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Any word on fundie responses to the election?


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I saw that and was going to bring it to FJ (you beat me to it :D ). From the old document:

Just goes to show what century fundie minds are stuck in.

Well that part about "petticoat rule" did come true. I mean look at all the women we've had in the White house since we've had the vote. :roll:

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One thing I do not understand- why are so many blogs saying they need to start stockpiling, hoarding weapons and learn how to homestead/live off the land? Are they that freaked out that a black man was elected? Twice?! The mind, it reels.

Food shortages, some of the wingers are talking about putting up two years of provisions rather than one. Of course there is going to be a revolution, Donald tweeted as much ( unfortunately he also deleted his tweets). The tribulations are upon us.

I just knew the cray cray would be thick if Obama won.

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From my favorite Catholic fundy (she's only 16, I know I shouldn't be mean, but I think she is hilarious!):


Radiant Joy would be wise to keep in mind that the vocation religious life is a calling, not a fleeing. Orders as a rule don't accept women for religious formation who are merely butthurt that their guy didn't get elected POTUS. And as difficult as it is to be accepted as a postulate, the requirements to become a foreign missionary are more stringent than that. I have a friend who did a stint in the Peace Corps and then became a woman religious whose order sent her back to Central America to serve. She said the training she received from her order before they deemed her ready to go overseas was orders of magnitude more difficult than the training she received through the Peace Corps.

The other thing she needs to remember is humility. You don't ask anything of your house superiors. You humbly do as you're asked, and that's it.

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This came up on my fb feed. This friend is not a fundie but definitely one of those pro gun, pro militia types.

I believe its time for both sides to go their separate ways. Those who actually believe in freedom and are will to die for it will take half the country and those who believe that government is the be-all end-all answer to every problem can have the other half. Each side can live their lives how they voted for it. Because if this doesn't happen you can sure as hell put money down we will see a 2nd American Civil War. Because at least 50% of this country isn't going to sit idly by as their rights are stripped away from them and as their country is flushed into poverty because its president HATES Colonialism and colonial powers, of which America IS one. Not my quote, thats what Obama has said himself. You can read it in his book.
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This came up on my fb feed. This friend is not a fundie but definitely one of those pro gun, pro militia types.

He's right, we didn't sit idly by. We did something about it!

What rights is he afraid of having stripped from him? The right to marry? The right to make medical decisions in case your partner is brain dead? The right to raise your children if your partner dies and he's the "biological" parent? The right to adopt children? The right to retain a job despite your sexual orientation or gender identity? The right to live your life like everyone else in the country lives? SERIOUSLY!

I'm a bit ticked right now from an encounter with a neighbor, but I cannot see what rights people like this commenter are losing by having Obama in office... however I can list rights people like me will lose if someone like Romney was voted in. If we didn't lose them during his tenure, he would set up the ground work to deny us those rights in my life time, and I'm not okay with that!

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Also, Bambi over at "In The Nursery of the Nation" has this to say nurseryofthenation dot com/

And it is apparent today that the philosophies and lifestyles of the American woman has wielded an enormous, negative influence over this country.

edited to break the link

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Alexandra at Of Trims and Frills and Furbelows:


Seriously? Fur below? :lol:

Not tempted to click

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He's right, we didn't sit idly by. We did something about it!

What rights is he afraid of having stripped from him? The right to marry? The right to make medical decisions in case your partner is brain dead? The right to raise your children if your partner dies and he's the "biological" parent? The right to adopt children? The right to retain a job despite your sexual orientation or gender identity? The right to live your life like everyone else in the country lives? SERIOUSLY!

I'm a bit ticked right now from an encounter with a neighbor, but I cannot see what rights people like this commenter are losing by having Obama in office... however I can list rights people like me will lose if someone like Romney was voted in. If we didn't lose them during his tenure, he would set up the ground work to deny us those rights in my life time, and I'm not okay with that!

