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Dillards 57: Run, D’Wreck, Run!


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3 hours ago, HarleyQuinn said:

The running joke in my family is that coffee "stunted" my growth because i started drinking it at age 3. I'm "only" 5'6 in a family of everyone about 6' and over. Lol

LOL - my family says that about me. I'm "only" 5'7" and I've been drinking coffee longer than I can remember.  My mom was 5'11", her mom was 5'9",  and my dad's mom was 5'8". All of my cousins are taller than I am too. 

I do know I was drinking coffee when I was a toddler, though. Mostly milk/sugar, but there was coffee. By 3rd or 4th grade, it was more coffee than milk...

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Being allergic to stuff sucks! I'm lactose intolerant and it sucks!! I'm also allergic to house dust mite, insect venom, dimethylaminopropylamine (found in soaps, shampoos, cosmetics), nickel (have to wear gold or silver earrings), polyester, synthetic fibres (once someone gave me a box of synthetic panties and they said it was cotton, well lo and behold I had my ass burning with allergy). Once I bought a soap and took a bubble bath, the soap was so strong that I almost died, my throat closed and I went into anaphylactic shock... Thankfully my mum was close and she called an ambulance and gave me an epi shot.

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3 hours ago, acheronbeach said:

Honestly curious, HQ, how did you get started on coffee as a toddler?  

I asked for some to go in my tea set so I could be fancy and have coffee with my mom and it went from there. 

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I bounce back and forth on pickiness. At the moment my pickiness technically only reaches two things. My MIL's cooking and certain founation drinks around town. With the drinks a fair amount of the fast food places their soda has a very weird and disgusting taste. Dr.Pepper tended to be the victim the most although Root Beer is the only reasonable tasting soda.

As for my MIL's cooking there been close to 85% of her dishes makes me sick. I have never been able nail it down what is causing the sickness to creep up. Over Christmas I found out my future SIL also struggles with MIL's cooking too. So it's a bit nice to have someone else in my corner.

As for allergies the only major concern is Chicken. I found out I was allergic back in 2015 so I try to reduce my consummation. Usually just to once a month if I cannot fight that urge.

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5 hours ago, klabourdeth said:

As for allergies the only major concern is Chicken. I found out I was allergic back in 2015 so I try to reduce my consummation. Usually just to once a month if I cannot fight that urge.


Oh man!! That sucks! I can't even imagine!!! I love chicken!! I literally eat it probably 4-5 times a week!!! 

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15 hours ago, HarleyQuinn said:

The running joke in my family is that coffee "stunted" my growth because i started drinking it at age 3. I'm "only" 5'6 in a family of everyone about 6' and over. Lol

I thought I was the only one to drink coffee and tea young! I have drank black coffee since I was about 5! Would have it with my breakfast with my dad I suspect that’s how it started but I also remember sitting with my grandma having tea very young too and I know I haven’t missed a day of coffee... probably since 14?

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Mother’s Day post from Jill:

The photo quality is dark and grainy, but it’s still somewhat sweet and the caption is a solid effort. Even better no mention of abortion (is this real? Is it even a Duggar post if it doesn’t sneak in a message about abortion?!) I give it seven out of ten stars. 

No post from Derick so far. I’m eagerly awaiting the incredible fail that will be.

ETA: Highlights from the blog post -

1. Jill praises Cathy and talks about how they first got to know one another while Derick was in Nepal. They met up for coffee, invited each other over, Jill would stop by to see her sometimes after attending births, and Cathy took her to get milkshakes once in Derick’s car. This portion was actually kind of sweet and she seems very genuine discussing her relationship with Cathy and the fact that she considers her a blessing in her life (and her sons’ lives.)

2. Jill talks about her mom. This part didn’t seem as sweet to me as the earlier part about Cathy. She talks a lot about her mom teaching her about God and attending the MOPs event here. She does mention that she admires her mom’s patience and that no matter what she’s doing she’s reminded of fun things her mom did with them as kids - she doesn’t really offer any examples though, which is a shame because that would have been a great focus for the post.

