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The book what Lori wrote: The Power of a Transformed Wife Pt2

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Lori has 46 subscribers???!

(I couldn't bring myself to watch any of her "YouTubes.")

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1 hour ago, TeddyBonkers said:

A comment that won't make it through moderation-

I don't believe you hate women. However, I do think that you want them to fit neatly into a cute little box. From reading your blogs, it is clear that  you want women to act one way, and one way only, based on two verses of God's word.

Women are not meant to be exactly the same, not cookie cutter, not robotic. I am a woman who works outside of her home. I am a woman who is striving toward a degree (with no debt, because of my military service). I am a woman who loves God, my husband, and my children.

Your comment is up, but she leaves you with her sarcastic "blessings!" which I have noticed she does do anyone who doesn't agree with her. 

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Teaching Titus 2 "is the only direct command that He has given to older women so I dare not disobey it."

Really? This is the only command? Has she read the rest of the bible?


Which of these three, do you think, proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?” He said, “The one who showed him mercy.” And Jesus said to him, “You go, and do likewise.” Luke 10:36-37



“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets." Matthew 7:12



“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. John 15:12


If Lori says she shouldn't dare disobey that command, fine. She is commanded to teach it, so that's what she should do--but that doesn't mean that you are commanded to listen to her or that you have to do things the way she says.

I am an older woman who mentors many younger wives, but I try to teach in a way that encourages rather than chastises. If Lori were communicating the same message but with love, she could reach so many more than she does. While I'm glad of this because I think she is wrong in how women are to do things, she isn't thinking about anyone other than her. She is commanded to do something, so she does it. Within her world, that is all that is required. 

I just wish she would read this one other verse in the bible:


If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 1 Corinthians 13:1.

Lori may think she speaks for the God of the universe, but she is nothing more than a noisy gong gone viral.

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I wonder what Lori (and Ken)  would have done had Carly Fiorina won the republican nomination, that would take her head for a spin. Does she vote for a woman who supports her repugnant views or does she vote for a pro-choice man (If someone other than Hillary had been the democratic nominee)? Decisions, decisions.

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2 hours ago, jadis87 said:

I wonder what Lori (and Ken)  would have done had Carly Fiorina won the republican nomination, that would take her head for a spin. Does she vote for a woman who supports her repugnant views or does she vote for a pro-choice man (If someone other than Hillary had been the democratic nominee)? Decisions, decisions.

My guess is that if Carly Fiorina had won the GOP nomination, Lori would still have hated on her for being a career woman and would refused to vote for a Republican woman.  I'm curious if Lori was upset back in 2008 when John McCain picked Sarah Palin as his running mate.

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Top 4 reasons men need wives:

1) Housekeeper (Lori had someone else do that.  Does that make the housekeeper Ken's help meet?)

2) Sex (10 minutes and some lube is every man's dream!)

3) Have & raise children (Lori had a nanny hold her baby for hours a day, and she couldn't be bothered with them when they cried for her at night.  I guess that makes "the nanny sent from heaven" Ken's help meet too!)

4) To shop and cook and stuff.  Having a Yummy, Nutritious Salad to look forward to every.single.night would be reason enough to get married.  Those salads don't just put themselves together.  You need a help meet for that.  Or you know...some place that sells pre-made salads.  Or hands.  If you had hands you could just do that shit yourself.  


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What would my husband say in regard to this list? 

1. When I first moved in he called me a germophobe & got really antsy at how I kept house. It's now slightly messy all the time & he's happy (per his request)

2. To quote Wash from Firefly: "have you ever beeen with a warrior woman??" 'Nuff said.

3. Had one child of my own, took on his hellion too. Both are alive, happy, & not currently removing clothing for money. We call it a win.

4. I do the grocery shopping... But the cooking? Eh. Honestly, he enjoys it more than I do, it's a Cajun thing, the men cook. I don't complain.

How we're not on the epic cliff toward a demonic divorce I don't know... I'm sure the last 6 years have been the calm before the storm. We're not destined for many more of these less than Prov-tus 31:2/3-5 moments in time. 

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1. Hubs does most of the housework. He's better at it than I am

2. Yeah...we get it going...

3. The little shits survived...thank God they're grown and gone now. 

4. Yeah, I cook...we shop together. 

Fuck you Lori. 

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The Alexanders have a very shallow definition of marriage.

What happens when a woman is too old or sick to cook, keep house or put out on demand? What if she's not able to have children?  What becomes of the marriage?  

Look, my husband is the breadwinner here.  I'm a sahm.  Always have been, and don't plan to work once our kids are grown. That's what works for us.  I don't even remotely pretend that it works for anyone else.  To each their own.

