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Sarah, David, and Russell: Love, Marriage, and Pining on Facebook


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I was just peeking in on his online resume, which makes no mention of his time spent as a police officer, which I found interesting, because he seems to hang his pride and ego on that one.  He did mention acquiring a bit of his education in law enforcement, but does not include his service in his resume.

Very checkered history.  I know jobs are scarce in certain parts of the country, but an able bodied white male shouldn't have all those empty holes in a resume.

Poor job stability from 2005 on, can't seem to hold onto anything longer than a two year stretch - gotta wonder why.

Caterpillar: 2 years

Grain operator: 2 months

Mechanic: 2 months

Hardees: 8 months

Dick Blick: 1.5 years

Rent to Own: 1.5 years

This covers a total of six years since 2005.  It's been twelve years.  What has he been doing the remaining six years?  The Rent to Own he listed as most recent, from 7/2013 to 0/2016, which means the end of 2015.  He may not have updated since the beginning of 2016, but he sure never filled in all the holes in between, so I imagine he was doing a lot of 'camping.'


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1 hour ago, ellacinders said:

I was just peeking in on his online resume, which makes no mention of his time spent as a police officer, which I found interesting, because he seems to hang his pride and ego on that one.  He did mention acquiring a bit of his education in law enforcement, but does not include his service in his resume.

Very checkered history.  I know jobs are scarce in certain parts of the country, but an able bodied white male shouldn't have all those empty holes in a resume.

Poor job stability from 2005 on, can't seem to hold onto anything longer than a two year stretch - gotta wonder why.

Caterpillar: 2 years

Grain operator: 2 months

Mechanic: 2 months

Hardees: 8 months

Dick Blick: 1.5 years

Rent to Own: 1.5 years

This covers a total of six years since 2005.  It's been twelve years.  What has he been doing the remaining six years?  The Rent to Own he listed as most recent, from 7/2013 to 0/2016, which means the end of 2015.  He may not have updated since the beginning of 2016, but he sure never filled in all the holes in between, so I imagine he was doing a lot of 'camping.'


Sorry Rusty, 12 weeks at the University of Illinois' Police Training Institute is not the same as a U of I degree. And he worked at Caterpillar? Impressive. Too bad he couldn't stay on there. 

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I guess that makes him "unemployable, unfaithful and unmarketable" type of guy. Imagine what his retirement on SocialSecurity is going to be like, a couple hundred dollars a month. Guys like him would need a woman that works full time and he can stay home and putt around the house.

Illinois has not been kind to employees and employers, we have been running them out of the state in droves. I wouldn't be surprised if CAT will pull up stakes from IL to elsewhere, probably in Arkansas or NC, both states are "anti union". BUT there ARE jobs out there, you just have to look a bit harder and make yourself sell better to stand out above all others that are competing for the same job. Not usual to find one job while 50 applicants are lining up for this position. A hair dye job isn't going to help him any, looking "youthful" to compete against the younger population.

8 hours ago, ellacinders said:

I was just peeking in on his online resume, which makes no mention of his time spent as a police officer, which I found interesting, because he seems to hang his pride and ego on that one.  He did mention acquiring a bit of his education in law enforcement, but does not include his service in his resume.

Very checkered history.  I know jobs are scarce in certain parts of the country, but an able bodied white male shouldn't have all those empty holes in a resume.

Poor job stability from 2005 on, can't seem to hold onto anything longer than a two year stretch - gotta wonder why.

Caterpillar: 2 years

Grain operator: 2 months

Mechanic: 2 months

Hardees: 8 months

Dick Blick: 1.5 years

Rent to Own: 1.5 years

This covers a total of six years since 2005.  It's been twelve years.  What has he been doing the remaining six years?  The Rent to Own he listed as most recent, from 7/2013 to 0/2016, which means the end of 2015.  He may not have updated since the beginning of 2016, but he sure never filled in all the holes in between, so I imagine he was doing a lot of 'camping.'


One thing.........temporary jobs in between. Like Manpower and LaborReady jobs. Not worth putting it on resume. He must have been doing a LOT of them.

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1 hour ago, bea said:

WAS he a PO?





Yes he was. In Abingdon (his hometown) and in Galva. Allegedly it was his domestic violence issues that caused him to lose both jobs, I don't know for a fact that it was but I'm sure it didn't help. My guess is he let his temper get the best of him and became far more of a liability than an asset to his employers. He's still very proud of his LE experiences, as this photo he posted a couple of months ago shows. 


