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Any word on fundie responses to the election?


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Oh my God my fucking relative drives me crazy. She unfriended me a long time ago (and blocked me for a while lol), but now I still feel compelled to check out her page because she and her friends are so ridiculous. They are really hateful, but spout the "God is love" or whatever shit. Her facebook is public. I would love for her to get called out for the blatant lies she posts. https://www.facebook.com/lisa.bailey.79219754?fref=ts

Not breaking the link cause it's facebook.

Lisa's a busy little Facebooker, isn't she? Does she do anything besides sitting on FB all day?

Btw, love the "Pro-life, Pro-God, Pro-guns" description of herself. Reminds of that Sesame Street song that went, "Which one of these is not like the other?" I guess in her world guns belong right up there with life and God.

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Guest Anonymous

Oh, for fuck's sake...

Bryan Spencer Damn rag heads. In Walmart you are starting to see more and more of them. I hate to be so critical but you have know idea if one of them will blow the crap out of people. It is a big concern for all of us.

Doc Usmc I just don't get it any time travel overseas We always abid to the current customs No one asked them to come here.

Ronald Yelton muuuuuuuslims need to quit wiping their asses with their fingers and eat some pork and join the rest of the world.

Todd Keys It's not like Islam has the implicit goal of taking over every society/country, by force if need be...no, wait...

What utter arseholes!

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you have know idea if one of them will blow the crap out of people. It is a big concern for all of us.

Yes. Yes I do. There are 1.2 billion Muslims. If they all wanted to blow the crap out of you you'd already be dead.

White, non " damn ragheads" (which is what you started your post off with) blow people up too. I know multiple means to blow people and things up, as do most folk who've ever done a bit of reading. Do I get a free pass because I'm not a "damn raghead"? What if I tell you I have multiple photos of carbombings which I study intently to work out payload and optimum location?

Even though I have no intention of blowing anyone up, you could walk past a completely peaceful "raghead" whose main concerns are if the kiddies are teething yet and what's on special offer in the store, or you could walk past me. If you could see inside our heads would you still think a peaceful and innocent Muslim woman was your main issue?

*not getting the Muslim hate*

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Um. From the comments:

Does this person have any clue about the size of the American electorate? And, you know, how elections work?

another comment: "one thing I have realized is that God allowed Hitler to reign for a time..."

It just makes me want to head desk over and over.

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Yes. Yes I do. There are 1.2 billion Muslims. If they all wanted to blow the crap out of you you'd already be dead.

White, non " damn ragheads" (which is what you started your post off with) blow people up too. I know multiple means to blow people and things up, as do most folk who've ever done a bit of reading. Do I get a free pass because I'm not a "damn raghead"? What if I tell you I have multiple photos of carbombings which I study intently to work out payload and optimum location?

Even though I have no intention of blowing anyone up, you could walk past a completely peaceful "raghead" whose main concerns are if the kiddies are teething yet and what's on special offer in the store, or you could walk past me. If you could see inside our heads would you still think a peaceful and innocent Muslim woman was your main issue?

*not getting the Muslim hate*

I have heard that things can be a bit different in some parts of Europe, but in the US, Muslims join our communities and participate fully. They are on PTA boards and volunteer at homeless shelters. You run into them at Walmart and recognize them as parents of a child in your daughter's class, smile and say hi and make small talk. If you go to a medical specialist, there is a fair chance they will be Muslim (like the doctor I saw recently for a pap smear at Planned Parenthood). I have a hard time understanding the fear of Islam in the US because, while they keep their own religion, they assimilate in every other imaginable way. People who pick on them for wearing traditional dress and obeying Islamic modesty laws really are just being racist, xenophobic assholes.

I have lived in communities with a decent Muslim population for my entire life and have only known one family that seemed hostile to US culture. And even then, they were no more hostile than the typical Christian fundamentalist.

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Guest Anonymous

I have heard that things can be a bit different in some parts of Europe, but in the US, Muslims join our communities and participate fully. They are on PTA boards and volunteer at homeless shelters. You run into them at Walmart and recognize them as parents of a child in your daughter's class, smile and say hi and make small talk. If you go to a medical specialist, there is a fair chance they will be Muslim (like the doctor I saw recently for a pap smear at Planned Parenthood). I have a hard time understanding the fear of Islam in the US because, while they keep their own religion, they assimilate in every other imaginable way. People who pick on them for wearing traditional dress and obeying Islamic modesty laws really are just being racist, xenophobic assholes.

