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President Cheeto 8: Our Long National Nightmare Begins


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On 1/19/2017 at 8:20 PM, Palimpsest said:

I still have a faint hope that Sarah will give Steve the finger and run like a bunny before she is 36.

The only hope I have for Trump is that he will be impeached before Sarah hits the 36 year mark.

God Help America. :(



Just a few hours in office and we are already in a total mess.  Who will have the courage to stand up to him? Nobody from his party that is for sure.  When will his supporters wake up and see how they have been shafted?  When their rights start disappearing? I told myself I wasn't going to read or listen to the news.  Well my self destructive side won out and I looked at the Washington Post online.  Oh shit..

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2 hours ago, candygirl200413 said:

Also I'm completely tired with so many people telling others to get behind our President. Whatever happened to respected is earned?!

Early this morning before leaving to go to the inauguration protest, we went to McD's for a quick coffee. My friend saw a Vietnam Vet for Trump gentlemen sitting alone in the corner of the restaurant. She went over to him, introduced herself, extended her hand and said a few nice words to him only for him to not shake her hand in return and told her we needed to stop protesting and we needed to get behind Trump. I find it very odd that someone that proudly had "I am a patriot" patches all over his jacket, served in the military and took an oath to uphold and protect the constitution would tell two women they should not exercise their 1st Amendment right. 

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39 minutes ago, Black Aliss said:

then I read somewhere this week that one thing the GOP wants to cut back on for Medicare patients is joint replacement surgery. I guess because it's cheaper to put us all in wheelchairs.

I must say that hip replacements can be successful even into quite old age.  My aunt had a hip replacement at age 83* and was fully ambulatory at home until she passed at home at 88. 

*request assistance instead of trying to get the cat out of the tree on your own

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2 hours ago, Palimpsest said:

Well, a large contingent is setting off from here for more non-violent protests in Washington. Still more are non-violently protesting locally.  Thanks to all.

 I'm sorry.  It peeves me to admit that these days if I got knocked over in a non-violent protest I might not be able to get up.  I have pass the baton on to the younger generation.

I'd also advise all you non-violent protesters to have a wet face cloth in a plastic baggie with you.  Getting tear gassed or pepper sprayed isn't fun. 

Yeah, I was a Peacenik.  Been there, done that.  I am with all of you in spirit.  Thanks for non-violently protesting.

@Mecca.  I'm so glad you are OK.  The majority of protests today were non-violent.

Thank you!

I have my eye wash handy. Took it today and will take it tomorrow too. 

Regardless of what is being told by the current administration, the protesters on 14th were allowing people to pass through and were not violent at all. There were times when a few police officers got a wee bit smart, but for the most part they were very nice and let people do their thing. 

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6 hours ago, 47of74 said:

Something I wonder about is how much relief  Mrs. Clinton's has herself that she's not the one taking the oath today, that it's all on Donald J. Putinfluffer now, and that she avoided all that?

I just thought of something John Adams once said, "He seemed to enjoy a triumph over me.  Methought I heard him say, 'Ay!  I am fairly out (of the Presidency) and you fairly in!  See which of us will be happiest!'"  Donnie Dumbfornicate is already looking like he's not too happy about the job.  She might be happiest now that she can go back to a semi-private life and he'll face the never ending barrage of well deserved criticism.

She HAS to feel some relief mixed in with the sadness, the fear, and everything else, because you KNOW the Repugs would be giving her pure HELL on Capitol Hill; the Trumpsters would be sending threats, tweets, God knows what to her; her security would have to be really tight with all the gun nuts and Russians wanting to take her out.  Instead, she can just go back to her quiet walks in the woods, attend Broadway shows, catch up on her reading, and play with her grands. It sounds blissful to me!

