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Any word on fundie responses to the election?


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I see your points and they are valid. I also work in professional liability insurance and know that a claim can be brought for any reason (or no reason at all.) I'm also aware of the concept of employment at will and that racists are not a protected class. What bothers me about this situation is the degree in which employers can intrude into the off-hours activities of employees. What would the reaction be if the woman was fired from the doctor's office for having an Obama sign on her lawn and the doctors were concerned that patients would think she supported Obamacare?

As a gay person, I'm sensitive to this issue. There are still many, many employers in the U.S. who would fire an employee they found out was gay (and my state does not recognize sexual orientation as a protected class with regard to discrimination) However, I think hatred against specific groups is different than other "off hour" behavior. Behavior like voting for either Obama or Romney, or being gay, does not directly affect the customers of the business in their capacity as customers. However, unless a place of business has only white customers, racism does directly affect the customer. If you're a racist, you can't treat people of the races you hate the same way you treat the races you like. Even if you don't do anything overt, there's going to be something in the tone of your voice or body language that gives you away.

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Someone on the ex-Mormon site has tracked down the profile on the LDS Church website of Holly Solomon (the woman who ran her husband over because he didn't vote against Obama).

Addy below, but I've also copied the text below as something tells me the LDS Church may not leave this up for some reason.

Five kids, pregnant with her 6th, gets to spend Sunday looking after another 15 kids. And totally loving it! HONEST!!!!!


Hi I'm Holly

I grew up in Mesa. I have been a member of the LDS church my whole life. I'm a Mormon.

About Me

I am a mother of 5 great kids and the wife to a wonderful husband. I am very fortunate to stay at home with my kids and its a job that I love but very hard. In my spare time I love to read, do crafts, and find ways to decorate my home without spending too much money :) I love my family and they are the most important thing in my life.

Why I am a Mormon

I was fortunate to have been born into a mormon family. It has always and continues to be the focal point of my life. It helps me continually work to be a better person. Its the structure behind how my husband and I raise our children.

How I live my faith

I currently am the Nursery Coordinator for my ward. I, along with my husband and 2 other men are in charge of 15 18month-3 year olds over Sunday. I absolutely love my calling!!

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(Man, someone needs to tell that woman that Bloomberg isn't a Democrat. Think that would ease her mind? She might then approve of his tendency to take all of us in NYC on a journey through his personal neuroses and fears by making stupid policies about them.)

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Today I read that there was a guy down in Key West who committed suicide because of the election. I really wonder, how I lived through eight years of Bush, but they were the wellbutrin years for me. :D

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Ugh, too many fundy relatives and friends on facebook cluttering up my feed with stupid political posts that show their lack of life experience. (don't yo wish there was a 'hide all political posts' filter?) I swear I need more liberal fb friends.

One (male) friend posted a link to some anti-obamacare article entitled 'I'll Pay For My Own Contraception, Thanks' fussing about how he has to choose between buying obamacare and paying a fine that goes toward public health (including the dreaded contraception). He compared it to a time when a thief came into his home and took $50 right out of his wallet to buy recreational drugs. So many kinds of fail! Sometimes you just gotta back away from the dogma just to protect yourself.

Another friend got all depressed about the results of the election and posted some sad, worried screed about how will he provide for a family (as if it never occurred to him that his future wife could work) and will practicing Christianity even be allowed in the near future? I would have laughed if he weren't so serious.

The anti-contraception friend also posted an Ayn Rand quote about how big businesses are persecuted. :eyeroll:

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