for years; it was a great way to use leftovers in the summertime. A version of creamed chicken (served over rice or pasta) was another recipe I remember.

I've made chicken salad that way too. It's a good way to use up roasted chicken. But I would never add 3 cups of roasted chicken to a chili. 

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1 hour ago, delphinium65 said:

I'm wondering how long it'll be before Lori bans her too. Can't have women correcting men, ya know! 

Well former best buddy Lindy never came back.  Maybe Prudie will wise up and flee as well. 


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I am dying at this comment about “stop leaving the children in the systems care.”  Honey, no. Children are removed because they’re being neglected or abused. There’s no kid dump you can drop off your child at and be done with it; that’s child abandonment. I mean, I’ve met tons of people who don’t *want* to be parents anymore, but it’s a job you’re stuck with for 18 years barring the kid getting adopted.  

It’s also pretty rich to suggest that the way we stop having kids in the system and abortion is “stop fornicating,” as of that’s ever worked in the history of the world. 

But sure, ban birth control and abortion and force people who don’t want to be parents to be parents to tons of kids and see where that gets our child welfare system. Good plan, guys. 

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14 hours ago, Ex 2x2 said:

I don’t follow Lori, but I nearly died when I saw this on twitter tonight!! 



There are currently 1400 something comments under that post on FB.

Has Lori ever had that many before? I can't remember if there were that many on the Debt Free Virgin post?

Looks like she might go viral again. Lord help us all.

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She’s definitely getting attention from this. Check out the number of comments. Her tweets normally only get a few. Even the one above with 45 is a lot for her. 


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On 12/5/2018 at 1:46 PM, Momto2Princesses said:

This comment gave me a chuckle when I read it. I have nothing against leggings personally and my girls like to wear them. As long as their shirts are long enough to cover I don't see a reason to lose sleep over it. Cleary Lori likes to obsess over this topic. 


Is Lori publicly shaming Alyssa again? I applaud Alyssa and am rooting for her but how dare Lori say that a woman in yoga pants makes her wonder show she was raised! Does she not ever take a look in the mirror? 

Lori needs to grow up and find a healthier hobby. 

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I don't like Alyssa but not because she wears leggings. Her clothing choices are of no consequence to me. I don't like her because she spreads shitty medical advice under the guise of being an expert. In my eyes, Alyssa is very much like her mother.

Even with that, it really is sad that no one is off limits in Loriland and everyone is fodder for her hate.

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Well, okay but should I change my name to John so we are John and John? Or should he become Mary so we are Mary and Mary??? Sorry...had to do it. 

Also, names have been changed to protect the innocent. 


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Wasn't it around this time last year that Lori sat home while Ken was at some tropical location with at least one of the daughters? And didn't he travel a lot for work? And doesn't she promote young moms staying at home even if the dad has to work multiple jobs? So much for "as much time together as possible".

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8 minutes ago, usmcmom said:

Well, okay but should I change my name to John so we are John and John? Or should he become Mary so we are Mary and Mary??? Sorry...had to do it. 

That verse says a MAN shall leave HIS father and mother, and cleave to his WIFE, so perhaps they should take her name rather than his.  

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1 hour ago, SuperNova said:

I don't like Alyssa but not because she wears leggings. Her clothing choices are of no consequence to me. I don't like her because she spreads shitty medical advice under the guise of being an expert. In my eyes, Alyssa is very much like her mother.

Even with that, it really is sad that no one is off limits in Loriland and everyone is fodder for her hate.

I actually feel sorry for Alyssa because I think it must have been very difficult to be the oldest  and a girl in a family like that. Plus, it's clear Lori and Ken put all their financial resources into the boys' educations. 

Unfortunately, she comes across as woefully uneducated and uninformed. The way she wears glasses when she is promoting her business (and never any other time)! Like it makes her look more professional! The way she talks about "running some tests" when she's never had a class in biology or chemistry, that we know of. 

When teenagers are new drivers, they sometimes think they know it all, long before they actually do. This is called the "unconsciously incompetent" stage. Alyssa strikes me as unconsciously incompetent. She doesn't know what she doesn't know.

She strikes me as someone who has gotten along on her looks for a long time. She *is* beautiful. I'm sure that helped her get a spot in her ballet company, among other things. However, the fact that she is fit and trim is not going to help her in her new career as a "medical" professional. She needs more than that. She seems to be used to (and even need) other people's admiration. She fills her facebook and instagram with pictures of herself, her tight abs, her really cool ballet poses, over and over again. Most recently, she seems to have hired a photographer to take staged pictures of her and her husband dressed up on the beach. Why? To me, it seems narcissistic.

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44 minutes ago, Hisey said:

I actually feel sorry for Alyssa because I think it must have been very difficult to be the oldest  and a girl in a family like that. Plus, it's clear Lori and Ken put all their financial resources into the boys' educations. 

With that said, she comes across as woefully uneducated and uninformed. The way she wears glasses when she is promoting her business (and never any other time)! Like it makes her look more professional! The way she talks about "running some tests" when she's never had a class in biology or chemistry, that we know of. 

