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How do men go without sex until they are married, often not until their mid-late 20s even in the patriarchal world, but once they are married, it suddenly becomes on par with food, water and air?

I guess it would blow Ken's mind that I was essentially hospitalized for 7 months and yet my husband hasn't turned into some kind of raging porn addicted horn dog that is throwing himself at any woman that shows a tiny bit of cleavage or a collarbone or ankle.

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How do men go without sex until they are married, often not until their mid-late 20s even in the patriarchal world, but once they are married, it suddenly becomes on par with food, water and air?

I guess it would blow Ken's mind that I was essentially hospitalized for 7 months and yet my husband hasn't turned into some kind of raging porn addicted horn dog that is throwing himself at any woman that shows a tiny bit of cleavage or a collarbone or ankle.

Obviously that's only because you must have your husband's password.

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Obviously that's only because you must have your husband's password.

I do because I do his computer maintenance..he's not a tech type. However, right now I can't get to his computer and I couldn't when I was in the hospital either. I think it's more because he's a normal husband, plus I don't care if he looks at porn or not really. I'm sure he does on occasion. As long as it's not something illegal, he's an adult and I trust him, so I don't care. Maybe I'm just weird.

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How do men go without sex until they are married, often not until their mid-late 20s even in the patriarchal world, but once they are married, it suddenly becomes on par with food, water and air?

I guess it would blow Ken's mind that I was essentially hospitalized for 7 months and yet my husband hasn't turned into some kind of raging porn addicted horn dog that is throwing himself at any woman that shows a tiny bit of cleavage or a collarbone or ankle.

I think that's why she argues for getting married early (before you have all of your ducks in a row). Better to marry the wrong person and get a free pass on the sex than to wait and "burn".

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I think that's why she argues for getting married early (before you have all of your ducks in a row). Better to marry the wrong person and get a free pass on the sex than to wait and "burn".

They are so ridiculous. Marrying the wrong person is much worse than being horny (just look at their marriage as a shining example). Masturbation is easy and has little downside, so it's much preferable to being with the wrong person for 50+ years.

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How do men go without sex until they are married, often not until their mid-late 20s even in the patriarchal world, but once they are married, it suddenly becomes on par with food, water and air?

I guess it would blow Ken's mind that I was essentially hospitalized for 7 months and yet my husband hasn't turned into some kind of raging porn addicted horn dog that is throwing himself at any woman that shows a tiny bit of cleavage or a collarbone or ankle.

I'm actually kind of embarrassed for these men who allow themselves to be portrayed as sexual blobs who walk around in a constant state of arousal. My husband and son absolutely hate this conservative Christian stereotype of men. Why don't Ken and his ilk want people to know they are more than that? That they are better than the beasts of the field and actually were given traits like reason and self control? Do they like being minimized to nothing but walking sex organs? I guess since that is how they consider women, it's only fair to consider themselves that way too - so in a way, it's the one area of equality that exists in their world.

In my world, though, men have self control and self respect. They also respect their wives and want sex to be mutually pleasant and satisfying. Obligatory sex is not in their vocabulary. But then, I married and raised decent men.

Neither Ken's mother nor his wife can say the same.

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Obviously that's only because you must have your husband's password.

Poor Cuteneurorad, already 36 never been kissed and I (his mother) have his password....

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Soda really is bad for you and sugary drinks do play a large role in obesity. Drinks do not make you feel full, they do not contain fiber, protein or any nutrients that the body really needs and they can trigger insulin surges which cause more cravings and a host of other health issues. As they say, even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Of course, she and Ken are dead wrong on food guilt and fat shaming. Eating healthy has very little to do with willpower and making someone feel bad just triggers more cravings and emotional eating. No expert today thinks that force feeding or extreme food battle or denying a hungry tot food are good ideas.

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Ken at big gay parties having a big gay time ... The mental image that brings!


"every sinner and self-righteous person is welcome at my dinner table"

Ken = sinner, Lori = self-righteous

"Much like a wife is to win her disobedient husband by her chaste and godly behavior, and not her words ... As I have said to many men who are struggling with porn, or other sexual sins, “It doesn’t matter.â€

Someone got busted with porn in one hand and Mr. Happy in the other again.

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Koala, I'm going to need some of your translations today :)

*raising hand now* Yeah, me too.

