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Jinger and Lawson courting?


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I remember when actor Kevin Bacon kept a journal while filming Hollow Man years ago. Back then, Entertainment Weekly had a regularly running feature where they would publish journals that actors agreed to write while on-set. At one point, he had nude scenes involving a green screen, and while he was in makeup, his makeup person asked him if he'd like a bit more "definition and enhancement" on little Kevin Bacon. He seemed annoyed, but not really surprised, I guess because of how the scene and effects were arranged.

I read another article in EW about actor Ben Affleck in Gone Girl. The director absolutely assured Affleck that when he filmed the shower scene, little Ben was not going to appear in the shot, and all filming would appear from the waist up. The director lied, and Affleck supposedly didn't even find out about the full frontal nudity until the film was in its final cut. He was pretty upset about it.

So yeah, that makes a lot of sense. In between size anxiety and keeping erect, it's can be a lot harder for guys onscreen.

I don't know what Affleck was worried about, that was a pretty good sized dong. :lol:

But back to Jinger and Lawson, I worry about someone like Jinger, who seems to be very sensitive and has a lot of deep-seated issues (probably from her abuse, look at her speech at Jessa's rehearsal dinner for example) being put with someone as narcissistic as Lawson. That guy is in love with himself, he doesn't even seem to *want* to court. You'd think he would be by now? The Bates wouldn't have a problem pairing up their "country music star" son with someone.

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My husband and oldest child love Dr Who. I've never watched a full episode. I think I may still be traumatised by the black and white swirly screen and scary music it had on the start of the episode when I saw it once as a young child circa 1972...

As to Jinger and Lawson courting, I don't know if they are. But at least if they are, they're getting to know each other better without lots of public fanfare before making an official announcement. (Shudders remembering Josiah and Marjorie's announcement )

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Years ago I watched a group interview/round table discussion with several actresses, and on the subject of nude scenes they talked about how every little thing was spelled out in contracts--what can be shown, etc., and directors and producers would still show stuff on screen without consent. One actress said that no matter what the verbal and written agreements states, she'd still put band-aids over her nipples during scenes, because if she didn't her nipples would show up in the movie even though she hadn't agreed to it. So if the agreement was that Affleck's penis wouldn't be shown, I understand why he'd be upset. (I've heard actors put their penises in socks or something during scenes for that reason.)

Now I'm reminded of that nude scene Terrence Howard did. His dick is so tiny it's amazing he agreed to have it filmed. And now he's suing his ex, claiming she was blackmailing him, threatening to release photos/videos of his itty-bitty penis.

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It's funny how long time fans of a TV show, movie, video game, or anything really will sometimes get upset with the newer fans. This short YouTube video shows how silly that is in a funny way. Grumpy Star Trek Fan Let's get along now, Doctor Who fans new and old.

Are you implying I don't get along with new fans? Because I AM a new fan. I don't care if a fan is new or old. But it's just the obnoxious ones that bother me. New and old. Thankfully I never have to be around them because I am a 34 year old stay-at-home mom and the obnoxious ones I've seen are not in my demographic.

ETA - Quotes in your post are messed up. I am too lazy to figure out who said what and fix them though. So I just snipped them instead.

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Years ago I watched a group interview/round table discussion with several actresses, and on the subject of nude scenes they talked about how every little thing was spelled out in contracts--what can be shown, etc., and directors and producers would still show stuff on screen without consent. One actress said that no matter what the verbal and written agreements states, she'd still put band-aids over her nipples during scenes, because if she didn't her nipples would show up in the movie even though she hadn't agreed to it. So if the agreement was that Affleck's penis wouldn't be shown, I understand why he'd be upset. (I've heard actors put their penises in socks or something during scenes for that reason.)

Now I'm reminded of that nude scene Terrence Howard did. His dick is so tiny it's amazing he agreed to have it filmed. And now he's suing his ex, claiming she was blackmailing him, threatening to release photos/videos of his itty-bitty penis.

*googles* Wow. I admire his courage, I guess? I can't bring myself to post a regular old selfie on social media, so anyone who can let it all hang out gets kudos from me. Penises fascinate me; I will look at any and all dick pics, just out of curiosity. Yes, even a Duggar dick, if it's ever released. :penguin-no:

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*googles* Wow. I admire his courage, I guess? I can't bring myself to post a regular old selfie on social media, so anyone who can let it all hang out gets kudos from me. Penises fascinate me; I will look at any and all dick pics, just out of curiosity. Yes, even a Duggar dick, if it's ever released. :penguin-no:

When I did cadaver study, we did a cross section of the penis. It's weird. It's much more fascinating that way then when some dude is just swinging it around like a helicopter. Or getting erect and trying to put it in things.