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His hashtags are quite amusing... "don't sit around playing pretend in costumes."    That seems to be exactly what he was doing.  And he seems to want to continue to propagate the myth that he was successful  in both military and pubic safety endeavors.  I think he failed, because he was doing precisely that - playing pretend in costume.

Per the temporary jobs he must have had, he's put at least two 2-month long positions on his resume.   Probably has worked more than a handful of them, like the last one where he was going to get 'hands placed on him.'  That job disappeared like a fart in the wind.  Didn't happen to catch his explanation, if any, as to why.

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As police officers are part of a union, you have to have been involved in something fairly serious to be forced out. There's also no database of officers who are fired for cause, so the fact that he didn't move on to another town and continue working in law enforcement is.... really weird. Of course, Chicago's PD has a union with serious clout, so I'm used to officers under investigation getting a desk job and a light smack on the wrist. It makes me wonder just how unstable Russ was, in order to be booted or forced out of a well -paying police job.

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Hey Russ, tasks might go faster if you didn't stop to take pictures and post on Facebook. Who brags about organizing a file cabinet? I mean, seriously? And dude, you were the last person who needed to buy a deep fryer. What, your existing health problems aren't bad enough? Your guts don't violently rebel often enough? I see a huge hunk of corn bread, over half a can of peaches (no doubt in heavy syrup), and two huge pieces of fried chicken (with skin and heavily battered) on your plate. Bragging that you can only JUST BARELY cram upwards of 1500 calories in your face for one meal- oh, the heroic self control. That poor little wad of spinach is under more pressure to perform than the Rodrigues kids.

But sure, you eat super healthy and the health problems plaguing you have nothing to do with your own behavior. Keep it up, man. Soon you won't need a nightstand, you'll just be able to plop your CPAP atop a stack of your prescription bottles. It'll save loads of time at breakfast, too- you won't need to fix anything, it'll just be a cup of pills and a cup of coffee to wash them down.

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The last job that he was let go, wasn't it a garage or shop work, like detailing? Probably another temp job thru Manpower.

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7 hours ago, EweSheep said:

The last job that he was let go, wasn't it a garage or shop work, like detailing? Probably another temp job thru Manpower.

The last job he had was "training" and "leading" others. He never said where, but he acted like he was going to be some sort of drill sargeant and beat these guys into shape mentally. Maybe a men's shelter or churchy rehab thing at the Rescue Mission? Talk about the inmates running the asylum. That only lasted a few weeks, around Christmas. 

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Yes, that's the one where they were going to lay hands on him.  So his hospital timing was fortuitous. 

So wonderful that he's got enough room on his bed to display his collection of manilla files, and even more wonderful that he can share his collection on social media.

I've got a gazillion recipe cards somewhere 'round here.  Think I'll line them up on my living room rug and show everyone how many I have.

I'll use attempted organization as an excuse to show them off.  Cause, I'm clever like that.

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Per Russ: "Hmmm finally I can make really excellent fried chicken. I made it for years at hardees but couldn't at home.  Duh. I was missing a deep fryer. I can honestly say better than KFC. I can barely eat two pieces."

Oh really Rusty? Didn't your resume state that you worked at Hardee's for eight months? Because last time I checked eight months doesn't equal years. But knowing Russ and his penchant for bullshit I can't expect anything less. #alternativefacts

And while we're on the subject of bullshit, Russ's post about the fire in his building, while tragic, didn't read to me like it came from a guy who was a trained cop with a cool head. "9-11 flashed in my mind as fire fighters rushed poured in the stairs case..yelling left right go go." Now I know Abingdon and Galva don't have high rise buildings but he has to have had SOME training in fire safety and liasing with the fire department in such a situation. Also, he lives on the eleventh floor, not the 80th. I know it's different when it happens to you, but he sounds like a green around the gills teenager, not a graduate of the Police Training Institute or even ALERT. He can't hack police work, so quit resting on your "laurels" and riding the backs of those who put their lives on the lives every day, dickhead. 

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Glad someone else noticed the Hardees time discrepancy.

We should begin a new thread called Chicken Fried Alternative Facts.

