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Josh Duggar Admits to Molestation Rumors- Part 3


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I can only hope that the children Ben and Jessa decide to adopt are Jessa's "buddies".

Sadly, she won't be able to adopt them unless CPS removes them from the house. It's still a question as to whether CPS will get involved at all. Especially if it continues to be stated that Josh has left that in the past and no other victim or report of abuse surfaces.

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Sadly, she won't be able to adopt them unless CPS removes them from the house. It's still a question as to whether CPS will get involved at all. Especially if it continues to be stated that Josh has left that in the past and no other victim or report of abuse surfaces.

This whole thing reminds me of that raid on the FLDS ranch in Texas, where all the women claimed that they had been married at 18, despite the fact that many of the obviously not 18-year old girls were pregnant. Like the FLDS women, the Duggar daughters have been brainwashed to put the group and its men first and themselves last.

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JB is just so creepy, and now to find out he was buddy-buddy with a pedophile...just gives me the heebie jeebies. Like maybe there's more to his ickiness. Like maybe my ew radar has been going off for a reason.

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I'm wondering about the girls dress choices for their weddings. It struck me odd that Jessa picked a pink one when fundies highly value pure brides wearing white. You can see it on TLC's Say Yes to the Dress episodes. Girls feel like they have earned the right to wear white. Jill certainly did but Jessa did not. Maybe I'm thinking way too much but it seemed odd ar the time and very much makes sense now.

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I've said it in other threads, but I am right there with you. I always thought this was some kind of sick rumor that wouldn't die because the internet doesn't know how to let anything go. I thought the "kernel of truth" was that something made Josh "impure," but was consensual. I thought that, if anything, JB or the girl's father found out and overreacted.

I also thought that JB, despite his flaws, loved his daughters and would do anything to protect them (even if his methods were far from helpful). I thought he wouldn't let something like this happen to any of his daughters.

I thought Michelle, despite her detached parenting and obsessions with being pregnant/having infants, would prize her daughters. I thought Michelle would protect her daughters. I thought Michelle would have a hidden mama bear mode that would come out when her babies were threatened.

I never would have believed that Josh could be so sick as to sexually abuse his sisters. I never thought he would inappropriately handle his 4/5 year old sister. I never thought JB and Michelle would purposefully shut down the investigation. I never thought JB and Michelle would make their daughters live with their abuser. I never thought they'd expose more daughters to a known abuser. I never thought they'd be ones to further indoctrinate their kids when there was undeniable proof of the failures in their belief systems.

I felt the same way. I was never a Duggar lover and figured they had a few skeletons in their closets, but I wasn't expecting something this disgusting. It actually makes me really sad that it took something like this to tarnish the Duggars permanently. To be honest, I'm not totally surprised by Michelle's actions because to me she always came off a bad mother towards her daughters(raising them in a patriarchal society is sickening) but I'm kind of gutted about how JB handled this situation. I know both the perpetrator and the victims are his children but they handled this horribly. Josh should have gotten treatment immediately--and not some phony christian camp and construction work. Michelle and Jim Bob truly failed all their children. It's a damn shame

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JB is just so creepy, and now to find out he was buddy-buddy with a pedophile...just gives me the heebie jeebies. Like maybe there's more to his ickiness. Like maybe my ew radar has been going off for a reason.

Kiddie porn veteran cop friend gives lecture to pedophile son. Kiddie porn cop does not file a report or notify Child Protective Services. Pedophile son and his victims get no treatment.

I mean, it's just so sick when you strip it down to the basics.

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I am sorry if this has been asked already but I can't catch up and this is driving me crazy. Question: if at the time this was brought to investigators attention, and charges were filed or it wasn't swept under the rug, what would the normal punishment have been on a case like this? I know nothing about this situation when it involves a 14 or 15 year old and siblings. Juvenile detention, counseling, registering on a sex offender list?

