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Help finding fundie's blog? / Tabby the Plain Torah Keeper


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She posted stuff about a Pepsi subsidiary using aborted fetuses in research. I forget all the details, but I looked it up the first time I heard about it and couldn't find any sources outside of pro-life websites.

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She also posted a poem implying that all the wars in the world are thanks to women working outside the home :roll:

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I had to go and check out her blog, and the layout is tough to read. Couldn't believe she's only 35! She seems pretty messed up even if she is nicer and more tolerant than most we talk about here. Even then I can't blame the daughter for getting out at 19 and the 2nd daughter looks to be next. The youngest, not so sure.

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She posted stuff about a Pepsi subsidiary using aborted fetuses in research. I forget all the details, but I looked it up the first time I heard about it and couldn't find any sources outside of pro-life websites.

My facebook feed is being filled with this nonsense by my prolife friends. It's comical that they base all their information off of biased sources.

As far as this woman goes I don't if I feel bad for her or am angry at her. I haven't read much of the blog because its hard to read but I don't know if I would say she's supporting her daughter who left the religion. Behind closed doors she could be telling her daughter to come back and since she's so ill her daughter could be afraid to leave her mom because deep inside she still loves her. I know my parents talk down to me and are unsupportive of me to my face but will semi-brag about me to their friends to make themselves sound better. I wouldn't put it past a religious person to do like my parents do.

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I know! My mom looks younger than she does. She doesn't even have the look of someone who looks older because of health problems, she just looks old.

Does any one know, 21 years ago could you get married at 13 in any state? I know that it was legal in the 50's and 60's (Loretta Lynn, Jerry Lee Lewis' first wife Myra, for example), but in 1991? That seems odd to me. Was she pregnant when she got married? (HAD to be.....just had to be!)

This is mind boggleing to me, as you can all probably tell....I have a 12 year old, he can't remember to put his dishes in the sink or take out the trash let alone get married and have a kid!

Definitely could (and probably still can) in Mississippi, and a few of the surrounding states had/have laws about you can but must get parents permission.

I have met a number of folks who married young to escape a horrible home situation.

Also, fibromyalgia, and chronic daily headaches, have a strong (though not universal) correlation to childhood abuse.

I am betting that she married so young as an escape.

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She posted stuff about a Pepsi subsidiary using aborted fetuses in research. I forget all the details, but I looked it up the first time I heard about it and couldn't find any sources outside of pro-life websites.

Snopes has an overview: http://www.snopes.com/politics/medical/pepsi.asp. They are using a commonly used cell line originally derived from embryonic tissue in the 70's to do some flavor research. There are no fetuses in the Pepsi.

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The "aborted fetuses in Pepsi" nonsense is just that.

There is a cultured cell line used in all kinds of biomedical research that was derived from the kidney cells of one fetus aborted in 1972. Those cells can be modified in various ways; in this case, a company that develops new flavors for food and beverages has added taste receptors to them in order to test new flavorings. The fetal cells never end up in the finished products, and even if there was never another abortion performed ever, anywhere, those human fetal cells would still be used in research.

From the way the pro-forced birth folks go on about it, and the level of ignorance they show, you'd think Pepsi was getting fresh truckloads of fetuses from Planned Parenthood "abortion mills" every evening, grinding them up, and adding them to their products. Nothing could be further from the truth. But then again, the hand-wringers calling for a boycott either don't understand what is really going on, or don't care as long as it helps further their political agenda.

[insert "this is why we need science education" rant]

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The "aborted fetuses in Pepsi" nonsense is just that.

There is a cultured cell line used in all kinds of biomedical research that was derived from the kidney cells of one fetus aborted in 1972. Those cells can be modified in various ways; in this case, a company that develops new flavors for food and beverages has added taste receptors to them in order to test new flavorings. The fetal cells never end up in the finished products, and even if there was never another abortion performed ever, anywhere, those human fetal cells would still be used in research.

From the way the pro-forced birth folks go on about it, and the level of ignorance they show, you'd think Pepsi was getting fresh truckloads of fetuses from Planned Parenthood "abortion mills" every evening, grinding them up, and adding them to their products. Nothing could be further from the truth. But then again, the hand-wringers calling for a boycott either don't understand what is really going on, or don't care as long as it helps further their political agenda.

[insert "this is why we need science education" rant]

A-freaking-men! Along those lines on a forum I post on someone was talking about how when you have an abortion little cletus the fetus ends up being used in research and going into our vaccines and all kinds of stuff. I asked her for proof this and she sent me a link to some anti vax site. Sigh.

I don't know so much if they need science education but instead critical thinking skills. If a site has listed as its about me or whatever that they are there to expose the dangers of vaccines, of commercials foods etc.. Wouldn't it be logical to think "Oh hey this might be biased! maybe I should look at other sources and then draw a conclusion from there."

