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Dillards 57: Run, D’Wreck, Run!


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"You are all special to me in so many ways, but not special enough for me to take the time to cite even one of those ways."

Honestly I bet Derick is one of those guys who thinks that Mother's Day is a corporate ploy and that we don't NEED to celebrate Mother's Day because EVERY day should be Mother's Day...which would be a fair enough position if he routinely recognized and honored the sacrifices and work of mothers and also disavowed Father's Day.  But nope.  This man can't even treat his wife by helping with bedtime.

And I guarantee he would throw a manipulative toddler-esque fit if Jill posted this on Father's Day.  

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On 2018-05-10 at 2:42 AM, Drala said:

Without Jill, D'Wreck is nobody.


On 2018-05-10 at 5:37 PM, CaricatureQualities said:

Essentially being Mr. Jill Duggar.

And I think this is his problem. Or one of them there are many more. So many more. But he did sign on for a patriarchal cult and it’s not turning out the way he thought. Sure he has the loving wife that follows his lead in everything but to the rest of the world he is just her husband. Not as important. Not as interesting. 

I see him all red in the face. Steam from his ears. Mumbeling ”but I’m the man” to himself while writing angrily on twitter. 

On 2018-05-12 at 2:16 PM, FloraKitty35 said:

My least favorite food is celery.

Mine too! And tuna. And chocolate with fruits and/or nuts in it.  

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22 hours ago, VelociRapture said:

Short version (because I’m tired): TLC has a habit of making the courting/newly married daughters look incompetent in the kitchen and having an older female relative/in-law “help” them learn. Because storylines and needing viewers to connect with the cast. Jill’s inability to figure out the rice was very likely part of that.

But who would connect over the ditzyness of not being able to make rice? I guess I'm not the target audience, I could never connect with such silliness.

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2 hours ago, Mayluka said:

The only thing he posted was this tweet, along with another tweet giving the link to Jill’s blog post. Not very personal or heartfelt IMO, but I didn’t have high expectations for him anyway.


That's so generic.  I also dislike the term, "wifey" because to me, it sounds patronizing.  But Jill may love being called wifey.  

ETA, sometimes, I just crave celery filled with tuna salad.  Sooooo good!

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Add me to the I hate celery and tuna camp.  I think I'd rather starve - I'm pretty sure I'd puke it up anyway.

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6 hours ago, viii said:

I don't know why TLC even tries with those storylines. It's been made very clear that the older girls are extremely well versed in the kitchens. I can kind of get behind the storyline of them struggling to learn cooking small amounts, but the rest is nah. 

I wouldn't be surprised if the Duggars demand that the show has to feature women cooking and keeping house for their mans, families being involved in the kids' courtships, and other aspects of their dogma - so the series can be a "ministry." And because the folks at TLC are terrible at making interesting TV, that results in super repetitive, unrealistic storylines about how Joy JUST CAN'T FIGURE OUT how to make the recipe on the back of the cream cheese package.

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2 hours ago, SilverBeach said:

But who would connect over the ditzyness of not being able to make rice? I guess I'm not the target audience, I could never connect with such silliness.

I never claimed it was a great strategy. :pb_lol:

There is a pattern there though. Jill having Jana help with rice, Ben’s sisters teaching Jessa to cook chicken parm, Jinger not knowing the names of pasta shapes with Jeremy’s Grandma, Austin’s mom and sister teaching Joy to bake cheesecake... I don’t think all the instances from the show were staged, but I do think the ones above were.

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I am a picky eater, although I think finicky is a more apt description. I'm very specific about how things are prepared. If taste, texture, temperature or flavour is off, I don't want it. 

I also go through phases, like  I used to love salmon, then one day my mom made salmon and the smell made me feel sick. Haven't touched it since. They used to put hot sauce is my plantain porridge as a baby, but since the age or 8 or so, I hate pepper. The only time I like heat is in Indian food (which I refused to try until 2 years ago and now I love it and don't need to gulp down glasses of juice). 

