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19 Kids & Marrying - Duggar Snark Season 9 - Part 4

happy atheist

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They're just going to buy the baby book, collect photos, and give the book & photos to the child when he/she is old enough to put it together themselves. Because that makes it more special :romance-grouphug:

who will promptly throw it away

because who needs to see another child's photo after having 20 - after all they will all look like Derick


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When Josh and Anna were talking about having another baby on the show, it struck me that they are using some sort of type of natural family planning. Josh made comments about how Anna was hinting about wanting another baby a lot lately and it gave me the impression that they do space their kids out a little bit intentionally. I know her test was negative but that was filmed a few months ago and I bet it won't be very much longer before she actually is pregnant, if she isn't already.

Priscilla makes the weirdest facial expressions. It is painful to listen to her and David talk. PAINFUL. She does look great pregnant though, I have to admit.

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How's baby number 10 going to feel when he doesn't have a journal, or a song that was sung to him in utero every night? I usually don't snark on what people do to celebrate pregnancy because to each their own (even though I couldn't keep up with a damn baby book for my one and only!), but why start a bunch of traditions no person could keep up when they plan on having kids continuously for 20+ years?

How will #10 feel? Exactly like any other non-first born! When you are born second or later in the family there are no photos of you alone except maybe at the hospital, your Mom started a baby book or scrapbook but your older sibling tried to vacuum the dog so she only go as far as entering your birthday and names. You get to ride in a pink stroller if your older sib was a girl and you wore camo onsies if your elder sib was a boy. No one bothered to have a themed Baby Shower or a "Reveal" party for you, either. They were too busy with kid # 1. Your "nursery" was decorated by putting a borrowed crib in your older siblings room [unless your parents were still trying the cosleeping crap] and if you drank from the dog bowl your Mom just shook her head as she watched.....

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Anna was so annoying during this episode. She has no empathy for women who cannot conceive children. She should be happy with the three kids that she has. Some women try for years for a baby, and never have one. Anna got pregnant four months after her wedding, and she’s complaining about it. I thought God planned her family. Does she take a pregnancy test for fun? Also, maybe God hasn’t blessed with another baby, because they struggle raising the three that they have. We know that you want twins, Anna. Please be grateful for what you have. Do Anna and J’Chelle marvel at the fact that J’Chelle had four girls in a row, and then a lot of boys? Probably.

TFDW did not disappoint. Pris is a window into what Josie could become in her older age. Pris was a preemie, and obviously did not receive services. J’Chelle and Boob should look at her, and not want Josie to end up like her. We know that it was a girl, because the baby was born a week before this episode aired. Nice timing, TLC.

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TFDW did not disappoint. Pris is a window into what Josie could become in her older age. Pris was a preemie, and obviously did not receive services. J’Chelle and Boob should look at her, and not want Josie to end up like her. We know that it was a girl, because the baby was born a week before this episode aired. Nice timing, TLC.

I have a cousin who was a micropreemie and always borderline on special ed classes that sounds and acts a lot like Priscilla. Weird pauses, slow to complete thoughts, even the weird manga eyes. Her manga eyes make me really, really uncomfortable in person. The breathless voices and annoying baby-talking is a fundie thing, though. Given their homeschooling isolation, maybe Anna isn't as dumb as she sounds, because it's almost like she is mimicking her sister? But I can't snark on poor Priscilla, and I'm sad TLC put her on TV for people to mock.

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And at about 0:43 we can clearly see Jana next to Soundman Mr.Jim, so weird that they edited her out of the trip..

Veron1que, I love your avatar :)

Here's more Jana:



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[anchor= goto=][/anchor]

All I can focus on is how bad Josh looks. Eek.[/quote


He looks terrible; like he's had too many beers! Wonder if Joshie has ever tasted a beer???

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All I can focus on is how bad Josh looks. Eek.

Anna will cook what he wants, he had a doctor warn him about his weight, there have been numerous sessions with a personal trainer, he can afford to buy healthy food, the Duggar kids were taught self-control at an early age...so what's the problem?

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Anna will cook what he wants, he had a doctor warn him about his weight, there have been numerous sessions with a personal trainer, he can afford to buy healthy food, the Duggar kids were taught self-control at an early age...so what's the problem?

I do not think that the Duggras were taught self control. They were harped at and given built in accountability buddies by being forced to room with all their liked sexed siblings. In terms of food, when Josh was younger, there was no TLC and likely the grub was in shorter supply and portions restricted. In addition, I do not think any of the Duggars has a decent working knowledge of basic nutrition.

I think overall, the Duggars lack self motivation and perseverance. They pretty much take the easy way out of everything.

