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I don't think these people need submission. They just need to smarten up and get some basic courtesy and common sense.

This. It's obvious in very nearly every post Lori makes that she hates Ken, and I don't think Ken is all that fond of her. But I treat perfect strangers and even people I'm not fond of with courtesy and respect. However, I'm one of those heathen agnostics, so what do I know?

It's possible to have a privileged upbringing and still be raised with the knowledge that with privilege comes responsibility. We had a perfect example in Beau Biden. Lori has that really unattractive quality present in too many people these days, thinking that others' realities are the exact same as hers. No, Lori, they most definitely are not, and I am thrilled and thankful that my reality is very different from yours.

As for food becoming a control issue in a marriage....I just can't imagine. What are these people, 3 years old?

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The last thread is mostly someone coming on a few times a week saying "Lori is ridiculous" and then everyone talks about how she's being ridiculous on that particular day.

Oh, and me thinking Lori's daughter in law is smokin' hot.

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Rabid Sheeple:

I want so badly to have another child, but he does not feel the same way. He will not have the vasectomy reversed but is open to adoption. After reading your article I fear that he is willing to adopt in part just to make me happy. Do i just ignore my desire for more kids instead to make him happy?

What The Godly Mentor Says:

Yes, Raquel, you ignore your desire for more kids to make him happy since this is what God requires of you.

What The Godly Mentor Did:

I do have a funny story to end this with. Ken told me I could stay home after I had my second baby. I was a full-time school teacher. I wanted to stay home with Alyssa so badly that I put a hole in my diaphragm and we conceived Ryan! I was so happy because I got to stay home and raise my babies.

Now, I don't recommend using deceit like this in anyway to get your way. I wasn't a submissive wife back then at all but I did get to stay home.

...I always got my way
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Summary: Lori is dumb.

Holy crap, she is seriously dumb!

Lori hates Ken.

Ken doesn't think much better of Lori.

It's not cheating without penetration.

Breastfeeding is vulgar and trashy and immodest, but molesting your sisters is fine.

Lori is always right. (Even though she's really, really dumb.)

Did I miss anything?

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Summary: Lori is dumb.

Holy crap, she is seriously dumb!

Lori hates Ken.

Ken doesn't think much better of Lori.

It's not cheating without penetration.

Breastfeeding is vulgar and trashy and immodest, but molesting your sisters is fine.

Lori is always right. (Even though she's really, really dumb.)

Did I miss anything?

Yes, they are both shady as fuck and molestation apologists.

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God has personally commanded Lori to be a bitch. Don't blame her...she's only doing what God commands! God's ways are ALWAYS best, and when presented with proof that they're not, she sticks a finger in both ears and uses her nose to delete disagreeing comments.

Every family has an incest issue, and when people say they're sorry, everything's totes ok!! :lol: And 14 year olds are just kids! Might as well shut down all the juvenile detention facilities right now, 'cause all it takes to be reformed is an "I'm sorry".

Lorken spend way too much time talking about sex. It's started to interfere with the amount of time they have to talk about modesty.

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Sleepovers are bad. Your kids could be molested by Other People!

What happened to the Duggar girls is totally no big deal. It's not like there was penetration. Besides, Josh was forgiven! That means that he is without sin and everything is totally forgotten.

We have to have the courage to call out the sins of this world.

The only reason that people are criticizing the Duggars is that they are anti-Christians with a liberal agenda being deceived by Satan. We know that the Duggars are a godly family because television never lies.

Life was better when TV just features married couples who didn't have sex ever and pet dinosaurs.

Sign this petition to keep the Duggars on the air! Kindly ignore the whole molestation thing.

Look at my perfect kids with perfect marriages. I deserve all the credit. Then look at me make a passive-aggressive comment about my son-in-law.

Don't ask me hard questions about why only one kid of mine has produced grandchildren. The kids make their own decisions.

Post on the joys of having 9 kids even if pregnancy is dangerous.

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I feel like Lori and Ken are the cautionary tale of two people who should have gotten divorced but didn't.

There is no love in their lives, only hatred. And the gold medal mental gymnastics they've had to do to convince themselves to stay in their loveless union has warped their thinking to the point where they no longer make much sense. They couldn't create a cohesive argument if their lives depended on it.

This isn't the blind leading the blind, Lorken are the Mad Hatters leading some crazy tea party.

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I feel like Lori and Ken are the cautionary tale of two people who should have gotten divorced but didn't.

There is no love in their lives, only hatred. And the gold medal mental gymnastics they've had to do to convince themselves to stay in their loveless union has warped their thinking to the point where they no longer make much sense. They couldn't create a cohesive argument if their lives depended on it.

This isn't the blind leading the blind, Lorken are the Mad Hatters leading some crazy tea party.

Yep. I think they both would have ended up better humans if Ken had dumped(Lori would never leave Ken, she wants his money) Lori's manipulative ass a long time ago. Lori brought out the worst side of Ken and without Ken's money Lori might have had a chance to see that life isn't as easy as she claims. Having to work to support herself would have done Lori a world of good.

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I'm pissed I put the wrong email address on my comment. She didn't public my respectful post and I'm sure I'm missing out on a great explanation as to why!

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I'm pissed I put the wrong email address on my comment. She didn't public my respectful post and I'm sure I'm missing out on a great explanation as to why!

You should email and explain you put the wrong address and ask why she didn't post it. She will probably make Ken reply and he will send you an eleventy page email saying that you are just a troll from Free Jinger trying to stir up drama on a godly blog. He will not give an actually answer..