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I don't understand the incredible mental gymnastics it would take to conclude that there are fetus parts in Pepsi. Even if you find the original taste receptor study unethical (I find it a bit creepy myself), what in the world would make you think that Pepsi executives sat in the board room and said, "You know what our recipe needs, Kenneth? Fetuses!"

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She also posted a poem implying that all the wars in the world are thanks to women working outside the home :roll:

As if there haven't been wars since the beginning of time. Even species who don't send their females to work have territorial "wars". This is something I would tell my children, but here is a grown-ass fundie blogger who apparently needs a lesson.

ETA lol at Cletus the Fetus. I think you just accidentally created the new pro-life mascot.

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I don't understand the incredible mental gymnastics it would take to conclude that there are fetus parts in Pepsi. Even if you find the original taste receptor study unethical (I find it a bit creepy myself), what in the world would make you think that Pepsi executives sat in the board room and said, "You know what our recipe needs, Kenneth? Fetuses!"

Wouldn't there also be a yanno health issue about putting human waste into food for human consumption?

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I'm sure no one wants to know this, but the food additive L-cysteine is mainly derived from animal and human hair. Not quite fetuses... but yuck!

I digress... What was this thread about?!?

Oh yes, Tabby! I have a friend with M.S. that keeps telling me that a gluten free/vegan diet (The M.S. Recovery Diet) put her into remission and has helped her quality of life. I have looked into the Lupus Recovery Diet book and it also suggests a gluten free/vegan diet of sorts. Now I have IBS as well and don't see how you could do a raw diet with that! Some raw foodists cheat and cook things for a loooong time at 180 degrees or soak stuff in liquid to soften it.

How does she afford either diet, especially without food stamps!? I do a mostly organic almost vegan diet high in veggies and for me and husband and it is around $120 a week in groceries, no extras or fun stuff.

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"You know what our recipe needs, Kenneth? Fetuses!"

You guys are hilarious. The guy in the neighbouring office shut his door, I was snorting so loud.

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As if there haven't been wars since the beginning of time. Even species who don't send their females to work have territorial "wars". This is something I would tell my children, but here is a grown-ass fundie blogger who apparently needs a lesson.

ETA lol at Cletus the Fetus. I think you just accidentally created the new pro-life mascot.

It's mind boggling. Because wars didn't happen before women's lib...she's so stupid it makes me want to cry. I know I should feel sorry for her having a tough life and stuff but then she goes and posts crap like that and all my sympathy flies out of the window.

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"You know what our recipe needs, Kenneth? Fetuses!" made me lol for quite some time.


Seems I am a big hit on the "Free Jinger Web Site".

Don't flatter yourself, love. :lol:

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Well, she's found us, and isn't happy about it (which is perfectly reasonable).

My response to her latest post: Tabby, we can only work with what you give us. The assumptions that FJers have made about you are based on the content of your blog--the information you've given about yourself and your family, and the manner in which you've presented it. In a way, we're like a mirror, reflecting what's placed in front of it. And if you don't like what you see in that mirror, then you might want to give some thought to what you're putting in front of it. For example, falling uncritically for the notion that there are aborted fetuses in Pepsi, and writing blog posts riddled with basic errors does not reflect well at all on your ability to be a good homeschooler. It just doesn't. Getting mad at us for speculating on your level of education and teaching abilities, in this case, is like getting mad at your bathroom mirror for putting a massive zit on your chin.

I will freely admit that the Free Jinger mirror does have its distortions and imperfections. Every human "mirror" does. But even the dirtiest, dullest, most scratched-up gas station bathroom mirror with half the silvering bubbled off manages to tell some truth--and I don't think we're as bad as that.

You've put certain details of your life online, for anyone to see, form an opinion about, and remark on. You can't just say, "Oh, I only meant for people who agree with me to read this!" That's not going to happen (as I discovered myself, on my own blog, and I still get fresh waves of garbage occasionally). If having your words dissected and life speculated about by people who disagree with you, or your definition of "GODly" is so hurtful, then I advise going private, or posting the personal stuff and photos to Facebook, where you can control access and everything's on a real-name basis.

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She distorted what we said as much as we did to her. Many, if not most of us said that we felt sorry for her due to her medical conditions, being on disability and having to struggle emotionally with marrying young (because it is always a struggle).

I know she is reading here to see what we will say so I want to clarify. I mentioned that she looked like she was on prednisone and from what she said in her latest post, she was. I have been on prednisone and know that it can be destructive, not just to your waistline, but to your emotions (well and those internal organs we need to live...) This isn't an attack on anyone, this is understanding. I saw my grandma live bedbound for 15 years before she died from MS and I admire Tabby for not giving up on life and researching treatments. I believe I applauded her for not falling into the Christian trap of "You must not be praying hard enough." That I have received myself.

