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Lori Alexander 83: Fully Cook the Chicken!

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Just like Lori, I like to *ponder* things as well. lol.. What I'm pondering now is Lori's most recent video and her increasingly frequent messages about women NEVER leaving home.   I know many of us have speculated in the past that Lori has a a touch of agoraphobia and increasingly evidence is pointing (by Lori's own admission) that here world is getting smaller and smaller. 


  • She brags that she only leaves home to go to the "health food" store, Costco and church. 
  • She always goes on the same 40 minute walk. Sounds like her path is pre-determined and she doesn't venture off, or go in different directions for variety. Same day after day -- pre-planned walk.
  • When she watches her grandchildren, she NEVER goes to their homes where they have their own toys, beds, etc.   They always come to Lori's house. 
  • For the past month, she has been saying how she doesn't know if she will make it to Door County. She always loved going there and humbled bragged about her summers.  Now she seems lukewarm at best about even going even though she is "improving" supposedly. 

Ken seems to be relatively healthy and outgoing. In his line of work (which by all appearances has been successful) he likes interacting with people.  Lori has mentioned that he plays pickleball and is probably in some sort of league at their local park.  How must he feel to have wife who doesn't share his interests, doesn't like to leave the house, doesn't eat dinner with him, doesn't go to bed or get up with him, has no outside interests except being on social media all day.

I'm not saying all spouses have to have everything in common. My husband and I have lots of different interests, but we also share some interests and like to actually "do" things together. 

More and more Lori is becoming a recluse in the name of "biblical womanhood" but no where in even the most conservative interpretations of the Bible does it say women can't ever leave their homes. Purely speculation bus, but I think Lori is trying to justify her own issues/lifestyle by using scripture.  She does it with everything else, so why should I be surprised?



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3 hours ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:


Lori seems to come from a line of medicine-hating, woo-loving, crazy women.  

And yet her mother married a doctor  That’s so weird to me.  
I wonder what her father thinks of her opinions on modern medicine?  Does she discuss them with him?

If Lori was truly anti-vax back in the day (and I agree it wasn’t as much of a thing as it is nowadays), how did Ken feel?  Did he go along with it?



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2 hours ago, SongRed7 said:

Purely speculation bus, but I think Lori is trying to justify her own issues/lifestyle by using scripture.

And  ...... of course if Lori does it then it's goldy. It's what Lori God commands. Lori is thus commanded to teach women to be godly by never leaving their homes, thereby shrinking their worlds even further.

Pretty soon she'll be teach it's a sin to leave your home. She heavily implies that in her video "Things I don't do as a Christian" and the My Simple Life FB post

Also on the pure speculation bus -- but I think Lori's mother married a doctor for the money.  Lori (and Ken) have both said her mom liked to spend, and her parents fought about money.

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The Southern Baptists tried to keep women from positions of authority but the vote didn't pass.  Lori, of course, is all over it and is quoting Revelation in support of her woman-hating philosophies.  Some fool posted that females are "screechers".  Lori has her usual male fans making comments.

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It was so interesting to see just how inward-focused LazyLori’s life has become. First, I don’t see how she is so damn sick and has been for most of her adult (ie working) life. She does seem to enjoy ill health more than anyone I “know”. But her days are so focused on her, her needs, her wants. Even watching her grandkids (which she shouldn’t have to do if her daughters/DILs stay home as she says mothers should)…I would consider that something that brings Lori joy.  We don’t see her volunteering anywhere. With her teaching credentials, she could be a reading buddy for kids during the summer months. She could solicit donations for a food bank even if she can’t lift bags and boxes of items. She does nothing for anyone else. What a sad and lonely life she leads. 