3. Jill mentions being excited to homeschool Izzy. 

4. Jill, again, shared that cringeworthy list of 16 prayers to pray for your children. 

So, the blog post I’ll give a four out of ten stars. The portion on Cathy was genuinely lovely and it seems as if they have a very sweet relationship together - but the part about Michelle was weak, the post wasn’t very well written (not entirely Jill’s fault - she got a crap education), and that prayer list popping up again just pisses me off enough to take off an extra star. 

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Oh man!! That sucks! I can't even imagine!!! I love chicken!! I literally eat it probably 4-5 times a week!!! 

It does. At the time I found out we were eating it close to 6 days a week. But when it was eliminated from the diet for the most part it cleared up most of my stomach issues.
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I feel like Mechelle had to be somewhat fun back when they were younger, right? I think that is what kind of makes me sad about the duggars, this isn't the first time when one of them couldn't really give a concrete example of their parents being actual parents. Usually when they do, most of us realize that isn't actual parenting. 

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2 hours ago, VelociRapture said:

No post from Derick so far. I’m eagerly awaiting the incredible fail that will be. 

I'm rather sad for Jill that when it was Father's Day, the post on their blog was about Derick the best hubby ever, but the Mother's Day post is written by her about her own mother and MIL. It would be all well and good if it were just Jill's blog, but it's meant to be for the family. When is he going to stop and celebrate her? Has he ever written one of those detailed 'here are all the little things I appreciate about you' posts?


(ETA: this sort of PDA is not mandatory, and Mr Quilt would be unlikely ever to write a public post about how much he loves me - it's really not his style and it would be uncomfortable. It's just when they're a public unit, that imbalance is so awkward.)

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@AprilQuilt. I know what you mean. Mr treehugger is the least mushy person I know, he hasn't given me a card in a decade, and I would faint dead away if he were to ever write a sentimental thing online, but he made me flower boxes for the patio for mother's day, and got me plants for them, so I was able to share the sweet thing he did for me on Facebook. It honestly doesn't sound like Derrick did a damn thing for Jill. Which is sheer asshattery when you think that being a Mother is the one thing that is required of Jill


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I find the older girls from both the Duggar and Bates families so interesting. On the one hand, they had the most parental attention (the older boys as well) of the whole bunch but they also were forced into mothering roles of their own from a young age. I wonder if they are not starting to see the strength of the bonds their husbands’ moms had having a smaller quiver, since both Jill and Jessa have written beautiful tributes to their MILs this Mother’s Day. 

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That picture... I immediately thought SCP containment breach.  When they finish with Jill, they'll come for the rest of us!

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It speaks volumes that Jill seems to be more sincere in her tribute to Cathy than her own mother. I'm glad Cathy and her bonded while Derick was away in Nepal and while I don't agree with most of what Cathy does, it was nice of her to attempt to get know her future daughter in law. 

Derick could at least make a mother's day post for Jill, he cares more about abusing people online than showing appreciation to his wife and his mother. It doesn't need to be a long soppy post, just a happy mother's day from Izzy and Sam. I don't expect everyone to make posts but with them being in the public eye, it looks as if Jill is the only one who gives a damn in the marriage.

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@AprilQuilt I agree about the imbalance. If they were both more private people I wouldn’t raise an eyebrow at Derick’s lack of Jill-praising posts, but considering that nearly everything she posts is #besthubbyever you would think he would reciprocate every now and then similar to JinJer. What happened to the Derick that wrote Jill a song and gave her butterflies? I would gladly take excessive #bestwifeyever and PDA posts over his hateful, selfish BS. 

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14 minutes ago, treehugger said:

@AprilQuilt. I know what you mean. Mr treehugger is the least mushy person I know, he hasn't given me a card in a decade, and I would faint dead away if he were to ever write a sentimental thing online, but he made me flower boxes for the patio for mother's day, and got me plants for them, so I was able to share the sweet thing he did for me on Facebook. It honestly doesn't sound like Derrick did a damn thing for Jill. Which is sheer asshattery when you think that being a Mother is the one thing that is required of Jill


You're right. She gets so much of her sense of identity and self-worth from mothering, and this year she not only had their second child, she underwent a probably traumatic and definitely less-than-ideal labour in doing so. Throw her a hecking bone, Derick.