That said, if for some reason he could no longer be a "provider", I would still absolutely adore him.  As long as we have each other, I am okay.  He's been my best friend since I was 17 years old, and it's not because his employer makes a deposit into our bank account every 2 weeks. It's because I love him.  It's because we finish each other's sentences, and he makes me laugh until my sides hurt.  It's because he could tell you what my favorite candy bar is, and how I would react to pretty much any given situation.  It's because he wakes me up at night because he thought of something he wanted to tell me about, and he just couldn't wait until morning.  It's because, when my neighbor's German Shepherd died, he knew I was heartbroken, so he got a German Shepherd puppy for me.

Do I appreciate what he does for our family?  Absolutely.  Does that appreciation hinge on him being able to fulfill the provider role?  Nope.  He could lose his job or his ability to work tomorrow, and it wouldn't damage our relationship in any way.  

I guess the difference is this- when Lori married she looked for a man who could pay the bills and abide by her religious and dietary preferences.  When I got married, I looked for someone who I couldn't imagine my life without.  


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Just in case you ever thought for a second that women don't exist purely to serve men, here comes Lori with her notebook drawings.

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My husband ended up too sick to work. We didn't have sex for almost a year because he was too sick for things to work. After his surgery, he ended up doing the housework...I did the cooking. He supported me emotionally, physically, mentally while I was finishing school. 

Now, we've been married 18 years. He drives me nuts at times...but...we think the same things (a well known saying here is "get out of my head"). He supported me when I told him that I was going to take the teaching job because I didn't want to go back into industry. Yeah, we're REALLY broke, but we're together and that's all that counts. 

Lori has never known hardship, never known what it's like to be homeless, hungry, living without electricity or indoor plumbing...she'd utterly lose it if she lived my life. However, I'm happy. Yeah, we're still broke, but we have a place to live that's warm in the winter and cool in the summer, cars parked outside (even if one is currently not running), the psycho kitties that keep us entertained and most importantly, I live with my best friend, the other half of me. 

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Lori is the textbook definition of a narcissist. She lacks empathy, never admits to being wrong, thrives on (negative) controversial attention, enjoys putting others down to inflate her own ego. This is what she does every single day. She enjoys telling others what they are doing is sinful and wrong and they will be successful if they are just like her. I feel sorry for Ken but mostly for her children because being raised by a narcissist is horrific.

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8 hours ago, Koala said:



Me: 'Sweet hubs, am I your crown or do I rot your bones?'

Hubs: (chockes on hot tea) 'You haven't been wandering in fundieland again, have you?'

Me: 'Well, just tell me when I start rotting your bones.'

Hubs: 'And then what?'

Me: 'I suppose that means I have to buy some coconut lube and cucumbers.'

Hubs: 'Buy what??'

Me: 'You know, to make a healthy salad and satisfy yo... Never mind.'

Hubs: (concerned) 'You know what, I will cook tonight. Why don't you put your feet up and watch some telly. ' 

(Goes to the kitchen and mutters: 'Salad with coconut lube? Would rot my bones right through that would.)

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Today's post tells us how sinful the Momastery writer is (seeing as how she just announced her relationship with a woman), reminds us that Lori told us two whole years ago that this woman was in sin because she wasn't submitting to her husband, makes sure we don't forget that she's written a book, and takes another dig at all the women whose writing might lead us astray.

There is, however, no mention that she had a post go viral. So there's that.

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Lori often reminds me of something a minister once told our congregation:

"You never need to tear someone else down in order to lift Jesus up."  

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Lori is a gossip.  While she admittedly forgets to pray for people, she never seems to forget to blog about them.

If she truly cared about this woman she would pray for her.  If she was concerned, she could even write her a letter...and not share it with others.  But that wouldn't be fun...

In other news, Lori linking that old post made me realize she has an odd obsession with Dirty Dancing.



You can put this baby in the corner any time, because this is where God wants me.

That's right!  You can admonish Lori anytime, because as Proverbs 12:1 says:

"Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid."



 I'm not going to be publishing any comments that disagree with me.


No one's going to put this baby under the Law! 

So, you can admonish Lori all you want...as long as you agree with her.  

She's not under the law.  The only law is Lori's Law, and everyone is under that because Godly Older Woman.

Also, someone should tell Lori that "Baby" was the main character's name.  She, on the other hand, is not a baby.  She is a grandmother, nearing her 60s.  To keep referring to herself as a baby is Infantilizing and weird. 

Kind of like when Ken asked her to whisper in his ear that she'd been a naughty girl.  

Just gross.

Ken Alexander:


He just wants to know you are trying, and that when the fight is over, you will come to him and snuggle up and whisper in his ear, "I am so sorry, I have been a very naughty girl. Will you forgive me?" 


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So now, yoga pants blaspheme the word of God.  She goes a step further, and says that if you wear anything "an honest man" will tell you is immodest, you are blaspheming the word of God.  

Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there are a LOT of men and women alike who would tell Lori that her wearing pants is immodest.  There are a LOT of men and women who would tell her that her low cut navy top is immodest.  There are a LOT of men and women who would tell Lori that the tight, above the knee, black dress she posted a picture of herself in is immodest.  Does that mean she is blaspheming the word of God??

