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Harry & Meghan 17: St Meghan's Hagiography

Coconut Flan

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Omid Scobie's latest concoction is so biased I had to rename it.  

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8 minutes ago, Coconut Flan said:


Omid Scobie's latest concoction is so biased I had to rename it.  

The tabloids should be renamed too, because they are certainly biased.

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The whiff of desperation drifting from Cali way Is noticeable.  But of course Meg and Harry had nothing to do with this book! Scoobie never even spoke to them!  No way!  

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I actually doubt they did speak to him. They’re not going to have another Finding Freedom moment. However, I’m sure they did authorize other people to speak to him and verified what they wanted said. 

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Because You know They just really really really want some kind of response, any response at all  from his family to give theme something to work with and twist and get mileage out of. It’s all rather pathetic. 

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24 minutes ago, tabitha2 said:

Because You know They just really really really want some kind of response, any response at all  from his family to give theme something to work with and twist and get mileage out of. It’s all rather pathetic. 

Why get so ramped up by a book that will be forgotten in a few months, like other books about royals? 

I did not see any handwringing about Tom Bower's book, or Jeremy Clarkson, or any of the other British writers. Content matters!

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1 hour ago, tabitha2 said:

Because You know They just really really really want some kind of response, any response at all  from his family to give theme something to work with and twist and get mileage out of. It’s all rather pathetic. 

Yes and I really hope there will be none. The „recollections may vary“ statement was genius and should be the one and only response to all the different versions of the same handful of stories coming from Montecito. 

As for Omid Scobie, I‘m not even sure he needs any more authorisation to attack the Waleses. To me he seems to have made this vendetta his own so much, there may be a point in the future when even Harry & Meghan feel it‘s enough but Omid won‘t because it still sells his books.

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11 hours ago, viii said:

I actually doubt they did speak to him. They’re not going to have another Finding Freedom moment. However, I’m sure they did authorize other people to speak to him and verified what they wanted said. 

How else could Scobie have seen the letters?! She has leaked letters in the past to friends that she knew would be leaked.  She would have only shown those letters for the purpose of those names being leaked. 

My impression was that Harry was kinda wanting that issue to go away a bit after he had that interview in which he denied the racism.  So did Harry have a change of heart? or is Meghan really wanting revenge on the RF that badly?

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I'm not doubting that they supplied information to friends and authorized them to speak to Scobie. However, I really doubt that Harry and Meghan personally spoke to him, because they're not going to be caught lying in the courtroom again. 

I think it's more Meghan than Harry. He definitely seems like he wanted the subject brushed under the rug, and probably regrets his teasing remarks on Oprah. Maybe he didn't expect it to blow up the way he did. Or perhaps he's had a change of heart. Who knows. But I think that Meghan likes to continue engaging with the RF because it's a sure fire way to be relevant. Without the royal family, the Sussex brand hasn't delivered much else. 

I also think Scobie is a pathetic scab and has attached himself to Meghan. Her vendettas have become his and I think he's gunning for the BRF as a way to please her. 

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4 minutes ago, viii said:

I'm not doubting that they supplied information to friends and authorized them to speak to Scobie. However, I really doubt that Harry and Meghan personally spoke to him, because they're not going to be caught lying in the courtroom again. 

I think it's more Meghan than Harry. He definitely seems like he wanted the subject brushed under the rug, and probably regrets his teasing remarks on Oprah. Maybe he didn't expect it to blow up the way he did. Or perhaps he's had a change of heart. Who knows. But I think that Meghan likes to continue engaging with the RF because it's a sure fire way to be relevant. Without the royal family, the Sussex brand hasn't delivered much else. 

I also think Scobie is a pathetic scab and has attached himself to Meghan. Her vendettas have become his and I think he's gunning for the BRF as a way to please her. 

I agree.  I think a part of Harry knows that he ever wants a relationship with his family again that this scorched earth approach is not going to help and maybe (?!) that is why he pulled back some of his comments. 

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On 11/30/2023 at 9:44 AM, TN-peach said:

I agree.  I think a part of Harry knows that he ever wants a relationship with his family again that this scorched earth approach is not going to help and maybe (?!) that is why he pulled back some of his comments. 

I am not sure if he cares about having a relationship with his family again. He's moved away, he spent the minimum contact at the coronation, he has continued to sue Murdoch. . . he has done what he believes in, even though it pisses off his family. 

According to Endgame, it's Charles who has been very rigid. After a lifetime of getting everything he wants, he's unlikely to learn flexibility now. He doesn't seem to care about seeing the Sussex kids, so there's no motivation there.

I think this relationship is at a standstill for the time being, and maybe that's the best thing. Unfortunately, William seems as my-way-or-the-highway as Charles. He's also had a lifetime of getting whatever he wants. It's not the kind of background that lends itself to flexibilty or compassion.



Even if Omid did leak the names in the Dutch book, how is that different from the royals leaking things to the press? 

I'm puzzled by the uproar about whether H&M called the royals racists. Is there anyone who thinks the royals are open-minded and inclusive? Not even Piers Morgan thinks that, and he's the one who revealed the names and acted outraged. A few years ago, he said something very different.