I think, maybe, someone called Ken a horrible intolerant person (can't imagine who might think that :lol: ) and he's using Lori's blog to prove he is all loving and accepting of everybody. Maybe?? Kind of, sort of??

Oh, heck. I have no idea.

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So Ken is able to be friends with gays adulterers embezzlers and porn lovers but calss women who have jobs the whore of babylon. I'm guessing he is ok with male sinners but not feminists or working women because they lack a penis.

lorken should rename their blog Monsters Inc.

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I doubt I can translate this, but I'd like to respond to this first paragraph.

This may be hard for some to believe, given the stand on Bible truth that Lori and I may take, that I have friends I love dearly who are adulterers, embezzlers, gay, and yes, a few that are quite self-righteous. I have had long, caring discussions with husbands who are sleeping with another man’s wife, with gays about the hardships of being gay, and enjoyed myself at gay parties that were quite ordinary. Much like many believers, I try to take Jesus with me as I crisscross North America and Europe helping people as I consult with their businesses. About eighty evenings a year for 34 years I've spent with the privilege of entering into the lives of all sorts of people, saints and sinners, becoming their friend, and coming to love them deeply

*Ken has friends who are adulterers, embezzlers, gay (can't believe I'm typing this) and self righteous (pot, meet kettle), yet he spends his time on Lori's blog telling women they are sinners for not giving their husbands sex on demand and condemning them for not overlooking their husbands' porn addictions. Seems his time could be used more effectively - like calling the authorities on his embezzling friends.

*He has "long caring discussions with men who are sleeping with another man's wife," but expects an abused woman to stay with her husband but if she must leave, perhaps she could return a few days a week to cook and clean for him.

*He's been to gay parties that are actually quite ordinary. WHAT THE HECK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!?

*He "helps people" and takes Jesus with him as he meets with Saints and Sinners...blah blah blah... as he travels North America and Europe. :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: Was Ken knighted while in Europe? Because why is he so proudly proclaiming that he breaks bread with saints and sinners as though most people are below him? Good Grief, he's such a pompous twit. And since he's got me so riled up...could he JUST STOP with the mentions of traveling to Europe?!? Seriously, just stop! The number of countries my husband visits for work is probably as high as the number of women Ken hits on, and he has NEVER claimed it was God's work. He's not on the mission field fighting Ebola, he's not hiding the victims of ISIS. He's doing work that supports our family. Just like Ken is, except my husband doesn't feel the need to humble brag "I take Jesus all over the world with me...." because when one has to remind people how decent and Christ-like he is, well...probably, he's...you know...NOT!!

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So Ken is able to be friends with gays adulterers embezzlers and porn lovers but calss women who have jobs the whore of babylon. I'm guessing he is ok with male sinners but not feminists or working women because they lack a penis.

lorken should rename their blog Monsters Inc.

Oh, yeah!!

Hey Ken, if you're so loving and accepting of everyone who is just on the same journey, why are you using such vile language against women (who have no call to answer to you, by the way) who simply work outside the home. THAT is not illegal. Embezzling is.

If we ever needed proof that ken simply hates women, this post is it. He tolerates all sin except the "sins" that women commit when they go against the New KENternational Version of the Bible.

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I'm laughing so much I can barely type. "For some, it is incongruent that a Christian can stand strong on God’s truths as the Bible clearly teaches, yet is able to accept people right where they are; no condemnation, no demand for change, no judgmentalism, just good, honest conversations sharing life."

:laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling::laughing-rolling:

Unfrickenbelievable. Ken, you just jumped the biggest shark in the ocean.

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*He's been to gay parties that are actually quite ordinary. WHAT THE HECK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!?

lol, I can tell you what that means. Although I really prefer my mental image of a bunch of "Just Jack" or Ab Soto-type guys running around being all fabulous and whatnot.

What he means is that he's been to parties hosted (or attended) by someone who is gay. One of my friends likes to say that about the so-called "gay lifestyle": She gay gardens, gay laundries, gay washes dishes, gay cooks dinner, gay drives her kids to school, etc. Apparently she also gay parties, in Ken's weird little mind.

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All I as a Christian ask for is the same kindness and consideration I see as, “common human decency,†that should be given to all people everywhere, no matter what their religion, race, gender or sexual orientation. The same decency Christ showed to the sinners, saints and self-righteous Pharisees. Allow Christians to exercise our American right to free speech in telling the world that we are against all sins, even those we commit ourselves.