I hope it's different from what we see. I hope he's the sort of guy who isn't so outspoken but who is observant of her comfort and happiness and makes thoughtful loving gestures, like your fella and mine. But she's so hopelessly grateful for such basic stuff I kind of doubt it.

6 minutes ago, Joyfully_Unavailable said:

@AprilQuilt I agree about the imbalance. If they were both more private people I wouldn’t raise an eyebrow at Derick’s lack of Jill-praising posts, but considering that nearly everything she posts is #besthubbyever you would think he would reciprocate every now and then similar to JinJer. What happened to the Derick that wrote Jill a song and gave her butterflies? I would gladly take excessive #bestwifeyever and PDA posts over his hateful, selfish BS. 

Ah, that Derick had a TLC team onside. I'd give good odds that song was not his idea.

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My father would let my younger brother drink what was left of his coffee in the morning,like a small amount in his cup,this was when my brother was about a year old.My brother loved it then, and still loves it,now.Coffee with sugar,and milk or half and half.

We were allowed to have sips of beer,when I was little,too.Maybe that's how I acquired my taste for it.

My parents also went thru a phase that we had to eat whatever was served.My mother,who hated to cook,but was a good cook,said it was a pleasure to cook for me,and another brother.My oldest brother was and still is a very picky eater.His 2nd ex wife used to send him leftover tuna casserole for his lunch...and said when he got hungry enough he'd eat it.

My husband was picky,too,but he has gotten much better,he was also raised by a picky eater(his mother) and his father ate almost everything.Except artichokes.

My oldest son does not like onions..with a white  hot passion.He has some other foods, that he doesn't eat.My middle son enjoys trying new foods,but has a few things he does not like.

I haven't tried sushi.Even though I remember choking them down,I still do not like beets.Sweet potatoes were never served.MY parents,brothers and I did not and still do not like them.I'm not a fan of liver,either.


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Do Jill's prayers go out to non-sweet ladies who have lost their babies and/or have had trouble getting pregnant, or is it cool if they suffer?

I'm expecting a besthubbyever post after he brings her something or they celebrate Mother's Day with Cathy.

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Jill could have written pretty much anything in the Instagram caption and I still would have given her points for it, just for the fact that she’s smiling and not pulling the ‘yay, everything is superfun and it’s superexciting being married to #besthubbyever’ face. 

I thought it was nice of her to offer kind words for people who find mothers’ day difficult. Her worldview (that women were created to be wives and mothers) can add to the pain already felt by those who are finding it difficult to conceive, or have lost babies (as miscarriages, stillbirth, or the death of a baby/child). 

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7 minutes ago, Jellybean said:

I thought it was nice of her to offer kind words for people who find mothers’ day difficult. Her worldview (that women were created to be wives and mothers) can add to the pain already felt by those who are finding it difficult to conceive, or have lost babies (as miscarriages, stillbirth, or the death of a baby/child). 

Agreed, it was a lovely post and not one I'd expect from Jill.

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Her IG post rubs me the wrong way. It comes off as "look how Godly I am because I CAN have children. Sorry you can't feel as godly as me"

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I honestly have no problem with the part of her post about “sweet ladies.” She didn’t need to include anything for those of us who have suffered pregnancy losses or struggled with infertility or suffered the death of a child at all, but she chose to acknowledge that others may have painful or mixed emotions today. I also appreciate that she didn’t use that caption as a chance to push more anti-abortion bullshit too because I feel like she could have done so pretty easily. 

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I like that she didn't have her mouth wide open in the picture.

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I'm in the minority, but I'm actually glad Derick didn't post anything for Mother's Day today. He would either have posted something incredibly insensitive and obnoxious, or made it all about him.

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