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Dillards 33: Now Including Samuel

Coconut Flan

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Maybe, but it seemed that the main reason Jill's labour wasn't progressing well was because Israel was transverse (or breech?). I'm not sure how much the mother's state of mind has to do with how the baby positions itself.

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30 minutes ago, singsingsing said:

m not sure how much the mother's state of mind has to do with how the baby positions itself.

Edited 29 minutes ago by singsingsing

ARe you kidding? I did not know that piece of info. And she laboured THAT LONG knowing baby was positioned that way? OMG. 

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8 minutes ago, Fluffy14 said:

ARe you kidding? I did not know that piece of info. And she laboured THAT LONG knowing baby was positioned that way? OMG. 

If you're talking about the transverse thing, I believe she claimed he flipped from head down to transverse somewhere in the middle of labor, but after her water broke. Few people believe this.

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Just now, Four is Enough said:

If you're talking about the transverse thing, I believe she claimed he flipped from head down to transverse somewhere in the middle of labor, but after her water broke. Few people believe this.

Didnt someone here say that the baby appeared transverse based on a picture she posted?  I seem to remember someone calling it shortly before she went into labor.

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1 minute ago, Buzzard said:

Didnt someone here say that the baby appeared transverse based on a picture she posted?  I seem to remember someone calling it shortly before she went into labor.

That's why nobody believed he was ever head down. And someone said before this one went that she seemed to be carrying him the same way. Maybe her uterus is oddly shaped and the baby can't flip around to the head down position. Pure speculation, but I wonder if the babies were smaller, they'd have the ability to assume that position.

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7 minutes ago, Four is Enough said:

That's why nobody believed he was ever head down. And someone said before this one went that she seemed to be carrying him the same way. Maybe her uterus is oddly shaped and the baby can't flip around to the head down position. Pure speculation, but I wonder if the babies were smaller, they'd have the ability to assume that position.

But Jill's magical midwives can make the babies flip!   You'd think that if she was in the hospital for 40 hours they would have known that he wasnt in the right position and sent her for a repeat section.  It would be odd for a hospital to let something go on for almost 2 days if its known to be futile.

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Yeah, I can well believe that Jill honestly did not know that Israel wasn't positioned right until she got to the hospital. But I'm very skeptical of her claim that he somehow flipped between her water breaking and getting to the hospital. I think what happened was that she relied on her midwifery 'skills' to guess the position of the baby, and she guessed wrong. Obviously I have no way of knowing that, but it seems like the most likely scenario to me.

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Or she just "assumed" that the baby was in the correct position. She was in labor, right? So the baby's head was trying to engage... because Jesus. (sarcasm alert)

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My first baby I was The Earth Mother.  Made for this, Bradley classes, labor at home until I must go to hosp, I wanted candles lit, incense, hell maybe even a bowl of crunchy granola just because.

Ahhhhh, it makes me laugh.   I go into labor, nice and calm, slept the night through the 10 hour menstrual cramp part, ate breakfast.......then my water broke, full of meconium, contractions got crazy with no break, I yelled at my husband when he tried to rub my back and do what we practised, he called our Dr. and I'm yelling in the backround to get the drugs ready at the front door of hosp now!  Inbetween all this, hubby is frantic about putting the carseat in the car like we need it at that very moment.  Pure comedy!  We love talking about it on his birthday, just too funny!

I thought I was going to have a baby in the car!  Get to hosp, I'm only 3cm.  Baby's heartrate is terrible and a seasoned nurse said it's the worst meconium she's ever seen. O.o

Emergency c-section.  I FN loved it.   I no longer felt like an Earth Mother and the vaginal part of it was not something I wanted at all!  I was like, save my vagina, please!  Total opposite of my plan.  Lol. Good times, good times.

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13 minutes ago, singsingsing said:

Yeah, I can well believe that Jill honestly did not know that Israel wasn't positioned right until she got to the hospital. But I'm very skeptical of her claim that he somehow flipped between her water breaking and getting to the hospital. I think what happened was that she relied on her midwifery 'skills' to guess the position of the baby, and she guessed wrong. Obviously I have no way of knowing that, but it seems like the most likely scenario to me.

I have no idea what happened with Jill, but it is possible. RARE- but possible. 

I have a friend whose daughter flipped very late into labor. It led to a somewhat dramatic birth- enough to convince them to never try for another.

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14 hours ago, bashfulpixie said:

Thank you!! I absolutely loathe the fact that I cry at the drop of a hat. It's humiliating and annoying and I'd love it if I didn't have to deal with it. I wish more people realized that I don't do it on purpose and would love to not be this way

Bashfulpixie!Me too!

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Apparently my uterus is shaped to promote breech babies AND my pelvic bone (or something?) is in a weird spot that would have made vaginal deliveries nearly impossible (but they didn't know that until after I had a couple kids).  I've never even been in labor so I guess my body really wasn't "MADE to give birth naturally!"

I hope Jill can find peace if her body won't do what she wants it to. It's not an easy thing to let go of but I think it's worth the time and effort to get your head around it and 'forgive yourself'.  Focusing on the baby helps.

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I hate when people assume my crying is a plan or really under my control.  It was way worse right after I had given birth so that might have added to it for Jill.  Also while I want comfort and acknowledgement, my crying is not a problem, and people should be able to have their emotions too, I don't think it occurs to cryers that others might not feel they can have emotions too.

