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Jill, Derick, Israel and the latest Dillard- Part 23


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59 minutes ago, Jinder Roles said:

I would love to be pear shaped. Im an unfortunate apple with a heavy bust. No hips, defined waist or butt to be seen. Basically I look like an oompa-lumpa in everything:(

We need to split the difference. Ha!

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59 minutes ago, Jinder Roles said:

I would love to be pear shaped. Im an unfortunate apple with a heavy bust. No hips, defined waist or butt to be seen. Basically I look like an oompa-lumpa in everything:(

When I was younger I would have killed for any bust at all!! Now I'm pregnant so that's taken care of, but man it made me depressed to be so bottom heavy! 

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Apple here! No butt, always pulling my pants up. Idk how many beltloops I've snapped from hiking pants up all day.

I like empirewaist but the cut on my frame makes me look preggers.

I'll split it with you ClaraOswin!

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I'm an hourglass, which sounds all fun and shizz, but I'm still a plus size woman ~ I'm 44DD, 36, 46.  And I have flabby belly (it looks great when I'm standing straight in front of you, but when I turn to the side, I look four months pregnant from excess skin from back to back pregnancies, oi!) - anyways, if I find something that covers my horse-rider-pants like outer thighs, it looks horrible on my stomach.  If I find something that covers my stomach just right, I can't even get it to close over my boobs.  I'm pretty proportionate, but still big, and thus I dress super fundie ~ because empire dresses, and long skirts (in the right fabrics) give me a longer, lean look.

And because I do a thing were I say something bodypositive, when I say something bodynegative about myself: my boobs are kewl.

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1 hour ago, Jinder Roles said:

I would love to be pear shaped. Im an unfortunate apple with a heavy bust. No hips, defined waist or butt to be seen. Basically I look like an oompa-lumpa in everything:(

OMG, are you me?

Unfortunate apple is totally how I will describe my bodyshape from now on. :apple:

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1 hour ago, Jinder Roles said:

I would love to be pear shaped. Im an unfortunate apple with a heavy bust. No hips, defined waist or butt to be seen. Basically I look like an oompa-lumpa in everything:(

this is me as well :( however, I found that being a flat bottomed girl not to be such a bad thing, back when I still cared about attracting men...I was on estrogen (supposedly for my bones), had a heavy bust and belly the last couple years of that, almost like a false pregnancy...going back to normal now that I've quit that stuff, my back is certainly better without the weight of the girls

I used to be tallish, but have lost inches due to scoliosis, with a side order of kyphosis (that's a hump), my body decided to sort of turn itself into a human question mark, which sometimes complicates what I wear...luckily, nobody cares much about this sort of stuff in the part of the country where I live ^_^

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14 hours ago, Yes, TOTALLY said:

As an aside, I really hope Anna never gets pregnant again. Maybe "god" will decide that Josh doesn't deserve any more children, and that Anna doesn't deserve to have that slimy bastard sweating all over her. 

I hope she gets pregnant again. I hope her and her new husband (that is not crazy fundie, never cheats on her and is way hotter then Josh) have an adorable love child. 

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1 hour ago, Iamtheway said:

I hope she gets pregnant again. I hope her and her new husband (that is not crazy fundie, never cheats on her and is way hotter then Josh) have an adorable love child. 

I was going to say something snarky but you got me on your side once the parentheses kicked in. 

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23 hours ago, VixenToast said:

I got asked if I was pregnant once. I laughed and went on with my life. Idk. I guess I don't care what others think of me. Which is weird, because my self esteem isn't the greatest. Lol.

That happened to me twice during all-inclusive resort sort of vacations, I laughed it off.

But the worse was when a neighbor asked me that during my mom's funeral. And to add insult to injury a couple of months later he asked my brother on a public Facebook post how my baby was doing (though I have told her I was not pregnant).

I just get a pregnant looking belly very easily.

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On 1/3/2017 at 10:23 PM, VixenToast said:

I got asked if I was pregnant once. I laughed and went on with my life. Idk. I guess I don't care what others think of me. Which is weird, because my self esteem isn't the greatest. Lol.