I have lived in communities with a decent Muslim population for my entire life and have only known one family that seemed hostile to US culture. And even then, they were no more hostile than the typical Christian fundamentalist.

I don't know about other parts of Europe, but I think that picture is pretty accurate for the UK too. Muslims are the people in my seminar groups, my volunteer job, my Friday night dinner, and my doctor's surgery. They are regular shoppers at my local supermarket, and patients at my local hospital/clinic.

There was a really intense hatred that started to filter through at around the time of the Iraq war. The phrase that I remember is something like "Don't tell me you don't get scared when one of them is sitting next to you on a plane". I was thinking of that phrase the other day when I was on the tube. I was thinking about just how impractical that kind of irrational fear would be in London: You would flinch every time you used public transport, or picked up your prescription, or reached for a cauliflower at the market.

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It's good to know that things are the same in the UK. I don't know if I am hearing exaggerations or complete lies, but I have heard Europeans say that the Muslim community in their area lives mainly in their own neighborhoods and sends their children to Islamic schools, keeps to themselves quite a bit and does not move into mainstream society.

Which is fine and certainly understandable. But it would create an enhanced sense of "other". I have not observed this in the US, not at all. Even though there are a number of people out there who are xenophobes, the majority of people I know are interested in someone from another country and more likely to annoy them with our curiosity and determined inclusiveness than to reject them.

I had a neighbor who moved here with his wife and children from Ghana. Once I discovered that they loved to talk about their country, I had tons of questions. For a year we walked our children to school while they described their food and homes and traditions. My big issue with people from other countries is that I have to rein in my curiosity about their culture. I think this is a typical American problem.

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I love this. It's actually from a fundie preacher, but he at least has some sense:

All of the pre-election prognostications and post-election hysteria have served to remind me once again of what it is that most American Christians actually worship. Apparently many of us have bowed to the golden calf of the American dream instead of the Lord Jehovah so that as long as someone who at least pretends to be conservative, especially if he’s a white guy without an offensive sounding name, occupies the executive office then all is well in our country for the next four years. But, if somehow the brown man with the Arabic name is elected then God help the cause is lost. But what cause exactly?
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The phrase that I remember is something like "Don't tell me you don't get scared when one of them is sitting next to you on a plane".

In early 2002 I took a cross-country flight and ended up being seated with me in the aisle seat, an older (early 50s-ish) white woman in the center seat, and a 30s-ish Arab man in the window seat. Early in the flight the Arabic man got up to use the bathroom and left his briefcase at his seat. The white woman gives a side-glance to the briefcase and then turns to me and asks, in a fearful/scandalized tone, "Why do you think he left that here?" (the implication being that it was a bomb or something)

I was a teen and too afraid of getting into trouble/causing a scene to tell her how stupid and offensive what she was implying was and have always regretted it.

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In early 2002 I took a cross-country flight and ended up being seated with me in the aisle seat, an older (early 50s-ish) white woman in the center seat, and a 30s-ish Arab man in the window seat. Early in the flight the Arabic man got up to use the bathroom and left his briefcase at his seat. The white woman gives a side-glance to the briefcase and then turns to me and asks, in a fearful/scandalized tone, "Why do you think he left that here?" (the implication being that it was a bomb or something)

I was a teen and too afraid of getting into trouble/causing a scene to tell her how stupid and offensive what she was implying was and have always regretted it.

Airplane toilets are so small I bet taking one's briefcase into one would be a total pain in the ass (no pun intended).

You know, I was pretty upset when Bush got re-selected in 2004, and I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach when Feingold lost in 2010, but for the most part I kept it together.

But the fundies have gone completely off the rails. Damn, put your big kid panties on it and cope with it.

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Airplane toilets are so small I bet taking one's briefcase into one would be a total pain in the ass (no pun intended).

You know, I was pretty upset when Bush got re-selected in 2004, and I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach when Feingold lost in 2010, but for the most part I kept it together.

But the fundies have gone completely off the rails. Damn, put your big kid panties on it and cope with it.