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This story is stirring up so many feelings I thought I had buried. First and foremost, I feel so bad for the victims. Their story was released in a way that wasn't under their control, and it blew up spectacularly, and they are having to deal with unwanted attention about a very painful time in their lives. They are being re-victimized, over and over, when people read reports about their private stories and publicly speculate on whose genitals were touched and who was "spared". It's definitely got to feel like "everyone KNOWS when they look at me" combined with "I did not wish to share this. I feel violated. Again."

As a survivor myself, honestly, if for some reason my brother's crimes were suddenly posted on the internet and mainstream media, and I had to deal with a flood of people supporting him AND deal with well-meaning strangers trying to offer me support, when they were not people I knew or had chosen to share my story with, I would be at serious risk for self-harm. I hope that Josh's victims are able to get appropriate, therapeutic support (and avoid the comment sections! never read the comments!) to help them through this time.

Oh geez, I'm so sorry and I feel you so hard. I don't want to talk about my own experiences but that's kind of the point-- you hope to reach a place where you don't have to be thinking about it all the time, and in the meantime you don't need people trying to bring it up and make you think about it in ways you aren't in control of. Even if they're well-meaning. I swear to god I wanted to punch my boyfriend for all the "you can talk about it, you're safe with me," stuff after he found out. For me, safety is being able to say "you can't even bother me in my own thoughts, you no longer matter to me."

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This whole thing is so sick. I made the mistake of reading the comments on their Official Facebook statement about it and the leghumpers' comments make me want to bang my head on a wall. They kept saying, "God has forgiven him" "Who are we to judge a kid for making a "mistake" and trying to say that the "counseling" and apology that he went through should be enough. This is not a stupid mistake that a teenager makes, it is MUCH more serious (should be obvious) and I'm glad that the family's true colors are finally being exposed and that people are finally seeing the obvious flaws in their cult.

I came across this article in the paper today that I thought put everything really well. And wanted to share on here. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/com ... of-purity/

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Reading Josh and Anna's website is horrifying in light of this information. Sorry for not quoting the posts upthread--the thread moved too fast.

But things like...

Josh: I was raised in a Christian home. As a young man, I was taught to wait for God’s best in my life partner. But as time went along and I grew older it was harder to keep my heart only for the one that God had for my life partner.

Josh: As I became a teenage young man I was constantly tempted to have lots of wrong thoughts, and often battled to keep my heart right. One of the greatest things that helped me in my struggles was my parent’s commitment to accountability. They were faithful to talk with each one of their children – if we were willing to share honestly & openly with them – to maintain a clear conscience. I learned quickly that great freedom can be achieved by accountability, and great accountability requires humility & openness. I often had failures in my early teenage years, but found I had a clear conscience only when I was willing to confess my thoughts and temptations quickly to God & my parents. (1 John 1:9)

Anna: The first night at the Duggar’s home during Bible time, Joshua shared his testimony. I was encouraged to see that there really was a young man out there who was accountable to his parents and was striving to keep his heart pure. As a girl, my parents explained that it was normal to have desires for a relationship, especially when you see a young man that had the qualities you desired in a future life partner. While at the Duggars home, I noticed Joshua had many of the things I desired in a future partner. I began to commit those desires to the Lord, and reaffirmed my commitment to wait on Him to lead through my parents in that area.

Does this mean she knew? And that he actually did tell her the first night she came to visit?? How that translates to a quality you desire in a future life partner, I don't know (though, as others have said, who knows how much detail he went into). The timeline on the websites says this visit was mid-2006, so before the police report was made.

OMG. Often? Often???? The revelations are gonna get worse. This is the tip of the iceberg. Were any of the other boys involved in abusing their sisters? Don't boys try to emulate and imitate the oldest brother?

Remember when Josie had a seizure, and the girls taking care of her, including Jana, didn't run down the hall to get John David the trained EMT? Why? Were the girls that reluctant to go to John David's room? That's all shades of strange right there.

