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Any word on fundie responses to the election?


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So, have our favorite fundies or right-wingnut politicians posted anything good (and by good I mean insane but entertaining) about the USA election results? Please share away!

(I have nothing other than my daughter's FIL posting "God help us all" on Facebook--a statement I promptly "hid.")

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I agree, absolutely. Doug Phillips is a tool spent several instalments of Doug's Blog excoriating the conservatives along with the liberals for betraying The American Ideal (my term, not Doug's).

The leaders have to know that they're skunking any possibility of a conservative win, culling out the gullible from the potential right-wing vote. And I can't believe they think that their Tea Party or Constitution Party are going to be able to make any positive difference in a country where the popular vote is consistently in the 50/49 area.

Therefore, they must do this with the intent of continuing to polarize the population while their followers become ever more isolated intellectually and persecuted emotionally. Do they think that they will be able to pick up the reins when the 50/49 have left the earth scorched (which I imagine they think is going to happen)?

Where ever do they get the idea that there would be reins to pick up, much less by themselves?

I seriously do not get these guys.

Edited to make clear: I am not endorsing Republicans nor Democrats. I vote campaign-by-campaign, candidate-by-candidate. And I don't necessarily think that Republican candidates would have won with the Tea/Const party votes ... but I do think that the T/C party organizers (such as they are organized, heh) are not helping the nation progress.

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Trying to figure this one out, but the crazy person I posted about on the FB thread just posted "ICHABOD". I am seeing a lot of "I'm moving to ......." and they are all countries with socialized health care, and a lot more entitlement programs than here.

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Well they're not crazy fundies just racist rednecks, but my husband just texted me that several guys he works with are calling Obama the "N" word and saying he stole the election that there is no way he won it fair and square. My husband took allot of shit at work yesterday for stating that he was voting Democrat all the way this year. :angry-banghead:

My fundie-lite stepmom and my dad have stated that Sandy and this coming storm are God's punishment on America for voting Democrat, and not turning civil rights and social equality issues back to the 1950's. They further predict that we are now certainly in the end times, and that all the good little fundies should be raptured any day now.

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If Sandy is God's punishment for anything, then I would guess it has more to do with not being a good steward of the earth...

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Trying to figure this one out, but the crazy person I posted about on the FB thread just posted "ICHABOD". I am seeing a lot of "I'm moving to ......." and they are all countries with socialized health care, and a lot more entitlement programs than here.

Are there any countries fundies would want to move to that don't have socialized health care and a strong welfare state? I'm at a loss to think of any.

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Nie nie made up a story where Mitt Romney is a prince and she is a princess and she loves him. Much like her made up life this made me sad.

Also, if vonting wrong is a crime punishable by God... sned your God Venezuela's way... we need him badly. Oh right, I forgot he only caters to North America.

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A Mormon friend (who is an Obama supporter) had her Facebook feed blow up with people posting stuff about how scared they are, and they hope the country still exists in four years. Of course, when you look at what kind of dreck is on the Fox News splash page, it's not surprising that people who subsist on that stuff genuinely believe we're in danger of somehow imploding.

Meanwhile, my cousin just voted in her first presidential election (for Obama/Biden) and was so happy and excited with the result that she was posting about every ten minutes. It was actually really great to see- makes me feel like I set a good, older-cousinly example of civic involvement.

And so I leave our fundie friends with a message from our president:


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I don't have many fundies on my Facebook feed, but this morning one of the few I do have on there has just been posting variations of "CHRIST is still KING so it doesn't matter" over and over.

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Well if I remember correctly Ichabod is a Biblical name that means "The Glory has departed." as in God's spirit or glory has departed from a place. They are essentially saying God has forsaken America, and has removed his hand of protection from the nation so they are going to jump ship like the little rats they are. I guess since in thier eyes America is now doomed they'll move to a country that they believe is not an immediate target of God's wrath. They basically believe because we are not stoning gays, minorities, pro choicers, feminists and the poor in the streets that we are overdue for a Sodom and Gomorrah type cataclysm.

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I'm still waiting for FB responses from my few fundie lite relatives. I predict one of them is probably going to probably keep quiet because he is also likely pissed about the gay marriage measure passing in Maryland.

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Yes, I have a lot of ppl on my Facebook saying that they feel sick, and that our religious freedoms are going to be destroyed, and that America needs to return to God, and that we have failed to "learn from history" (whatever that means) and allowed the "seeds of socialism" to take root, and how shocked they are at the godlessness and stupidity of American voters. I need to stay away from there today.

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Well they're not crazy fundies just racist rednecks, but my husband just texted me that several guys he works with are calling Obama the "N" word and saying he stole the election that there is no way he won it fair and square. My husband took allot of shit at work yesterday for stating that he was voting Democrat all the way this year. :angry-banghead:

My fundie-lite stepmom and my dad have stated that Sandy and this coming storm are God's punishment on America for voting Democrat, and not turning civil rights and social equality issues back to the 1950's. They further predict that we are now certainly in the end times, and that all the good little fundies should be raptured any day now.

To the bolded - yet the malfunctioning voting machines in PA were selecting Romney when people were trying to select Obama... :roll:

I have long hid all my conservative relatives on my Facebook news feed, and don't think I'll be unhiding them any time soon. I just hope that no one leaves my birther cousin alone today - she just might hurt herself.

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Too many posts from conservative fundie relatives to even begin to quote them. Full of bible verses & doom & gloom. Thank FB for the hide button!

But my liberal friends are having a grand old time!

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Oh yes, and I have a friend who is not at all especially religious, but is a major conservative, who's just been posting snotty comments about how "apparently we're going to just keep giving away free stuff to everyone with no money to pay for it." My favorite part of this is that this particular person was the recipient of a ton of government assistance as a child.

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I have quite a few conservative friends on FB, so I left them last night with a simple but profound wish - "Hillary 2016.... just sayin". I haven't checked yet today to see what kind of hate mail I have.

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Lots of good ones from one guy:

Father God in Heaven. . . America has turned its back on you, on your morals, your principles and your Word. But there is a remnant who still believe; a remnant who cling on to You. Please don't turn your back on us.

In the comments on that post, he says that Christians will be bearing the brunt of the persecution in the next four years.

More from him:

America has definitely survived worse, but we will not survive this one. We may survive for a little while, but in the end, the ship will sink. The new normal has been instated, and there's no going back anymore.

I have no doubt that God's will was carried out yesterday evening. I have no doubt that it was God's will that we should have four more years with a President too incompetent to lead. That being said. . . God's will is not the same thing as God's best. America lost out on God's best last night, and there is no shame in weeping for what "would have happened."

Dark and difficult times lie ahead because of last night. America's best days truly are behind it, and God's judgment is certainly falling on our nation, which has spat in His face time and time again.

Then he quotes Dumbledore with “Dark times lie ahead of us and there will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right.â€

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Tut tut, quoting from an evil wizard who's not a Christian and who is gay.

Cognitive dissonance? Someone needs to point it out to him :D

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Then he quotes Dumbledore with “Dark times lie ahead of us and there will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right.â€

:lol: OK, this just cracked me up.

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