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Joshley Madison Part 5 - Rehab and women and porn - oh my!


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Only immediate family and your home pastor are supposed to be on the contact list, which is the same one used for phone calls and visits, I believe. But no, I don't think David Waller will be visiting.

I believe Jim Bob will be the first visitor, to see how well Josh is being tamed and reinforce what the consequences will be for any future bad behavior. If Anna doesn't bail (and I don't think she will, but am hoping), I could see her visiting toward the end of his stay...but without the M-kids. Don't know who else would want to visit. Josh had a lot of support after the molestation became public, and then proceeded to humiliate them when his infidelity was exposed.

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My SIL did a similar program for addicts through Calvary Chapel. She actually stayed for a year. Twice. It was like slave labor. And every infraction resulted in her graduation date being pushed back. Now, you would think, who would voluntarily do such a program? But a lot of people are so out of control in their own lives that they willingly give up all freedom of choice to let someone else manage their lives.

Now, Josh isn't one of those people! He is going to hate this. I don't even think he's an addict. He just likes sex, like most people. He is probably only doing this for the good publicity - so he can redeem himself and look like he's made efforts before he gives a big interview. But hey, I hope he does get it together because, if he's going to stay with Anna, it would be nice if he stopped ruining her life. She can't even go to Walmart anymore without everyone knowing her husband has major issues.

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Reading the description of this 'rehab' made me think of Julia Scheeres' memoir "Jesus Land," about the experience she and her siblings had in a Christian reform school in the Dominican Republic. Of course they had it much worse because they were children in the care of sadists, but there are definitely similarities: the strict segregation by gender, the enforced labor, the endless parade of church services, the fact that they're encouraged to report each other's infractions, be they ever so minor.

Have you seen Kate Logan's documentary "Kidnapped for Christ," which is set at the same facility? It's even more chilling to see that crap than it is to read about it, which is really saying something given how creepy Scheeres' (no doubt accurate) descriptions of that particular hellhole were. I think it's on Netflix Instant and/or Amazon Prime. I watched the whole thing like: :pull-hair:

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Has this been posted yet?


Ask R.C.: How Should We Respond to the Recent Scandal Regarding Josh Duggar?

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I've been lurking for quite some time. I'm not one to really follow celebrity gossip, but there's something fascinating about Josh and his family. I think it has to do with the disturbing combination of ignorance and arrogance. Also, I'm a mental health professional and my boyfriend comes from a family of fundamental Christians who, predictably, are pretty terrible people. Anyway, back to Josh... It's hard to wrap my head around how someone could be so completely naive about how the world works while at the same time being so controlling, manipulative, and deceitful. With his FRC gig he had to have realized that he was making enemies, but to be so completely obtuse that he thought his "indiscretions" would never see the light of day and that those he had dedicated his life to oppressing wouldn't exploit this information is just mind boggling to me. Making sure you have your s*** in order before you criticize others, that's a lesson most kids learn in middle school through normal you know... socialization. I just wish that the parents would own some of the responsibility in this whole debacle, and maybe their "perfect family recipe" isn't turning out the competent, caring, well adjusted young adults that they had hoped. Also, poor Anna! Whether or not she decides to stay, I sincerely hope that it's her choice. The children will suffer no matter what she decides. I don't really have much to add to the discussion that hasn't already been said, but writing this has been cathartic because many of these issues hit close to home.

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I'm sure this "rehab" place keeps people isolated from the outside world, no news, no Internet, etc. So I imagine Josh doesn't know what has come out and what hasn't. He has to be wondering if any of his sexual partners have talked to the media, if who-knows-what-else has been discovered, etc.

Is he worried or is he such a smug little bastard that he thinks it didn't matter because everyone will have to forgive him?

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Stay and embrace the feeling of Satan building a fortress around your heart.

Please tell me that's a user title. Is there a list of all of them somewhere?

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Has this been posted yet?


Ask R.C.: How Should We Respond to the Recent Scandal Regarding Josh Duggar?

And he starts with this: "We shouldn’t. Sorry to burst the bubble, but unless you are his family, his employer, his elders or his church, it’s none of your business. I am none of those things. Yet I find myself reading about it, praying about it, thinking about it." And he ends with "mind your own business."

In other words, we will tell you how you should live your life and everything you're doing that is wrong and sinful. But when one of us does something wrong, it's none of your business.

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So I did a Google image search on Reformers Unanimous because I just wanted to snark on the fundie women's uniforms. I didn't find a photo of those but I did find this from a year ago. Now I'm kind of wondering if JB worked his grifter magic to get a deal on his stay in this bullshit rehab?


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Please tell me that's a user title. Is there a list of all of them somewhere?