*Waving The Stars and Stripes* Let's not overlook Ken's attempt (AGAIN) to bring up his right to free speech.

*sigh* FOR. THE. LAST. TIME. Nobody is infringing upon your right to free speech, Ken. There has been no government intervention towards you or your little blog. You are not being told to quit posting lest you face imprisonment or fines. Using GOGGLE TACTICS doesn't count, even if it were possible.

And, no, you are not against the sins you commit yourselves. Lori regularly commits the sin of gossip and unwholesome talk. You frequently admit that you commit the sin of lust and intimate that you view porn, yet when anyone points out that those are wrong, you insist that the WORSE sin is being angry about porn usage. If you hated your own sin, you would confess to it and say it was wrong. PERIOD. FULL STOP. But you always have to add that others do it too, or God only mentions it once so it's not that bad. You do NOT hate Josh Duggar's sin of molesting his sisters or you would state loud and clear that he was wrong and sinful and that he should face consequences. PERIOD. FULL STOP. NO QUALIFIERS. Instead you insist that most fourteen year old boys have molested their sisters, or worse.

I hope you know that your stance on Josh's SIN OF MOLESTING HIS SISTERS has made people wonder what has gone on in your own home with your two sons and two daughters. Do you have a sister, Ken?

So, no, you do not hate all sin. You hate sin that has nothing to do with you - mainly the "sins" you perceive as being committed by rebellious women.

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Question 1). What is with these guys and porn? Apparently most men are addicted to, or view with regularity, porn. Seriously. What is their deal with this crap??

Question 2). Am I the only one who thinks that spending eighty nights a year meeting with, and loving, sinners isn't frequently enough to be brag-worthy?

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lol, I can tell you what that means. Although I really prefer my mental image of a bunch of "Just Jack" or Ab Soto-type guys running around being all fabulous and whatnot.

What he means is that he's been to parties hosted (or attended) by someone who is gay. One of my friends likes to say that about the so-called "gay lifestyle": She gay gardens, gay laundries, gay washes dishes, gay cooks dinner, gay drives her kids to school, etc. Apparently she also gay parties, in Ken's weird little mind.

Exactly. So a gay party that is 'actually quite ordinary' means that even though some of the attendees were gay, they nevertheless chit-chatted, drank beverages and ate food! Maybe listened to music! Can you imagine? Why, it's almost as if those people are human! :roll:

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The comments are weirdly leghumpy. Like I feel like these people are teenage girls passing out at a One Direction concert.

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He was probably expecting a gay party to be a bunch of dudes having an orgy and doing drugs while dressed in leather bondage gear.

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I think Ken's "quite ordinary gay parties" is meant to debunk the stereotype that he and those like him have of the gay community. They think that the gay community walk around in a constant state of arousal looking for someone to defraud or molest. You know, the way these fundamentalist think of all men.

As for his eighty days a year breaking bread with sinners - that's just his way of throwing it out there that he's an international traveler but is still humble enough to eat with "the lowest of these."

Puh-lease. Many of us on FJ have traveled much more widely than Ken and we call it what it is - vacation or work. When Ken goes to Haiti or Nepal or Nicaragua or Africa and gets his hands dirty actually helping people, then I will believe he's "taking Jesus with him."

Skipping a big salad and reaching for a French pastry while discussing schedules is NOT showing people the light of Christ.

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I know I say this all the time.

But I want to remove one of my limbs with a rusty saw whenever I see the phrases "big salad" and "fix nourishing food"

I seriously clenched just typing those.

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I know I say this all the time.

But I want to remove one of my limbs with a rusty saw whenever I see the phrases "big salad" and "fix nourishing food"

I seriously clenched just typing those.

I know what you mean. I used to kind of laugh at the term because I'd picture Elaine on Seinfeld asking for one at the diner. Now, though, I've learned that it actually is a tool of abuse for people like Klorien and Erika Shupe; i.e. "We were concerned when our daughter refused to eat her big salad (sorry!) and ate more snacks, so we started fat shaming her."

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So in my confession of coming out, I want to make sure that it is clear that I plan on continuing to love all of my gay friends, those struggling with worse sins, and anyone who God chooses to put into my journey of life.

Wait, Ken is gay?!

Or does he just not know what that phrase typically refers to?

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