Again, Lori makes up her own law.  You can't put her under the law, but she doesn't hesitate to create her own and put you under it.

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In case you all would like to read it, since Lori was afraid to publish it- my rebuttal:

Dear Lori,
I am not offended in the slightest. I rest secure in the knowledge that I am right with the Lord and He is smiling down on me with favor.

You misunderstand my point, I fear. Is there no room in your heart for the stories of another woman? One who has walked with the Lord her entire life, yet does not precisely fit the “sober, loving, discreet, chaste, obedient keeper of the home” standard? To sit with her, listen to her, commiserate and pray with her?

We are called to meet people where they are. I should have far fewer sisters in Christ if I had a mental checklist of what a “Christian woman” is to be. What a sad thing to contemplate! Some of the most Godly women I know work outside of the home, volunteer to the church, help the widows and the fatherless, and yes, are even divorced.


Are you insinuating that my children are not baptized in the Blood of the Lamb, secure in their faith, and taught daily the Word of the Lord? If so, that is a bold accusation to make to a woman whom you have never met.

I maintain that if women being keepers at home was so critical, then Christ would have taught it instead of Paul. Rather, Christ gave the mandate to “Go.” Go and make disciples of all nations. The Great Commission was not only for men, or why wouldn’t Christ have said, “Only men go”? In every Gospel, Christ shows His acceptance of all people, regardless of gender. The entire world is my mission field; God’s love cannot and should not be contained to the four walls of my home.

I don’t know what the Lord will say to Lori about her teaching, but I would caution her as a sister in Christ to not disregard the second Greatest Commandment, which is to love others. Love does not condemn, does not puff itself up. Love is saying, “My sister, tell me your struggles that I may pray with you.”


Sorry for the "wall o' text"! 

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Well said. :clap: 

For someone who thinks that feminine women should let others have the last word, Lori never does it.  When they make a well thought out post (as you did), she won't publish it, making it appear that you weren't able to answer.

She's already read it, so my only guess is that she feels she must hide it from her readers.  Now why do you think that is?

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Please can the next thread be titled "Lori Alexander: a noisy gong gone viral"



Credits to the FJer above who said it. I LOLed in my office meeting.

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Just popping on to thank you again for your patience in awaiting me to complete my book review. My mother-in-law has become quite ill and so things are quite frazzled in our home. Any good thoughts and prayers would be appreciated; especially today as she has ended up in the ER and my husband had to rush out quite early. I am leaving now to meet him; I was killing time on FJ as I waited for his call.  

I know you all understand the importance of family and I do not need to explain myself to you. I guess coming here to leave a note is somewhat grounding and gives me a moment to breathe and do something "normal."  

Okay. Thanks so much. 

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@usmcmom Lots of good thoughts for your family :my_heart:

Now for a game.



If a wife doesn’t do her job keeping the home clean and tidy and fix nourishing meals for her family, she should go to jail. Just kidding!

Okay, my turn! 

-If a wife sabotages her birth control so she can trick her husband into letting her quit her job, she should go to jail.  Just kidding!

-If a mother leaves her newborn baby to cry all night because her sleep is more important than her baby's well being, she should go to jail.  Just kidding! But CPS should probably look into it.

-If a mother hits her children with a leather strap, she should go to jail.  Not kidding.  I'm totally serious.  It's abuse.    


An article tells about a situation like this. “A husband in Italy is accusing his wife of “mistreatment of family and ‘bad management of domestic affairs’ for failing to keep up with the household chores, such as cooking and cleaning



If convicted, she faces up to six years in jail.



When I read about the man wanting his wife in prison, my first thought is that I feel sorry for any man who has to live in a filthy home with no good food, especially those men who work hard to provide for their families while their wives are home all day.


Look at the home of this woman who is mocking this man for doing such a thing. She is another “in your face” woman that is so prevalent in our culture today. The type of women who mock God’s ways and goodness.

 She provides a link to another blogger she'd like to gossip with her readers about.

Pretty sure the Bible has a thing of two to say about gossips who wander from blog to blog house to house, saying things they shouldn't.

Hey, here's one!  

If a godly, older woman spends gossips about other women, she should go to jail.  Just kidding!

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This coming from the woman who had a maid and a nanny.

Fuck off Lori you holier than thou ass.

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Today's post really ticks me off. When you have a blog and share anything from your life, you are opening yourself up to criticism--so what Lori did in linking to this other woman's blog is not wrong in the sense that it is illegal.

However, I think it is wrong according to the code Lori claims to live by. She could have made all the same points without linking to the other article. In fact, she could have said something like, "I've seen many articles by women who share how badly kept their homes are." She could have made all the same points and observations without ever pointing fingers. 

I do understand that sometimes it is necessary to link something in order for readers to really understand--but this post easily could have been written without doing so. Lori had no purpose other than shaming the other woman. It is unbelievable how unkind Lori truly is.

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