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4 hours ago, HoneyBunny said:

It was so interesting to see just how inward-focused LazyLori’s life has become. First, I don’t see how she is so damn sick and has been for most of her adult (ie working) life. She does seem to enjoy ill health more than anyone I “know”. But her days are so focused on her, her needs, her wants. Even watching her grandkids (which she shouldn’t have to do if her daughters/DILs stay home as she says mothers should)…I would consider that something that brings Lori joy.  We don’t see her volunteering anywhere. With her teaching credentials, she could be a reading buddy for kids during the summer months. She could solicit donations for a food bank even if she can’t lift bags and boxes of items. She does nothing for anyone else. What a sad and lonely life she leads. 

But she educates us on godliness. We would all be fully cooking chicken without her. Think about the implications of that!! 

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Lori on Twitter this morning:  "My husband would often whisper into my children's ears at night when they were in bed, 'I love you and always will. I may have to kick you out of my home if you rebel against God, but I will continue to love you and pray for you.  Nothing will ever cause me to stop loving you.'"

Often. To his children. At night. When they were in bed.

 Those poor children.

I used to feel sorry for Ken because he has to live with Lori, but I'm beginning to think they're two of a kind and deserve each other.

Ken, could you elaborate on this?  What, in your mind, constitutes rebellion against God?  If a minor child of yours had rebelled, would you have found them somewhere else to live, called CPS to remove them, or tossed them out the front door?

I've always been a bit amazed (and envious) at how well the Alexander children seem to have turned out.  But maybe there's an adult version of this--"If you rebel against God, I will cut off your inheritance."


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I saw that and WAS shocked. I guess I shouldn't have been.  There is total cognitive dissonance on Lori's part when says the quite part out loud and brags about a parenting "technique" they used they she humble brags about being soooo successful.  

Great way to traumatize young children. This is pure emotional and religious abuse. It would be bad enough with older teens, but presumably you are talking about young, young children if you are tucking them into bed. 

Well, she is getting a lot of push back on Twitter/X and rightly so. But of course, Lori will ignore it, dig in, or double down that all of her children "walk and truth" and "she has 18 grandchildren and counting" and "look how perfect the Alexanders are!"


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5 hours ago, Foursquare said:


I've always been a bit amazed (and envious) at how well the Alexander children seem to have turned out.  But maybe there's an adult version of this--"If you rebel against God, I will cut off your inheritance."


Well, according to Ken and Lori, the Alexander kids have turned out well. I only read their words and see very carefully planned social media posts from Alyssa.  I suspect each of them has their own uniques issues they may or may not have dealt with regarding Lori and Ken. 

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Further thoughts on Ken’s “I love you…” message to his kids. 

Three of Ken’s kids live close by and, presumably leave their children with him and Lori a lot. I wonder what kind of threats he whispers to them.  If true, this also says a lot about his children, leaving their kids with two grandparents who seem to be even creepier than we thought. 

As far as Ken responding to this. He has a couple choices. He can deny it, letting his wife look like the liar she is. Or he can confirm it, confirming to us that he is the monster many of us thought he was. 

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32 minutes ago, usmcmom said:

Three of Ken’s kids live close by and, presumably leave their children with him and Lori a lot. I wonder what kind of threats he whispers to them.  If true, this also says a lot about his children, leaving their kids with two grandparents who seem to be even creepier than we thought. 

Wasn't there a Facebook post a couple of years ago where Lori talked about taking a walk with Ken and one of the granddaughters wanted to go along?  I think the kid had her bicycle but somehow couldn't keep up.  Lori didn't want to coddle her and insisted she'd be left behind if she didn't speed up.  After that, I couldn't understand why any of the grandchildren were ever left with them.

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On 6/13/2024 at 11:53 AM, HoneyBunny said:

It was so interesting to see just how inward-focused LazyLori’s life has become. First, I don’t see how she is so damn sick and has been for most of her adult (ie working) life. She does seem to enjoy ill health more than anyone I “know”. But her days are so focused on her, her needs, her wants. Even watching her grandkids (which she shouldn’t have to do if her daughters/DILs stay home as she says mothers should)…I would consider that something that brings Lori joy.  We don’t see her volunteering anywhere. With her teaching credentials, she could be a reading buddy for kids during the summer months. She could solicit donations for a food bank even if she can’t lift bags and boxes of items. She does nothing for anyone else. What a sad and lonely life she leads. 