We are labeled as feminists that have abortions and divorces.

I'm divorced but also a Christian that is at church 2x a week. My first husband was an emotionally/sexually abusive jerk. Maybe I should have submitted like a good Christian woman, but sorry I don't roll that way. My amazing second husband? He is amazingly supportive of me in every way. So Tabby, you are judging us, just as bad as you feel you were judged.


-Did anyone say anything about stir frying fetuses? That doesn't sound familiar...

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My comment:

You have a diploma and taught 1st to 3rd grade yet don't know how to spell 'a lot'?


One of those evil women at FJ

PS. You probably wont read this, or even care, but we aren't that bad.

The main thing that we all agree on is that the distortion of scriptures is wrong. I understand that you don't feel that you have been deceived, people who are deceived rarely do, but you have fallen for it, hook, line and sinker.

Oh and Fetus Flavoured Pepsi? Seriously? You'll be telling me that vaccines cause autism next.

PPS. Wonder if this comment will ever see the light of day?

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-Did anyone say anything about stir frying fetuses? That doesn't sound familiar...

Tabby said she's received some vile emails, and the stir-fried fetus stuff is in reference to that.

I have no idea who sent those emails, and think it was a crappy thing to do. We do have a lot of lurkers, however, and it wouldn't surprise me if one of them thought trolling her with "stir-fried fetus" emails would be a real laugh riot. Hey, troll, guess what? It's not.

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I would not start a blog and share my opinions and then be offended when someone didn't like my opinions. Keeping a blog is a choice, once you make that choice and make it public then you have to accept that people are going to comment.

Tabby, you tell the world that your daughters are making a choice but you keep them at home and make sure that they are as poorly educated as you are which will leave them with no other choice than to marry the first man that comes along and put up with whatever he dishes out towards them. They seem like lovely girls so I hope that the guy that life chooses for them is a great one who will give them a nice life without hardship.

Suffering is not godly. I have known far too many people who have inflicted suffering on themselves and done nothing to help themselves (like getting assistance from government agencies) because they get a strange level of pleasure from suffering.

Yes, I think you look a lot older than 34. Its evidence of your difficult life (or evidence of your adulterating your story). But, why are you making your life more difficult? Send your girls to school so they have options in life, or even if they just need those skills and education to educate their own children. And get the help that you know is out there whether it is food stamps or welfare or subsidized housing. Focus on improving your health instead of pursuing fake Judaism and martyrdom.

Conversion to Judaism is not something that you can just declare. It requires structured study under the tutelage of a Rabbi. I know quite a few Rabbis ranging from Chabad Lubavitcher to Reform. I can safely say that they'd steer you towards taking care of your health and going into therapy, and away from conversion. You are looking to religion to solve your problems. That's not what religion is for, its there to enhance your life but it cannot fix the systemic issues you are facing.

My advice, if you are reading this forum, please please please go and talk to a therapist. Jews practically invented therapy, so you should feel safe in it. There are lots of ways to get it for free or low cost. I'm not sure about your area but if there is a Jewish Family Services (they help people of all faiths) or a Catholic Family services (same deal I think) they can steer you towards real help to get your life in order so that you may have a healthy and happy life. You and I are supposedly the same age. I would hate to think that I have nothing but poor health and poverty to look forward to in life, but mid-30s is young enough to change that path and make it healthier and more prosperous.

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Yeah - I too agree that most of us showed at least some sympathy for her because of her medical conditions, extremely early marriage, precarious financial situation and so on. I also don't think we maliciously made fun of her for being bigger.

But Tabby, I do worry about the quality of the homeschooling you provide for your daughters, which I can only judge by the content of your blog posts and all the "free resources" you link to. If your daughters all end up wanting to be stay-at-home mothers, that's perfectly fine. I don't look down on such women at all, my mother is one. However, you can't expect a teen to know for certain what she wants to be or do for the rest of her life, and as such, I think you need to make sure to give them a broader education than it seems you are providing. One of them may well decide to get a job at some point - or she may find she has to.

Also, no, Pepsi does not contain pieces of aborted fetus. Critical thinking is a valuable skill.

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Also - we call her a fake Jew because she IS a fake Jew. Not a "sacred and ultra-special follower of Yahahahashua" or whatever, just someone who appropriates Jewish customs but believes in Jesus. You cannot believe Jesus was the Messiah and be a Jew, period. You kinda could in the first century. This is not the first century. Messianics get on the nerves of Jews and Christians alike.

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