Just the other day while I was out walking (exercise of choice) an older man bike riding stopped and asked how many kids I had, I said two. He then said when is this one due? I wasn't sure I heard him correctly and made him repeat the question. I busted out laughing and told him I was not pregnant and in fact I have grandchildren. I had a jersey jacket on with a pouch to hold my phone while I listen to podcasts and also stuffed gloves in there so I see why it appeared I was possibly pregnant. The only good thing that came from it was he said he thought I was in my thirties. Actually Medicare is about to begin on my next birthday. I think I love this man or he is visually impaired. I'll take it either way and my husband was quite pleased that no more babies this way comes...

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See, for me, it would currently be a bit more upsetting if someone thought I was pregnant and asked me when I was due. Basically because it still stings a little that we won't be having a 2nd child like we had originally planned. So the last thing I want is people bringing that to the front of my mind with an ignorant assumption.

It's great that some people can easily shrug something like that off. But not all of us can.

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@Iamtheway My avatar is now a picture of a dismal apple. I think it is a good representation of me. #solidarity

Tried to be body positive, but I'm not working with much. I guess being ugly is a sacrifice. Pretty people should be nicer to us unattractive folk.

Guess I'll have to survive on whatever wit I have.

Okay I'm going to leave this topic before I start crying.


p.s: @ClaraOswin, I shall add you to the list of people who I'm giving my extra breast tissue to. :)

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It pisses me off that people's (and especially women's) bodies are still somehow seen as being in the body domain and that it is okay for a random person to pass judgement and comment on those bodies if they look pregnant or fail to be aesthetically pleasing (were people not taught to stay silent if they had nothing nice to say about someone?)

If someone is fat/thin/potbellied/ripped/in shape/out of shape/pear/apple/hourglass/pregnant/not pregnant, odds are excellent that they are well aware of their condition and they know or can research how best to healthily and/or fashionably address any of these issues if they so choose to.  

I just don't see the value in commenting on random people's weight or speculating on the contents of their uterus. Especially on the basis of a picture of two. At best it's pointless and judgemental gossip, at worst it could really hurt that person's feelings, and if they are in a bad situation it could trigger or deepen depression, result in bullying by friends/family members, or restrictive diets being forced on them by others or even push someone towards taking up unhealthy eating habits of their own accord in an effort to try to make their body look 'acceptable' to others instead of focusing on getting their body to work well for them.

I know an infertile woman who was really hurt (as in driven to tears) because of pregnancy speculation, and the bullying and body shaming I endured from family members when I slammed into puberty played a role in my developing an eating disorder. Yes, people should be able to shrug it off, but that isn't everyone's reality and words can cut like glass.

On a personal level, over the last year or so, I've gained weight due to some medications I'm on, and I feel downright ugly because of it. I'm terrified that someone will judge me because of those 15 extra pounds, and I don't know how I would react to someone telling me I look fat, so I don't go out as much as I used to and I find that I just don't want to meet new people. Logically, I know this isn't helping the situation, nor is it going to change it, but I feel bad enough about myself already, and the thought of being judged by that extra weight is literally more than I can stand. The loss of control over my body makes every day I'm on these bloody pills a struggle not to revert back to my old eating disorder. Some days are so white knuckled that a 'helpful' comment from some judgemental jerk masquerading as a concerned friend or well meaning member of the public could literally be all it takes to push me over that edge, and this is with professional help. If I didn't have access to that, I'd be in real trouble. 

We are all so much more than how our bodies look at any given moment. It's just sad that what really matters is lost or devalued by our society allowing/encouraging judgemental behaviour based on the appearance of a person's outer shell, and that this is so central to our society that many of us even judge/value ourselves largely by our external appearance. 

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I have a beer gut (but I don't drink) and hanging skin off my belly (a pannis). I look like shit in almost everything. I wear a lot of tunic tops and leggings or maxi skirts and long tops. I look about 7 months pregnant any time of year...and at 52 it's not something to be proud of. My hormones, thyroid and cortisol levels are ALL jacked up and I can gain weight by looking at food (I eat maybe 1200 calories a day and can't lose an ounce). I'm fat, not particularly attractive, short, and have no ass at all (seriously, it's flat back there). I do have an amazing head of hair going for me...long, silky, wavy...

Someday I'll get this hormonal shit straight, lose the 60lbs, have a tummy tuck and a boob lift...I'll be the hottest great-granny in the nursing home! 