     Lori cannot teach or volunteer because she can't get along with other people. Being High Priestess of the Sekret Chatroom doesn't count as getting along with anybody because Lori is large and in-charge with a finger at all times on the delete button.

     Lori could have used her platform as a source of help - such as real budgeting and thrifty recipe ideas, homeschooling tips,  as well as encouragement and support for these poor families who struggle in poverty and exhaustion.

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17 minutes ago, Xan said:

Wasn't there a Facebook post a couple of years ago where Lori talked about taking a walk with Ken and one of the granddaughters wanted to go along?  I think the kid had her bicycle but somehow couldn't keep up.  Lori didn't want to coddle her and insisted she'd be left behind if she didn't speed up.  After that, I couldn't understand why any of the grandchildren were ever left with them.

Yes; something like that. Twice in that post, Lori mentioned incidents in which her granddaughter “lost it,” and denigrated her for her responses. One might have been about wanting to go home that same weekend. And the one about the walk, I think the little girl somehow got scared she was being left behind. If I remember correctly these both happened during the same weekend visit. 


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In addition to being a Lying Liar Who Lies -- 

Lori Alexander is a Monster.

Lori Alexander is a Monster who advocates Beating Children with a Stiff Thick Leather Strap.

Lori Alexander is a Monster who allows Incel men to Advocate for Child Marriage without disagreeing.

Lori Alexander is a Monster who Emotionally Abuses her Grandchildren (at least one we know of).

Lori Alexander is a Monster who spends all her Time and Energy Denigrating Women.

Lori Alexander is a Monster who Counsels Abused Women to Submit More.

Lori Alexander is a Monster who believe Marital Rape is a Myth.

Lori Alexander is a Monster who Counsels Women to Suppress all Emotions (which are from the devil and sinful).

Lori Alexander is a Monster who says women have to be Taught to Love Husbands and Children (because she never could or did) .

Lor Alexander is a Monster who takes out her Bitterness, Anger, Hatred, Disdain and Cruelty on Women.

Lori Alexander is a Monster who believes she alone Speaks for God.

Lori Alexander is a Monster in Every Way, Shape, and Form.

Did I miss anything?


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Lori Alexander is a monster who advocates against the use of modern medicine and discourages others from getting mammograms or using sunscreen, or getting their children vaccinated. People die because of Lori Alexander. 

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On 6/14/2024 at 9:41 PM, usmcmom said:

Yes; something like that. Twice in that post, Lori mentioned incidents in which her granddaughter “lost it,” and denigrated her for her responses. One might have been about wanting to go home that same weekend. And the one about the walk, I think the little girl somehow got scared she was being left behind. If I remember correctly these both happened during the same weekend visit. 

They were out for a walk and the little girl was on a bike I think,  The little girl stopped to  put her sweater on and Lori kept walking saying "she could catch up after putting her sweater on."  The little girl got frightened because they wouldn't stop for her. What grandparents wouldn't stop for the 2 minutes it takes to put a sweater on.  Later than night Lori recounted that the little girl was homesick and missed her mom, and Lori again reprimanded her "that she was safe" and being foolish. 

Lori -- who doesn't' believe in sleep overs, was not sympathetic to the child who probably had not slept away from home much if at all before. 


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I remember that story about her granddaughter, and it made me sick. 

Lori, the woman who couldn’t manage to get herself out of harms way when a wildfire broke out near her house, and who couldn’t bring herself to be at the hospital when her husband was critically ill, was complaining about her granddaughter’s fear and anxiety.  An 8 year old acting like an 8 year old, while Lori, a 60 something  acting like an 8 year old.  🙄

She makes me sick.  