I also heard about actors having to put it in a modesty pouch, and even some that sort of tape or tie the penis down so it doesn't accidently become erect while filming. There's a stand up routine somewhere that addresses it.

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When I did cadaver study, we did a cross section of the penis. It's weird. It's much more fascinating that way then when some dude is just swinging it around like a helicopter. Or getting erect and trying to put it in things.

I also heard about actors having to put it in a modesty pouch, and even some that sort of tape or tie the penis down so it doesn't accidently become erect while filming. There's a stand up routine somewhere that addresses it.

I thought I had bookmarked it, but there's an article out there with quotes from several anonymous actors describing what sex scenes are really like behind the scenes. The awkwardness when erections happen, the awkwardness when they don't(one pair had a flirtation happening and she was highly offended that he didn't get an erection during their scene)...funny stuff that makes me grateful for my lack of desire--or talent--to act.

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When I did cadaver study, we did a cross section of the penis. It's weird. It's much more fascinating that way then when some dude is just swinging it around like a helicopter. Or getting erect and trying to put it in things.


Just when I thought the thread drift could not get anymore weird...

hmmm...also realized that maybe "snip" was not the best choice to indicate a quote trim here.

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Sorry, OT and late to the party, but I'm on the Ardnt's website... and it scares me that they have a link on their page entitled "Come Like A Child"... maybe I'm a creep.. but I think it sounds weird.

There's a lovely (seriously) gospel song from the 70s that references that:

Come as a child

When He calls you to follow

Just come as a child

For His love is untold

Come as a child

When you seek His communion

For then all His blessings unfold

I can honestly say until today, I'd never even considered any double entendre.

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I don't know what Affleck was worried about, that was a pretty good sized dong. :lol:

But back to Jinger and Lawson, I worry about someone like Jinger, who seems to be very sensitive and has a lot of deep-seated issues (probably from her abuse, look at her speech at Jessa's rehearsal dinner for example) being put with someone as narcissistic as Lawson. That guy is in love with himself, he doesn't even seem to *want* to court. You'd think he would be by now? The Bates wouldn't have a problem pairing up their "country music star" son with someone.

I don't know, isn't her best friend Jessa? Jessa is often described as somewhat narcissistic. If she is good at getting along with that she might not mind? Not that it would be super healthy, but what marriage done this way is?

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Interesting, this made me think and I guess many people who know me would think of me as ALWAYS having my hair up because I tie it up before leaving the house, but *I* (who know me as my mild mannered sitting around the house in PJs self) picture myself as having long flowy out hair.

I have very long hair, like...top of my bottom, and always have had at least waist length. I'm in my late 20s and since my teens have been waiting for that urge to cut off my "little girl hair" and have "grown up hair" like everybody else but it's never come, think maybe its time to accept that the urge ain't late, she just ain't showing up

I'm 38, and I have super-thick, wavy hair that goes to my waist. I had it short (chin-length) once, and regardless of what I did to it, it poufed out so much that I looked like a walking penis. I almost always have it in a braid because I teach preschoolers and am active, but, it's easier to take care of long because I don't have to do anything to it. I'll get 6-8 inches chopped off every year or so, but, that's about all I do. I intend to be that old lady with white hair (I've only found white - not grey - hairs so far) cascading down her back.

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I like having long hair, I've pretty much always had long hair - every now and then I chop it off, but never above my chin, and then I let it grow out again. I can't see myself ever going shorter than chin-length. I quite like the idea of being one of those older eccentric ladies with long grey hair in a braid. Like a witch. :D As long as it stays healthy, anyway. My grandma and my mother were both blessed with beautiful, thick, healthy, shiny silver hair when they went grey, so I've got my fingers crossed.

I think the 'rule' about keeping your hair short after a certain age is on its way out. I think we will start seeing more and more older women with longer hair.

We cal my MIL the silver fox. She has long silver hair that hangs down almost to her butt. She usually wears it up in a bun when she goes out, but sometimes it is in a pony tail, she (and I quote) doesn't give a rats ass. She's 76, I so want to be her when I grow up. :mrgreen:

I was forced to wear my hair short as a child because my mom refused to deal with "all my damn hair" (I had long thick curly hair) when I say short I mean boy hair cut, just his side of a buzz cut short. I was in 7th grade before she stopped taking me to get hair cuts every 6 weeks, when I threw yet another fit as she tried to take me. So I was in 8th grade before I had hair past my chin. Now I refuse to cut it shorter than shoulder length. I don't mind girls with long hair, even down to their waist, as long as it is well cared for. We've all seen those girls that have those thin wispy ends that come to a point, that is horrible, but well trimmed hair, even down to your butt, looks good IMO.

