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Dillards 57: Run, D’Wreck, Run!


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I wish I had something to say about this... but I don't. Iseral is only 3 years old and he probably doesn't understand what his dad is talking about. I know why Derick would do something like this, but I hope one day he actually think (which I know he doesn't do that but a boy can dream) before he posts stuff like this. This just pisses me off so much and it makes me hope that they'll be done having kids after the next one. 

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Wow, Derick is really horrible making a joke out of the wall. But I expect nothing less from him.

He's Christian Zionism is also out in full force on twitter. He's made 4 posts about it but so far no posts about the (what many consider) disproportionally violent force used against protesting Palestinians. 

D-wreck is really an apt name for this guy. 

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It reminds me of a picture I saw once of the KKK. A dad was holding up his toddler who was dressed in the robes and hood. :puke-front:

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That comment section is a war zone, of course I still have spent some time reading through them :popcorn2:

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35 minutes ago, Jinder Roles said:

Wow, Derick is really horrible making a joke out of the wall. But I expect nothing less from him.

He's Christian Zionism is also out in full force on twitter. He's made 4 posts about it but so far no posts about the (what many consider) disproportionally violent force used against protesting Palestinians. 

D-wreck is really an apt name for this guy. 

Shock of all shocks! He hasn't spared a word for the protestors killed, but he has time to tweet glorious poll results and triumphant CGI flags waving. Those protesters were brown Muslims so who gives a shit, right Derick? Especially the children. Once they're out of the womb they're fair game for snipers! That's what it says in the Bible, right? 

Fuck him. I know this isn't surprising at all coming from him but still, fuck him. 

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Something just occurred to me. We talk a lot on here about how Jill is attempting to be "social media savvy" like Jessa but isn't Derick basically doing the exact same thing?  He knows what type of posts get him the most attention and he's going after it full force. Sure, he's much more direct than the fire-and-brimstone posts we used to see from Ben, and I don't see him learning from it like the Seewalds have anytime soon, but that's pretty much what he seems to be doing, to me at least. 

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4 hours ago, AtlanticTug said:

This is so true. However I don't think for a second they'll stop at 2 kids. And if they keep having boys they'll go until Jill's uterus bursts or they have a girl. Just a sense I get from her, not sure why to be honest.

I still think she had to have an emergency hysterectomy when she had Sam. (just my opinion) Now, watch her go & make an announcement tomorrow and prove me wrong!!!

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2 hours ago, haroldtheyrefundies said:

I wish I had something to say about this... but I don't. Iseral is only 3 years old and he probably doesn't understand what his dad is talking about.

He doesn't understand now, but Israel won't be 3 forever. If Derrick doesn't see any problem using his child's innocent play to spew xenephobia for the world to see, than he won't have a problem talking like that in front of the boys. They will grow up hearing this kind of talk. He's taking these beautiful, innocent children and making them into monsters. I can't think of anything that makes me angrier. 

I have cousins who grew up with a vocally racist father. Like Derrick, my uncle was insecure and felt that his life wasn't going the way he wanted, so he became loud, ruining family parties and making sure his children knew exactly what he felt about black people, Jews, and immigrants. Two of my cousins, who had the benefit of going to a Catholic but extremely diverse school, moved away from those beliefs, but one still parrots her dad's hate even though she's nearly 30 now.  He was also the kind of guy that had to talk about Trump all the time. He posted a picture of his baby granddaughter in a MAGA hat, kind of like what Derrick's doing with Izzy.

Since my husband has DACA and Trump is currently trying to kill DACA, I have a lot of mixed feelings towards family over the election. I've made peace with most people who voted for Trump because I know that they voted because of abortion or anti Clinton bias rather than xenophobia. I personally think that's still stupid and wrong, but I can at least forgive it. But people like my uncle, and (apparently) Derrick are different. I decided that I'm not going to associate with my uncle and cousin any more, partly because I don't want to expose my future children to that kind of hate.

When I was a kid, I knew exactly what my uncle believed, and I hated listening to him because I knew he was wrong but was powerless to say anything. If Derrick keeps this up, Izzy and Sam will grow up in that same kind of hateful, toxic environment. And it could cause issues with some of Jill's siblings and in-laws, especially since Ben seems (for lack of a better term) much more progressive when it comes to race. 

Btw, have any other Duggars or in-laws said anything so racist before? I know they've said some offensive things, but it's usually only related to LGBT+ issues. 

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AFAIC, Derick is just a loser with a venue.  I don't expect that to change.  I am concerned for his kids, because they're small and innocent now and deserve a chance, but I can also imagine the type of people they're likely to turn into.  Seems doubtful that Derick will allow them to be exposed to many, if any, influences contradicting the poison.

