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Jessa Duggar Seewald Pt 6 - Still Smug, Still Pregnant

happy atheist

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Based on the clothing posted on Jessa's IG, I'd say that Jinger went shopping in the Duggar Family storage unit- those outfits are old. So they purchased 2 headbands. I'll say the Seewalds are having a baby girl.

She got them at a second hand store

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Yup I agree. I could see them doing it but being so disrespectful. And the worst part would be that they think they're doing something good. I could see them bringing up over and over again how they "saved their child from that terrible culture" or lording it over the child's head whenever they did something bad. "We went out of our way to give you a home and this is how you repay us?" *gag*

That's what I think too. That they would just be either totally disrespectful or where said child came from or they'll try to embrace it and it will be super awkward and still disrespectful because they have no idea. Who would let them adopt? Who? :angry-banghead:

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Yup I agree. I could see them doing it but being so disrespectful. And the worst part would be that they think they're doing something good. I could see them bringing up over and over again how they "saved their child from that terrible culture" or lording it over the child's head whenever they did something bad. "We went out of our way to give you a home and this is how you repay us?" *gag*

Being missionaries by way of adopting "heathens" and showing them the righteous path. Yuck. White christian savior complex to the max. :snooty:

Edited to add: I hope overseas adoption is so daunting they decide to adopt state-side instead. I knew a family that spent over a year trying to adopt a girl in India. They had to grease tons of palms and cut through so much red tape. They traded staying over there for weeks at a time to try get it all done and learn as much of the culture as possible to teach themselves and their older daughter and help the new daughter retain as much as she could.

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Yes, but what they have to do will totally depend on the type of adoption they are pursuing-- whether it's domestic infant adoption, international adoption or foster care adoption.

For foster care adoption, at least, you don't have to prove you have an income.... you do have to prove that you can support yourself and any children added to your home. You don't need necessarily need a steady income if you have a big enough bank account to provide for yourself. Plus, Bin having a "job" supplied by his father-in-law would be enough anyway, provided he isn't getting paid under the table.

I'm guessing they will be looking at international adoption because they will see themselves as "saving the children." I think they'd have a difficult time with foster care adoption programs... can't imagine they would deal well with social workers and all of the requirements involved. (I'd like to believe no one would ever put a traumatized child into that household.) Requirements for international programs depend on the country so they might be able to qualify there. (I would have guessed they would pursue something in Guatemala since that's where the Dillards are, but I think the country is currently closed to U.S. adoptions.... but probably someplace in South America, I'd wager.)

I really hope the process is so daunting that they give up on the adoption idea in the end.

If they go international, I'm really worried that they'll try to take the "easy way" and patronize -- well, not to put too fine a point on it, human traffickers -- to get a kid. It's a huge problem in a lot of countries because of the Western adoption market. A woman my family is friends with helps run an NGO based in Cambodia that's very closely associated with an orphanage, and at a lot of orphanages there and in South and Central America, a lot of the kids there are not orphans; they were abducted or their families sold them, or surrendered them thinking that the "adoption" arrangement would be a temporary thing (I think this is what happened with one of the kids Madonna adopted).

And I'm not even touching the fact that as far as we know, the Duggars still leg-hump the Pearls. I'd hope Jessa and Ben are not so cruel, but consider that a lot of the TTUAC-related deaths we know about are internationally adopted children who were having an understandably hard time adjusting to living in a completely different country with weird white people who would shout at them and make them practice their religion completely differently.

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I swear I read or saw that they were at Once Upon a Child. Or did I imagine that?

Yeah she tagged the store in the pic.

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Based on the clothing posted on Jessa's IG, I'd say that Jinger went shopping in the Duggar Family storage unit- those outfits are old. So they purchased 2 headbands. I'll say the Seewalds are having a baby girl.

Actually, there are still tags on the clothes and Once Upon a Child is tagged in the post. +1 for spotting they're used, though.