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On 7/10/2017 at 0:28 PM, ChestHugger said:

I agree. Last time Jill didn't seem to have an issue with posting pics of herself right away and poor thing looked rough. I don't think she'd have an issue posting pics but they get more attention and money waiting until the show/magazine spread.
However, I would have expected them to say tune in for a special message by now if they are going to do that tonight.

Got to fund that Central American vacation   mission somehow!

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Adding to @imokit I believe Jill was GBS positive with Israel, she could be again this time.  We also don't know if she had prolonged rupture of membranes or a fever during labor, both would increase risk for Jill and Samuel.  

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3 hours ago, backyard sylph said:

The idea that ordinary people are crying as a mechanism to deny others their own emotional outlet is one I cannot fully grasp. It sounds sort of...center of the universe, to me. Of course, that doesn't preclude people who are actually mentally abusive;

Thank you for adding this line. As a person who has suffered from abuse, this means a lot. I'm not imaging that I was denied emotional space. It happened.

3 hours ago, Jug Band Baby said:

I have an emotionally needy sister, a sister who thinks she's the most geniusy genius to ever genius

My sister will only participate in conversations she starts and controls so she can showcase her knowledge base and imply she knows more than you do because you're inherently stupid. If anyone tries to bring up a topic of interest that she can't dominate, she becomes irate, insults it, and changes the subject.

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It is Wednesday. Samuelito was born Saturday. There was plenty of time to get pics to People or to TCL for updates. We had Henry's much quicker. Now....they are maybe drawing out suspense to test the waters for another season, but I don't think so. I think the Josh and Anna video was filmed precisely to cause a buzz and take attention away from the fact that we have had radio silence since the birth EXCEPT from 1) the far away couple 2) the littles that don't really understand much and 3) the scandalous couple....who experienced a miscarriage and went on to birth successfully....meaning they probs could hold it together on camera, and also it's a huge distraction. I hope I'm wrong. I also think Derek's eyes look like he has been crying in the one photo they posted. That and the modified caption lead me to believe something is wrong. And though we've all been worried about that for her, given the choices they made, I know nobody would ever wish anything bad/tragic/overwhelming to happen.

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I was thinking, wow, 40 hour labor, that is an actual full work week! I could not imagine...My first was 14 hours, second was six. I hope when she goes in for the follow up appt with the ob who did the c section, the doctor offers to be her regular doctor and advises her on how to proceed with any future pregnancies...And she actually listens to their advice. 

I failed the 1 hour G.D. test with first baby, had to do the 3 hour one. It was awful, made me very sick, but I passed. I ended up having a five pound baby, one week early. I had a problem with my placenta, which I believe was due to the non stop vomiting and dry-heaving, I had the first two months (until I got put on medication).  I later had sciatica...then started measuring small, so lots of ultra sounds and non stress tests followed.  But my daughter came out fine! Two years later, my son was born at 9 pounds. I passed the first GD test...different, but equally horrible side effects during pregnancy.  I was done after that.  My husband wanted one more, but I said only if he could come up with $20k to go to China and adopt a baby. 

I am very careful when talking to women who haven't had a baby yet, so I don't scare them too much. Except for my teen daughter...It was part of her sex education! ;-)


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On 7/10/2017 at 4:19 PM, VelociRapture said:

I mean, my daughter was taken up to NICU within ten minutes of her birth - we still had time to hold her a few minutes and the Nurses were happy to take photos of her for us (from those first photos of her covered in gunk to a few nice ones of us holding her for the first time.) None of that would have happened if she was in true danger.

Indeed, I got a half-second peek at the faces of my boys before they were whisked away to the NICU. No pictures, no full body view, I didn't see them again for a day or two! 

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Joy & Austin have a congrats vid on DFO, in on my phone or I'd link.  I'm starting to think Jill had a major complication. A poster said they would update Saturday, don't know how she is or how true but it is weird to wait a week for no reason.  Ar hey giving Jill time to recover from surgery time to grieve loss of fertility?  Is Samuel sicker then they let on and they will know more then?  It's all very strange.  I really hope they are just trying to drum up attention rather than any real problems.

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14 minutes ago, allthegoodnamesrgone said:

Joy & Austin have a congrats vid on DFO, in on my phone or I'd link.  I'm starting to think Jill had a major complication. A poster said they would update Saturday, don't know how she is or how true but it is weird to wait a week for no reason.  Ar hey giving Jill time to recover from surgery time to grieve loss of fertility?  Is Samuel sicker then they let on and they will know more then?  It's all very strange.  I really hope they are just trying to drum up attention rather than any real problems.

I would assume that if anything was seriously wrong, they would be asking for prayers right? Could just be minor complications that don't necessitate prayer requests, or just adjusting to having two kids.

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It's strange that Dwreck deleted the 40 hour labor. Wonder what that was about. I'm hoping it was nothing.

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7 minutes ago, twinmama said:

I would assume that if anything was seriously wrong, they would be asking for prayers right? Could just be minor complications that don't necessitate prayer requests, or just adjusting to having two kids.

I did notice yesterday that Derick retweeted and thanked the minister at Cross Church, who tweeted that he was praying for them. That was the only response he's had since he posted the picture. Might mean nothing but I thought that was interesting.

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4 minutes ago, allthegoodnamesrgone said:

I really hope they are just trying to drum up attention rather than any real problems.

I think they're holding out for People magazine. Derick's message on Instagram says, "Mom and baby Sam are doing well!....More photos soon on (website)" 

Is this an edited caption? It sounds different than what I recall reading on FJ before. 

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