On the other hand, Cheeto has to change his entire lifestyle. He is not used to having all these demands on his schedule. I honestly don't think he works full-time at Trump, but even if he does, he will find out that full time for POTUS is not 40/week is more like 24/7. And despite what his quack doctor says, I don't think he is healthy enough to take the pressure that comes with the job, that why he HAS to rely on the SIL and daughter, who, too, are clueless. I don't really expect him to make it 4 years, much less 8. We've seen what the presidency does to YOUNG men. Can you imagine the overweight, thin-skinned 70 year old in a couple of years with his lifestyle of poor eating habits, little exercise and high stress?

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We've seen what the presidency does to YOUNG men. Can you imagine the overweight, thin-skinned 70 year old in a couple of years with his lifestyle of poor eating habits, little exercise and high stress?

Yeah I've noticed a couple times how gray President Obama has gotten over the past eight years. Especially with all the GOP fuck stickery that only added to the stress.
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Damn it Piano Guys, what are you doing at this clown fest? 

Also, Mike Pence cannot dance. Melania is slaying these outfits today. 

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1 hour ago, HeathenBlondie said:


I only saw the highlights on the local news, but holy shit that was horrible. Not just Cheeto becoming idiot-in-chief, but the ceremony and parade too! You could tell there wasn't nearly the crowds that were there for President Obama. The speech sounds like it sucked and I was glad it rained.  Melania is definitely no Jackie O, but watch how much she'll be praised for her fashion. Seeing the bigly empty bleacher seats at the parade made me laugh out loud too.

We are collectively hallucinating, right? This really can't be happening right now.

I'm spending the rest of my evening watching Good Behavior that I dvr'd. There's no way I can stomach watching the inaugural balls. The Trump and Pence families don't look like they know how to have a good time anyway.


I said on my Facebook that I did not like Melania's baby blue ensemble today. My GOP friends are losing their shit. Totally losing their shit. Because we are so partisan now that 80s pastel has to be admired if someone affiliated with our party is wearing it. My cousin (a sane one who worked on Hillary's campaign) made mention of President Douchebag's blowing tie and slightly too short pants and they lost their shit even more. One woman made various proclamations that some people like their pants too short and we should not judge their choices if we believe in tolerance and equality (because pant length is totally like race, gender and sexuality--you totally can't change the length of your pants!) . Another suggested that his suits are too loose because the "weight of the presidency" has caused him to lose weight. My cousin pointed out that someone in his position can likely afford a tailor, even at the last minute. No response. 

And here's the thing...the clothing thing, totally not partisan on my part. I actually really like the gown she is wearing tonight. 

*My husband named him President Douchebag earlier this evening and we shall call him that in this house for the duration. 

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1 hour ago, Black Aliss said:

I'm trying to figure out which parts to get replaced now, while I'm still working, and which ones can safely wait until I'm on Medicare. I was tentatively set on starting with cataract surgery, then I read somewhere this week that one thing the GOP wants to cut back on for Medicare patients is joint replacement surgery. I guess because it's cheaper to put us all in wheelchairs.

Oh SHIT! My doctor has already told me I need knee replacements, but I'm putting it off because he said I'm not ready yet, i.e.. they're not bad enough and only one of them hurts!  Also, it wouldn't hurt to lose a few pounds. . . ARGH! I could go in with a hangnail, and they would tell me to lose a few pounds!!! I will brag a little though, I lost 40 last year despite the vast quantities of wine that I drank to forget the presidential campaign and election!

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1 hour ago, Palimpsest said:

Thanks, @Black Aliss.  Good advice.  I wish I was a tougher old bird but my eyes, knees, and hips are killing me right now. :(


@Palimpsest: I'm right there with ya. I so want to go to the DC march, but I can't stand for four hours, much less hike all that way.


29 minutes ago, AuntK said:

She HAS to feel some relief mixed in with the sadness, the fear, and everything else, because you KNOW the Repugs would be giving her pure HELL on Capitol Hill; the Trumpsters would be sending threats, tweets, God knows what to her; her security would have to be really tight with all the gun nuts and Russians wanting to take her out.  Instead, she can just go back to her quiet walks in the woods, attend Broadway shows, catch up on her reading, and play with her grands. It sounds blissful to me!