If it's perfectly normal to ask about an unborn child's skin color, then why all the fuss? Why does the King care? Why is it all over the papers about "leaking the name"?  It's not being treated like a normal question, it's being treated like a racist statement. Yet I thought it was something everyone does?

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These very high ranked aristocrats and Royals  are a beyond tight knit group. They have family bonds going back literally centuries, go to the same elite schools, have pretty much the same pastimes, charitable causes  and traditions, even date and/or marry each other’s Ex’s with no issue. 

My feelings for Meghan aside if the rumors  are true some of the Terrible snobs made fun of and sneered at Kate and Even Prince Phillip how do you think they handled biracial divorced Meghan Markle with her liberal American opinions? 

No way she will ever get an invite to one of their society events or want to go if they invite Harry I would think. 





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I’m not surprised they weren’t invited, either. Meghan has never fit into their world (good for her!) and Harry has given up a lot of those connections. The lack of an invite says a lot more about the wedded couple than it does about Harry and Meghan, imo. 

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3 hours ago, Coconut Flan said:

Oopsie.  This is what happens when you put people in a position to need to choose.  Yes, this is the Daily Mail, but it's all over the internet.


If MM didn't go to the coronation, I doubt she'd want to go to this wedding. As for Harry, if he spent about 30 seconds at his father's coronation, I can't imagine he would back for a friend's wedding.

I imagine they both have better things to do in CA.

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13 hours ago, Coconut Flan said:

Oopsie.  This is what happens when you put people in a position to need to choose.  Yes, this is the Daily Mail, but it's all over the internet.


This makes me think of the "Am I the Asshole" subreddit where wedding stories are aplenty.  I can see it now "WIBTAH for not inviting a lifelong friend and his wife to my wedding.  Here is the story - he and another good friend are brothers.  I am godfather to both of their children.  One of them has been gossiping about the other and making it really uncomfortable for all of us.  Our social group now has to choose sides. Should I invite both to my wedding or just one? If I invite both then the wedding becomes about them and not me and the bride."   

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I guarantee they  Invite Harry and Wife and  most of their peer group is either disgruntled or uncomfortable or will  just call off, William and Catherine who they actually want to attend might well choose to pass as well  and everyone there is going be guarded in cases  things said mysteriously appear in the media or in a tell all. And most of these folks are relatively private and really don’t want the media circus. 

it’s really not much of a choice. 




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7 hours ago, tabitha2 said:

I guarantee they  Invite Harry and Wife and  most of their peer group is either disgruntled or uncomfortable or will  just call off, William and Catherine who they actually want to attend might well choose to pass as well  and everyone there is going be guarded in cases  things said mysteriously appear in the media or in a tell all. And most of these folks are relatively private and really don’t want the media circus. 

Here's what I don't understand. Why are they guarded? What exactly does the gentry talk about, that needs to be hidden?

When I go to weddings, I say things like this:

"How are the kids?

"Still working at the same place?"

"How's your mom doing?"

If these statements got in the media, that would be fine with me.

What is the gentry "guarded" about saying?  it must be pretty bad if they need to keep it "hidden." Plus, many of these aristocrats have written books themselves, some pretty critical.  Or done podcasts. (Diana's brother, an earl, has done both).  Are they shunned, too?


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Well I doubt Meghan will care but Harry might. Not sure how many new good friends he has managed to make, beyond his former snobby UK set.

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Most of the article is about how Charles won’t be attending Kate’s concert due to a prior engagement but this line stood out to me, “In January 2023, Harry said that Meghan did not intend to accuse the royals of racism but rather unconscious bias. The prince introduced the notion it may have been curiosity as opposed rather than concern.”

Oh bullshit! Bringing up their stories was going to accuse the royal family of racism. That’s basic cause and effect This isn’t a reason to keep silent, but don’t play dumb later. 




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Just cluelessly Dumb is one thing. Not everyone can be the brightest. Simply need to smarter  people to guide them to better choices and words. 


Disingenuousness , underhanded, manipulative game playing  to cause others harm  while playing innocent is another thing all-together 

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3 hours ago, tabitha2 said:

Just cluelessly Dumb is one thing. Not everyone can be the brightest. Simply need to smarter  people to guide them to better choices and words. 


Disingenuousness , underhanded, manipulative game playing  to cause others harm  while playing innocent is another thing all-together 

I don't think we can accuse Meghan of being dumb. She went to one of the most elite colleges in the US.

I think she was reluctant to insult her inlaws but hey, they were racist. In fact, they have a long, long history of blatant racism. Lots of people have called them racist. 

Why would we expect a biracial woman to sit quietly and take racism? 


7 hours ago, tabitha2 said:

These people were his world from earliest childhood till just a few years ago. He probably loved this guy like a brother and maybe more so of course it hurts. 


Loved this guy like a brother--like Wills, you mean? 

Maybe he cared about him, maybe he though he was a pompous nitwit. There's no way for us to know.

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