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I have been reading theses thread over the last two days and


I read the police report yesterday and it make me physically ill.

my heart breaks for the girls. part of me is glad that 1 of the 5 wasn’t because then we will never for sure (unless they speak out) know who was and wasn’t involved. on the other hand if the 5th sister really was molested (and she speaks out) then according to the Law as I understand it here on FJ, he could be prosecuted because it would be new information.

Part of me wants to rewatch everything ever filmed of them and analyze their behavior and part of me wants to never ever watch anything related to the Duggers again.

I wished I believed in a vengeful deity and hell so that I would know that boob and Michelle will burn there forevermore.

I need to go watch videos of kittens now......

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This might have already been said, but that could be why JD is aloud to have that house and why rarely see him on air anymore. As the boys get to "those ages" it seems they're (perhaps preemptivly) sent off to.....wherever.

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I am sorry if this has been asked already but I can't catch up and this is driving me crazy. Question: if at the time this was brought to investigators attention, and charges were filed or it wasn't swept under the rug, what would the normal punishment have been on a case like this? I know nothing about this situation when it involves a 14 or 15 year old and siblings. Juvenile detention, counseling, registering on a sex offender list?

I mentioned this in less detail on the 2nd life of the forum, but of course that's buried now :)

For a time I worked at an inpatient adolescent psychiatric hospital. There is a unit for juvenile sexual offenders who have been charged with the usual offense of Sexual Abuse. Depending on insurance the boys would be there from 3-12 months, average is around 9. Lots of processing in therapy. They have a packet of worksheets to work through during their time. Things they have to do in there include writing out their offense in exhaustive detail, identify what made their victim vulnerable, what the victim may have been thinking, what they were thinking while committing the offense, apology letter, etc. They do this instead of serving time in juvenile detention. Sometimes when they're discharged they are still not allowed to return home if any young children are present, victim or not, so they went to a relative or foster care. I'm not sure if they had to register on the sex offender list. Majority were in the 13-14 year old range.

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Part of me wants to rewatch everything ever filmed of them and analyze their behavior and part of me wants to never ever watch anything related to the Duggers again.

Yes, this exactly. I've rewatched clips here and there but I keep having to turn it off.

It's also how I feel about the show continuing. Part of me wants to keep seeing how the family grows, especially if this public ordeal causes some of them to reevaluate. But the other part of me wants to see Jim Bob, Michelle, and Josh lose their platform and pulpit-funded income for what they've done.

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Im new to FJ, how do u guys know it was Joy who asked the record to be destroyed?

There were multiple girls that we know how. Who knows how many there's really out there?

Honestly Im not sure if this comming out will change anything. Aparently this has been a rumor for years and TLC never bothered to check it out, or doubt they did a background check..

Their fans are praising josh and the people who knew the duggars were a lil off, and maybe creepy still feel that way..

Im not sure how the reporter got his hands on this, especially since all the kids were minor. I dont care about josh privacy, but the privacy of the victims should be respected. .except we can do the math to guess who they were..

but I cant look at those duggar girls w/o feeling sorry for what they went tru. And half expecting for them to have a meltdown or tell all book and break free and etc..

i doubt that the girls have had any counseling or will accept any.. cuz u know jesus is all u need..

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Kiddie porn veteran cop friend gives lecture to pedophile son. Kiddie porn cop does not file a report or notify Child Protective Services. Pedophile son and his victims get no treatment.

I mean, it's just so sick when you strip it down to the basics.

Jim Bob turned his son over to his cult leader & pedophile Gothard and his pedophile policeman friend. You know, to convince Josh not to continue his own pedophilia. Great plan, JB! :clap:

Quite the co-inkydink that so many pedos are in Jim Bob's orbit.

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I'm behind on a few threads so I apologize if this was mentioned already, but many people are saying Jana was spared from Josh's abuse but I think she was a victim as well. I know the show is highly edited/ scripted but I think there were a few things you can interpret as "odd".