I think a lot of the republican overreaction is due to the fact that they are in abject denial. I heard an NPR program that said that the republicans didn't do their own fact checking and felt that Faux news was able to rationalize their faux pas they were in the game. One of the speakers mentioned that the Republicans actually believed that Faux news was accurately reporting the news (snort).

Here's a rather long article meant for political junkies and not meant to derail the thread but to further explain the river of denial the Republicans were floating on.


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With all of this moaning about 'AMERICA IS DEAD', you'd think we've elected Bin Laden or something.

Even when Bush was reelected there wasn't this much outcry...damn.

I'm proud to be an American, but I seriously hate these people. So you don't agree with the outcome? Fine. But don't go threatening to kill the president or go on and on about 'AMERICA IS SO DEAD OBAMA IS SATAN' because we all know it's due to because he's Black and the fact that Obama supports equality for all...including the women and 'GASP" the ebil, ebil gays...

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It takes a special kind of person to be exposed to Muslims (or just brown people who they assume are Muslim) in their daily lives and still be prejudiced against them and treat them like the "other". Part of it is isolation, but plenty of older people in my city remember a time when they'd never met a Muslim and they're still not dickheads about sharing a city with them, so there's a certain something else you need to be a racist Islamophobic prick. I've had people on the internet tell me I wouldn't be so against Islamophobia if they were building a mosque in my neighbourhood. There is a mosque in my neighbourhood, and it's been there since long before I moved here. It has 0 effect on most non-Muslim residents' lives, and it has a positive effect on mine because it belongs to the same interfaith group as my church.

Um. From the comments:

Does this person have any clue about the size of the American electorate? And, you know, how elections work?

:doh: Math. How does it work?

Hey Whiner Lady, FJ's still making fun of your blog. Can you blame us? You and your commenters are unintentionally hilarious. P.S. You and your wealthy-ass husband have nothing to fear. Obama's policies have been and will remain very, very far from socialist, and he will not touch your wealth much more than Romney would have. Unfortunately.

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It takes a special kind of person to be exposed to Muslims (or just brown people who they assume are Muslim) in their daily lives and still be prejudiced against them and treat them like the "other". Part of it is isolation, but plenty of older people in my city remember a time when they'd never met a Muslim and they're still not dickheads about sharing a city with them, so there's a certain something else you need to be a racist Islamophobic prick. I've had people on the internet tell me I wouldn't be so against Islamophobia if they were building a mosque in my neighbourhood. There is a mosque in my neighbourhood, and it's been there since long before I moved here. It has 0 effect on most non-Muslim residents' lives, and it has a positive effect on mine because it belongs to the same interfaith group as my church.

:doh: Math. How does it work?

Hey Whiner Lady, FJ's still making fun of your blog. Can you blame us? You and your commenters are unintentionally hilarious. P.S. You and your wealthy-ass husband have nothing to fear. Obama's policies have been and will remain very, very far from socialist, and he will not touch your wealth much more than Romney would have. Unfortunately.

Shh don't tell her that. She might stop whining then I would be sad :cry:

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I always have two words for people who start spouting the all Muslims are terrorists meme: Timothy McVeigh

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Can you imagine how whiney she would be if on top of Romney's loss, the pool didn't get put in on time? :lol:

That too would be the heathens' fault.

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Lori's response


How do you reach a large group of voters who want stuff given to them for free? That is the big question that keeps coming up after the election. They don't ask it that way but it is exactly what must happen if Republicans are ever to win the presidency again.

I once heard a quote long time ago that once people realize they can vote money into their pockets, the economy is doomed. One caller called up on the radio and suggested we divide America up into two parts. One part will be where the Republicans live and the other part will be for the Democrats.

I love that idea but if you think about it long enough, you realize it will never work. Where would the Democrats get all their money for all their social programs and free birth control? They wouldn't have enough hard-working Americans to tax. It sure would be fun to try, however. {I realize there are many hard-working Democrats out there but there are a lot who have an entitlement mentality also.}

If you think about it, we live in a very liberal society. The majority of the news programs are liberal. The majority of schools are liberal. Hollywood is very liberal. However, it is amazing that 57,000,0000 people voted for Governor Romney who believes in life for the unborn, the sanctity of marriage, small government, low taxes, and getting out of debt compared to 59,000,000 who voted for President Obama. At least there are a lot of us who are hurting together.

