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Duggars, Duggars Everywhere - general discussion Part 4

happy atheist

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The movie they saw was either Fireproof or that other Kirk Cameron movie (can't remember what it's called now). I think they had to be 18 because for some reason at that point it was unrated.

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:lol: :lol: :lol: You think she actually has a CHOICE?!?!

No, but I thought it was interesting and very telling about the D parents. Too bad the leghumpers will brush it aside.

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I'd like to have seen Jill dancing with Robin Roberts myself. Robin is both a lesbian and a practicing Christian.

ETA: Do you think the Duggars know that Robin is a lesbian?

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Someone on the Duggar tumblr is dissapointed in Jill. Another comment likens Jill dancing to Jill smoking pot.


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Has anyone else noticed the girls are wearing their skirts shorter and shorter now? In the ABC interview, you can practically see Jinger's knees while she is sitting. I think all of the travelling they have done on the show is having an influence on them. They are becoming more mainstream!

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Yeah and remember what led up to the "double date"? Jinger was supposed to be the chaperone, but Jana and JD went instead because they were going to a "movie where you had to be over 18". I remember nearly falling out of my chair with the thought of them going to see an R-rated movie! Of course, they never actually said R-rated, so maybe it was just G-rated, but JB decreed that they had to be over 18 for any movie not starring Kirk Cameron. :P

I thought Joy was the "chaperone" (IIRC, they drew her name from a hat). But because the movie was a pre-showing before its release (it was Fireproof, btw), no one under 18 was allowed to attend, hence swapping Joy out for JD and Jana.

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Aww I cant believe there are people disappointed in Jill for dancing. She didn't do anything wrong. Its nothing like her doing drugs, its completely harmless.

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Aww I cant believe there are people disappointed in Jill for dancing. She didn't do anything wrong. Its nothing like her doing drugs, its completely harmless.

A man might lust after her :o

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Has anyone else noticed the girls are wearing their skirts shorter and shorter now? In the ABC interview, you can practically see Jinger's knees while she is sitting. I think all of the travelling they have done on the show is having an influence on them. They are becoming more mainstream!

Yeah, that's been happening a lot more lately. We see Jessa's knees when she's sitting a lot.

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I don't think the J'slaves are becoming more mainstream in terms of thought, but they either want to appear more mainstream and/or they just have trouble finding clothes that meet their old standard.

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Duggars.tumblr.com uploaded pictures from the book, there are some really cute ones



EDIT: Sorry, I forgot about the J'slaves book thread, maybe a mod can move the post there? Thanks

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A man might lust after her :o

No, that implies the man is responsible. More like she defrauded him by moving her hips like some wanton temptress, forcing him to focus on her instead of THE LORD. It's all her fault.

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Jill dancing made me laugh so hard. When I went to look at the pics, I didn't expect to see such firm evidence that she actually was dancing. I really think that a lot of the Duggars have danced with each other when parents weren't looking. It's a natural part of play and bonding for kids. Nothing remotely sexual about it.

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I thought Joy was the "chaperone" (IIRC, they drew her name from a hat). But because the movie was a pre-showing before its release (it was Fireproof, btw), no one under 18 was allowed to attend, hence swapping Joy out for JD and Jana.

Definitely Jinger. I rewatched it last night after reading here. There was no mention of what movie they saw.

The episode does include that wonderful quote from Josh about the double date with Jana & John "well we are from Arkansas". (He is laughing while he says this.)

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I don't think the J'slaves are becoming more mainstream in terms of thought, but they either want to appear more mainstream and/or they just have trouble finding clothes that meet their old standard.

I think once the show started and the J'slaves began to realize how weird they looked, they must have tried to find ways to modernize their wardrobe. By the time the Bates girls make their first appearance in their matching prairie clown outfits (which I think was in season 1 of the show), the J'slaves are already looking down at them, even though that was how more or less how they dressed up to and during "14 Children and Pregnant Again," albeit with less garish colors.

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I also want to add: I just don't see John David still sleeping in the dorm with all of the howlers. I'm sure they'll do everything they can to make it look like he still does, though.

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I also want to add: I just don't see John David still sleeping in the dorm with all of the howlers. I'm sure they'll do everything they can to make it look like he still does, though.

I can. In Gothardland, a child doesn't become an adult until he/she is married. As an unmarried son, JD has to be under his father's "umbrella of protection," which includes living in the boy's dorm with his pre-teen brothers. JD could be elected governor of Arkansas, but unless he's married with a quiver of his own, he'd still be considered a child to his ATI peers.

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I couldn't load the video, but I did notice that of the 10 pictures in the little Duggar slideshow, only 2 were actually of Duggars. What's up with that?

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So in other Ben Seewald news, I can't post a quote because its private, but to paraphrase, Ben's sister made a facebook post about how her heroes are Robert E. Lee (a godly man) and Stonewall Jackson.

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Wow, the little girls have definitely not been getting the same blanket training, thank goodness. Look at them wiggle, crawl on the floor, chomp on an apple, etc. I remember 8 years or so ago, the littlest ones sat so silently, hands folded.

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Definitely Jinger. I rewatched it last night after reading here. There was no mention of what movie they saw.

The episode does include that wonderful quote from Josh about the double date with Jana & John "well we are from Arkansas". (He is laughing while he says this.)

My bad about the chaperone. You could see the movie was Fireproof on the marquee when they approached the theater. Other than that, I think they just said it was something wholesome, or their usual spiel.

Back to your regularly scheduled Duggar snark. :D

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Did anybody else notice on the Huffpost video around 6.30 when the woman asks who have been through courtship, everybody says Jessa, and one of the little one says "and Jill" I think :think:

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