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NathanLawrenson ‏@NathanLawrenson 1h

What's harder than sending a foster child "home" after growing to love him/her? Knowing there are kids out there who need a good home.

I wonder if this means they are no longer fostering.

Hard to tell by that tweet. He could be saying that he misses the foster child while he is in Durham and maybe he feels bad for other foster children. The part about other kids needing a good home is the telling part. I wouldn't be surprised if any of the following scenarios happened

a)The state somehow decided to remove the child from Nate/relatives' custody

b) Nate's parents or in-laws got tired of having to care for the foster child in addition to Gwyneth and they brought up to Nate and Nate decided to get out of fostering

c) Nate decided on completely on his own to stop fostering

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NathanLawrenson ‏@NathanLawrenson 3h

Too many people who are dreaming and waiting for that perfect adoption could be fostering in the meantime. Please, consider it.

Nate kind of has point. Maybe some people should consider fostering, but fostering isn't ideal for everyone. I know a couple of people who did fostering but it wasn't for them, some difficult things happened in their situations. I can sort of see why some people would rather adopt infants or toddlers.

ETA: I also found a CF husband banner on another blog that I sometimes read. The blog is about a couple living near DC. The husband is in a wheelchair because of spinal cord injury. I can't remember how I found this blog. But I found it a couple of years back. This couple is conservative and the wife works as a news producer. She is major George Dubya fan. I can see why she is promoting Nate's blog on their site. I don't think there was banner there before. I admit I only check this couple's blog a couple of times a month or so.


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Nate and Tricia fostered because is the ONLY option for a CFer. They cannot pass a homestudy because they have a progressive, terminal disease. The requirements for fostering are significantly lower and once you have had the child for awhile, then you can negate the progressive terminal disease by trumping it with long-term custody.

Nate should not act holier than thou. Maybe they would have fostered anyway, but the reality is very simple. The ONLY choice they had if they wanted a second child was to foster. It's not like they went with special needs or older children, nor do they take in LOTS of kids. They took a number, waited for a baby and held onto him in the hopes that time would negate that Tricia was dying.

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Yeah, I realize that I most likely misinterpreted a tweet. A lot of CF'ers I know have had kids. But, their lung functions have suffered and I doubt they would go through a second pregnancy.

I'm childfree. Not against it, I just really dislike babies. I would like to foster one day, but that's so far into the future right now.

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Ughh Duke won. I agree with CL, fostering was the only option for Nate and Tricia to expand his family. His tweet annoyed me because it seemed like he was shaming others for not fostering.

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Yeah, I realize that I most likely misinterpreted a tweet. A lot of CF'ers I know have had kids. But, their lung functions have suffered and I doubt they would go through a second pregnancy. .

I have 2 kids and my lung function hasn't suffered but I do know a few who have tanked after kids. I also know lots who haven't. The published studies show that if you have good lung function that pregnancy doesn't make the disease progress faster. I also think that a lot of support is vital.

IMO I don't think his foster was removed but who knows. It is hard to tell what is really going on over there with tweets. Especially since most of them are sports related. Oh geeze is he now advocating spanking?

"NathanLawrenson â€@NathanLawrenson 14m

I read stories like this and wonder how many of these "shamed" brats were spanked as children. Proverbs 13:24 http://shine.yahoo.com/parenting/parent ... 17447.html …"

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"shamed brats?"

He is so vile. I have sympathy for his wife and kids but Nate makes it really, really difficult to feel any compassion for him. Dickwad.


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So he thinks he turned out fine despite being spanked :roll: :lol:

Not sure how much longer it'll be before I block him...I've wanted to follow how Tricia is doing but I just get sick reading some of his posts and hoping that people know that not all Christians are that....well, I can't even find a word to describe him! It`s not because I disagree with his views but the fact that he`s so smug and sure that he`s right no matter what others may say. That poor little girl, I grew up with a narcissist and it`s no fun :(

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My friend has mild CF and since her baby, her PFT's have gotten worse. Of course it's different for everyone, but in the case of the people I know, their lung functions have declined since their kids. Of course, CF is unpredictable and it could just be a coincidence.

Yes, I like to get updates on Trish, but can't stand almost everything else that he tweets.

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I feel bad for the foster child. His/her life has been twisted and tossed again. But, for more than six months his/her life has been in a tornado of twists and turns. The entire point of foster families is stability, love, commitment. The whole focus of Nathan's family is Tricia in the hospital.

For however bad I feel for that foster child, he/she needs a stable family. Love is awesome and no doubt the love is there. The stability, support, help, therapy, any/all else necessary with foster children - is not there. That child is not the focus. It's not a reflection, it just is what it is.