1)I think it was in JB&M's marriage renewal episode when they had to describe their children's unique traits. When they were talking about Jana, they mentioned that she was a lot like Hannie and was a chatterbox but as she got older she saved her talkative attitude for her mom and dad. This raised flags when I first watched it. It gave me the vibe that Jana developed a more introverted personality as she grew up. I know this is normal and people change, but knowing what we know now, maybe her meekness is something deeper.

2)On Josh's proposal episode, she mentioned praying for Josh to find someone he can marry. Maybe she really wanted her big brother to find love, but again this comment can mean something more. It would make sense that she would pray for Josh to get married so he can leave her and the other J'slaves alone because his "urges" would be fulfilled by his wife.

3) Jana went to Journey of the Heart more than her sisters, I think. JB&M used ALERT and JTTH as forms of "therapy" for their kids. At least, I assumed this when I read the Police report and it mentioned Josh went away to a "labor type" camp(Idk if it was ALERT so I can be wrong). Maybe the first few times Jana went to JTTH, it was to help her deal with the abuse. She seems like a very sensitive person and, unlike Jessa, can't keep her emotions bottled up. Towards her last visits, she probably genuinely liked it and went as a counselor of some sorts.

4)Also, didn't she say she had trouble "forgiving" a certain family member? I honestly assumed she was talking about Michelle and how she was forced in the Sister-mom life at a young age. But, it makes sense if the family member is Josh.

Honestly, I think all 5 sisters were victims but it would make sense if Jana lied because she was older and could comprehend the repercussions Josh would face. I mean, she showed she was a selfless person by the jewelry box story--so maybe she is even more selfless than we imagined? Stay mum about her abuse to protect her brother.

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Im new to FJ, how do u guys know it was Joy who asked the record to be destroyed?

There were multiple girls that we know how. Who knows how many there's really out there?

Because Joy is the only one who would still be a minor at this late date. The non-relative was babysitting with him, so they were probably of an age.

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Im new to FJ, how do u guys know it was Joy who asked the record to be destroyed?

There were multiple girls that we know how. Who knows how many there's really out there?

Honestly Im not sure if this comming out will change anything. Aparently this has been a rumor for years and TLC never bothered to check it out, or doubt they did a background check..

Their fans are praising josh and the people who knew the duggars were a lil off, and maybe creepy still feel that way..

Im not sure how the reporter got his hands on this, especially since all the kids were minor. I dont care about josh privacy, but the privacy of the victims should be respected. .except we can do the math to guess who they were..

but I cant look at those duggar girls w/o feeling sorry for what they went tru. And half expecting for them to have a meltdown or tell all book and break free and etc..

i doubt that the girls have had any counseling or will accept any.. cuz u know jesus is all u need..

From what I understand the minor had the names blacked out and the only one who is still a minor is joy. Joy also would have been small enough to be fondled while on Josh's lap.

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I've said since it started that I put this on Ben or his family. I believe at least one of the sisters had to be involved in order for the report to be printed. As someone mentioned before Ben's dad has never appeared to be a fan of JBs. We all saw the horrified look on Guinn's face at Michelle's comments. I think they tolerated the family to make their son happy. So I went off looking at Michael's blog that started off strong and ended shortly after the wedding.

The first post: Where Mike calls bullshit on giving away pieces of your heart.

Post number 2: Gushing about his family. It starts out really sweet. He describes himself, Guinn, and the kids. He talks about how he provides for the family ect. But then he has this paragraph

God also has a dilemma. He is a righteous judge and will not justify the wicked. “He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.†(Proverbs 17:15) So, how can God be just while at the same time justifying those who have committed wickedness? We would condemn a court that justifies thieves and murderers. Yet, when it comes to God we think that he will just overlook sin? Not so, my friends. God will bring every work into judgment. (Ecclesiastes 12:14) Even our words God will judge. “But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.†(Matthew 12:36) So, how can a God who delights in mercy, actually show mercy without being an unrighteous judge?

