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Pennington Point daughter escapes/ Has no ID's Part 2

Mama Mia

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Well, I'm sure they have all gone down into the underground bunker and are breathing through straws until this blows over. I wonder which essential oil is recommended for survival mode?

Sad about the TTUAC connection, but it is obviously there. Such a sadistic, toxic approach to caring for your blessings.

This is SO ironic considering her last post was about wanting to live "underground"

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She previews movies before allowing her kids to watch them....even the adults. This is what she had to say about Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland

She wouldn't let the kids see Avatar either...I've never understood the Christian opposition to that movie.

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It could be so s/he would say just about anything. The point is she wants to control everything, down to how they think and feel (like, it's not good enough that they do their chores because they have to want to do them)

I don't think "child abuser" fully describes the crazy that is Lisa.

Edit: I don't think "crazy" is a good word to use here. It's demeaning to people with mental health issues, since most are not physically and emotionally abusive.

If she was working, she would have been the office bully.

If she was in politics, she would give Stalin and Mussolini a run for their money. Now that is scary.

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In the picture of the chalkboard in the boy's room they built, there's 8 chores. #8 is "tell mommy she looks pretty". WTF is that...she need her kids to kiss her ass???

Typical narcissist relationship. Other people exist only to kiss their ass and give them attention.

Lisa, compliments don't count if you force or require them.

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Lisa mentions, without providing details, in a post saying goodbye to the decade of 2000 _ 2009 that they survived an IRS investigation and a CPS one. I wonder if the CPSinvestigation arose because of her spanking post?

Lisa and ZsuZsu should get together. They both have a lot of crafting talents. Lisa has done some really cute things with her house.

That's what's so scary and Lisa, Zsucifer - and in a different way - Sparkling Lauren.

If you just saw the crafts, or food, or decorating or park or activity posts you'd have NO idea they were complete narrcissists. Horribly abusive and overly controlling in the case of Lisa and Zsucifer. Absent and neglectful in the case of Lauren. You might stumble across the random post that makes you question them -- but if you missed the beat a baby all day, or leave an eye prickle to fester or kill all the gays types of posts -- they really seem like they each do some pretty cool things as parents. Very, very scary.

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I made a copy of everything that was on ThePenningtonPoint earlier today. I'm glad I worked quickly. :D

Anyone who has screenshots or otherwise archived pages can post them here, or email them to me at happy.atheist@freejinger.org

I downloaded their entire website to my own computer, as well, a couple days ago when this all blew up.

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Will this evil man's legacy never end? It's scary how one person can have such an enormous impact. He's not exceptionally intelligent, educated, rich, or handsome, but somehow he gets people to follow him.

Forgive me if I'm doing this wrong (2nd post and all) but I actually have some thoughts on this. I haven't read to the end of the thread, so my apologies if this has already be run into the ground.

I'll try to be concise. When we had our kiddos (now 9 and 7) they DID. NOT. SLEEP. We tried everything. We were severely sleep deprived for 4 years. That's not an exaggeration. We have books full of pictures from events we don't even remember. We were zombies, and it was awful. Kids are HARD. They just are. They're wonderful and amazing and worth it and...freaking hard.

People like Pearl offer parents and "easy" way out. They claim it's fool-proof and works for everyone. Rational human beings understand that nothing works for everyone, and that parenting is going to take some serious effort, no matter what. But desperate, sleep-deprived, zombie parents will try almost anything. And any success that gets you even a sliver more sanity than you were getting before is a huge deal. It makes you think [whomever's book you've read] is a genius, and you'll keep following them trying to replicate the same success.

Having said all that. Husbeast and I were very very fortunate to have had pretty strong opinions on parenting (don't beat them, don't leave them to scream themselves sick, feed them when they're hungry...) and a great support system, so we never picked up a Pearl book, or anything along those lines. A well-meaning friend did give us several Ezzo books, but we were too sleep-deprived to read them. :lol:

I'm by no means letting anyone off the hook, at ALL. But desperate people do desperate things. It also takes a certain mentality to buy into something as all-controlling as fundie-dom, so I think some people are at a disadvantage before they even get started. I really do believe that most people are genuinely trying to do what they believe is right...just many of them have completely crap ideas of what makes something "right."