I hope I trimmed this right, but responding to say there is a thread in SOTDRT that lists all post counts and at what post, I believe it needs an update, but I found it really entertaining to go through :D

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It would be ironic if Smuggar were the first to leave the cult.

I reckon he will be the first. It may take some years, but I think he'll go.

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I reckon he will be the first. It may take some years, but I think he'll go.

I think so too. He's the one with the most skeletons but also the one who's been failed by his parents the most.

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I think so too. He's the one with the most skeletons but also the one who's been failed by his parents the most.

I think at this point they have all been failed by their parents almost equally...with the girls being in the lead because they are in an even worse situation than their boys

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I'll see your pepsi and raise you three animal crackers.

Hey, at least Scott Disick isn't a child molester (as far as we know).

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That's also a horrible setting for "treating" eating disorders.

And don't forget the rule about not complaining about the food. Because what every recovering ED survivor needs is food they can't even stomach.

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I was reading today about why some adolescents have sexual behaviour problems. From what I read, sexually deviant behaviour in children/adolescents actually has little to do with sexuality itself. In fact, it is often associated with alleviating anxiety. That anxiety is often the result of past trauma.

One article I was reading described the scenario very similar to Josh, where a teenager compulsively engages in sexually inappropriate behaviour, then confesses it soon after, only to receive punishment or reprimand for their wrongdoing. This cycle continues. The punishment is largely ineffective. In fact, the behaviour gets worse and more severe.

It is theorised that this behaviour pattern is common among children who hold an internal belief within themselves that they are a bad/wrong/dirty/disgusting/unworthy person. By acting out and "confessing" their wrongdoing, they receive punishment. This punishment delivers a certain satisfaction to the child, believing it confirms again what they suspected about themselves, that they are a bad person.

At least to me, this makes a lot of sense re: Josh. Josh has such a self deprecating sense of humour, it has always made me wonder. He makes fun of himself all the time, and since living independently, he has only become more overweight, tired and unhealthy looking. I think he feels on the inside, how he looks on the outside.

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Hey, at least Scott Disick isn't a child molester (as far as we know).

And yet the fundies would be TERRIFIED of being around him, I'm sure...

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So joshie in an ATI rehab now? i wonder how long he stays there..

NO. NO. NO. (This has been posted multiple times).

This program is staffed by the Hyles/ HAC/ FBCHammond flavor of fundies.

However - They are NOT any better than the Gothard flavor.

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I was reading today about why some adolescents have sexual behaviour problems. From what I read, sexually deviant behaviour in children/adolescents actually has little to do with sexuality itself. In fact, it is often associated with alleviating anxiety. That anxiety is often the result of past trauma.

One article I was reading described the scenario very similar to Josh, where a teenager compulsively engages in sexually inappropriate behaviour, then confesses it soon after, only to receive punishment or reprimand for their wrongdoing. This cycle continues. The punishment is largely ineffective. In fact, the behaviour gets worse and more severe.

It is theorised that this behaviour pattern is common among children who hold an internal belief within themselves that they are a bad/wrong/dirty/disgusting/unworthy person. By acting out and "confessing" their wrongdoing, they receive punishment. This punishment delivers a certain satisfaction to the child, believing it confirms again what they suspected about themselves, that they are a bad person.

At least to me, this makes a lot of sense re: Josh. Josh has such a self deprecating sense of humour, it has always made me wonder. He makes fun of himself all the time, and since living independently, he has only become more overweight, tired and unhealthy looking. I think he feels on the inside, how he looks on the outside.

Recently I stumbled upon this documentary on youtube:

(not breaking because youtube).

It's about juvenile sex offenders, and I think you will find it interesting, although I must warn you that the content is quite disturbing (they don't go into too much detail, but a lot is implied).

The central figure in the documentary had a very traumatic background, and he states that he did what he did not for sexual gratification of any kind at all, but for the feeling of being in control it gave him, the feeling of power he had because he could do this and get away with it. Disturbingly, he started molesting when he was just 8 (!) years old, and was only caught when he was 12.

This documentary made me think of Josh, when Joshgate 1 hit the news. It's one of the reasons I think that he too is a very disturbed, broken individual. This so-called rehab will NOT help him in any way at all.

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I think at this point they have all been failed by their parents almost equally...with the girls being in the lead because they are in an even worse situation than their boys


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Probably some ISTJs. Far fewer INTJs and probably hardly any INTPs. They'd probably wander off in very early childhood, preferring to be raised in the woods by wolves.

Amen. I've tested as both INTJ and INTP, depending on when I've taken the test, but I think something like this would send me into a full on psychotic break. :pull-hair:

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Please tell me that's a user title. Is there a list of all of them somewhere?

List of user titles in the SOTDRT. :)

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