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I agree. I also find the outfits pretty cute. But wouldn't it already be pretty warm by the time baby Seeweed will fit into these clothes? These definitely look like winter outfits.

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It's hard to tell what size those clothes are. If they are bigger, yeah...it could be warmer by the time they would wear them. But these are Duggars and they were a lot of clothing all year, for the most part.

If they are newborn...they aren't what I would choose to put a newborn in. Though I know many people do put their kids in cutesy stuff like that. I just didn't. My kid pretty much lived in footed sleepers for months. It was so much easier.

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I think Jessa is doing a good job keeping people guessing. The attention should be helpful for TV ratings. I don't read much into the clothing being shown - between Meredith and Israel there's potential use for all of it.

Here's a question: If the Seewalds try to adopt, would their media presence be taken into account by the adoption agency? Would an agency care about a child becoming a "celebrity"?

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Here's a question: If the Seewalds try to adopt, would their media presence be taken into account by the adoption agency? Would an agency care about a child becoming a "celebrity"?

I would love to see them go through the adoption screening (home study) process and have the experience televised. It would be a serious wake up call for this young couple to learn how unprepared they are to deal with the expectations of the "worldly" child welfare system as well as provide much needed public information about the process. I have some experience with adoption, and I've always said it's similar to a proctology exam--you've got social workers up your ass every step of the way.

At the very least, Ben and Jessa would have to document sources and level of income. Adoption, depending on the route taken, can be extremely expensive. In addition to demonstrating their ability to financially support the child, they would have to take classes in parenting an adoptee. Any mention of blanket training and they'd be sent for remedial coursework! Also, the educational plans for the kid would be scrutinized--homeschool would have to be supported by a K-12 plan. A good home study would examine the impact of exposing the adoptee to a reality show--much depends on the wishes of the birth mother. Uncle Josh's publicly known child perp history would be discussed frankly in terms of assuring child safety. How Jessa chose react to this sort of intrusive questioning could determine the outcome of the home study.

Again, depending on the route taken (public agency versus private lawyer or some combination of both), there might be a bias against placing a child with such a young couple who do not have a fertility problem at this point. Lots of hurdles and hoops to jump through. The net result would be that Jessa and Ben gained a more discerning view of their families of origin.

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I think Jessa is doing a good job keeping people guessing. The attention should be helpful for TV ratings. I don't read much into the clothing being shown - between Meredith and Israel there's potential use for all of it.

Here's a question: If the Seewalds try to adopt, would their media presence be taken into account by the adoption agency? Would an agency care about a child becoming a "celebrity"?

I'm a social worker and have accepted and denied families seeking adoption.

It certainly would not be a favorable thing that a child was being featured on TV. However, it is also not an absolute "no"--the way alcoholism or lack of housing would be.

If the Seewalds meet all the criteria of the agency (income, housing requirements, etc), then denying them becomes more subjective. It's certainly possible for a social worker to deny a family for reasons outside the criteria (ex. alcoholism in a family that met all the requirements). But would "celebrity" be one of them?

It depends. If the family sole source of income is traveling around to different speaking gigs in search of fame--then yes. If the family just happens to be famous because the stupid grandparents put them on a reality tv show, then no.

I've actually done a home study for a well-known person. I went into it feeling intimated, and came out thinking, "Wow, they were pretty nice. They seem like they try to live a fairly normal life." You can learn a lot by meeting people. The same will probably happen with the Seewalds social worker.

As a general rule, there are lots of children out there needing homes. Lots of tiny children in their fourth foster home. Social workers want these placements to work, if they can. If the Seewalds are seeking to adopt the "perfect white healthy newborn from a Christian family", then they will experience greater scrutiny--but from the birthmother, who has a stack of applications from people who want to adopt her child. If the Seewalds want to adopt a child in state care, a disabled child, or a nonwhite child, they will face less scrutiny because there are fewer applicants.