I sincerely hope that child takes the love, life and experiences and can add them to new ones, in a stable environment.

And, I'm glad the move has finally been made. The best interest of the child. Period.

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I honestly don't know what he's even talking about. I know the Proverbs, it's spare the rod, spoil the child.

I would not be surprised if he does spank the kids, but there's no way to tell if he does or doesn't. My dad (a devout Christian) always spanked us and it didn't work. It only made us afraid of him.

Nate followed up with this:

"FYI, great way to start a Facebook debate is to tell everyone that you're thankful your parents spanked you as a child..."

I think he likes to rile people up. It brings him attention, and that's what he wants.

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So he thinks he turned out fine despite being spanked :roll: :lol:

Not sure how much longer it'll be before I block him...I've wanted to follow how Tricia is doing but I just get sick reading some of his posts and hoping that people know that not all Christians are that....well, I can't even find a word to describe him! It`s not because I disagree with his views but the fact that he`s so smug and sure that he`s right no matter what others may say. That poor little girl, I grew up with a narcissist and it`s no fun :(

Don't worry many people know that not all Christians are like Nate. I know some Christians who would disagree with Nate on some things or they would find his views too extreme. Nate's "never abort" belief would clash with some Christians who are ok with abortion in cases of health problems, rape, and incest.

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I'm Christian and I disagree with a lot of things he says, like abortions (I am pro-choice), gay marriage (I am for it), and so on.

His views are just super extreme and pretty hateful at times. People like him give the good Christians a bad name.

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I'm Christian and I disagree with a lot of things he says, like abortions (I am pro-choice), gay marriage (I am for it), and so on.

His views are just super extreme and pretty hateful at times. People like him give the good Christians a bad name.

I think a lot of Nate's extreme views have to do with the fact that his dad is a conservative pastor. Daddy Lawrenson has tweeted some pretty hateful stuff too. I also think Nate developed "I'm a special Christian" attitude as well. To him, he basically thinks Christians are the special ones in the world. His views on abortion are too extreme. But at the same time, I doubt that he spends a lot of time thinking about rape victims who become pregnant.

As for gay marriage, I wouldn't be surprised if Nate thinks that Christians own the concept of marriage. I've said before in this thread, but he is the type that would totally be ok with gay people being discriminated against, but we all know if someone discriminated against Tricia or Gwyneth for the health problems/disabilities, Nate would think it is wrong.

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I honestly don't know what he's even talking about. I know the Proverbs, it's spare the rod, spoil the child.

I would not be surprised if he does spank the kids, but there's no way to tell if he does or doesn't. My dad (a devout Christian) always spanked us and it didn't work. It only made us afraid of him.

Nate followed up with this:

"FYI, great way to start a Facebook debate is to tell everyone that you're thankful your parents spanked you as a child..."

I think he likes to rile people up. It brings him attention, and that's what he wants.

Actually spare the rod, spoilt the child is from poor Richards almanac.

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Lots of kids turned out fine after being spanked. That doesn't make it right.

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Of course, Nate had to tweet about the North Dakota abortion ban.

NathanLawrenson ‏@NathanLawrenson 3h

“the inalienable right to life of every human being at any stage of development must be recognized and protected.” lifenews.com/2013/03/22/north-dakota-passes-personhood-amendment-abortion-ban/ …

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The foster child is still in Nate's custody. The pic is of Gwen

NathanLawrenson NathanLawrenson ‏@NathanLawrenson 1h

Missing our kids bad today. instagram.com/p/XNz9NBDVY-/

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Lots of kids turned out fine after being spanked. That doesn't make it right.

Indeed. Of course there needs to be discipline. If you let a kid do what they want, they won't respect boundaries. There are lots of ways to discipline a child without spanking.

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Actually spare the rod, spoilt the child is from poor Richards almanac.

I always thought it was derivative from some Olde English poem.

Matters not really, KJV cherry pickers will whack their kids in the name of the good LAWD anyway. :roll:

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My friend has mild CF and since her baby, her PFT's have gotten worse. Of course it's different for everyone, but in the case of the people I know, their lung functions have declined since their kids. Of course, CF is unpredictable and it could just be a coincidence.

Yes, I like to get updates on Trish, but can't stand almost everything else that he tweets.

May I ask what you mean by the term "Mild CF"?

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Ok, she's the one that tells me she has mild CF, so that's her words, not mine. I guess by mild, she means that she's had a lot better health, higher pft's, and a lot less infections than other CF'ers that she knows.

Since having her baby, her PFT's seem to be somewhere in the 60 percent range. I don't know what they are currently. I know prior to her baby, her PFT's were in the high 80's, low 90's range.

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