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And the kids buckled into the RV seats facing sideways (RV seat belts are usually just attached to plywood, and car seats should never be put on sideways facing seats), and Mikey's seat reclined way too far back (should be upright), and Mack's souulder straps way below her shoulders (should be above for a front facing child). These people have obviously never read their car seat manuals!

Sorry, I used to be a certified car seat tech, and these things really bug me. The Duggars have always been terrible about car seat usage, but I thought Anna was doing better. I actually saw some higher end car seats in her car in past episodes. I guess she's not better though.

"Children are a gift from God... But we don't need to protect them once they're outside of the womb"

As a car seat tech, improper car seat use makes me ragey. :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead:

I cringe when I watch the Duggars. TLC since you read this - do a special episode where Anna goes to the fire hall to get them checked. I betcha Graco (a sponsor) would LOVE to donate 3 seats for the M's.

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Anna will cook what he wants, he had a doctor warn him about his weight, there have been numerous sessions with a personal trainer, he can afford to buy healthy food, the Duggar kids were taught self-control at an early age...so what's the problem?

The Duggars were not taught self control. They were taught to obey or face the consequences (not natural ones, but ones their parents will give to them if they are caught). They were watched 24/7 because their parents didn't trust them not to instantly break the rules when not being watched. Until they leave home, they are not expected to use self control, they are controlled by someone else so they don't need to-this skill never develops. But once you remove the immediate consequences of spanking, prayer closets and shaming by their parents, there is no reason for them to obey. Especially on things that their parents have not pushed into them "YOU MUST NEVER EVER DO THIS BECAUSE GOD WILL KILL YOU"-it would take way longer for a Duggar to think about rebelling in a way that their parents said was a major sin, like having sex before marriage or converting to a different religion, but the little things that they didn't see as that sinful (greed, buying a TV, sexy married kissing pictures)-once they are tempted to do it, do it and don't instantly get hit by lightning, they figure they will be fine.

Fundie parents don't teach their kids the consequences of their actions or speak to their children about why we don't do things-they teach them "do as we say, or we will spank you". Any further explanation is "Because we/God says so". This does not teach morals. Punitive parenting teaches kids to lie, sneak around and do anything to avoid getting caught, so it doesn't last once the kids grow up and are not able to be controlled by their parents anymore. Spanking isn't a logical consequence, it does not teach them why we do things, just that if their parents catch them, they will hit them. They also spank first and ask questions never.

Also the crap the Duggars eat doesn't teach them healthy eating or set them up with habits for life. The only reason the rest of them aren't overweight is because the kids are super active, and they get small portions as all food has to be shared between about 20 people, so there usually isn't enough for everyone to get seconds. Especially pre-TLC.

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It was definitely a lake trout. I don't think it was that big though, although the weight was something like 7-8 lbs.

In any case, I doubt Priscilla ate enough for it to pose a risk. One fish split between 4 adults (and possibly a couple children) doesn't make for much of a portion. I would say Josh's DIY marinade and the questionable cooking methods might be more problematic.

It actually has to do with how far down tbey are on the food chain. Fish who eat other fish have higher levels of methyl mercury. They get it from the fish they eat.

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And at about 0:43 we can clearly see Jana next to Soundman Mr.Jim, so weird that they edited her out of the trip..

Veron1que, I love your avatar :)

She's also in the centre of the screen from :27-:33, as David and Priscilla are opening the box.

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I remember years ago the Ontario government had a booklet that listed all the lakes in the region and the fish that were in them. Beside each fish was a rating as to how much was safe for a person to eat. I was appalled at how many were unsafe for children and women of child-bearing age (not necessarily pregnant) to eat any amount at all. And that was 25 years ago or so. I can't imagine that the lakes have gotten better, or that Ohio lakes are any better than ours. Davilla should stay away from fish they have caught themselves, because it's highly unlikely that they have done any research on it. God forbid they might eat a bottom feeder.

It actually has to do with how far down tbey are on the food chain. Fish who eat other fish have higher levels of methyl mercury. They get it from the fish they eat.

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Here's a link to that info about mercury and fish. The really big problem in the great lakes is PCB's which have declined significantly in the last 40 years (as have mercury and dioxins).

I don't know the US recommendations but the Canadian consumption recommendations depend on the size of fish. Generally for kids under 15, pregnant women, etc depending on the size of trout that they caught it's about 4-8 servings TOTAL per month and there are recommendations to remove skin and belly. Fortunately they grilled it which is another one of the recommendations.

Would I eat a fish from one of the great lakes? Nope, nope, and nope. While pregnant? Fuck no.