I LOVE Jessa's hair, and Ginger and Joy's as well, they have very thick, long healthy looking hair. Jill's looks a bit sckraggly but not bad.

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Is this Lawson's response to the courting rumors?


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Is this Lawson's response to the courting rumors?


Some of the comments identify that blonde girl as Katie. I wouldn't have recognized her but when you look closely it does look like her. It's been a few weeks now since the Ginger rumors so I don't know that he'd be responding to them now. What I've noticed lately is that he's hanging out with Trace a lot where it used to be Nathan. Nathan must be busy courting that Salyer girl.

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I thought the *snip* was perfectly placed ;)

goodness, this thread has really gone off topic lol

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Some of the comments identify that blonde girl as Katie. I wouldn't have recognized her but when you look closely it does look like her. It's been a few weeks now since the Ginger rumors so I don't know that he'd be responding to them now. What I've noticed lately is that he's hanging out with Trace a lot where it used to be Nathan. Nathan must be busy courting that Salyer girl.

Who is Katie?

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Are you implying I don't get along with new fans? Because I AM a new fan. I don't care if a fan is new or old. But it's just the obnoxious ones that bother me. New and old. Thankfully I never have to be around them because I am a 34 year old stay-at-home mom and the obnoxious ones I've seen are not in my demographic.

ETA - Quotes in your post are messed up. I am too lazy to figure out who said what and fix them though. So I just snipped them instead.

Whoa there. I was just pointing out how silly it was for old fans to get snippy with new fans. You implied the negative and replied rudely. You need some self reflection time.

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I don't know. I don't think they are courting. Lawson strikes me as a guy who wants a uber beautiful "look at me, look at me, I'm so hot and beautiful"-kind of girl. So Jessa would be a better fit for him, imo. Don't get me wrong, Jinger is very pretty, but in a more subtil way despite of the fake tan and the eyeliner. And she is too shy for him...I fear she could become his doormat. Please, Jinge, don't do it.

I don't get it: For fundies it's either 1) "They are a perfect couple because they are soooo much a like they could be brother and sister"

or 2) "they make a perfect couple because they complement each other", ha, which means they are opposites in any way possible and have nothing in common...

the only well matched young fundie couple I know are Erin and Chad.

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She really, really does remind me of Cersei: bitchy in a fun way, but also imagines herself to be far more competent than she actually is. Michelle is definitely Lysa Arryn (and Josie is Robin/Robert). JB is Walder Frey. Alternately, JB is Roose Bolton: doing absolutely nothing to stop his sexually predatory, sadistic asshole of a son.

*casually sidesteps the peen discussion to return to GoT*

Is it a bad thing that I could imagine Michelle as a cross between Lysa and Selyse Baratheon with the babies in jars? Is that in poor taste?

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*casually sidesteps the peen discussion to return to GoT*

Is it a bad thing that I could imagine Michelle as a cross between Lysa and Selyse Baratheon with the babies in jars? Is that in poor taste?

No, Michelle probably would've gone full Selyse if that was socially acceptable. If Michelle is Lysa, I wonder who her Littlefinger would be? That neighbor she "defrauded" as a teenager? Pushing her through the Moon Door while saying "Only my wife."

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*Jumps headfirst (heh) back into the peen discussion

Oh, I had no idea that penises were autopsied...seriously. :shock: I've watched a partial autopsy before, and I just assumed the peen was left alone unless it somehow contributed to the cause of death.

I'm not sure how that would work, though.

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*Jumps headfirst (heh) back into the peen discussion

Oh, I had no idea that penises were autopsied...seriously. :shock: I've watched a partial autopsy before, and I just assumed the peen was left alone unless it somehow contributed to the cause of death.

I'm not sure how that would work, though.

Hmm. A peen-related death? Caffeine hasn't kicked in. How could that be...? Oh, never mind. :?

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Hmm. A peen-related death? Caffeine hasn't kicked in. How could that be...? Oh, never mind. :?

Yeah, my caffeine just now kicked in. I heard a story once about someone dying from Priapism, but could find nothing to support that. Men tend to survive Priapism, but according to Wikipedia, the treatment isn't much fun.

I still can't think of any reason why a peen would be autopsied.

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