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On the other end of the body comment spectrum -

I just had a baby last month (exactly one month today actually; happy one month Peanut!) My bump went away very quickly - to the point that people didn't believe I had a week-old child because I was so tiny again.

You'd think that would be a good thing, but my baby was almost six weeks premature. So every time someone mentioned how small I looked, it was another unneeded reminder that my baby came so early and was in NICU for a week. And the constant comments on my size made me really question if I had eaten enough or what I may have done wrong to make her come that early. I'm still worrying about that actually and my daughter is now ridiculously healthy and strong. People's intentions were innocent, but the comments were really unnecessary and unwanted.

My BIL's fiancée said she was jealous of how small I was already on New Year's Eve - I responded by telling her I'd gladly keep that bump and weight if it meant my baby didn't have to be in NICU. And I meant it completely. The image of my baby hooked up to all those monitors and hearing the NICU Nurses saying she forgot how to breathe right after her birth will never leave me. I'd gladly carry that extra weight around if it meant she never had to go to through any of that.

I really think people should just mind their own business. What benefit is there in commenting on someone else's weight or body?

ETA: As for the thread topic - Derick is an ass, Jill is clingy, and Izzy is a sassy little cutie? Good to see all is still normal on the Dills front. Lol!

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11 minutes ago, VelociRapture said:

On the other end of the body comment spectrum -

I just had a baby last month (exactly one month today actually; happy one month Peanut!) My bump went away very quickly - to the point that people didn't believe I had a week-old child because I was so tiny again.

You'd think that would be a good thing, but my baby was almost six weeks premature. So every time someone mentioned how small I looked, it was another unneeded reminder that my baby came so early and was in NICU for a week. And the constant comments on my size made me really question if I had eaten enough or what I may have done wrong to make her come that early. I'm still worrying about that actually and my daughter is now ridiculously healthy and strong. People's intentions were innocent, but the comments were really unnecessary and unwanted.

My BIL's fiancée said she was jealous of how small I was already on New Year's Eve - I responded by telling her I'd gladly keep that bump and weight if it meant my baby didn't have to be in NICU. And I meant it completely. The image of my baby hooked up to all those monitors and hearing the NICU Nurses saying she forgot how to breathe right after her birth will never leave me. I'd gladly carry that extra weight around if it meant she never had to go to through any of that.

I really think people should just mind their own business. What benefit is there in commenting on someone else's weight or body?

ETA: As for the thread topic - Derick is an ass, Jill is clingy, and Izzy is a sassy little cutie? Good to see all is still normal on the Dills front. Lol!

This. Very much so this.

Many moons ago, I worked at Woolworth's (the department store, not the grocery store chain in Australia), & I had a secret shopper come through my line. I got the evaluation afterwards, & one of the comments was that the woman thought I was pregnant (which was absolutely not true). I was both amused/horrified by this, & laughed it off. (Maybe the laughter was a defense mechanism?)

Glad your daughter is ridiculously healthy & strong, @VelociRapture. That's the way it should be! :my_heart:

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I won't speculate that anyone is pregnant based on a photo unless the photo shows them in a hospital gown and stirrups.


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2 hours ago, VelociRapture said:

On the other end of the body comment spectrum -

I just had a baby last month (exactly one month today actually; happy one month Peanut!) My bump went away very quickly - to the point that people didn't believe I had a week-old child because I was so tiny again.

You'd think that would be a good thing, but my baby was almost six weeks premature. So every time someone mentioned how small I looked, it was another unneeded reminder that my baby came so early and was in NICU for a week. And the constant comments on my size made me really question if I had eaten enough or what I may have done wrong to make her come that early. I'm still worrying about that actually and my daughter is now ridiculously healthy and strong. People's intentions were innocent, but the comments were really unnecessary and unwanted.

My BIL's fiancée said she was jealous of how small I was already on New Year's Eve - I responded by telling her I'd gladly keep that bump and weight if it meant my baby didn't have to be in NICU. And I meant it completely. The image of my baby hooked up to all those monitors and hearing the NICU Nurses saying she forgot how to breathe right after her birth will never leave me. I'd gladly carry that extra weight around if it meant she never had to go to through any of that.

I really think people should just mind their own business. What benefit is there in commenting on someone else's weight or body?

