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President Cheeto 8: Our Long National Nightmare Begins


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33 minutes ago, HarryPotterFan said:

Same! I feel like my anxiety and back pain aren't an excuse. I felt like I was practicing self-care when deciding not to go, but now it seems like everyone I know went. And what will I tell my future children? I firmly believe in standing up to injustice, and now it's like I had my chance and blew it.

No you did not!  There are many other ways of protesting.  Consistent letter writing campaigns are just as valuable and probably more effective in the long run than being able to go on a march!

Do what you can, pester your legislators, stand tall, hold your head up high, and be proud of what you can do!

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4 minutes ago, Palimpsest said:

No you did not!  There are many other ways of protesting.  Consistent letter writing campaigns are just as valuable and probably more effective in the long run than being able to go on a march!

Do what you can, pester your legislators, stand tall, hold your head up high, and be proud of what you can do!

Well said!

Like someone here said, this is only day 1 of a long 4 years.

We really need to keep this going and let our legislators know we will not be re-electing them if they don't stand against defunding Planned Parenthood, against any Supreme Court nominee who will put Roe vs. Wade in peril, and any other not-so-cute crap they have up their sleeves.

It doesn't matter if the have "R" or "D" after their names, they all want to be re-elected.

Just wanted to add, what a balm to the spirit it is to see those massive crowds today after the depressing day yesterday.



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The rally I went to was really great. No problems at all. No counter protests or harassment that I witnessed. No police officers in sight. I didn't get any pictures of the rally itself because my phone crapped out on me right as I left the house (it's fixed now, whew!) but I did get a picture of the signs I made. My son chose the healthcare one and his 5yo sister (not my daughter, my ex's and his wife's) insisted on smash the patriarchy. 

ETA: they estimated 200 people would show. This morning over 900 had confirmed they'd attend, which is about what it looked like to me. I don't know exact numbers yet.


I just checked the numbers online and clearly I am REALLY bad at estimating numbers. There were over THREE THOUSAND people there! When they estimated 200! That is AMAZING!

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Don't beat yourself up if you did not go. You have to do what is best for your health. There is plenty to do moving forward. There are other ways of going about progress. 

I fully admit I had a panic attack today when the numbers started to grow and we were pushed into an area where I could not get out. It was a lot to take in. Yesterday was already a lot. I was having significant pain at my incision site that I have had issues with. Here is the beauty, though. When I said I needed help and needed to get to a safer place because I was not feeling well, a female paramedic that was attending the protest grabbed my hand, she yelled medical emergency and the sea parted of protestors allowing me to get to an safe place with an EMT with the fire station. The EMT then drove me to the fire station to check me over and let me use their restroom. After a few minutes of just resting and deep breathing, I knew I needed to quit and not push it anymore. Everyone was simply amazing. I have never witnessed so much compassion and care. People were telling me I was going to be OK and patting my back as I went by. It was actually touching and shows exactly what type of people attended the march. 


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32 minutes ago, Palimpsest said:

No you did not!  There are many other ways of protesting.  Consistent letter writing campaigns are just as valuable and probably more effective in the long run than being able to go on a march!

Do what you can, pester your legislators, stand tall, hold your head up high, and be proud of what you can do!

:my_heart: Will do. And now that I have a good job I plan on donating to planned parenthood, ACLU, etc

@Mecca the world needs more people like that!!

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Sir Ian McKellan had the perfect sign for the protest he attended in London;



Lord of the Rings and X-Men actor Ian McKellen has been outspoken about his politics and activism, and it’s no surprise that he took part in today’s Women’s March in London. What’s even better is the sign that he carted along.

Yep, that’s the Captain Picard facepalm meme, in protest sign form. Given his friendship with Patrick Stewart, it feels like the most appropriate thing for McKellen to be carry today.


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12 minutes ago, CrazyLurkerLady said:

I just checked the numbers online and clearly I am REALLY bad at estimating numbers. There were over THREE THOUSAND people there! When they estimated 200! That is AMAZING!

That is amazing! The amount of people who came out to march has cheered my depressed soul. Yesterday I felt like there was no hope, but today I realize there still is. 

I see the president of thin skin has spent the day claiming millions came to his inauguration. You know it had to hurt his wee feelings that so many folks showed up all over the world to protest him and what he stands for. 


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Here is a picture I took yesterday during the inauguration where you can clearly see stands that were empty. 

First day on the job and President Dumbass is focusing on his bruised ego. Charming.   


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39 minutes ago, Palimpsest said:

No you did not!  There are many other ways of protesting.  Consistent letter writing campaigns are just as valuable and probably more effective in the long run than being able to go on a march!

Do what you can, pester your legislators, stand tall, hold your head up high, and be proud of what you can do!

Yeah I couldn't go to the local one myself today.  I had to catch up on law school homework today and knock down the last assignment for this week. 

1 minute ago, formergothardite said:

I see the president of thin skin has spent the day claiming millions came to his inauguration. You know it had to hurt his wee feelings that so many folks showed up all over the world to protest him and what he stands for.