As for coffee, I didn't drink it until 2 years ago (and only like it occasionally when its iced and sweetened from a certain brand) wasn't allowed to...still shorter than everyone expected. 

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He hasn't thrown that bitchfit yet about Jeremy once more one upping him, but he is afraid of the weather.



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I'm going to track back a little to Jill's Mother's Day message, because I have a personal story. I thought I might as well type it out here, since it's connected to my shitty life and my past extreme obsession with All Things Duggar™.

Back about... 6 years ago when I found The Mess That Is The Quiverfull Cult, I became extremely obsessed with everything, especially the Duggars, and well, particularly Jill, Jessa and Jinger as they're the closest to my age. I searched everything. I watched through all of the episodes... and honestly, I was real fucking hardcore about Jill and Derick. They looked so perfect. A lil' quirky, and Derick being a tad more "relaxed" than the Duggars (lol did that change). I got into the courting thing, and decided that from that moment onwards  I would quit dating and only seek for a godly courtship. I was, I repeat, obsessed.

I was... I was turning quiverfull. I wrote many unsent letters to J-girls, Michelle and JBoob... and I'm glad I never sent them, because had they ever responded, I honestly think I would've turned to the fundie cult. Honestly - there MUST be people that have gone quiverfull thanks to Duggars, Bateseseses, etc.

One of the big reasons for my brain deciding to go off glorifying being fruitful and multiplying was the fact that I might never be able to concieve. I have endometriosis. That and other conditions causing infertility tease many women in my family line... even the existence of my mother is basically a miracle, because grandma's endo was BAD. So, the Duggar way brought me extreme comfort in all of its craziness; leading a life where no contraception would be available, there would be no temptation for it, therefore making it easy to welcome any babies! This hole obsession was being fuelled by what I now know to be hypomania plus my aspergers (cults are one of my "special interests", guess how I found the Duggars LOL). The only things that made sense in my haze were the three J-girls, leading my way, looking like some holy examples that I must follow in order to succeed in life.

As you may have noticed, me being in FJ, I've snapped out of it. I fell into some pretty deep depression after my hypomania, and it snaps the hell out of me from whatever I was getting into. Me, a cult conosseur, hater of all such things, was about to run into one with open arms. What the everloving fuck?

Jill's update made me remember all of this. I mean, I remember everything anyways, but I had forgotten the immense pain, despair and sadness that was the core of it all. Being a woman in her early 20s already knowing there might never be those kids that I'd love to have, I just dove in grabbing the tiniest of straws. Her words now are rather bittersweet.

Gladly, I've found healthier ways to deal with the sadness that my very possible infertility brings me. Being christian, faith is still a big part of it, but...

Now I know that quiverfull won't heal my womb.

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@finnlassie - I really only lurk, but wanted to send internet hugs. I have endo, have known since I was 18, and am currently going through IVF. I’m glad you were able to work through and come to terms with (or start to) the fraught reality of infertility.  It can consume your life, as you’ve seen firsthand, if you let it. Xoxo.

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The thing that gets me is that he's obviously posting shit like this just to provoke people. Like, that's it. That's the only reason. He wants to piss people off. This is a guy with an anger problem, an inferiority complex, and the emotional maturity of a 13-year-old (apologies to 13-year-olds). I feel sorry for Jill, but I feel more sorry for their boys. I can only imagine what living with him is like.

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Inquiring minds want to know: was Derick always this horrible and he hid it really well?  Or did something happen that made him become this horrible?  And I don't mean the standard fundie level of horribleness, that goes without saying; but so many of us here thought Derick was going to pull Jill, somewhat, out of this mess, including myself, but instead it's like he's done a bait and switch.  I just don't remember the zealot look in his eyes when he and Jill were first together and now it's like he's drank ALL the kool-aid that there is,  

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Congrats Derick for posting something right out of Zsu’s hatebook. Next level achieved.

I can’t imagine why they weren’t successful in Central America...