When teenagers are new drivers, they sometimes think they know it all, long before they actually do. This is called the "unconsciously incompetent" stage. Alyssa strikes me as unconsciously incompetent. She doesn't know what she doesn't know.

She strikes me as someone who has gotten along on her looks for a long time. She *is* beautiful. I'm sure that helped her get a spot in her ballet company, among other things. However, the fact that she is fit and trim is not going to help her in her new career as a "medical" professional. She needs more than that. She seems to be used to (and even need) other people's admiration. She fills her facebook and instagram with pictures of herself, her tight abs, her really cool ballet poses, over and over again. Most recently, she seems to have hired a photographer to take staged pictures of her and her husband dressed up on the beach. Why? To me, it seems narcissistic.

Guys, I see where you are coming from but I still don’t judge Alyssa for a few reasons.

First, she took those photos on the beach as a professional Christmas card shoot, for the first time. She doesn’t have children she can add to the photos, so what? 

Also, I think has someone take professional type of pictures of herself everyday because she’s a brand ambassador for Toesox (and I think another athletic brand?). Also, a swimsuit company commented on one of her Instagram photos recently asking if she can model for them (or something). 

Maybe Alyssa IS talented at ballet and her talent earned her a spot in the ballet company??? Alyssa is beautiful so it’s easy to “hate” on her. However, she didn’t ask to be dragged into Lori’s mess. We only know about her via Lori and so I just can’t personally snark on her. 

We don’t know her behavior and we haven’t seen enough of her personality either so I can’t personally say if she’s narcissistic or not. 

I don’t support her new career in touting “woo” but like another poster said, I feel bad that her parents have supported and encouraged their sons’ education while shaming their daughters for attempting to have a career. Southern California is also filled with people that buy into the idea of “woo” remedies. I think Alyssa got into it after attending a nutrition conference with her aunt (Lori’s sister), who she clearly bonds with more. We may not agree with what she’s doing but this is a way that she’s applying her new-found independence.

Sure, her constant photos of herself (and her athletic body) can seem vain and unrelatable. I actually commend her for continuing to pose in yoga pants after her mother publicly shames her for it on a weekly basis.

I applaud her transparency in her recent post about what makes someone beautiful. It didn’t seem narcissistic at all. It sounds like she has had some scars from childhood and honestly, many of us would if Lori was our mother.

Lori probably ridicules her constantly about the pictures she posts of herself in yoga pants, having a brand new career, and not having a baby (nor adopting one). I feel sorry for her. Also, it’s clear that Lori despises Alyssa as I’ve only ever seen her compliment Cassie and of course, her sons. However,from Lori’s writing, I’d assume she only has one daughter, Cassie. She used to brag about Cassie’s cooking and I believe she made a blog post bragging about her submissiveness (or maybe that was DIL Erin?).

Didn’t Alyssa’s husband used to work for Ken and then quit to work somewhere else? I think it was briefly discussed that perhaps Ken and her husband don’t get along? I could see something like that being the case.

*Perhaps I am biased because I have a narcissistic mother so I feel deeply sorry for Alyssa.

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51 minutes ago, luv2laugh said:

Guys, I see where you are coming from but I still don’t judge Alyssa for a few reasons.

Alyssa is a grown woman, separate from her mother. She chooses to put herself on a social media platform. She chooses to use her influence to promote herself as a pseudo-medical professional. All I know about her is the face she chooses to present through Instagram and the website where she promotes her woo. I wouldn't like her brand of self promotion even if I didn't know who her parents were and would probably just ignore it if it weren't for the Lori connection. 

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1 hour ago, luv2laugh said:

Guys, I see where you are coming from but I still don’t judge Alyssa for a few reasons.

First, she took those photos on the beach as a professional Christmas card shoot, for the first time. She doesn’t have children she can add to the photos, so what? 

Also, I think has someone take professional type of pictures of herself everyday because she’s a brand ambassador for Toesox (and I think another athletic brand?). Also, a swimsuit company commented on one of her Instagram photos recently asking if she can model for them (or something). 

Maybe Alyssa IS talented at ballet and her talent earned her a spot in the ballet company??? Alyssa is beautiful so it’s easy to “hate” on her. However, she didn’t ask to be dragged into Lori’s mess. We only know about her via Lori and so I just can’t personally snark on her. 

We don’t know her behavior and we haven’t seen enough of her personality either so I can’t personally say if she’s narcissistic or not. 

I don’t support her new career in touting “woo” but like another poster said, I feel bad that her parents have supported and encouraged their sons’ education while shaming their daughters for attempting to have a career. Southern California is also filled with people that buy into the idea of “woo” remedies. I think Alyssa got into it after attending a nutrition conference with her aunt (Lori’s sister), who she clearly bonds with more. We may not agree with what she’s doing but this is a way that she’s applying her new-found independence.