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Here's a link to that info about mercury and fish. The really big problem in the great lakes is PCB's which have declined significantly in the last 40 years (as have mercury and dioxins).

I don't know the US recommendations but the Canadian consumption recommendations depend on the size of fish. Generally for kids under 15, pregnant women, etc depending on the size of trout that they caught it's about 4-8 servings TOTAL per month and there are recommendations to remove skin and belly. Fortunately they grilled it which is another one of the recommendations.

Would I eat a fish from one of the great lakes? Nope, nope, and nope. While pregnant? Fuck no.

And here is a link from the EPA- http://www.epa.gov/greatlakes/monitorin ... rcury.html (The chart on the link for Lake Michigan, only shows the EPA since Lake Michigan is the only great lake that is fully in the US)

I eat fish from the great lakes and even when I was pregnant (with all 3 pregnancies). I think the key is the servings total per month- if Pris (or like me) only had 1 or 2 servings in one month, we are well below the guidelines. The Toronto public health rated lake Trout on the "medium" list so 2-4 servings for pregnant women. Also considering they had one fish for 5 adults and 5 children, I doubt Pris even had a serving (2.5 ounces or 1/2 cup).

With everything, the scientist go back and forth on what women (esp pregnant women) should and should not eat or drink. I think it is more important to know where the food came from and you are fishing/hunting for food in a toxic waste dump, etc. As much as the Waller's annoy me I can't fault them about the small portion of fish that Pris most likely consumed.

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During the last two episodes about Josh & Anna's road trip, I too found myself focusing on how unhealthy Josh looks. It makes me feel bad for Anna. If he wants to be around for his family he should take better care of himself. I found it interesting that in the first episode he (or maybe both he and Anna) was first saying they I trying to eat healthy while on the road trip. Then closer to the end of the episode (after he consumed that burger doughnut thing) he did a turnabout and said all bets are off (in terms of healthy food) while on the trip. :angry-banghead: WTF Josh, calories are still calories, regardless of being on vacation or not. I too agree that the Duggars are probably pretty clueless when it comes to good nutrition and healthy eating, and from what they post on their public sites looks like they don't make the healthiest choices when eating out. I have some hope for Jill though as it looks like Derick does have a clue about healthy eating and hopefully that rubs off on Jill and she's not always cooking him the same crap that she grew up eating.

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Would I eat a fish from one of the great lakes? Nope, nope, and nope. While pregnant? Fuck no.

I think you're overblowing the danger. I'm (not to toot my own horn) intelligent and physically healthy, and from the time I was a teenager, I ate lake trout from the south shore of Lake Superior every weekend in the summer. I always figured, big lake, the town wasn't near any shipping channels, it's fresh, whatever. I wouldn't eat it every day, but 1-2 times a week if I could.

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I do not think that the Duggras were taught self control. They were harped at and given built in accountability buddies by being forced to room with all their liked sexed siblings. In terms of food, when Josh was younger, there was no TLC and likely the grub was in shorter supply and portions restricted. In addition, I do not think any of the Duggars has a decent working knowledge of basic nutrition.

I think overall, the Duggars lack self motivation and perseverance. They pretty much take the easy way out of everything.

They didn't learn self-control. They learned control.

And I think they probably learned compulsions or addictive behaviors as coping mechanisms for all the self-loathing and not being seen/valued as an individual. I think eating-as-comfort would not be surprising at all.

I think the baby-voice thing is completely part of the lifestyle. Michelle Duggar sets the standard for keeping a "sweet voice", so I think they all are purposing to talk like that.

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If Anna relies on help from Jana to manage the three she already has, she'd better seriously rethink her position on twins or any other kids after that.

The day will come where Anna might not always have a Duggar sister-in-law to come and live with her periodically to help out, and if she keeps piling on the blessings, one live-in helper won't be enough to help with all those kids.

There's a reason why roughly 1/3 of the Duggar adults living in the house were raising the other 2/3 of their siblings. One sister mom helping Michelle wouldn't have been able to do all that work, and Jana will likely find excuses to quit visiting once Anna gets up to her 7th or 8th kid. Three is probably no big deal for Jana to help manage at this point, but she probably goes to visit her brother and his wife in part to escape her home life situation.

As for Michelle and others holding Josie constantly (I missed the episode), they could always hold and give attention to some of the other younger children, instead of just focusing all the attention on sooper-dooper speshul-deluxe miracle preemie Josie.

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How many siblings does Anna have? I know it's less than 19 lol. She might have a different vision of growing up with multi sibs from her own family.

Or she might be delaying for awhile til Mac is capable of slaving, and the two boys would be older and more independent as well.

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