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Yep. I think they both would have ended up better humans if Ken had dumped(Lori would never leave Ken, she wants his money) Lori's manipulative ass a long time ago. Lori brought out the worst side of Ken and without Ken's money Lori might have had a chance to see that life isn't as easy as she claims. Having to work to support herself would have done Lori a world of good.

Now, this really made me LOL! I've just passed a happy five minutes trying to picture Lori working......in Macy's lingerie department......in McDonald's.......in the child protection services.....

Hours of fun in this!!!

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Now, this really made me LOL! I've just passed a happy five minutes trying to picture Lori working......in Macy's lingerie department......in McDonald's.......in the child protection services.....

Hours of fun in this!!!

What was Lori's job before she tricked Ken into getting her pregnant so she didn't have to work? I honestly can't imagine her being a pleasant co-worker at any job.

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What was Lori's job before she tricked Ken into getting her pregnant so she didn't have to work? I honestly can't imagine her being a pleasant co-worker at any job.

She was a public school teacher. If Ken had dumped her, I suspect she'd have relied on Daddy while she found another man. Second marriage time, she might have dropped the modest bit to expedite the process. She wasn't shy about getting knocked up to get what she wanted within her marriage, I can't imagine a divorced Lori would have been shy about getting knocked up to get a husband if that meant she could quit working. She has proven herself to be unwilling (or unable) to do any of the tough stuff, including being a housewife (maid), sahm (nanny/ kids sent to their rooms for most of the day) or wife (So, 5 minutes and a little lube should shut him up), and these ar the things she claims are her realm of expertise.

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What was Lori's job before she tricked Ken into getting her pregnant so she didn't have to work? I honestly can't imagine her being a pleasant co-worker at any job.

Brace yourself:

Lori "use" to be a school teacher before the God of the universe told her she was "suppose" to sit on the computer all day and tell women what to do.

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The only way I can imagine Lori as a teacher is if I see her as Agatha Trunchbull.

[bBvideo 560,340:1mihbr0i]

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So, the godly housewife and mom expert has a maid AND a nanny? Somehow I didn't notice that. I've got nothing against folks hiring help, but to pretend you're then an expert on what you've farmed out is ridiculous.

I stopped reading Lori a long time ago, but the story of her marriage just makes me sad. Especially the deceit that led to baby #2. That just poisons the relationship between the spouses and also with the poor child.

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Yesterday’s post on ebil TV is yet another example of how out-of-touch Lori is with the imaginary women she pretends to mentor. Her “Back in my day…†trip down Nostalgia Lane did nothing to help anyone with any real world problem ever. Her solution for ebil TV? Jesus needs to return and destroy the world. Yeah, that makes sense.

Apparently Lori has not noticed that TV today has more than the 3 or 4 channels unlike back in her day. There are shows on cooking, decorating, home remodeling, sewing & crafts, and exercise. There are interesting documentaries on ancient civilizations, art, historical events and biographies. Whole channels are nothing but televangelists preaching 24/7 – she should like that! Lori, there is more to life than watching melodramas! I hate to break it to you but that stupid Duggar show is nothing more than a primetime soap opera and there are better shows on Masterpiece Theater than Downton Abbey. Really! No lie!

The imaginary young wives she pretends to mentor don’t even subscribe to cable or satellite. Those lazy, selfish millennials opt for high-speed internet and watch programs & movies on the ebil world wide web. But she wouldn’t know that because she is so busy always learning that you can’t tell her anything.

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I'm sorry, can we revisit that she put a hole in her diaphragm?! so she could stay home with her kids?! The diaphragm I assume she had because, oh, I don't know, it looks like they'd agreed to control their number of children!? Because tricking your SO is totally godly.

I've got half a mind to ask her about poking holes in condom and laying off birth control even though my SO doesn't want kids just to see what her godly advice is about that! What a lunatic! :wtf:

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I'm sorry, can we revisit that she put a hole in her diaphragm?!

I've got half a mind to ask her about poking holes in condom and laying off birth control even though my SO doesn't want kids just to see what her godly advice is about that! What a lunatic! :wtf:


You would be in sin if you were to do that.

Lori can tell her story with glee and pride because it occurred was while she was still in rebellion.

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You would be in sin if you were to do that.

Lori can tell her story with glee and pride because it occurred was while she was still in rebellion.

You know, I can live my ENTIRE life in rebellion, have as much fun as I want, and repent on my deathbed, and I will STILL be just as Saved as Lori, who has wasted her ENTIRE life in miserable slavery to a twisted ideal of Salvation.

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Yep. I think they both would have ended up better humans if Ken had dumped(Lori would never leave Ken, she wants his money) Lori's manipulative ass a long time ago. Lori brought out the worst side of Ken and without Ken's money Lori might have had a chance to see that life isn't as easy as she claims. Having to work to support herself would have done Lori a world of good.

Honestly, if they had gotten divorced when the kids were younger, she may have been ever worse.

She would have told everyone in sight that her husband was evil for abandoning his sick wife and the mother of his 4 children and radiated bitterness forever. Ken would have avoided parenting even more than he did, the kids would have been raised by a bitter mother playing them that she was a martyr, and would have learned to blame their father. Lori's father would have helped her, and her parents would have jumped on the "Ken is evil" bandwagon. Ken would have complained about every penny of child support, and bitched about Lori alienating his kids.

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It amuses me so that Lori, who is about ten years younger than I am, puts herself forth as a Wise Elder. Grandma here thinks Lori is a cross between dumb, stubborn kid and crotchety little old lady.

Psssst, Lori--it is incredibly possible to learn things from people younger than you. I do it all the time.

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