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10 hours ago, punkiepie said:

Inquiring minds want to know: was Derick always this horrible and he hid it really well?  Or did something happen that made him become this horrible? [···]

There are too many days that I believe his behavior is a wayward response to being pulled out of Central America against his will. God forbid he would put Jill and the kids first. I have maintained that he felt Jill won that battle and he was NOT happy.

Maybe he was always a jerk. And perhaps most of what he is doing is not so much intentional as it is subconsciously spiteful. Still this behavior seemed to rise after their return to the states. 

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Poor Izzy. All he’s learning is that the only way he’ll get a positive response from his father is by parroting his hateful beliefs. I understand why this brand of Christians supports Trump because of abortion, but supporting the wall can’t have any Christian basis unless I’m missing something. I always thought a Jeremy/Derick rivalry was FJ wishful thinking, but Jeremy must really think that Derick is acting like an ass on this issue. What a horrible belief system in the guise of Christianity.

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Israel and Samuel are probably going to be massive assholes just like their parents. It's a shame Dumb and Dumber are ruining them already. They don't deserve that. 

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I logged out earlier before I posted something I might have regretted. Derick is an ass, most of us know. But to use his kid to spread his hate...even I didn't think he could go that low. I was wrong. 

He really reminds me of hateful bullies. 

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Every time he posts something stupid, people should just comment with "sorry about your small penis"

You know, for science. 

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I agree, this is a neeeeeew low. Derick is headed for self- destruction. I do worry about his MH status at times. His behaviorisms are not healthy and are downright contradictory to the core.

****Countdown to the backtrack/explanation/justification post by Jill? Kathy? Derick himself? Or will there be an undercover shade post with complimentary scripture by the Duggar main account or some Bates keeping up on Derick's rants? Maybe Jeremy will post something. Hard to believe they will just let this one go.

P.S. Anyone who gives another copper penny to support anymore of their "outreach" efforts in Latin America  or Chicano/Latino communities in US are just as dumb and fked up as they are at this point.

Maybe Israel should build a wall for the leaders of the countries the Dilliards have visited to keep fauxshionairies out like themselves.

So sick of their toxicity at this point.

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I totally understand and feel like we should not fuel this fire of him wanting to cause issues because he's Dwreck and he's going to keep Dwrecking.

But I'm also like it's okay that poor baby Izzy can spread his hateful agenda but a gay couple can't have kids on tv? Hypocrisy. 

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Honestly, Derick is just as bad as those freaks from the Westboro Baptist Church. Poor, poor kids.


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2 hours ago, HarleyQuinn said:

Every time he posts something stupid, people should just comment with "sorry about your small penis"

You know, for science. 

I'd say small brain too, but I doubt he even has a brain. :handsex:

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3 hours ago, BernRul said:

Btw, have any other Duggars or in-laws said anything so racist before? I know they've said some offensive things, but it's usually only related to LGBT+ issues. 

Thus far, AFAIK, what's been public has been your bog-standard white people cluelessness or insensitivity: making "yuck" faces/gagging noises at unfamiliar foods, sneering at/mocking cultural displays, speaking Spanish to shopkeepers in Nepal because brown people = Spanish, whitewashing American history, not bothering to learn much if any of the languages of the countries they visited, that sort of thing. Wouldn't be even a little surprised if it was worse behind closed doors/away from the cameras. 

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4 hours ago, Jatalie1996 said:

Something just occurred to me. We talk a lot on here about how Jill is attempting to be "social media savvy" like Jessa but isn't Derick basically doing the exact same thing?  He knows what type of posts get him the most attention and he's going after it full force. Sure, he's much more direct than the fire-and-brimstone posts we used to see from Ben, and I don't see him learning from it like the Seewalds have anytime soon, but that's pretty much what he seems to be doing, to me at least. 

I’m not denying Jessa is social media savvy but I don’t think the change from Ben is about being savvy. While I'm certain he has beliefs I find abhorrent I think he is too softhearted to purposefully go after people like Derrick does.  I think Derrick thrives on being a biblical bully. He essentially loves to piss people off and then acts like he is just a humble servant trying to save souls. Meanwhile there is Jeremy who has seen enough of the real world and has enough intelligence to not go on social media and spew the bullshit Derrick does. You are only going to get that aspect of him in his sermons and I predict even that will soften but not because of a change in beliefs but because he would dial it back it meant a higher level of success. 