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At the very least, Ben and Jessa would have to document sources and level of income. Adoption, depending on the route taken, can be extremely expensive. In addition to demonstrating their ability to financially support the child, they would have to take classes in parenting an adoptee. Any mention of blanket training and they'd be sent for remedial coursework! Also, the educational plans for the kid would be scrutinized--homeschool would have to be supported by a K-12 plan.

This type of scrutiny may occur for state adoptions, but does not exist in many other adoptions. I've adopted internationally, and though we had to meet many requirements, we never took any parenting classes or "proved" we were going to educate our child one way or another. Private adoptions can have even fewer restrictions.

I think it's likely that they'll never mention blanket training (they're not that stupid) and they'll say what they need to say to jump through "proctology exam" you mentioned. Because a lot of people regard these safeguards in the same way, as hoops to jump through to get what they want in the end.

Personally, I think they are attempts to make the risk of adoption a little safer for the vulnerable child at the core of it.

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I may be completely wrong but have wondered if the adoption idea was thrown out there since Jessa did not become pregnant 3.6 seconds into her marriage. It sounds like something that would fall out of Jessa's mouth for both publicity purposes and as an attempt to upstage Jilly's pregnancy with her uber cool announcement that she was going to be "'different". She is different alright but not for the reasons she believes. I can not imagine a life of 24/7 selfies with a husband so young that he can't put his hat on straight.

I would hope that this is not something they are serious about. I realize there are so many children out there that desperately need homes but the Seewald home is not the one to send them to. JB would probably talk his "Spanish" to them no matter where they came from the US or else where.

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That's what I think too. That they would just be either totally disrespectful or where said child came from or they'll try to embrace it and it will be super awkward and still disrespectful because they have no idea. Who would let them adopt? Who? :angry-banghead:

I think you're all on the right track with your answers... Sadly, I was thinking along the same lines but hoping I was way off. I just can't even... I don't have anything to say. I just really hope no one allows these fools to adopt - from anywhere!

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I dont know of one for Jessa, but here are (what I believe to be) Anna's, Jill's, and Jana's from what I discovered a while ago....




(Edited to break links, cause I figure it's safer than doing it wrong lol.)

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Jessa looked into the adoption idea before the wedding & was told they must be married 2 years before they can apply.

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I think Jessa is doing a good job keeping people guessing. The attention should be helpful for TV ratings. I don't read much into the clothing being shown - between Meredith and Israel there's potential use for all of it.

Ben and Jessa were at the Women's Show at Birningham Alabama yesterday - anybody go ? come on - details :D so far little kids are taking pictures

looks like Jessa is ready to pop - like a turkey - Happy Thanksgiving all my Canadian peeps

and Ben looks good :D

and I do think she likes keep people guessing. They probably both know that they if they go private in the instagrams there won't be a tv show - unlike Dercik who seems to be pouting - bad for business Derick

as for baby clothes - I doubt she will buy anything - she is more the type to use IDDY's even if she has a girl

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I would love to see them go through the adoption screening (home study) process and have the experience televised. It would be a serious wake up call for this young couple to learn how unprepared they are to deal with the expectations of the "worldly" child welfare system as well as provide much needed public information about the process. I have some experience with adoption, and I've always said it's similar to a proctology exam--you've got social workers up your ass every step of the way.

At the very least, Ben and Jessa would have to document sources and level of income. Adoption, depending on the route taken, can be extremely expensive. In addition to demonstrating their ability to financially support the child, they would have to take classes in parenting an adoptee. Any mention of blanket training and they'd be sent for remedial coursework! Also, the educational plans for the kid would be scrutinized--homeschool would have to be supported by a K-12 plan. A good home study would examine the impact of exposing the adoptee to a reality show--much depends on the wishes of the birth mother. Uncle Josh's publicly known child perp history would be discussed frankly in terms of assuring child safety. How Jessa chose react to this sort of intrusive questioning could determine the outcome of the home study.