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6 minutes ago, punkiepie said:

Inquiring minds want to know: was Derick always this horrible and he hid it really well?  Or did something happen that made him become this horrible?  And I don't mean the standard fundie level of horribleness, that goes without saying; but so many of us here thought Derick was going to pull Jill, somewhat, out of this mess, including myself, but instead it's like he's done a bait and switch.  I just don't remember the zealot look in his eyes when he and Jill were first together and now it's like he's drank ALL the kool-aid that there is,  

I don't think his religious or political beliefs have changed at all. I think he was always a hardcore right-wing fundamentalist Christian extremist. In terms of his personality, I don't think there's been some kind of seismic shift, but everyone's personality changes based on how happy, sad, angry, depressed, lonely, fulfilled, etc. they are. I think partly he was on his best behaviour when he was first courting/married to Jill and on the show, and partly life has kicked him in the ass multiple times over the past three years and he just can't deal with it. So happy/goofy/Jim Bob 2.0 Derick fades and angry/bitter/MAGA Derick emerges. 

I do think that a big part of it comes down to entitlement. There's a huge problem in our society with young white men in particular feeling entitled to whatever it is they want (a hot wife, a perfect family, a great job, money, porn star sex, accolades and applause, etc.) and when reality hits and they realize the universe isn't going to cater to them merely because they have a penis, they literally cannot handle it. A tiny minority commit mass murder, some become violent, some throw on a polo shirt and grab a tiki torch and go down to their local neo nazi march, some just stay in Mom's basement becoming more and more depressed and eating more and more cheetos, and some, like Derick, become social media trolls.

It's pretty pathetic.

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What a sick twisted motherfucker he is! I don't feel sorry for Jill but I feel sorry for those boys who are going to grow up and be hateful like their parents.

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24 minutes ago, VBOY9977 said:

*sighs for the millionth time*


I bet they were so effective as missionaries in Latin America. I bet they were respectful and really engaged with the locals on a personal level. I bet they never once looked down their noses at them. 

LMAO, j/k we know they were condescending, white-savior, assholes. This sort of thing just proves it. Not a shred of empathy for anyone that isn't exactly like them. 

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25 minutes ago, singsingsing said:

The thing that gets me is that he's obviously posting shit like this just to provoke people. Like, that's it. That's the only reason. He wants to piss people off. This is a guy with an anger problem, an inferiority complex, and the emotional maturity of a 13-year-old (apologies to 13-year-olds). I feel sorry for Jill, but I feel more sorry for their boys. I can only imagine what living with him is like.

Agreed.Plus,I think he is an attention seeker,and maybe a narcissist.

I think he's always been this way,but now,he mask is slipping off,and we are seeing how he really is.

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But dWRECK, weren't you trying to save those people? Now you don't want them in your country? Is it because you're a racist with a white savior complex?

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1 minute ago, HarleyQuinn said:

But dWRECK, weren't you trying to save those people? Now you don't want them in your country? Is it because you're a racist with a white savior complex?

But if they come to America they'll make ALL the shower racks fall! 

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The Dillard thread is the only Duggar thread that I don't automatically think "Someone's pregnant" when it gets the HOT tag. I just think "What did Dwreck do now?"

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Same. Whenever there's activity it's like "What did Dumb and Dumber do this time?"

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I feel like at this point if Jill gets pregnant again, the whole pregnancy is going to be overshadowed by Derick saying and doing weird, offensive, and bone-headed shit. Like the thread will go hot with the pregnancy announcement, and stay hot when Derick goes on a Twitter tirade about how TLC kills babies or something.

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55 minutes ago, VBOY9977 said:

*sighs for the millionth time*


So he has enough time to share a hateful, xenophobic post featuring his adorable and innocent child, but not enough time to toss together a standard, “Happy Mother’s Day Jill!” post? Glad to see where his priorities lie. Again. For the millionth time.

ETA: Over 700 comments on his post in just an hour. I have a feeling that comment section is not going to be very fun for him.

(Or maybe it will be. He’s like the Regina George of the Duggar family with how he thrives on drama.)

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