Hokay, end pontification. The above is 100% opinion, and nothing else. But, that's been my take on how people turn into devotees of someone like Pearl. And, it scares the snot out of me, especially for their sweet, powerless babies.

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All of the posts from Lisa's Best Life II blog (the one that redirects you to pennington point) have been archived at http://deletedpenningtonpointposts.blogspot.com

I haven't read through them all yet, but now you guys know.

First off, Mrs. Pennington, hello. How are you? I do want to thank you for calling us monsters. From you that is a complement. I would rather be a monster than be like you. Perhaps you can consider reading Mrs. Lori Alexander's website about always learning, although Mrs Alexander needs a few more lessons in always learning.

As a mother, I am always learning how to best provide for my son's needs. My husband and I teach him, we do not train him like a puppy. I do not shout to the world that I treat my son with love and gentleness, I just do it. I do not need to shout that I am a wonderful mother, I just try my best. I do not need to brag that my son is happy and joyful. Sometimes he is and sometimes he isn't, because he experiences a normal range of human emotions . My son is a normal kid. Sometimes he's thoughtful. Sometime he is caring. Sometime he is grumpy and does not want to wake up at 7AM, because he is tired because he is a growing teen, who is active and learning many things that will help him function in the 'real' world.

I think my son is on a very good path to have a good life because I trust him and I trust the way we taught him. I am learning to let him go and to let make his own decisions. The one thing I think you and I can agree on is how frightening it is to let children go out into the world. But my son's life is his life, not mine. My husband and I trust him to make good decisions. Please trust your children to do so too.

Most sincerely.

BTW, he has always been fine in a restaurant. That is a wonderful place to build upon social skills and manners.

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First off, Mrs. Pennington, hello. How are you? I do want to thank you for calling us monsters.

Did I miss something? I went back but couldn't find it... did she make an account and come on here to call *us* monsters?! :lol: :roll:

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Did I miss something? I went back but couldn't find it... did she make an account and come on here to call *us* monsters?! :lol: :roll:

No, she called people who disagreed with her way of parenting and people who snark on her and call CPS on her monsters.

http://deletedpenningtonpointposts.blog ... ments.html

According to the internet, the above post (which was archived on several Mommy sites) was when CPS came around. All of that is on the original livingmybestlife blog, which is now private.

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That is so cool! I'm still laughing about what happened. I was driving around town, laughing about this. Just got back home. I'm sure people who saw me at the stoplights, thought I was nuts.

I posted it about 20 times along with questions about why she deletes things if she is innocent and why they haven't paid taxes. It all got deleted and J Mary Joseph got banned, but so what. :lol:
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No, she called people who disagreed with her way of parenting and people who snark on her and call CPS on her monsters.

http://deletedpenningtonpointposts.blog ... ments.html

According to the internet, the above post (which was archived on several Mommy sites) was when CPS came around. All of that is on the original livingmybestlife blog, which is now private.

Well, I do disagree with her and would have probably called CPS on her, but I should have spoken for myself only.

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I kind of hate the comparison of Pearl to puppy training, because well, if I had kids (god forbid!) I would totally bring them up the way I do dogs. :P Lots of cookies, enough education to function in society (which, if you are a dog, means not yanking on the leash, not using your teeth on humans, and being housebroken) and then we go do whatever the dog thinks is fun- whether it's dock diving or rally or agility or nosework.

LisaPP is disturbing as fuck.

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Does living my best life still exist? its probably a ring of child abusers just exchanging ideas on torturing their kids.

I did not make it a whole day. How old is Grace? Her and her wannabe boyfriend are something, I don't know what though.

Arguing with Grace.

Hey Grace, the sky is blue.

"no its not. You don't know anything about skies. I find it amusing that you seem to think you are an expert on skies when clearly you don't"

Oh my gosh just shut up I don't care!

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I don't think this has been posted. If so, delete.

This actually made me teary. I'm a new Mum and I hate the thought people like her raising children. I want my son to know Mama is a place of safety, not a cruel tyrant like Lisa.

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I kind of hate the comparison of Pearl to puppy training, because well, if I had kids (god forbid!) I would totally bring them up the way I do dogs. :P Lots of cookies, enough education to function in society (which, if you are a dog, means not yanking on the leash, not using your teeth on humans, and being housebroken) and then we go do whatever the dog thinks is fun- whether it's dock diving or rally or agility or nosework.