To be fair, he probably doesn't know exactly which rights he's talking about, either. Maybe "gun rights"? Because Obama is so tough on those? :roll:

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I did get defriended by a few people just because I wrote "4 more years!!" Real mature, people. Seriously, maybe I should start defriending those who do not follow Hinduism like me. After all, what I believe in is right and everyone else are idiots and don't know anything. It's the same shit some of my "ex-fb friends" did by defriending Obama supporters. What exactly does that prove? Way to make a statement :roll:

Not a fundie but my ex had the following status:

His older brother agreed with him that if you voted for socialism, you're uneducated.

If you don't know what socialism is, you're uneducated.

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My FB feed is full of "God is still on His throne" and "God save us" type posts.

gods response is I am trying to save you but you keep voting for the asshat.

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Someone on my fb is very upset about it. and keeps posting stuff and one of the thngs she posted wasthis picture - https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... =1&theater. Let's nevermind the fact its inaccurate. I've already looked up some of the states and they dont match with what the map she posted says. Poor little soul.

I've seen many blue/red maps of the US over the past 24 hours and none looked like that. Obviously. No source was provided, naturally.

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Lots of good ones from one guy:

In the comments on that post, he says that Christians will be bearing the brunt of the persecution in the next four years.

More from him:

Then he quotes Dumbledore with “Dark times lie ahead of us and there will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right.â€

Okay, I haven't even read the rest of the thread, but I have to take a moment to say, in my best Sassy Black Lady Voice:


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That map! :lol:

From the comments: "In all states you can see blue where there is a dense population..usually cities where there are more poor people on the dole. You can also see the blue where there is a large hispanic population. Interesting map indeed."

um...I live in South Dakota, where the blue on that map has about 13 people, for real. More buffalo than people, certainly. It ends smack dab in the Missouri river.

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Someone on my fb is very upset about it. and keeps posting stuff and one of the thngs she posted wasthis picture - https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... =1&theater. Let's nevermind the fact its inaccurate. I've already looked up some of the states and they dont match with what the map she posted says. Poor little soul.

My county is a chip of that blue spot in the middle of Boregonia. We're getting a bit redder up the I5 corridor due to the fundy mega churches other than that she is all wrong.

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Okay, I haven't even read the rest of the thread, but I have to take a moment to say, in my best Sassy Black Lady Voice:


Um, no. You do not quote Dumbledore when complaining that the anti-gay guy didn't win an election. Anti-equality conservative douchebags have not earned the right to quote Dumbledore. I hope liberal ol' JK Rowling apparated in front of him and kicked his ass shortly after he hit enter.

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I think I'll tackle Candy's list.

- Have you stocked up on food and water? No more than usual.

- Have you learned how to forage, make meat traps, and depend on the land for survival supplementation? I can't imagine being that frightened, even though I was raised by parents who lived through the Depression, saw what happened in the Holocaust (first-hand, in the case of my father, who was with troops that liberated a concentration camp), and always told me to keep my passport updated, because people can rise up against Jews at any time. I choose to trust a bit more than that.

- Can you reign in the budget, if need be, and live off of a fraction of what you are living off of now? I can reign in any setting, being the queen that I am. Oh, did you mean "rein?" I don't spend much now, but I've lived much, much poorer, and could do so again. I don't think the economy is in danger of immediate collapse, though.

- Do you have gold and silver set aside? No -- in fact, I have no gold, not even in my teeth or jewelry, and only a few pieces of silver jewelry. Still not worried.

- Do you have King James Bibles - not just for your family, but also to give away? Never had one, never wanted one. If disaster came, and someone "generously" shoved a KJV at me, they would have to be very grateful that I am a patient, non-violent person, since all they would get is an eye-roll and perhaps a gesture, rather than getting decked.

- Do you have bug out bags, in case more natural disasters (possible judgment from God) or other situations occur, and you and your family need to evacuate? I have a bug-out bag, in case of a natural disaster. That would have nothing to do with God, of course.

- Can you live for a time from what's in your purse? I guess so -- define "a time." Have you had any men answer this question, or do you assume only Godly Women read your blog?