Awww, poor Pestilence Trump.  His fee fees got hurt again.

Dubuque had 400 people gather in town to protest that fucking tapeworm and Des Moines had thousands of women at the State Capitol. 

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Thank you to those of you who marched!  I watched footage all day with my daughter and we were so inspired.  

I have friends who marched today in Paris, Nashville, Atlanta, Indianapolis, and Honolulu.  I am so proud to know them.  I am proud of US!  We will stand up to the tiny-handed bully and his cronies and we will prevail!  <3

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I am awed and amazed at the turnout everywhere. Incredible.

My Facebook has been pretty evenly split between half my friends and family posting pictures of the marches and the other half calling the protests anti American. I have several family events coming up, and I keep telling myself that it's okay, we can find neutral topics to talk about. In reality though, I'm not sure we can. My conservative relatives are pretty rabid about it, and even on Facebook we've backed off each other and become almost tentative in our interactions. I hate that the first casualty of the coronation of Caligula has been relationships. 

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If ONE MORE PERSON on Facebook bitches that people are just complaining about what he MIGHT do and he has doesn't anything against them yet and we should just give him a chance, I'M GOING TO LOSE MY SHIT. I don't think it's a coincidence that every single one of these people is a white cis male Trumpster. At this point, all they have to go on is, "Well, he probably won't be THAT horrible. I mean, he hasn't done anything YET." Because apparently constant lying, racism, and sexual assault are not anything in their world.

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I saw a video of the first dance and I almost cringe looking at it. The dance itself and the interaction between the two of them was so awkward and robotic. 

Lately, twitter has become a ragey and hate filled place to scroll through, but today, all day, as I was scrolling through 99% of my timeline was filled with photos and posts about the the protests. It was really incredible to see such wonderful and hopeful sentiment of people coming together everywhere all over the world. I had many friends from here at home in Dublin, and friends from my time in London heading to march. I have old school friends, no longer living in Ireland, but now in Australia, Finland, and Italy all heading out to protest. My Mum's best friend growing up, who lived in New Jersey all her adult life, posted photos of herself and her daughters at the march in Washington. My American cousin who lives in Texas commented on it too, I don't know if he actually went though. This thing is universal and I love it. 

I loved looking at all the signs and placards posted today. My favourite was 'Many snowflakes make a storm' and a young boy carrying a sign saying  - Boys will be boys (with a big red X through the boys) and having 'good humans' replace it. And also some dressed as suffragettes saying 'Same shit, different century'. 

I also loved looking at the aerial shots showing the huge vast number of people packing out streets in all directions. I am not a bit surprised Trump is all put out by difference in attendance, his response to it did make me smile a bit to myself. My feelings today have been complete opposite to yesterdays, but it will be a long 4 years to come. I do like looking a countdown timer I shared on fb showing how much longer he has to go. It is hard to look at the 3 years 11 months 30 days bit, but nice to see the seconds and minutes counting  down though. 

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Just now, Imaginary_Wonderland said:

I saw a video of the first dance and I almost cringe looking at it. The dance itself and the interaction between the two of them was so awkward and robotic. 

I was just watching that. Did you notice that he literally never looks at his wife? He kept looking out at everybody and waving and preening like a peacock.

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Yes, I almost nearly feel bad for her. It was very telling also when Trump ran up the steps to the Obamas without her. There was one tweet showing a comparison of the same moment 8 years ago.

I did see one placard saying 'Free Melania' and a tweet saying something along the lines of 'Melania , blink twice if you need help'.

All the money and riches in the world wouldn't make up for having to live alongside him and put up him treating me like that.

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Attendance at the Women's March in Austin, TX today has been estimated at between 40,000 - 50,000 people. It would be more, but a hella lot of women went to DC! 

Sean Spicer (brand new White House Spokesguy) made an ass out of himself at his first briefing today and refused to take questions.  He was pissed that the press was focusing on the attendance at the inauguration ("This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period," Spicer said, contradicting all available data.) and not rabidly focusing on hearings for Trump's cabinet picks and said that Trump plans on using alternate media sources 'cause regular media (otherwise known as journalists at the briefing) aren't fair to Trump. Apparently, long-time White House correspondents were gobsmacked as how poorly he handled himself. 

Also, Spicer incorrectly referred to Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto as "prime minister."  Brave New World, indeed. 

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Y'all. I was in DC today. It was lit af. So overcrowded that basically there ended up being no "march" and people just took things into their own hands. We were lucky enough to manage to get an Uber a good amount of the way there when it looked impossible to get on the metro.

I was on Independence Avenue for the rally bit. Unfortunately there were some Westboro-style assholes trolling with signs/a megaphone. They thankfully ended up getting drowned out by people chanting "Love Trumps Hate" and "Black Lives Matter" etc. 

Kamala Harris, Tammy Duckworth, etc were fabulous but who really took the prize was Sophie Cruz. Homegirl is only 6 and she's already the best speech giver out there. 