To think that we can ever turn this ship around, however, may be dreaming. We know who the Prince of the power of the air is and he sure doesn't want goodness to prevail. Our economy may crash and we can start all over... As Christians, however, we always have hope. God is in control and He promises us that He will always take care of us come what may.

Protect your children and raise them in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord. Be very careful if you want to send them to public schools that have thrown Christianity completely out and teach humanism instead. Pay close attention to what they are being taught. I have seen too many children walk completely away from the Truth after being in government run institutions all of their lives. It is too much time spent away from godly teaching.

In conclusion, I was very sad the day after the election. Yes, I grieved for this country and the future of it. I know my hope is in Jesus but America is a unique experiment that has worked pretty good. I hate to see it coming to an end and going the way of Greece. But our hope must always remain in the Lord, not in this world's system.

I was annoyed at the part where she talks about public schools throwing out Christianity. She doesn't even fucking realize that public schools can't teach from a Christian viewpoint because not all public school students are Christian. Lori is probably the type that doesn't give shit about Jews, Muslims, other non-Christian religions, agnostics, and atheists who live in the U.S.

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Lori's response


I was annoyed at the part where she talks about public schools throwing out Christianity. She doesn't even fucking realize that public schools can't teach from a Christian viewpoint because not all public school students are Christian. Lori is probably the type that doesn't give shit about Jews, Muslims, other non-Christian religions, agnostics, and atheists who live in the U.S.

Someone needs to give her a link to that map that shows that red states take federal tax dollars from blue states and that red states are higher welfare states. The part about it not working because blue states won't have enough money to go around literally made me laugh out loud.

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I was annoyed at the part where she talks about public schools throwing out Christianity. She doesn't even fucking realize that public schools can't teach from a Christian viewpoint because not all public school students are Christian. Lori is probably the type that doesn't give shit about Jews, Muslims, other non-Christian religions, agnostics, and atheists who live in the U.S.

Most of the court rulings stem from Christians suing because the flavor of Christianity being taught differed from their own.

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That too would be the heathens' fault.

She is too busy mourning the squirrel to whine at the moment.

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I love my country but sometimes I wish we could divide along red state/blue state lines. Watching the red state country begging for readmittance would be hilarious.

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I once heard a quote long time ago that once people realize they can vote money into their pockets, the economy is doomed. One caller called up on the radio and suggested we divide America up into two parts. One part will be where the Republicans live and the other part will be for the Democrats.

I love that idea but if you think about it long enough, you realize it will never work. Where would the Democrats get all their money for all their social programs and free birth control? They wouldn't have enough hard-working Americans to tax.

Having social programmes - and in some countries free birth control - has been working just fine here in Europe for decades. Where we have financial problems, they're largely due to the greed and mismanagement of our banks.

As for the effect of that government spending - just remind me Lori, what was it that Keynes said about how to get out of a depression? (I'm sure you remember Keynes from your homeschooling days - you know, the guy who is plausibly described as having saved capitalism during the economic problems of the 20th century). Ah yes. "Government borrowing of one kind or another is nature's remedy, so to speak, for preventing business losses from being, [in a depression], so great as to bring production altogether to a standstill." Poor people who get help from social programmes have money to spend on the basics of life, and they understandably spend that money fast. So profits are made. So more people are employed. So tax incomes are higher. And the country slowly moves back to prosperity.

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I am amused that she agrees with the quotation about people voting money into their pockets = economy is doomed. Isn't that what Republicans want people to do? Vote money into their pockets by voting for lower taxes every time, no matter the consequences for the economy and the country in general? Isn't that what they are always screaming about - MY tax dollars? I would say that Republicans vote with their wallet a lot more than Democrats.

Also, many conservatives don't seem to understand that some people are thinking beyond their immediate bubble when voting. For all the talk about liberals being selfish, I know that most of my friends were in favor of free birth control (just as an example) not, primarily, for themselves (though I admit it's nice), but because they understood how helpful it would be for millions of low-income women around the country and the positive consequences (including economic) for the country of reducing unwanted pregnancies. On the other hand, most conservatives I know were talking about either how free birth control violates THEIR religion, or about how it takes more tax money out of THEIR pockets.

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