On the other hand, Cheeto has to change his entire lifestyle. He is not used to having all these demands on his schedule. I honestly don't think he works full-time at Trump, but even if he does, he will find out that full time for POTUS is not 40/week is more like 24/7. And despite what his quack doctor says, I don't think he is healthy enough to take the pressure that comes with the job, that why he HAS to rely on the SIL and daughter, who, too, are clueless. I don't really expect him to make it 4 years, much less 8. We've seen what the presidency does to YOUNG men. Can you imagine the overweight, thin-skinned 70 year old in a couple of years with his lifestyle of poor eating habits, little exercise and high stress?

I believe that if Hillary had won the Electoral College and we were celebrating her inauguration today, she would have been the POTUS most at risk of assassination in history. Several people tried to break into the White House while Obama was in office, I can't imagine what the Second Amendment nutjobs would have done if Hillary was in residence.


On another note: Jane Fonda is on Real Time with Bill Maher. She is kicking butts and taking names. She said she won't call Cheeto by name, she calls him the predator in chief.

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I am going to rant, with lots of profanity.  I keep seeing pictures from today and cannot believe this shit is actually happening.

I have had it up to my fucking hairline with people who keep saying "come on, pull together, support him."  FUCK YOU. I will not support a KNOWN sexual predator.  I will not support someone who gleefully talked about profiting from the 2008 crash.  I will not support someone who mocks people with disabilities.  I will not support someone who bilked students out of their money.  I will not support someone who has a list of stiffed vendors a mile long.  I will not, will not, Sam I fucking am.  

And don't EVEN let these people start this shit of "you're not American/patriotic" if you don't support the President.  In that case, a LOT of these morons have been unpatriotic for the last 8 years.  My ancestors have been here since the fucking 1680's.  I've got veterans out the wazoo in my family tree - Revolutionary War, 1812, Civil (both sides), WWII, Vietnam.  Hell, one was a freaking Congressional Medal of Honor recipient.  I guarantee you they are all spinning like tops in their graves.  It makes me want to VOMIT, the thought of what my grandfather went through in the Philippines, and seeing these moronic lunatics waving American flags.  Actually, I'm glad he's not alive to see this, he'd be disgusted.  

I will not support him.  NEVER.  I am going to be a letter-writing, phone-calling progressive Green Party BITCH for the next four years.  

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After watching that shit show of a dance, Cheeto and Melania do not have any type of chemistry whatsoever. They act like they just met each other last week. When Melania was looking at the camera, all I could say was "Melania, blink if you are OK!!"

Here is my sign for tomorrow. I am not very artistic, so please forgive my basic approach to protest signage. 


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Trump cannot dance.  You'd think, with all the fancypants events he's attended over the years, that he could, but he can't.  And I was creeped out when he looked out at the crowd and mouthed "my way" along with Sinatra.  It reminded me of that scene in To Die For where new widow Nicole Kidman puts a boom box on her husband's headstone and makes everyone listen to Eric Carmen's "All By Myself."

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16 minutes ago, Mecca said:


After watching that shit show of a dance, Cheeto and Melania do not have any type of chemistry whatsoever.


I thought the same thing.  The Obamas look like honeymooners in comparison!

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51 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:


I believe that if Hillary had won the Electoral College and we were celebrating her inauguration today, she would have been the POTUS most at risk of assassination in history. Several people tried to break into the White House while Obama was in office, I can't imagine what the Second Amendment nutjobs would have done if Hillary was in residence

I'm afraid you are correct. I was very fearful for her during the campaign when Cheeto virtually encouraged the deplorables to go after her. I read somewhere today, probably here, that there were more security breaches during the past eight years at the WH than ever before. And, the only drama at the WH during the last 8 years were the various Secret Service fuck-ups.