Using Jazz Jennings as an example:

If Ben met her he would be very kind and stick to the “God is love” route while privately thinking she is going to Hell if she doesnt change. He’d probably swiftly manage to never use any gendered pronouns to avoid being openly confrontational.

Derrick would screech and scream about how she is going to Hell and blah blah blah. 

Jeremy would take a selfie with a totally neutral caption allowing those reading to come to their own conclusion. The religious folk would assume Jeremy was trying to save her soul meanwhile more liberal people would think Jeremy was being more inclusive than the traditional fundie. 

9 hours ago, Hashtag Blessed said:

Oh definitely. I’ve seen this from MAGA people many times. They do and say things that are deliberately inflammatory so they can sit back and say “so much for the TOLERANT left!” 

It is smug and annoying. He’s not interested in reaching anyone’s hearts or minds. All he wants is the attention and the satisfaction of upsetting the heathens with his godly truth. :2wankers:

Brings to mind this quote

Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”― Jean Paul-Sartre

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5 hours ago, mollysmom said:

I still think she had to have an emergency hysterectomy when she had Sam. (just my opinion) Now, watch her go & make an announcement tomorrow and prove me wrong!!!

I have wondered this for a while, Dwreaks meltdowns have increased since then.

Not going back to central america. 

 Jboob/tlc would have no use for them on counting on if she no longer had an interesting story line... (read: spitting out babies). 

Tlc would hardly air that kind of surgery from a duggar daughter, her sole purpose in life is to multiply! 


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Has anyone pointed out to Derick that the stupid-ass wall directly targets the people in Central America that he and Jill claim to love so very much? How can he call them his friends while also happily supporting a man who calls the lot of them rapists and murderers? I know they already care little for those people, but it's just all the more galling to me. 

Also, am I a terrible person for hoping that Derick decides to go off on another adventure, this time to a country with far less lax visa/work rules, and then gets his ass deported, Steve Anderson style? #DeportDerick

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15 hours ago, Hashtag Blessed said:

I bet they were so effective as missionaries in Latin America. I bet they were respectful and really engaged with the locals on a personal level. I bet they never once looked down their noses at them. 

LMAO, j/k we know they were condescending, white-savior, assholes. This sort of thing just proves it. Not a shred of empathy for anyone that isn't exactly like them. 

Yep. I'm sure he's always very useful going to the brown people's countries uninvited to try to force them to do what he wants.

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I have nothing to add to everybody's reactions, but I do wonder what their conversations at home look like. "So, Jillymuffin, I am going to post this picture of Izzy and the wall to support Trump". "Yes, honey, go ahead, you're the best hubby ever!!" 

I mean, surely they do discuss what they post and how people react to that?! Do they read the comments to each other and talk about how to respond? Given the masses of comments to every dumb thing they post, this must be quite time-consuming. I just don't get why you would want to spend so much energy and time on that when you have two little kids at home. Oh, that's right, because they don't have jobs. But all that social media hate must affect their relationship, no? And somewhere, deep inside, encourage some critical thinking maybe? (Pure speculation and wishful thinking on my part, of course)

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24 minutes ago, DillyDally said:

I have nothing to add to everybody's reactions, but I do wonder what their conversations at home look like. "So, Jillymuffin, I am going to post this picture of Izzy and the wall to support Trump". "Yes, honey, go ahead, you're the best hubby ever!!" 

I mean, surely they do discuss what they post and how people react to that?! Do they read the comments to each other and talk about how to respond? 

I can imagine Jill discussing what she wants to post with Derrick before posting anything, except maybe if it's a very long post dedicated to praising him, because then she can surprise him with it. But I am not so sure Derrick discusses everything he wants to post with Jill before posting it.
I think a lot of Jill's posts are "damage-control" attempts, posts to demonstrate that despite Derrick's hatefulness they are actually happy and in love, and that Derrick isn't really hateful but actually the #besthubbyever!!!! and that he means well. And I think that if Derrick would discuss his post ideas with her before posting them, she would maybe try to add something to them to make them seem less hateful and bigoted, so that not so much of her posts would have to be damage-control posts. However, I also think Jill is devoted to being a helpmeet, and would never outright say no to any of Derrick's crazy ideas.
Also, I believe that Derrick believes he doesn’t need to discuss with his wife what he posts before posting it, since (so he believes) he is the man and the headship of the family, and, being a man, much more capable of rational thinking than his wife. So, in his mind, if he, mister Reason&Wisdom himself, has come to the conclusion that something can and needs to be posted, no further discussion about the necessity of that post is necessary, because no one has better insight into what would and wouldn’t work out than he has.

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