Again, depending on the route taken (public agency versus private lawyer or some combination of both), there might be a bias against placing a child with such a young couple who do not have a fertility problem at this point. Lots of hurdles and hoops to jump through. The net result would be that Jessa and Ben gained a more discerning view of their families of origin.

Kendal Rich adopted privately just paying money. No controls as far as we know. She had an open blog where she talked about beating her children. She had no problem adopting.

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You guys are making me scared for ever getting pregnant sometime in the distant future!!! No lunch meat?? I never heard of that. I eat lunch meat almost daily. Sushi?? My fave! I have heard that some alcohol in moderation is ok, and so I will probably be that pregnant lady drinking a glass of wine whenever the feeling hits.

I second this! Not that I actually need this forum to scare me about pregnancy since I've gone and done that all on my own, but yenno... The new guy I'm seeing got me into coffee and made my 10 years of being vegetarian end and he's working on trying to convince me we'll have kids one day so yeah this whole topic is just like a big ball of nope! never happening! for me lol.

My ex's mother never gave up smoking or drinking when she was pregnant with him and his belly button was black as the night sky (apparently from the smoking?). I'm happy I don't smoke and rarely ever drink but I don't know if I could take the prenatal pills... I've been told they're "huge like horse pills" and I can barely swallow my tiny birth control pills. :shock:

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I second this! Not that I actually need this forum to scare me about pregnancy since I've gone and done that all on my own, but yenno... The new guy I'm seeing got me into coffee and made my 10 years of being vegetarian end and he's working on trying to convince me we'll have kids one day so yeah this whole topic is just like a big ball of nope! never happening! for me lol.

My ex's mother never gave up smoking or drinking when she was pregnant with him and his belly button was black as the night sky (apparently from the smoking?). I'm happy I don't smoke and rarely ever drink but I don't know if I could take the prenatal pills... I've been told they're "huge like horse pills" and I can barely swallow my tiny birth control pills. :shock:

I couldn't stomach regular prenatal vitamins due to hyperemesis. I took gummy ones. They have everything but the iron and were much easier on my stomach.

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Ok, switching gears a bit. I was thinking about the Great Dilly Dally 2015 Extravaganza and have decided to post this as a reminder to those who took part, and as a warning to newer members of what may be in store for the baby Seeweed watch. There were so many hilarious posts, but this recap, courtesy of ViolaSebastian, has always fondly resided in my memory. I hope you all enjoy...

TLDR: False alarms, don't use Swheat Step to soak up plutonium, someone's stripper name is Spunky Beaver, there's chocolate with green filling in Germany, Hershey's tastes like vomit, Joseph Duggar has a porn star 'stache, a discussion of why someone's cat's crap smells bad, Katie Holmes wore a tacky outfit when she was pregnant with Suri, how to get super poofy bangs, a lot of us don't wear heels because we've busted ourselves at one time or another, tons of Duggar photos posted by nst, most of us like peanut butter, Maple leaf's fans are deranged, Brown chicken Brown cow, UK is in the final four, a cat fight over how to hang the toilet paper roll, some of us (who shall remain nameless) are Michigan State fans, back and forth about midwives over OBGYNS and vice versa, spicy poops after having Mexican food, Cracker Barrel is a place to enjoy fatty fried foods, chicken fried steak is steak fried like chicken, and JILL STILL HASN'T HAD THIS DANG KID! :mouse-shock:

How great is FJ?? :lol:

I love you forever for posting that bit about the horrid Leafs in there :D :lol:

ETA typos :(

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I love you forever for posting that big about the horrid Leafs in there :D :lol:

Ah! I see you have changed your avatar, Alachantal. My DH is from Montreal and still has a soft spot for les Canadiens. But, I'm afraid we are pathetic and, yes, still deranged Leaf fans. Are you at least able to root for our Blue Jays? I've got my Jays shirt on, which I did not wear for the last two games. So, we should be good to go tonight. I hope you are rooting for us, although I doubt you are! :?

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