I would have loved for Hillary to have been able to fire that POS Comey!

12 minutes ago, MarblesMom said:

I thought the same thing.  The Obamas look like honeymooners in comparison!

I can't find it, but there's a great photo from the 2009 inauguration where POTUS and Michelle are backstage somewhere at a ball, she's wearing his jacket, she's in his arms, their faces are touching, and there are 6 or 7 Secret Service guys behind him pretending to look elsewhere. It's a very intimate moment, despite the SS, but you can just feel the deep commitment between them.  [sigh]

Never will you see any such photo of Cheeto unless he is looking at Ivanka (eww) or his own reflection in a mirror.

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Welcome to Hell America. President Trump has been appointed by Satan to guide us through the next 4 years. Enjoy your stay. Now I need to go throw up.

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I just read on Slate that the crowd at the women's march tomorrow is projected to be FIVE TIMES LARGER than the crowd today.

How ya like that pussy now, ASSHOLE.  

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Some asswipe on Faux today said something akin to "there were supposed to be tens of thousands of protesters today, but there are about 300, there is a woman's march tomorrow, let's see how many show up" (paraphrasing) and I almost fell off my chair.

I hope the numbers make that piehole rethink his drink, so to speak.

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First time posting in the political forum. I was planning on going to a women's march tomorrow, but my 5yo asked to come home from her grandma's and I don't know if it's a good idea to take her. My ex husband and his wife are going with their four (including my 12yo son) but when I hear about things like pepper spray and water cannons I get REALLY nervous (guess that whole free speech thing only counts if you agree with the government, huh?). The protest is in a medium-sized Midwestern city. As far as I know, there has never been any action against protesters here before, but I haven't been to a protest since I picketed Scientology centers with Anonymous years ago, so I really don't know know what to expect. Anybody have any thoughts?

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I can't sleep. I am thinking about tomorrow. 

We are a staying a bit out of the area to save on money. Hotels near the inauguration were insanely overpriced. Regardless, the hotel we are staying at is full of women marching tomorrow. Trump is going to wake up tomorrow in a city full of "nasty" women telling him he needs to keep his tiny hands to himself. 

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And I see the giant orange cheeto tapeworm of destruction and all around fornicate-stickery is punishing the National Park Service for making him look not so great;



The National Park service retweeted some sick Donald Trump burns, noting how, uh, lightly attended his inauguration was compared to Barack Obama’s in 2009. But now, the NPS has been ordered by its Washington support office to “immediately cease use of government Twitter accounts until further notice,” according to an internal email obtained by Gizmodo.

The NPS later removed the retweets, but one NPS account has already noted it will cease tweeting.

One Park Ranger tells Gizmodo “Unofficial word on the employee facebook page is that it was because of those two [retweets] (which might have been an accident).”

Fornicate you Donald J. Putinfluffer.

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Well, his first day in office is coming to a close, and I don't think he's done ANY of the things he promised he'd do in the first hour of the first day of his presidency.

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I heard the term "Hitlerarian" many times today.  Stuffed it the back of my head.  

Had minor tech crises at work that kept my mind off of it...everything....

Came home, turned the news on, listened to Oompah Loompah carry on, and I thought.... ummm... this new word might not be too far off the mark....

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On Pantsuit Nation, people have posted photos of entire planeloads of women headed to DC!  Gives me goosebumps! I predict they will definitely outnumber the inauguration attendees by the tens of thousands! Hope they get the press!

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3 hours ago, Howl said:

I must say that hip replacements can be successful even into quite old age.  My aunt had a hip replacement at age 83* and was fully ambulatory at home until she passed at home at 88. 

*request assistance instead of trying to get the cat out of the tree on your own

My mother was 91 and determined to get at the sweetest ripest juciest grapefruit at the top of her tree. Her hip replacement was successful but the anesthesia kicked her dementia up a notch.

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