- Do you have the skills for a worst-case scenario? If you can't get to your food stock, water stock, or even shelter, do you and your family have skills to obtain these things (lawfully, of course). There's a vague question. I have lots of skills. Was that "lawfully, of course" to CYA so nobody could accuse you of encouraging looting?

- Do you have basic medical knowledge? With Obama Care, don't expect good ole' doc to be around, or affordable. Well, bullshit on the latter, but as for the former -- I can do basic first aid, but don't expect me to remove your appendix. Still not worried.

Be prepared for more natural disasters, terrorist attacks, inflation, recession, and super unConstitutional laws, but hope and pray none of these things happen. I am prepared to be incredibly happy that I am not you, Candy. What a miserable way to think.

Sisters, we better be getting some calloused knees over the next four years, because, in my opinion, no other president in history has needed more prayer than Obama. First and foremost, pray for his salvation - that is always most important, above all - a person's salvation. Next, pray for our country. My inner 12-year-old wants to say something really dirty about the calloused knees, but I won't. Leave Obama's soul alone -- it's his responsibility. You can pray for the country all you want -- I choose action, instead.

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Someone on my fb is very upset about it. and keeps posting stuff and one of the thngs she posted wasthis picture - https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... =1&theater. Let's nevermind the fact its inaccurate. I've already looked up some of the states and they dont match with what the map she posted says. Poor little soul.

LMAO! First time seeing that map but it's sooo wrong I can't help but laugh out loud! They have KY very weird... A) They don't have either of the large democratic areas blue (Metro and Fayette), B) They have EASTERN KY blue.... Do they not realize where the hell they are shading blue? Seriously, Coal country Mountain people are not blue in this state, by any means... ANY means! I just can't stop laughing over the map. Wow!

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Geoff Botkin has weighed in, in trademark bloviationist style. Highlights: the new voting machines look "childish," he resents having to do the deed in an ebil gummint schoolhouse "built to teach a government curriculum of loyalty to the will of the government," he posts pictures of foolishly loyal former students who "grew up to ignore all state coercion," and closes with a cynical quote from Mark Twain: “If voting made any difference, they wouldn't let us do it.â€

Can you say "Paranoid Curmudgeon," Geoff? Sure you can!


Oh - and I wonder if the Botkinettes were allowed to darken the doors of this evil polling place? Bets, anyone?

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What rights have they lost and what rights are they loosing now?? As far as I can see, the only right anyone's lost since Obama was elected is the right to have an old, white, male conservative for a president. Bush and the Patriot Act actually chipped away at our civil rights, but they wouldn't know that because they don't go to school or watch the news.

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LMAO! First time seeing that map but it's sooo wrong I can't help but laugh out loud! They have KY very weird... A) They don't have either of the large democratic areas blue (Metro and Fayette), B) They have EASTERN KY blue.... Do they not realize where the hell they are shading blue? Seriously, Coal country Mountain people are not blue in this state, by any means... ANY means! I just can't stop laughing over the map. Wow!

Clearly it's just a coloring book page, filled in by a child who had 19 red crayons and only one blue one.

You use the rare colors sparingly -- every child knows that! :lol:

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I don't understand the implication that everyone who voted Obama in is somehow dependent on welfare. Because frankly, the only people I know of who have used or are using welfare are super-conservative.

I include myself in that one, because we were pretty uptight fundie when we were using LINK. We've mellowed out considerably in the last couple of years, and we actually voted Democrat this year.

We have paid back more than what we used from the taxes of other red-blooded, hard-working, knuckle-dragging, cousin-porking 'MERICANS! In fact, the money we used got us such a huge boost up that we are paying a ton more into the tax system now. It was really more of an investment in our family than an entitlement. I don't see the problem with using welfare programs, at all. They help people, and ultimately helps the economy which helps EVERYONE.

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One more - Crazy Kidist, who (no surprise) chose to focus on fashion. Spoiler: she doesn't like the Obamas.


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