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Didn't we also think that she couldn't manage to come home from Door County during her mother's last week of life? 

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From Lori's Twitter/X Today:

"“Come on, TTW, how could women possibly afford children or have time for them when they *NEED* manicures and pedicures, Botox, facelifts, breast implants, lots of jewelry, clothes, shoes, purses, makeup, facials, spa days, girls’ night out, Starbuck’s lattes, updated iPhones…”

I feel like Lori doesn't really know any *real* women. Maybe she only knows daughter Alyssa's friends who all seem to be IG influencers.  I live in a very working class town in NJ. While the women I know (and I work in healthcare) might treat themselves to an occasional coffee from Wawa, Dunkin' or Starbucks and maybe will occasionally get a pedicure, these things DO NOT represent the average woman who is working hard to support her family, raise her children, take care of her husband while maybe also taking care of aging parents and who volunteers in the community, at their places of worship and does the majority of the lift when it comes to taking kids to activities, school events, etc. AND the women I know also garden, are great cooks (from scratch! imagine that!!) and is so giving and giving and giving she is often exhausted but does it anyway without complaint. 

Lori thinks every woman is just one big walking stereotype and if they aren't living according to her rules, they are doing it wrong.  

GEEZ  I can't take that woman!



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18 hours ago, SongRed7 said:

From Lori's Twitter/X Today:

"“Come on, TTW, how could women possibly afford children or have time for them when they *NEED* manicures and pedicures, Botox, facelifts, breast implants, lots of jewelry, clothes, shoes, purses, makeup, facials, spa days, girls’ night out, Starbuck’s lattes, updated iPhones…”

I feel like Lori doesn't really know any *real* women. Maybe she only knows daughter Alyssa's friends who all seem to be IG influencers.  I live in a very working class town in NJ. While the women I know (and I work in healthcare) might treat themselves to an occasional coffee from Wawa, Dunkin' or Starbucks and maybe will occasionally get a pedicure, these things DO NOT represent the average woman who is working hard to support her family, raise her children, take care of her husband while maybe also taking care of aging parents and who volunteers in the community, at their places of worship and does the majority of the lift when it comes to taking kids to activities, school events, etc. AND the women I know also garden, are great cooks (from scratch! imagine that!!) and is so giving and giving and giving she is often exhausted but does it anyway without complaint. 

Lori thinks every woman is just one big walking stereotype and if they aren't living according to her rules, they are doing it wrong.  

GEEZ  I can't take that woman!



You know, I've often wondered just who all Lori knows out there in southern California who behaves like this--the botox, the Starbucks, the spa days, the girls' nights out, etc--because she seems to have no really good friends and her sisters don't seem like poster women for this stereotype. You just solved it for me--her daughter Alyssa's friends.

I don't know why I didn't think of that before, because I know that sometimes she posts things that seem to be aimed straight at Alyssa herself. I'm guessing that Lori, from her self-imposed isolation in her $2m home, generally only sees Alyssa's friends and other people like them on Instagram and elsewhere, either in real life or online. And because Lori is such a literalist, such a completely black-and-white thinker, she's extrapolated what she sees on Insta to the entire rest of the US (I'd say the entire world, but I really think in Lori's mind everywhere outside the borders of the US is just some vague, amorphous blob with a population of equally vague, amorphously blobby people who exist only to sneak in to the US so she  can have household help. Only Americans count). She doesn't see the middle-aged moms working the cash registers at grocery stores, or the 62 year old woman from Mexico who's been cleaning hotel rooms for 20 years to give her daughter a better life (I know that woman in real life), or even the young, idealistic new teacher trying to make a difference in her 7th grade students' lives but who has come up against so many obstacles from the administration, parents, and some of the students themselves that after just one year she's changing careers (and she's certainly not out buying lots of jewelry, clothes, purses, and makeup! I personally know that woman as well!). Because she's isolated herself so narrowly over the past few years, Lori only sees women like Alyssa's friends, living their Instagram influencer lives, and judges all other women accordingly. And she's taught so many of her minions to believe her, and to not question her. The red-pill incel men who follow her only serve to confirm her in her beliefs and to help convince the young women who follow her as well. 