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On 4/29/2017 at 5:17 PM, bea said:

As police officers are part of a union, you have to have been involved in something fairly serious to be forced out. There's also no database of officers who are fired for cause, so the fact that he didn't move on to another town and continue working in law enforcement is.... really weird. Of course, Chicago's PD has a union with serious clout, so I'm used to officers under investigation getting a desk job and a light smack on the wrist. It makes me wonder just how unstable Russ was, in order to be booted or forced out of a well -paying police job.

I've worked in law enforcement for 21 years. If you make it past probation, it's very hard to lose your job.  He's lost two LE jobs. That tells you something right there. 

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Maybe He's gonna bust into the world of air fryers. Cutting edge stuff. 

Of after he wins his tiny house


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I don't know if he realizes that with that tiny house comes the requirement of a truck with a hitch capable of pulling that down to the river, along with the permits to park it.  I don't know the rules in Illinois when it comes to camping by the river, but I'd imagine pitching a tent to  differ from hauling a structure there and just leaving it as long as he wants.

So Russ, start trying to win the truck and hitch, too.  Else that trailer/tiny home won't do you much good.

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And of course the IRS and the Illinois Department of Revenue will want cash taxes paid on the tiny house right away. And Russ will need to find a place with hook-ups for water and sewage in order to live in the tiny house. Parking down by the river won't cut it. I think Glen Oak Towers is looking far more appealing with Rusty's current lifestyle (jobless and no hustle). 

Besides, I looked at the tiny house Facebook page and it screams total scam. It started within the last week and it seems that their version of English is using Google translate from an Asian language. 

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Sure he can "rough" it out on a tiny house by using a porta pot and those sink and bucket kind of thing. Until it starts to freeze, he would be a world of hurt.

Yes, he would have to come up with the taxes on that trailer, a truck to pull it unless he has friends or driver for hire to pull his trailer on regular basis. You can not stay at a campground for more than 20 days unless you get a prior approval from the camp supervisor. The only time he can camp for MOST of the camping season if he is the campground host which allows you to stay there for free as long you do the work of cleaning up the grounds, toliet duties, garbage duties, pool maintenance (if they have pools) and mowing on top of greeting and signing campers in and out. Enforcing the rules might come easy for Russ since he can have that ability to push the issues of rowdy campers. It's hard work but enjoyable if you like to be around people a lot.

With his apartment, with no job, I am sure he is living there for free or very low cost, since it is usually income basis. Yes, he is better off there. Plenty of food pantries and soup kitchens for food and hygiene. He might be on SNAP benefits for both food and cash, to pay for his apartment or electrical usage.  We can only assume.



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He lost, and he's bitter.  He's done gone and removed all those 'win this trailer/tiny house' posts.  Probably for the best he didn't win one.  He'd have had to pay the taxes, buy a truck with a hitch, obtain permits to park the thing.  Couldn't afford it.  He'd have had to sell it at likely a large loss compared with the tax he'd have to pay on it, and the whole escapade would not be worth the trouble.

What he needs to do, is find a 5 day per week day job, and a 5 day per week night job and work his ass off.  Keep weekends free for his child, who he should be working his ass of for.

But why do that, when you can sit around all day and feel sorry for yourself and pray that God gives you stuff.

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He also removed his fried chicken and filing cabinet posts, but he kept the one calling the mothers of his children crazy whores and the mean-spirited picture of his brother because Russ is such a piece of shit he doesn't understand how to PRETEND to be a good person. "I'll just throw some insults and some Jesus in a blender, and presto, image management!"

He always follows up his nastiest bullying with a church/Bible post, and it never works- if you smear some shit inside a nice buttery croissant, Russ, nobody thinks "Ooh, that looks DELECTABLE", they think "...Does that asshole think he can get me to eat a shit sandwich by using fancy bread?" and possibly "HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO A CROISSANT".

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Assholes using scripture to redirect attention away from their bad deeds is the quintessential meaning of "taking thy Lord's name in vain."  God is smart.  He sees right through that crap. 

Russ doesn't care a whit about what God thinks.  He only cares what people think.  So he's perfectly comfortable using God's name in vain to trick others into believing he's not an asshole.

Trouble is, Russ, that pretty much everyone you know has figured you out.

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The Bible verse he posted isn't new, he simply deleted his tiny house and filing posts, along with his back patting over the fried chicken. 

He's such a turd whistle I don't know where to start. There has to be someone out there willing to hire Russ, especially if Russ actually believes in the work he does and gives 100% to his employer when he's there. Oh yeah, and doesn't beat on his woman/baby mamas. 

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