LisaPP is disturbing as fuck.

Yes. I actually don't know much about dogs, so I should have not used them as an example. Cats are my headship. If I tried to train my cats they would have ripped my face off. They rule the house, but I am allowed to sleep on the bed, if I don't get in the way.

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She really is awful. It's like she takes the worst child rearing moments, that most parents would be horribly ashamed of , magnifies the bad behavior ( parents not child's) a thousand times -- and then brags about it.

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This actually made me teary. I'm a new Mum and I hate the thought people like her raising children. I want my son to know Mama is a place of safety, not a cruel tyrant like Lisa.

My kids are 32. 27 and 24. We've been through some tough times together...BUT...even though they're independent adults now, when the shit hits the fan or something good happens, they call mama. Car broke down? Call mama. Had a fight w/SO? Call mama. Trying to make a career decision? Call mama. One of THEIR children acting up? Call mama. Dean's list? Call mama.

I may not have done everything by the book...the little hellions were rather difficult as children and teens, but by most measures, I'd say I was pretty damn successful as a mother. I understood I had 18 years to produce reasonably independent adults. That's not to say that a couple of them came home when their lives fell apart, and I was and am happy to be able to be their soft landing...but, in a few months, they got back on their feet and on with their lives (maybe that's why I have this big house...want to have room for the kids if they need it).

My daughter beat a meth addiction and is now a graphic artist who's returned to UC-Denver for some computer something and made dean's list...working full time and mom of 2. My older son survived 2 tours in Iraq, a TBI when his tank ran over an IED, a divorce, and now has a fantastic job and is also a full time student at UC-Denver. My younger son is about a year from getting his journeyman's papers as an electrician and just married his girlfriend...they have a 2 year old little boy.

Yeah...I'd say I was a pretty damn successful mom...and I wasn't a tyrant...

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She really is awful. It's like she takes the worst child rearing moments, that most parents would be horribly ashamed of , magnifies the bad behavior ( parents not child's) a thousand times -- and then brags about it.

Silly Mama ~ It isn't child abuse if you are cold and calculating smiling and calm while you hit a 2 year with baby beater for 30 minutes for not saying "hi mommy" on demand. And it certainly isn't child abuse if afterward you call it "spending precious time" with him. :angry-banghead:

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I fear her children are probably irrevocably emotionally damaged already. The kind of communication that Lisa was doing by alternately beating her child and then using a soothing "I love you, but now I will beat you" voice is a double bind message. Double binds occur when someone communicates 2 opposite messages at the same time. The child put in this position, is unsure how to interpret the two opposing messages and becomes very stressed. It can make a child have a real difficulty with reality testing, because to a small child they can't reconcile how two opposite truths can exist at the same time. In a case like that baby beating Lisa described, her child is being told I love you, but is physically being also told "I hate you". Kids that grow up with constant double bind communication, often go on to develop personality disorders, and in the case of 18 years of intimidation and corporal punishment, they probably have a good case of post-traumatic stress.

The older kids who are sticking up for their parents are probably really damaged because I imagine that Lisa was pretty unsophisticated in her abuse with the first few kids. By the time she got to the youngest kid, she probably had that abusive style perfected.

The sickest part of that long story though, is not just that she hit her child repeatedly for something as trivial as not saying "hi Mommy", but that she also forced her older children to be participants in the abuse by marching them in to the childs room and making them say "Hi Mommy" and then rewarding them and then punishing the other child. Her story says that when the poor willful child was finally broken and beaten to the point of exhaustion, that the other kids cheered for his defeat. Yes, I know they thought they were cheering for the fact that he "learned his lesson", but we all know the lesson that poor little boy learned was not only is his mother horrible, but his siblings are not protecting him either. And in fact acting like the torture is perfectly normal.

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Lisa's Youtube videos are still up but she has disabled the comments...that's too bad...along with a few other people, I left a couple of helpful remarks. One of them was something to the effect of "Did it ever occur to you that if your entire extended family has cut you off, it isn't them, it's you? Your family and your in-laws don't share a brain. Most likely they disagree on many issues. Yet they are in agreement about you. Why do you think that is?"

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