And you can't argue with her, because if you do, you're really arguing with God. 😕

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One of her posts today is claiming that it isn't legalism to make your girls have long hair and wear dresses.  Along with that, she says that it's okay to not let them watch tv, to homeschool them, not allow them to go to college, and to only date someone whom they might marry.  I realize that I can't crawl through the monitor screen and snatch her baldheaded but I'd certainly like to.  Why not just chain your daughters in the basement until they're old enough to be sold off to some man, Lori?

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@Loveday, you’re right: The kinds of women you mentioned are absolutely invisible to Lori! Sure, in her part of sunny California, there may be a good number of Insta-ready women who spend $$$ on their looks and recreational activities (I’m willing to venture a guess that the percentage is higher there than in my working-class neck of the woods), but doesn’t she notice the retail and service workers who make her lifestyle possible? And maybe the other ordinary women who are just going about their business are also beneath her notice, unless she chooses to use them as “bad examples” because they’re not thin or “put together” enough.

My daughter, a public school teacher who calls herself “one of the poor people of the Connecticut Gold Coast,” laughs because she can “pass” as one of the “blonde yoga  moms of Fairfield County.” Yes, she isn’t really blonde and likes yoga, but she gets a kick out of noticing women there who “present” like her but who are obviously much richer. (When she moved to that area for her job, she went looking for a working moms’ support/social group, and was stunned at how few of the moms she encountered were employed outside the home.)

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I agree that Lori generalizes about women based on Alyssa's friends. However, I wonder about the women at the super-godly, male-led church she and Ken attend. Who are the women she sees there? Are there no families with young children? Maybe she ignores those young women/mothers b/c she has not been asked to "minister" to them, and she could not get to know them just in the name of Christian friendship, could she. And what about the older women there? Are they the ones she is talking about in this answer she gave on one of her Facebook posts : And most older women have no desire to teach the younger women, even the godly older women that I know! According to Lori, she is the only righteous one around. Yeah, right. Jesus weeps some more.

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Lori's stupidity really does know no bounds. Today she's doubling down on her cervical cancer claims:



The Transformed Wife 



Your future wife will be blessed. If she has waited [to have sex after the wedding day] too, she will never have to worry about getting cervical cancer. There are many blessings in obedience to God.


Because the ONLY thing that causes cervical cancer is sex before marriage, I guess.🙄

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Lying Lori's FB today is pushing Debi Pearl's horrible Help Meet book

The leghumper fangirls responded full of OTT effusive praise and accolades about how wonderful and helpful and Biblical and Christian and full of truth the book is and how it helped them realize that everything wrong with their marriages was All. Their. Faults. 

This comment is fairly representative of all the OTT praises, but it gave me pause and I had a few thoughts.


This book saved our marriage "to train up a child" by the same authors saved our children's lives, probably literally. I was abusive out of desperation.

My thoughts:

The book didn't save her marriage. It taught her to be a complete doormat and submit more and harder.

If TTUAC literally saved her children's lives, does she mean she would have at some point literally beaten them to death?

If she was previously abusive out of desperation, is she now coldly and calculatingly abusive as Michael Pearl describes in his vile book?

Why was she so desperate that she abused her children?  Was she so desperate because she had to be a doormat and submit, submit more, and submit harder? Does she feel less desperate now that she has an outlet --an outlet where she can coldly and calculatingly beat her children as Michael Pearl advises in his vile book?

Or maybe she's simply an abusive mother -- But now she can justify beating her children because Michael Pearl says it's A-OK and the Christian thing to do?

This woman is Vile. She justifies beating her children because someone in a book said it was A-OK and described how to do it so it really really hurts and completely breaks their wills and spirits. 

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