We left Independence Avenue and managed to squeeze onto the mall at around 2 o'clock, and it was still lit. Basically there wasn't an official march bc too many people showed up, so people were taking it into their own hands. We managed to take a break in this locally owned cafe supporting the march, then went down Pennsylvania Avenue towards Trump Hotel, where it was even better. 

So many great signs too, wish I could remember them all. 

The best part was the most violent thing I observed were cussing and middle fingers. Everyone was really pleasant and nice, despite the fact that we were resisting and banding together over our anger. 

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My little one and I went to the march in our state capital today.
For those that don't know, I used to work a non-partisan support job for state gvt.  I'm familiar w/ protesters.  I got to elbow my way through occasionally to get to my post (although usually we just avoided and used side doors, shhh.  But, regardless, I'm familiar).
I"ve never seen one that big.

It was amazing and supportive.  My 6 year old was bummed we hadn't brought signs, but we did bring a half-dozen extra pussyhats that we handed out.  We were 2 of about 8,000 people.
And I got less out of it than I would have if I hadn't been chaperoning someone who decided to climb a snowbank, pet random dogs, and dance w/ her umbrella, I also have to say it was a family atmosphere, a positive place to be, and I left a lot more hopeful than I came.
(although I do have to say, explanations were easier before my child could read, because I was asked for definitions of a lot of words today, including fascism, regime, and amendment )
(and the city wasn't *planning* on closing the roads in front of the capital...but when you run out of places for people to stand, it happens.  the police we dealt w/ were rather awesome too)

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I saw a lot of great signs today but this one, from a friend of a friend, marching in LA, might be my favorite


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3 hours ago, Terrie said:

Looking at the pictures on FB of all my friends at the Women's Marches in their various cities. Bummed I couldn't go to the one in mine, even knowing it was the best decision. Just looking at the pictures of the crowds makes me nervous, and having a panic attack in a place like that, where police are present, potential tension, and no out of the way place to regroup would have been very bad. First time in a long time the limitations placed on me by my mental illness have really chaffed like this. 

Same here.  The best I can do is call and write my county, state and federal representatives. If I went to the march. I don't know what would do me in first, the panic attack, knee buckling, or the neuropathy.  It would not be pretty.  Still I feel as if I'm not doing my part.   Time for the younger generation to do the physical work.  My 18 and 22 year old nieces  went.  I can live vicariously through them.

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1 hour ago, Imaginary_Wonderland said:

My feelings today have been complete opposite to yesterdays, but it will be a long 4 years to come. I do like looking a countdown timer I shared on fb showing how much longer he has to go. It is hard to look at the 3 years 11 months 30 days bit, but nice to see the seconds and minutes counting  down though. 

I watched some of it online and really enjoyed hearing Michael Moore say that Las Vegas has already laid odds on how long Trump will last in the job.  I think he said the odds were only 1:4 that he would last six months? :my_tongue:

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2 hours ago, Bethella said:

@Terrie @HarryPotterFan https://disabilitymarch.com/ allows you to participate online.

I was able to stop at the local march for a few minutes on my way to work. For a small town in a state that went red, we had an estimated 1000 people.


Thanks so much for this, @Bethella!  I love this idea.

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1 hour ago, ShepherdontheRock said:

Y'all. I was in DC today. It was lit af. So overcrowded that basically there ended up being no "march" and people just took things into their own hands. We were lucky enough to manage to get an Uber a good amount of the way there when it looked impossible to get on the metro.

I was on Independence Avenue for the rally bit. Unfortunately there were some Westboro-style assholes trolling with signs/a megaphone. They thankfully ended up getting drowned out by people chanting "Love Trumps Hate" and "Black Lives Matter" etc. 

Kamala Harris, Tammy Duckworth, etc were fabulous but who really took the prize was Sophie Cruz. Homegirl is only 6 and she's already the best speech giver out there. 

We left Independence Avenue and managed to squeeze onto the mall at around 2 o'clock, and it was still lit. Basically there wasn't an official march bc too many people showed up, so people were taking it into their own hands. We managed to take a break in this locally owned cafe supporting the march, then went down Pennsylvania Avenue towards Trump Hotel, where it was even better. 

So many great signs too, wish I could remember them all. 

The best part was the most violent thing I observed were cussing and middle fingers. Everyone was really pleasant and nice, despite the fact that we were resisting and banding together over our anger. 

The orange stain's hotel is right across from EPA headquarters.  Wonder how it feels for them to be sitting in the cross hairs of the enemy.  Shudder. 

12 minutes ago, church_of_dog said:

I watched some of it online and really enjoyed hearing Michael Moore say that Las Vegas has already laid odds on how long Trump will last in the job.  I think he said the odds were only 1:4 that he would last six months? :my_tongue:

One can hope.  I obsessively looked at the website https://www.electionbettingodds.com/  during the election they gave the evil cheese puff such a small chance of winning.  And boy were they wrong. 

3 hours ago, Bethella said:

@Terrie @HarryPotterFan https://disabilitymarch.com/ allows you to participate online.

I was able to stop at the local march for a few minutes on my way to work. For a small town in a state that went red, we had an estimated 1000 people.



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