And then he goes back to how Jesus provides happiness. That in the middle just seems odd to me. There's no need to talk about not justifying the wicked. He could have just gushed about his little family and moved on to how Jesus makes him even happier.

Post 3: Abuse of women - He goes off about how if men really followed God that the feminist movement wouldn't have been necessary. That men who treat women as inferior aren't following God's plan.

Post 4: Engagement

Post 5: Thanking people who scoff at Christians. He talks about taking the bits of truth in the statements to make yourself a better person. It goes on to talk about moral scandals.

What we believe affects how we live, and wrong doctrine leads to bad living. Invariably when we find moral failure in our lives, we can trace it to some belief we hold that is false or out of balance.

Post 6: Talks about speaking up and judging. He spends a little time talking about God and morality. Blah blah blah. Then he gets into a whole lotta scripture about when to judge, how to judge, ect. He talked about what shouldn't be judged like wearing or not wearing make up. What someone deems to be appropriate to wear, he does make an exception if someone walks into church naked. He brings up education as well but adds some are unwise choices. He brings up that Jesus doesn't replace the court systems and you are sometimes judged before both for you actions.

Post 7: This is the last one where he's teaching/preaching really. It's on child abuse. He talks about how kids suffer at the hands of their parents. Then he talks about Job and why there is evil.

So the first few posts are pretty gnarly for someone starting a blog about faith. Most wouldn't start with such hard hitting topics. He moves on to why they need the gospel, what type of Christian are you (it's interesting talking about are Christians under God's moral law), then we move on to defending Jessa's Hitler comments, discussing Martin Luther, and the last one is on gays. After that it's wedding photos taken by his nephew and nothing since December.

Looking back it makes it sound like Michael has had a beef with JB for a long time or maybe it's all just an odd coincident.

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Do you all remember a few months ago how Mr. Seewald was unhappy about how Jim Bob was treating Ben? I sorta got the vibe that the Seewalds more or less merely tolerate the Duggars. Did you all notice that the rumor was confirmed once Bin graduated? I mean Bin is not the brightest crayon in the box but he really does love Jessa. Another thing that he may have been raised on is that secrets are ok to tell if they would cause harm. Do you all think Ben told his dad? Idk in other news its past my bed time. On a more coherent note thank God the media is starting to pick up on the ATI trail. Now again media if you reading along ATI search blanket training, Vision Forum, covenant marriage, and quiverfull.

I don't remember that about Mr. Seewald being unhappy with how JB was treating Ben. Any links?

ETA - Nevermind...just saw above.

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Maybe the Duggars were prepared for this. The police report was on record. The only thing that was sealed was the minors names. The timing of everything is really weird. End of season, a long weekend, Josh having a house in Arkansas. Unless JB supports him or Josh gets of his add and gets a real job he's screwed. I feel bad for the M kids and maybe Anna.

And at least some conservatives have sense. Huckabee lose votes. The majority dont. I can't believe a show is more important than a person's well being. Especially a victim. Funny how Trayvon or Mike Brown weren't just kids. But Josh Duggar was 14 and just a kid it's okay. Sick fools! How will people talk to their kids about why they can't watch the show anymore.

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This story is breaking at the same time that general interest in the Duggar family was at an all time high. Between the two girls weddings and Izzy's birth I think the scope of the Duggar brand had branched far beyond what it was even 18 months ago.

This is a worst case scenario for JB & M for this to be breaking now. If this had remained hidden for even another few years- I think by then the show would be off the air and general interest in the family would have been just an occasional mention in the press as life events happen.

From this point forward, the Duggar family will never be seperated from being associated with sexual abuse and the coverup. It's a lot like the Michael Jackson abuse scandals, no matter what they do from this point forward there will be that "asterick". Deservedly so- but I think that right now the Duggars have no idea how devestating this is for the their family brand. This might blow over in fundie circles, but the general public will never get over it. Look at how people still despise John Edwards and what he did was between consenting adults.

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