Sure, her constant photos of herself (and her athletic body) can seem vain and unrelatable. I actually commend her for continuing to pose in yoga pants after her mother publicly shames her for it on a weekly basis.

I applaud her transparency in her recent post about what makes someone beautiful. It didn’t seem narcissistic at all. It sounds like she has had some scars from childhood and honestly, many of us would if Lori was our mother.

Lori probably ridicules her constantly about the pictures she posts of herself in yoga pants, having a brand new career, and not having a baby (nor adopting one). I feel sorry for her. Also, it’s clear that Lori despises Alyssa as I’ve only ever seen her compliment Cassie and of course, her sons. However,from Lori’s writing, I’d assume she only has one daughter, Cassie. She used to brag about Cassie’s cooking and I believe she made a blog post bragging about her submissiveness (or maybe that was DIL Erin?).

Didn’t Alyssa’s husband used to work for Ken and then quit to work somewhere else? I think it was briefly discussed that perhaps Ken and her husband don’t get along? I could see something like that being the case.

*Perhaps I am biased because I have a narcissistic mother so I feel deeply sorry for Alyssa.

I can relate. Had a narcissistic mother and dangerously narcissistic father. I also feel sorry for Alyssa. I suspected she clashed with Lori a lot. I think that there was a lot of conflict about her leaving home at 18.  I wonder if her parents were even willing to pay for college for her.

She arrived in MS without an apartment or car, and made a career for herself. That's admirable. I do think her beauty helped her in her career, but I also don't think there's anything wrong with that. Dance seems to be like that, like acting. How you look does matter. You're playing a part, after all.

Nonetheless, I don't relate to someone who constantly takes photos of themselves.  I get taking pics for an xmas card (though as I read it, she was uncertain whether to use the pics, and seemed to be seeking compliments opinions on whether to use them).  But the pics all the rest of the year? Professional pics? Seems incomprehensible to me. I doubt she is doing it for ToeSox, since she's not wearing ToeSox in most of them. 

At 35, I doubt she gives Lori any thought when deciding what to wear. By the time I was 35, my mother's opinion mattered very little. Alyssa's been on her own for so long, I doubt she's thinking, "It'll really piss off mom if I pose in these yoga pants." I think she does what she wants to do, which is great.

 It does seem you cannot criticize the actions of an attractive person without someone accusing you of "hating on" them. From the way you sound, all good-looking people get a free pass for acting as vain as they want, because they are good-looking and that is so awesome. I disagree. I know attractive people who actually focus their social media on other things, besides their looks. That's much classier, imo.

So I have a lot of empathy for her, but there are also things I don't admire. The vanity. The woo stuff. You're not going to hurt anyone with vanity, but you sure can with the woo advice. Sick, uneducated people can be hurt by it.

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Lori just likes to find new ways to harp on people doesn't she? Whether someone changes their last name or not is none of her fucking business. My degrees that I worked my ass off for are in my name so I wouldn't mind keeping it especially if I go for a doctorate degree. Also because of the way society exists with boys keeping their last name that means my family name is dying out because we tend to have more girls in the family. I'm very committed to my family and love my last name, as common as it is, so why shouldn't I keep it? 

P.s I'm wearing leggings because I was at a crisis call for over 6 hours last night so I'll wear whatever the fuck I want today. 

P.p.s I'm going to go eat my turkey, Parmesan, and herb meatballs with homemade sauce that I managed to make despite having a career. 

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This week has been a royal flush of Lori insanity -- abortion, leggings, all working moms are miserable failures, education is evil, and married names and shared bank accounts.  

I am saddened that she got so much press and exposure over her flowchart doodle.  She must be basking in the glory of Internet notoriety and anxiously waiting for a phone call to go onto The View to argue her points.  I wouldn't be surprised if she has already made a script of her talking points for her anticipated appearances on talk shows.

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Changing your name: When I divorced the X, I took back my maiden name because I knew that would be the last fuck you to him (well, 11 years of child support too)...but when Mr. Xtian and I got married, I chose to take his name because it's 6 letters and pretty common rather than 11 letters and ethnic as hell, not to mention they can't get it all on the average driver's license form with my long ass first and middle name to go with it. 

Joint bank accounts: Mr. Xtian and I finally put each others' name on our bank accounts last year. So, for 19 years we had separate bank accounts (same credit unions). Last I checked our marriage license was dated 1998...and still valid. 

I imagine Lori is grinning with glee over going VIRAL! Thing is, the attention she's getting is all negative...but I'm sure she sees it as "persecution"...here's a hint Lori...it's not persecution, you're batshit crazy and need to STFU. 

ETA: Mr. Xtian are as different as night and day. I'm all up into technology, science, sci-fi, and a voracious reader. Him? Coin collecting, building models, horror/thriller movies and you can't pay him to read a book. We have totally different careers, he's in the medical field, I draw pictures. Until he got his shift changed, he was leaving for work pretty much when I was getting home. According to the Great Oracle of Bullshit from California, we've been doing this marriage shit all wrong for the last 20 years...

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