ETA: As for the thread topic - Derick is an ass, Jill is clingy, and Izzy is a sassy little cutie? Good to see all is still normal on the Dills front. Lol!

Congrats on the peanut.  I will add I have commented (to friends not strangers!) on how small they were before, and definitely meant it as a compliment and that I am jealous!  I have a reallllly hard time losing baby weight.  Only after one of my four, #3 actually, did the weight come off before a year.  I was taking care of my 90 year old grandma in my home and was very stressed.  I wasn't eating enough and lost my milk supply too :( So anyway, I am sure they were not trying to make you feel bad about the NICU, just trying to make you feel good that you look great.  I am sure it was a traumatizing time for you, but happy baby is doing well now! <3

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15 hours ago, Jinder Roles said:

I would love to be pear shaped. Im an unfortunate apple with a heavy bust. No hips, defined waist or butt to be seen. Basically I look like an oompa-lumpa in everything:(

I feel ya there, I swear apples are the worst. clothes are typical made for women to have more of a waist and butt, we have none, it sucks. Plus, you gain wait, it goes to your stomach, so  to get clothes that fit...you have to buy bigger pants AND shirts, and then the butt of your pants sags really bad because it now has to fit your bigger waist. 

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Stacy and Clinton of What Not to Wear used to say, buy the item to fit the biggest part, then have it tailored. Thankfully, I can take clothes in if needed. I don't, always, but they will look better if I do.

I'm a firm believer in alterations. For me. Hate doing them for other people.

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20 minutes ago, Malizabeth said:

Congrats on the peanut.  I will add I have commented (to friends not strangers!) on how small they were before, and definitely meant it as a compliment and that I am jealous!  I have a reallllly hard time losing baby weight.  Only after one of my four, #3 actually, did the weight come off before a year.  I was taking care of my 90 year old grandma in my home and was very stressed.  I wasn't eating enough and lost my milk supply too :( So anyway, I am sure they were not trying to make you feel bad about the NICU, just trying to make you feel good that you look great.  I am sure it was a traumatizing time for you, but happy baby is doing well now! <3

I agree here!!
And even if you'd carried to term, you might have bounced back just as fast, many women do that!!!

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Jill needs to grow up. We don't care that you have all day sickness and a toddler to care for. People do it everyday, and hold down a full time job. If you can't handle what comes with being pregnant, maybe popping out 19 blessings isn't for you. 

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4 hours ago, karen77 said:

I agree here!!
And even if you'd carried to term, you might have bounced back just as fast, many women do that!!!

Wouldn't know. This was my first baby and second pregnancy (first was an early miscarriage.) Always nice to have an easy and gentle introduction to parenthood, right? :pb_lol: 

4 hours ago, Malizabeth said:

Congrats on the peanut.  I will add I have commented (to friends not strangers!) on how small they were before, and definitely meant it as a compliment and that I am jealous!  I have a reallllly hard time losing baby weight.  Only after one of my four, #3 actually, did the weight come off before a year.  I was taking care of my 90 year old grandma in my home and was very stressed.  I wasn't eating enough and lost my milk supply too :( So anyway, I am sure they were not trying to make you feel bad about the NICU, just trying to make you feel good that you look great.  I am sure it was a traumatizing time for you, but happy baby is doing well now! <3

I absolutely get people meant it as a compliment. But the point is they're still making unsolicited comments about my body without knowing or realizing what impact those comments may have. Their intentions may be good, but it means nothing if the impact on the other person is negative. 

(Not that I'd be a massive asshole in the situations I described. I'm not going to be rude or anything if someone meant well. I just really wish people didn't feel the need to comment on my body under any circumstance.)

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In the photo of the 17 year old everyone has been talking about, I noticed another girl in the background who appears to be wearing jeans. Gasp! Between her and the girl in the red dress way above the knee, this party is pretty defrauding. I also enjoyed Jessa's smug slide glare. And in the 2nd photo, on the left side above Jana's head, there appears to be a "congratulations" banner and another sign that starts with "Tim Popped"... what's that about?

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32 minutes ago, kmary1 said:

"Tim Popped"... what's that about?

Tabitha Paine recently got engaged to a Tim... Robertson? Maybe that's his last name? I think it was New Year's. Tim popped the question?

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